I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Tuesday, 2 January 2018
A New Year and a new start
This holiday season has been wonderful for me. Yes, I over indulged but I also finally got to rest and now I am slowly returning to a balanced life style. I was asked yesterday what my goals are for the future. Noticed I was not asked what my New Year resolution is. It is true I always have a goal but I usually think a lot about any changes. This year I intend to explore my city once again by visiting every museum, etc....I will post pictures of course somewhere on one of my sites. I intend to re-examine all my associations and drop one probably my specialist with Pastoral Counselling. The title has changed to Psycho Spiritual Therapist and call me old school but I do not feel comfortable with that title. So this will be my final year with them. Keep in mind that I do have a Masters in Ministry and Spirituality and I do feel that is enough for me. I will continue to provide my notes for you regarding psychotherapy, psychology, theology and spirituality. I have side stepped here and there because of other things getting in the way, but I have not forgotten my promise to you. As I record all my notes, I will have a typed copy and cut and paste and throw away the notebooks. I also intend to do some more painting. One friend of mine laughed when I said I had to paint because I actually have painted and repainted but only because there is a need for some reason or another. I only paint when in the small window of opportunity when the furnace or air is off which is in the spring and fall when nothing else is occurring. I also want to place more focus on selling my self published books. It is a rat race out there and mega stores have taken over the world of books. Big publishers don't even glance at you and if someone writes back it is a miracle. A friend asked me why I write if it is so difficult to sell the books. I replied by asking why does an artist paint, if it is difficult to have his work on display and sold? It is the passion to write. I have had it since I was a child writing stories for teachers who did not believe that I wrote them. Imagine having to tell the teacher, that he should call my mother and she would tell him. Of course he never did call my mother. This has been a wonderful holiday season because I have had the opportunity to spend time with people I really care about and who prompt me to think. It may be a casual question of why....and then I quickly respond, but the question nags at me until I offer it the consideration it requires. I want to thank you for reading my blogs. Even if only one person read my work or blogs or anything else I do, I would appreciate it. I take nothing for granted. I will gradualy get back into blogging once a week and my notes from conferences will take priority. I owe you a few from these last few months. I wish you well and I encourage you to know thyself. Take a good at your self and ask yourself who you are. You may quickly provide yourself an answer but I hope the questions stay with you to ponder for a bit, a nagging tug at you. Happy New year and thank you.
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