Friday 27 October 2017

Alfred Hitchcock's North By NorthWest is great! Books arrived.

It is busy again as I try to pause and determine which conferences to attend or not and what Associations to continue or not. What I always recommend to people is to have a balance in life and so I am taking my own medicine to a new level. I have subscribed with MIrvish to see six plays at the theatre. I love the theatre, but haven't actually been committed for one reason or another. But when you pay in advance you become more so. I normally wait til something arrives that I am really interested in and this time North by Northwest and Come Fly .....peaked my interest. I could not for the life of me figure out how they could turn such a movie into a play and it did not disappoint - cimema of course. The actors and cinema was so intertwined and connected. I loved it all. The leading actor I have seen before on "Murdock Murder Mysteries" set in Toronto in the good old days before I was born or you for that matter. Love it! If I write again about a play I saw you will know I have fallen in love with it. Next my books, "The Internet Murders" has arrived. I love the cover. My publisher and editor, "Cranberry Tree Press" never fails to impress me. Now, I have to determine how I can connect it to Canada Post so I can sell it on the world wide web. I have found that my second ebook "For Love of Country MIlitary Policewoman" has been selling without my permission or me getting any funds. It is unfortunate that people take your work and sell it making an income for themselves. I have always been in the service of others so this is all new to me. Again I let you know, so you can be aware, if you write a book yourself and try to sell it. I am determined because writing is my passion (one of them). Have a great weekend. I am seeing another play next week. If it is great I will write about it here but if not I will find the time to continue writing my psych notes about fear. In the meantime, have a nice weekend, have fun and try to maintain a balance in your life. Be kind to yourself. What do you think?

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