I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Paradigms and Psychology as related to abnormal behavior and classification (psych notes)
Biological paradigm - medical/disease model. eg. Diabetes is also a condition that is responsive to what happens in the environment eg. amount of sugar entering the body. Another disease is PKU an enzyme deficiency. An amino acid specific if positive test in children - diet low in the amino acid is prescribed. Amino acids get metabilized. R1 plus R2 > Product. Without proper enzymes R slow with proper enzymes million x faster. Phenomenally > use foods that don’t contain.
Biology provides person with potential for behaviour individual will learn to perform/exhibit. This is mechanism that takes in what is happening in environment and determine what the behaviour will be. eg. We all are born with ability to learn languages. There is a critical period of time to learn language. A donkey won’t be able to learn language because does not have the biology. As we learn more, one more connection made between neurons. More nerve cells at birth than two years later or more. Use it or lose it. Learning new language - don’t hear the accent. Evaluating biological paradigm, comment on reductionism. Predicting earthquakes on leves of plates. Can’t predict earthquakes by physical layers of earth - however * reductionism - recall as you get more elements within a system you start to get more elements and that gets dynamic of your own. If your car does not start you do not call the physics department. You call a mechanic - those same - many more elements.
Biological methods to treatment: Brain is an organ of behaviour. As times goes on more biological to change behaviour. Large techniques for resetting EEG rhythm in abnormal people eg. anxiety, depression and chronic pain syndrome - osculation in brain waves have been identified as marking- can reset- stays for four or five months - not dangerous. No side effects that others have progress with biological treatment - major advance more specific types.
eg. serotonin 5-HT a few families of receptors [ _ ] > [ ____ ] (my diagram attempts need work) The old fits in new way - more receptors to fit. Dopamine in schizophrenic - too many. Receptors in the brain - so lets find way to block receptors. The problem with early dopamine, blocking agents - many severe side effects.
Have found - dopamine receptors
D 1
3 psycho
before blocked everything. Now reduced to control problematic receptors.
to be continued …….
Frued Id, Ego, Super ego.
Anxiety - Egos’s reaction to danger in external world - defence mechanism.Retreating to behaviour patterns of an earlier age.
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Price reduction on my ebook www.silvaredigonda.com
As you know by now I write for fun. So far it has nothing to do with therapy. However, since I am now typing out all my notes and posting them, I may eventually write a book about therapy (probably when I retire again). I am available to book clubs and am more than eager to bring along copies of my books and talking about them. So, if you feel like spending some money check out www.silvaredigonda.com. Feel free to buy as many as you like.
I always find joy in starting new projects and retiring after I feel it is time to move on. If I could, I would try every career. I love houses and have considered being a real estate agent, however that would kill too many nights and weekends. When I throw myself into my work, I give it all. I think being a lawyer would be fun as well. Being a reporter would be exciting etc.....What is your passion. What would you really want to do, if you could? Why are you not doing it? What do you think?
Monday, 16 May 2016
Though my interest has never been addiction, I don’t think it is possible to do my line of work and not have to deal with it. I have dealt with alcohol addiction, sexual addiction, porn addiction, marijuana addiction, pain killer addiction and gambling. I don’t think I have missed any, but could have. Addiction touches so many people. It also plays havoc in relationships. Addiction is not only suffered by the survivor, it affects everyone he or she lives with. One addiction is bad enough but I have found that multiple addictions can be common as well. In my psych studies, I learned how a person needs a little and then a bit more to get the same high which continues until it reaches a peak and then on the decline it requires an amount just to no longer feel high but just not to feel so bad. Addicts do not want to be addicted. There is a process there as well. First there is denial, then there may be an awareness that there may be a problem. There may be an awareness that there is a problem but the person is not prepared to do something about it right now, and then there may be a day when the person becomes determined to do something and goes for help or tries to stop on his or her own. There is so much shame for the person who may be a pillar in the community or not. There is shame and so much hurt when a person tries to stop and discovers that he or she cannot. An addict will lie and steal and blame others. An addict suffers. I remember a Priest once saying that he had conducted a funeral service for an alcoholic who had died. He had been homeless. No one but himself was at the funeral. I remember thinking how sad that was. I have worked as an intern where one particular alcoholic who was dying told me how he had lost his job, his family and how worthless he felt. He too ended up in the streets. How do we care for our people when we leave them to die in the streets, consumed and alone, due to addiction?
I was recently reading a special section in my latest copy of AAMFT I believe it was. I am always reading daily and when I want to keep something I tear out the page. I don’t have the page number(I’m bad) but Anthony J. Mele, Psy.D, Chief Clinical Officer, Sovereign Health reports that by adolescence, most personality disorder traits are obvious and the average age of the first use of drug or alcohol among minors is between 13 and 16 years old (according to John Hopkins Center for Alcohol Marketing and Youth). He continues that while the etiology of addiction is multi-determined, it manifests as chronic and maladaptive ways of dealing with one’s environment. This suggests that treating the underlying personality disorder is important. He continues that there is a 50% to 75% chance that an individual with a drug or alcohol addiction will also have one or more personality disorders.
I normally try to deal with the underlying issues of addiction while directing them to therapists who deal only with addiction. I also like to recommend rehab and that all can take a long time for someone wanting help. Honesty is a problem, again due to shame. I don’t know how effective short stints in rehab are. I am sure there are stats out there if you want to do your own research.
I attended a Marian day where a speaker spoke of his addiction. He is popular among Catholics because there is a documentary film, “The Triumph” which tells of his story of overcoming addiction. Ben and his mother were speakers and it was noted that addiction was in the family. Ben spoke of feeling bad and not worthy which is something I have so often heard in relation to addiction. He went to Medjugorje and lived in community for three years. He had to go to Europe to get the help he needed because he could not find it in North America. Though it worked for him, “many could not do it.” There was “ a lot of praying” and discipline. After lunch or dinner there was always someone to do talk to. There was always something to do and talking. Being placed in a state of being uncomfortable was also practised. For example if one was a wonderful cook, he or she would never see the kitchen. One was to be quiet.
As he spoke, I could understand the rational of what was being created for the addicts. They were offered discomfort because they were being provided with a setting of what would normally cause them to turn to their addiction, but this exposure would also teach them that they can cope without turning to their addiction and begin learning how to cope without it. Distraction is used and even if someone does not believe in the power of prayer, it provides a calming effect and can be another distraction. Apparently this was started by a Catholic nun, who obviously impressed him when he saw her. Ben reported there are 60 community houses in the world. Ben stated that initially he was self absorbed (I find this to be common among addicts initially as well). Then Ben experienced the guilt at hurting others and making peace. He was living in the world. Some cannot stop their addiction and will use and get kicked out of community liveing. Others who used would be dead six months later. Once a month parents would come for counselling. The question would be, “Why do you think your child is like that?” Hope was being reborn. He said that you go through the process of pain and suffering to be stronger. Ben is now a public speaker. He landscapes which offers him the opportunity to speak. It offers him the opportunity to pray when working. Ben states that there are two to four community houses in each state but none in Canada.
Ben Wasiniak was very open regarding his experiences. I am aware of some community houses in Toronto. I know of one place where I applied for an internship. In my opinion I found that the methods used in this particular location was unethical and therefore turned down the opportunity. It did not have government endorsement either. Ben Wasiniak said that he is on Facebook and encouraged the large audience to friend him for job opportunities. He also provides information.
There is no doubt that addicts suffer. How can an addict learn to cope with what life throws at him or her without reaching out to the deadly habit? Remember that even when you are in your pit of darkness and you think that no one cares and you are struggling to just make it through one more day, there is hope. Also, be mindful that if you do quit and start again, it is part of a process, and do not give up. I am a firm believer that there is help for anyone who wants to change their lives. You just have to make that decision for yourself. What do you think?
Monday, 9 May 2016
Did you have a nice day yesterday for mom's day? Who cares if you are not a mom - take the day! update and free therapy for 5 singles, couples or families from Fort Mcmurry in Toronto!
Yesterday mom’s day, I read, listened to music, watched some tv, sang, and spent time with what is very important in my life. Today is mostly a free day except for domestic chores, some paperwork, scheduling and then it is play time. Balance is such an important part of life. How balanced is your life? Think about it.
I listened to quite a few speakers last week, from a motivational speaker about self care for care givers, where I picked up some pointers because I heard it before and now am going to implement it in my practice, to the public service retirees which I will not bore you with, to a Marian Day where there was prayer, and listening to some big pointers about forgiveness and mercy, addiction and also about a Satanist who was a wizard which is at the very top of their reign. He spoke of how he had broken every commandment including murder and listening to him was somewhat disturbing for me. I am quite aware of how much evil there is and like to take a break from it every once in a while. I will be talking about each topic for you in my weekly blogs but will not give too many details about the Satanic horror, because I do not think it is good to hear for many of you. However, this man escaped and later became a Catholic. It has been a very interesting week. I also realized that I spelled Toronto wrong on Therapist Locator and therefore did not see my name on the list for Toronto Therapists under AAMFT. So, if any of you ever notice that I am not up to date anywhere, by all means bring it to my attention. If any of you have a particular concern or question do not hesitate to either email me personally or on line and I will post it here. As the weather improves I want to spend as much time as possible outdoors. I have become a wimp and my heater is still on at night and during the day, as needed. I have opened up windows. To the people in Fort Mcmurry you have my prayers. I understand some are coming to Toronto. Displacement of people is very difficult and there is trauma as well, escaping fire. I am willing to provide six sessions of therapy for five people or couples or families at no cost with an extension if necessary. I encourage all Canadians to assist if they can in whatever way they can. If you have a gift to do good, why not use it? What do you think? I do charge 100. a fifty minute hour however I think I can ethically make an exception for the people in Fort Mcmurry this one time. “Whom ever you see in distress, recognize in him (or her) a fellow man (or woman)” life guard motto from my teenage years. Yes I was a life guard. Have a nice week, get some help if you need it and why not start a new leaf in your chapter of life towards a positive direction? What do you think?
Monday, 2 May 2016
Update, life, hospital tid bit, telephone counselling anyone? New benefit for veterans in Canada! What do you think?
Well, I have been on a roll recently. I have been going to Montreal once a month and though I always wonder what it would be like to have a practice there because I love the European feel, not speaking French is a problem that would be career suicide. That is too bad. Yes, I know that I can learn the French language. Actually when someone speaks European French, it is amazing how much I understand. However, I need to be fluent to be able to understand everything a client states and that is not the case with the French language. Therefore, as I explore my options for change, I keep stationed here enjoying all Toronto has to offer. It has a lot. But, returning from Montreal, I want to share an experience I thought was wonderful in a hospital there. It is St Mary’s Hospital and in their cancer care, they have volunteers who actually bring tea or coffee in authentic china tea cups with cheese and cookies to patients and their visitors. I have never witnessed that before and saw first hand, the benefits it has for patients as one examined the Royal emblem twirling the cup around and around as a new discovery. He smiled at me and said that he was told if he dropped it, it was ok; they would replace it. He could relax without fear of damaging anything and I saw the difference, how one small act of kindness and indulgence is so helpful for patients and family. I also noticed that the staff there are happier than what I see here in Toronto. Recently I watched a program of the news station,“Market Place” an investigative program I tape faithfully, reported finding uncleanliness in hospitals due to a decrease in cleaning staff. Physicians have also been angrily demonstrating at Queens Park and though I don’t normally pay attentions to protests, I did pay attention this time. What is Ontario doing to save money in health care? My dreams of ever seeing psychotherapy being part of OHIP faded in the dust. I know that there are many people who can pay for therapy and do not because they are used to a health system that is no cost. I consider physical and mental heath on equal par. Listening to the rage of physicians speaking out against the present conditions was startling and I had to wonder about the difference in the less stressed medical hospital I was visiting and the norm here at home. However, my opinion is only that. Spending a day in a hospital once a month does not provide the entire picture even though I certainly like the area.
Now some tid bits which I read from SAGE, The National Association of Federal Retirees Magazine. Spring edition, P 37. There is a new benefit from Veterans Affairs Canada for an annual tax-free grant of $7,238 meant for veterans to get the care they need when their caregiver (“informal” such as a spouse, over 18 years of age) requires some time for self care. There are restrictions to this benefit. There must be a disability award where you require assistance by the informal caregiver with “most” of daily living functions for at least one year. You must not be a permanent resident in a long term facility or nursing home. For more information if you are not familiar with this benefit and you are a veteran and think you are eligible please call 1-866-522-2122. You may also contact Veteran Affairs www.veterans.gc.ca/eng.
Other tid bit: p 16 Sage: Research has established that people with higher levels of education have a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Now that is a reason to go back to school (kidding). Recently I was at a seminar about Pope Francis and what he is doing for the Church and the resistance he is getting. I think the world is aware and so I won’t be talking about it unless I get a request. I met a delightful 84 year old (or was she 82 or 86) who is in a Masters Program of Theology. Her reason was that she wanted education to keep her alert and free from alzheimer’s. “I heard you are as sharp as a whip” I declared. She gave me a big wholesome smile and said, “yes.” It is never too late to go back to school!!!!!
I have another busy week and then I hope to slow down. However, I love seminars, conferences and do not consider that work. I have room for more clients and am seriously considering telephone counselling as I am noticing that there are many remote areas out there that may need a therapist because there are none in their area or there is a concern about confidentiality. So far I had refused this as a norm but have reconsidered because I see that there is a need for people who do not want to be seen right here at home. So take care of yourselves, give your self quiet time, have someone to talk to and start a new page in your life. What do you think?
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