Thursday 23 October 2014

Senior Fair was successful

I attended the fair which was an education fair for seniors. I spent most of my time getting coffee from the funeral services exhibit because there was free coffee, water and hand clenser. I told them that I was their best customer which caused a good chuckle from the previous somber appearance. Since I am still alive and relatively healthy, I am not a real customer, am I? Coffee was great! Lunch was provided and healthy with the veggie option of cheese in a bun. There was a salad, yogart and a choice of orange or apple. I had an apple the day before with my slices of veggie pizza. Holistic was the theme of the day and I must admit I was troubled about food choices suggested to promote youthful skin, avoidance of aging spots etc......As I looked around the room at all the wrinkles among the group where the medium age may be 75, I thought that promoting youth rather than embracing maturity was a tad disappointing. There was also a strong promotion for messauges. At some point it was suggested as a possible replacement of medication as was the holistic medicine. There was no mention that if you are taking medication and you take anything that is holistic you should inform your doctor. There was nothing mentioned that before stopping a prescribed medication to replace it with what is considered natural, consult with your doctor. None of that was mentioned because there was a negativity associated with medicine. No one even mentioned their qualifications and that spoke volumes. So yes, the fair was successful because it brought a community together and treats were provided. It was successful because the importance of nutrition was explained. However, if you believe that natural products are better than scientifically tested medicine, ensure that anything you digest as an effect. Check with your doctor!

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