I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Another trip to Montreal
I do love Montreal and I could easily live there if it was not for the problem of being hampered by speaking only English and Italian. I tried to use a computer there and it offered 6 languages and not one of English. I had used the computer before without any problems but there are still dissidents who have a dislike for English speaking and that is most unfortunate. The taxi cabber who picked me up at the station said he could not speak English, yet another told me every cab driver does speak English. It is so sad that a city that is so beautiful and vibrant still has those die hards to try to hold on to only one language. Other than that which is a big one, and the only obstacle for me, Montreal has a European flair that I just love. Everything around me was open 24 hours, including second cup. I even drank my coffee outside on the patio at 630 am - a first for me this spring.
This time I went to Montreal to visit someone I care about who is in the hospital. I am surprised that in Montreal both men and women share a room. I teased my cousin about sharing the room with a woman. However, he did not share my humour. I would have some concerns about both sexes sharing a room but that may be my own biases. I want for myself separate bathrooms for men and women and if you have read my second book, you would know that. I wondered how receptive bookstores in Montreal would be of my books. I have sort of put the books on hold again as I re-assess my marketing skills (zilch). I did not have time to site see and missed Easter services due to my travelling times - that is a first, however I did tape the services. I know that is not sufficient.
The food on Via train never fails to amaze me. It was awesome. I love our trains in Canada and would recommend it to everyone. Travel business class as it is really worth it.
So, I am back and hope that you all did have a nice Easter. Today
Review for psychology exam in reference to drugs (tid bit)
Sedatives - (downers) slow activities of the body and reduce its responsiveness includes opiates - opium and its’ derivatives - morphine, heroine and codeine and the synthetic barbiturates and tranquilizers such as Secobarbital (Seconal).
Dysfunctional hypothalamus does not seem likely as a factor in anorexia nervosa.
The theory involving norepinephrine is most relevant to bi polar disorder and posits that a low level of norepinephrine leads to depression and a high level to mania.
Low serotonin — depression
Friday, 25 March 2016
Happy Easter
I wish you all a wonderful weekend. Easter can be a difficult time for people who are alone and/or dealing with various problems. This is a time to reflect and to reach out to those in need within your circle and community. Take some time to discern this weekend and to find peace in your lives. I wish you a peaceful and caring Easter season.
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Support Groups needed for men
More than once I have searched for support groups for men and I have had problems doing so. There are many religious groups who provide services for people. As a Specialist, Pastoral Counsellor, I recognize the relevance of religion and spirituality as part of a person's makeup. However, a person needs to be respected when religion is not part of the support wish. AA has been able to speak of a higher power allowing people to determine what that higher power is. But today while trying to find a support system, the only one I could find was scripture based, where scripture is read. What I was looking for is something without religion being imposed on someone who does not want it. Ironically, the person I was speaking to was trying to convince me of the importance of scripture in a support group. People's rights need to be respected. Their views of religion may not meet the expectation of others. There is so much good work that can be provided regardless of one's religious beliefs without imposing it on others. As a Specialist, Pastoral Counsellor, I have my own religion base. I would never dream of imposing my own views. I have studied the various religions and therefore can help a variety of people where understanding their religion is important to them. Therefore, the motto of you have to have to be from this religion to understand it, does not work for me. That tells me you have to be raped to understand men or women who have been raped, you have to lose loved ones to understand how grief works, you have to have trauma to understand PTSD etc.....I cannot imagine what one suffers with but I can have empathy. We all come from different lifestyles, cultures, religions, spirituality etc....We are who we are because of our experiences, good and/or bad. Who are we, when we decide what we should be imposing on someone else?
As you know, I am always checking out Niagara Falls because I am considering moving there. I have no time limit. I do love my city and what it offers. Toronto will always be mine, regardless of where I live. I have been here just too long. I take her for granted because we have so much here, but I also see how much more we can have. While I was getting annoyed this morning because I could not find what I wanted, I thought of a job article in Niagara that wanted a Counsellor, Christian based who understood the importance of obedience. Really? What kind of counselling is that? I sometimes cringe of what is supposed to be helping people, is actually hurting them more, by imposition.
This is why I believe that everything needs to be regulated when it comes to mental health. People do need to be protected. At a recent function I asked a woman if her daughter was attending. I made a mistake as this woman was not who I thought she was. Immediately, someone else said I should know better than to ask such a question. Really? I should know better? Then another woman started to gossip, which I deplore so I said what I thought of gossiping and then began to converse to a little ten year old girl, seated beside me. She was refreshing and a joy. She wants to be a lawyer. She wanted to know if I thought her uncle was nice looking or not, etc...... I blurted out that I was having the most intelligent conversation of the day. All from a ten year old little girl, who has no malice, no judgement. I do hope she does grow up and become a lawyer. I think that is wonderful to hear. So when it comes to helping people, yes spirituality and religion is important, becauses then we can encompass the whole person. However, it is not helpful to the client, patient, who does not want religion shoved down his or her throat. How much more effective, if one can remove themselves from their own perspectives, and if religious, remember that Christ led by example. Remember, that Jesus was always at odds with the religious leaders of his time. They were missing the point. Are we still missing the point? If anyone is looking for a particular support group and are having difficutly find one as one person told me today, get in touch with me to place your name on a list to start our own. If you are a registered therapist interested in starting groups where there is a need let me know. We can only make our city and resources improve. What do you think?
Monday, 21 March 2016
Internet Harassment
I think Canada is very protective when it comes to abuse. I am watching very carefully what is happening now regarding Apple being concerned about releasing information regarding a terrorist. One must question when does privacy become more important than protecting the safety of many? We live in a wonderful era, where technology and electronics advances weekly. How do we protect the innocent? Some people think they are safe when they send harrassing emails. Are they really? If we have learned anything, it is that anyone can be traced. If there is a will, there is a way. There are people who some may think are cowards because they hide behind anonymity. They may even send some email through different IP sites, let's say for example Indonesia via tmail 2007.21+ etc....to another place where there is a ctv in real time. It can be broken down even further. I love the internet as a tool to educate, be educated, advertise etc.....There are others who like to use the internet to be vulgar etc...because they think that they cannot be found. However, that is not the case. So, if you are being bothered by someone who thinks he/she cannot be found, it is up to you to make that decision in reporting the abuse when one does not stop or if it is causing you distress. My career is helping people. I do not tell people what to do. Each and every person has the right to make their own decisions. The internet is a wonderful tool to help others and of course it is also too often used to defraud, torment etc...However, there is always a way to find out who is at the other end. What do you think?
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
Religion, Spirituality and Health Previous Lecture attended - Speaker Dr Koenig MD
Dr Koenig wrote a handbook of Religion and Health, 1st ed Oxford. University Press, 2012.
I mentioned attending his lecture before, but I don’t believe I had his notes handy. I am typing all my notes and so why not share it with you. Some time ago I attended a lecture when Dr Koenig, an American Physician, was in Toronto. I wrote about him at that time but I did not include these notes. Dr Koenig lectured that Religious involvement is related to less depression, and faster recovery from depression. This stemmed from 272 of 444 studies (61%) 67% of best; more depression (6%).
In one Canadian Study, Those who attended religious services at least monthly in 1994 were 22% less likely to develop major depression, compared to those who did not attend.
There is a lot of research suggesting that religion is correlated with better health - longitivtiy is seven years longer if caucasian and 14 years longer if African American.
His latest book is “Health and Wellbeing in Islamic Societies where he compares all religions.”
Dr Koenig suggests taking a spiritual history, respect values, and identify spiritual needs. Ensure that some one meets a patient’s spiritual needs. “Religions is like the elephant in the room that no one talks about”.
What I found interesting was to hear that 40% of all general physicians say they would quit if they could afford it.
A part of nursing in the States is spirituality.
Regarding Veterans - important was loss of faith.
Check out Berntson et al (2008) Annals of behavioural Medicine 35(2)198-208 (CV)
I think if I was sick in the USA I would go to John Hopkins since it is considered the best hospital there.
Tid bits - More religious don’t lose memory as quickly.
Among religious, cortisone levels are lower.
I would recommend you buy his books if you want to learn more about the topic.
Have a nice weekend.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Reminder: I will be at Indigo this Saturday at Bay and Bloor from 12:00 to 4:00 pm signing/selling my two books Aso Happy Women's Day and etc....
I know - I have missed a week(?) of writing to you. I have been very busy with doing my taxes for Revenue Canada and paperwork for my College. Hopefully, I did everything right for Revenue Canada. I do my own taxes. I was surprised when I was at a local mall to see that they charge 50.00 for a basic file. It is easy people. Years ago when I was a kitten, I used to go and have them done. They made a mistake and Revenue Canada made the correction. When I saw that, I decided that I can do it, and if I make a mistake, it is ok because Revenue Canada will correct it. So, use those grey cells and try it if it is basic.
As for my college, I know I made a mistake and will be hearing from them. Oh well. I have confused direct hours with currency hours and I am so happy about that because it works in my favour. I had thought that I would have to take another early retirement because I enjoy my time off. The College of Psychotherapy is new and I feel like an experiment. However, it is for the protection of the public and so I agree with it, though the paperwork and counting of hours for this and that is grueling. I always read and research for myself and clients, however, I have not been counting endless of hours and so I have to start doing that. I thought it was all over, but I was wrong. I shall be more prepared when I am corrected formally.
It is Women's Day and I will be celebrating that before the weekend. I love being a woman. I have never thought of being a woman as too restricting, because I always worked with men in non traditional roles. I have also been fortunate to have had wonderful men in life. But this week as I heard about the abuse that women still face, I thought that perhaps I too should participate in helping women again. When I can slow down a bit, I intend to reach out to some Sisters who had contacted me before. Not that I do not help women now. I have always been interested in helping men and at times I have been considered a traitor, but what the heck. I like men. I have had wonderful relationships and so I do not have a skewed view. I know there are men who do terrible things, however, unless the cycle of violence is broken than abuse just continues.
I was pleased to hear on the news today that there is an organization out there who will begin campaigning against dog fighting. I heard myself exclaim "yes!" Then the news talked about protecting women who have to wear skimpy clothes in restaurants as part of their jobs. Again, I exclaimed "yes!" We are finally moving into the 21st century! I think it was "Market Place", a program I always tape and watch that did an expose' about waitresses and the short, revealing clothes they have to wear plus high heals. As you know, I don't care what people wear. But, if a mode of dress is forced upon women to be revealing to attract male customers, than we have a problem. Of the men interviewed, only one male customer wanted to see women with revealing clothing. I was not surprised that he was "old" being from an era where he felt indulged and perhaps a tad enabled. At Casa Loma, where a group of us went for my "infamous" high tea, I was surprised to see young women clad in those short "French maid" uniforms. I don't recall that being a traditional uniform for the servers of the blue blood. But, please correct me if I am wrong. Of course I had to comment and the wearer informed me that she had to wear it. That rather surprised me. What era are we in people? If she does not want to, don't force her, especially at minimum pay which she needs to pay tuition. So, Happy Womens Day Women and remember you are in Canada. If you are being abused, think again. There are so many organizations out there to help you. Go for it!
So, I hope you come and visit me at Bay and Bloor Indigo this Saturday from 12:00 to 16:00 hrs. That will be the only discount you get because Indigo wants 45%, so that tells me they want to give you a discount. I won't swear by that. Maybe they want the whole 45%.
So I hope to see some of you. Take care. What do you think? If you ever have a question about psychotherapy/psychology don't be afraid to ask. I still have lots to type out for you, but if you have a concern that I can reply to everyone, feel free. If it is personal, however and you do not want the world to know. Let me know and I will respond personally.
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