I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Reminder: I will be at Indigo this Saturday at Bay and Bloor from 12:00 to 4:00 pm signing/selling my two books Aso Happy Women's Day and etc....
I know - I have missed a week(?) of writing to you. I have been very busy with doing my taxes for Revenue Canada and paperwork for my College. Hopefully, I did everything right for Revenue Canada. I do my own taxes. I was surprised when I was at a local mall to see that they charge 50.00 for a basic file. It is easy people. Years ago when I was a kitten, I used to go and have them done. They made a mistake and Revenue Canada made the correction. When I saw that, I decided that I can do it, and if I make a mistake, it is ok because Revenue Canada will correct it. So, use those grey cells and try it if it is basic.
As for my college, I know I made a mistake and will be hearing from them. Oh well. I have confused direct hours with currency hours and I am so happy about that because it works in my favour. I had thought that I would have to take another early retirement because I enjoy my time off. The College of Psychotherapy is new and I feel like an experiment. However, it is for the protection of the public and so I agree with it, though the paperwork and counting of hours for this and that is grueling. I always read and research for myself and clients, however, I have not been counting endless of hours and so I have to start doing that. I thought it was all over, but I was wrong. I shall be more prepared when I am corrected formally.
It is Women's Day and I will be celebrating that before the weekend. I love being a woman. I have never thought of being a woman as too restricting, because I always worked with men in non traditional roles. I have also been fortunate to have had wonderful men in life. But this week as I heard about the abuse that women still face, I thought that perhaps I too should participate in helping women again. When I can slow down a bit, I intend to reach out to some Sisters who had contacted me before. Not that I do not help women now. I have always been interested in helping men and at times I have been considered a traitor, but what the heck. I like men. I have had wonderful relationships and so I do not have a skewed view. I know there are men who do terrible things, however, unless the cycle of violence is broken than abuse just continues.
I was pleased to hear on the news today that there is an organization out there who will begin campaigning against dog fighting. I heard myself exclaim "yes!" Then the news talked about protecting women who have to wear skimpy clothes in restaurants as part of their jobs. Again, I exclaimed "yes!" We are finally moving into the 21st century! I think it was "Market Place", a program I always tape and watch that did an expose' about waitresses and the short, revealing clothes they have to wear plus high heals. As you know, I don't care what people wear. But, if a mode of dress is forced upon women to be revealing to attract male customers, than we have a problem. Of the men interviewed, only one male customer wanted to see women with revealing clothing. I was not surprised that he was "old" being from an era where he felt indulged and perhaps a tad enabled. At Casa Loma, where a group of us went for my "infamous" high tea, I was surprised to see young women clad in those short "French maid" uniforms. I don't recall that being a traditional uniform for the servers of the blue blood. But, please correct me if I am wrong. Of course I had to comment and the wearer informed me that she had to wear it. That rather surprised me. What era are we in people? If she does not want to, don't force her, especially at minimum pay which she needs to pay tuition. So, Happy Womens Day Women and remember you are in Canada. If you are being abused, think again. There are so many organizations out there to help you. Go for it!
So, I hope you come and visit me at Bay and Bloor Indigo this Saturday from 12:00 to 16:00 hrs. That will be the only discount you get because Indigo wants 45%, so that tells me they want to give you a discount. I won't swear by that. Maybe they want the whole 45%.
So I hope to see some of you. Take care. What do you think? If you ever have a question about psychotherapy/psychology don't be afraid to ask. I still have lots to type out for you, but if you have a concern that I can reply to everyone, feel free. If it is personal, however and you do not want the world to know. Let me know and I will respond personally.
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