I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Two conferences - Abortion, Racism and I am moving tid bits
I do believe that this November has been a handful. At one conference they were looking for volunteers and I stood firm at ignoring the imposing stares. No more volunteer positions more than two at a time. I do like getting paid for my work. So, for right now I am still the Health Benefits Officer assistant for the federal retirees (FSNA/SAGE). I encourage previous federal employees, military retirees, veterans, RCMP and Federal Judges to join the Association. You get a free lunch in Toronto which I love. I understand that you can now join any area you want. Since I am from Toronto, and I am happy with the board, here I shall remain. This Saturday I am moving my office to a residence on Northcliffe Blvd. It shall be a smooth transmission. Thursday will be the last day I see clients in my office building. Friday shall be my day of fun and Saturday is moving day. There will be two animals in the new office area, in case anyone is allergic to animals. There is a community centre nearby where I can rent space but the cost is $90.00 an hour to just rent the space from the city. Since I charge 100. an hour consisting of 50 minutes. The cost will be additional for the space. I have been to two conferences/seminars. One was an all day event about abortions. Two women who had abortions spoke of their experiences. As you who have been reading my blogs since the beginning (thank you), you know that I talk about riske topics. People have abortions and some suffer greatly years later. Others do not. This is not about pro or against. This is about human suffering after the fact. Human suffering is my concern. Saturday I also went to a long day conference where the speaker was an American Black man. I say that because that is how he identifies himself. I will not name him when I talk about him. However, he speaks at home and abroad and is a therapist and professor. He also believes that inter-relational relationships are not possible. I do not share in this belief and he provided no statistics to support his claim. If I believed that, I would not have had such wonderful relationships with so many people of all races and religions. It is his loss that he believes he can never be my friend. However, he also dictated that he is not angry but full of rage. I have no idea what that kind of rage feels like, but I am sure it is distracting. I felt like he had beaten me up by the end of the day for being white. I will speak more of both topics as well as the others I have attended. No more conferences until April where I will travel to God's country to hear a University of Toronto physician and professor speak of Neurology. Of course this I will all share with you. Just be patient with me because I am on a roll. My plan for the remainder of the week is to attend one focus group (volunteered myself in the summer), my clients and my move with one day of fun with the hope to complete reading my book on autism. Until then have you had an abortion you are still grieving about years later? Have you been exposed to racism of any kind? How has that experience changed you? What do you think?
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