Monday 6 June 2016

Pope Francis

Pope Francis (Pastoral) (Please exuse any errors. I have to run) I attended a lecture one evening at my old College. I went by myself because there have been many lectures about the Pope and I suppose it has exhausted some but I love lectures and so I went. The speaker is American, the topic was “Rebuild my Church: Pope Francis and Church Reform: by Thomas Reese, S.J. The speaker is a senior analyst - reporter So, it begins with the name: Francis. What is in a name? It is about remembering the poor, love of creation, peace (peacemaker-inter religion understanding. It is about reform. Francis was one of the first church reformers. As I type what the speaker reported, my mind returns to when I studied Francis in one of our lectures. He has always been one of my favourites and I had a small statue of him in my front lawn which I ordered from the States. Eventually, he lost his hands and head and I cannot recall where he now is. I remember one of the students getting very angry when we talked about Francis never speaking to his father again. As I type this I decide that I will be posting my student notes from theology as well. I like variety. Anyhow, this student stated that what was being taught was not true because he is a Saint. Well, some Saints have a history which I will not get into. However, my point is when someone does not like to hear truth because it contradicts another belief that generated from where?….Well that happens. “What do you mean the world is not flat. I don’t believe you.” This is simply history, like it or not. Now back to the lecture. Fr Thomas Reese continues that there are three steps to reforming the Church. There is a change in the culture of the institution. You appoint the right people in the right institutions and you change the structures and policies. Pope Francis’ words were simple. “Buona Sera” (good evening) and “Pray for me.” A first miracle was performed - the Italians were silenced. (What I like about American speakers is that they have lots of humour. I usually get into trouble with mine. I find this very funny because I was born in Italy, so I am allowed to find it funny). Pope Francis refuses to live in papal apartments and he drives a Ford Focus. Is it really 20 years old? I have a 20 year old car and now feel I have one more thing is common with the Pope. His first mass is at St Ann’s, Vatican Parish (where the vatican staff go to mass). The Pope washes the feet of young male and female prisoners. He reaches out to the poor and sick. That is not new. It is consistent with the past. As Archbishop of Buon Aires he refused to live in the Bishop Palace. He takes the bus and subway (I try to avoid that here at home). So what about all this? Fr Reese continues. Style is substance. There is a direct attack on clericalism. Leadership means service. Modality of what it means to be a good priest/bishop. He is trying to change the culture. We are a Church of symbols. We communicate through symbols, sacraments, evangelize through witness, not just words. There is more open discussion. Open and fraternal debate makes theological and pastoral growth. There is an argument not to divide but to unite. At Synod, “Speak clearly. Let no one say, “This can’t be said, they will think this or that about me. “Everything we feel must be said, with Parrhesia (boldness).” Council of Cardinals: Outsiders of Rome - One from each continent. He appointed new leaders. He needs people who will accept reform. He brings them from the outside to come in and advise. This is very much in tune with what the Jesuits do. People he trusted are wise. There is Cardinal Pell, secretary for economy. He wants three bids. No one’s nephew is getting a contract. He is a tough guy (excuse me for repeating that Father) - perfect for the job. The Vatican replaced officials. The Secretary of State is like a Prime Minister, the number two guy. He is a first grade professional and supportive of Pope Francis. The Commission of Cardinals Vatican Bank : The previous ones - fired! ( I use the exclamation mark on my own accord to depict my pleasure). Regarding appointments of Bishops - They are Bishops until they are 75 and then can submit retirement request. The Pope wants Pastors who “are close to the people, fathers and brothers.” Shepherds should smell like their sheep. In other words, they are so close to the people. They should be gently, patient…. What will Pope Francis do? What is reform - better management. There is redistribution of power - who makes decisions in favour of decentralization collegiality? “There is a need for a greater appreciation of local and regional elements. Central bureaucracy is not sufficient. What has been done? There was the Papal commission Scandals. The Vatican finances were re-organized. There is a standard business practice. There is a Papal commission on sexual abuse (check out my research proposal on pedophile priests. Just search for it.) There is a merging of offices: Laity, family and life; Charities, Justice and Peace; migrants; vatican radio etc….Now for the Prof’s personal opinions. There is a comprehensive reform of urea curia. There is a new vision for role of urea - 17th century court serving absolute monarch. Nobles and Princes helping monarch rule. Civil service as staff to Pope and College of Bishops- Don’t make curia. Officials of Bishops or Cardinals. Separation of Powers - legislation, executive and judicial power. Regarding Celibacy - compassionate but strict. Eastern Churches priests can be married. It is a matter of discipline, not of faith. It can change. He is in favour of maintaining celibacy, with all its pros and cons, because we have ten centuries of good experience rather than failures. “For now”. A poor church for the poor by serving, accompanying and defending - charity, love and justice. For his birthday he invited ten homeless people to come. The church as a field hospital for the wounded. Compassion, mercy and reconciliation. The Church through the heart. A church with a simple message - Pope Francis, “We lose people because they don’t understand what we are saying, because we have forgotten the language of simplicity and impart an intellectualism foreign to our people.” The Church of Emmaus - why did they leave? “the church appeared too weak…..distant from the needs, cold…..caught up with itself. a prisoner of its own rigid formulas…a relic of the past, unfit for new questions.” Church of Emmaus. We need a church unafraid of going forth into their night - capable of meeting them on their way- capable of entering into their conversation - Abide to dialogue with these disciples who having left Jerusalem behind. “Are we still a church capable of warming hearts? A church capable of leading back to Jerusalem? Do we see to it that our work and that of our priests is more pastoral than administrative? Are we creating a pro active mindset? Do we promote opportunities and possibilities to manifest God’s mercy? Do we make lay faithful share in the mission?etc… In conclusion, a pastoral Church, preaching a gospel - based message of love, compassion, and justice - not a nagging church wagging its fingers at people. Christianity is spread through witness, not argument; the heart not the head. ….” I prefer a church that makes mistakes because it is doing something to one that sickens because it steps in.” A church willing to leave the sacristy and go out into the streets.

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