I am in the process of writing my final paper and then I have one more process using tapes and editing and summary. After that it is all the preparation of endoresements etc....I would call that networking, photocopying in abundance and conducting quite a bit of searches. So I am in the end.
It has been a long five years of study, internships and counselling. It is nice to get another chapter in life done to go into the next chapter where there is new growth, opportunities and professional develpments. I have read galore, I have thought galore, I have written galore and I have and still question galore. I even wrote one book in there purely for fun which was not considered too amusing by some in my circles of education. But, I shall continue to write as I please because we eventually all do need to be ourselves. If I want to write about dating satire, or a book based on facts or about a serial killer, I shall. That is fun for me.
When I was in high school, a very young new teacher took an interest in me in my English class. She enjoyed my stories. She said I reminded her of the works of Edgar Poe. I was shocked and thought that perhaps she confused my paper with someone else. Actually, I did not think that at all, however, I knew I was no Poe. I have always enjoyed English as a topic I could play with and relax, yet I never took it too serious as a subject. That teacher taught me that I did not have to read to fulfill a subject requirement, but to read for the pleasure of reading.
I realize that I have quite a pile of books sitting on a kitchen platform which I normally pick from to read a bit from with my highlighter and sticky things ready to insert. Mostly it something which has to do with my work. I have a Bible in there to try to anaylize more than inspire me, I am afraid. I also have a journal if I feel like writing. On top of all that is a Dean Koonz book I just added. When I read too much of the heavy stuff, I want to read something for fun. It was that young teacher who inspired that during a time when teachers did not do too much for me at all. I normally butted heads with them.
In University I continued in my undergrad to take an English course for fun when I became too consumed with psychology. I think what all this did for me was give me the balance that I need. So I shall continue to write what I want which I think is quite mild. "Hey Guy Buy Me" was fun to write. I think it is cute. I have had interesting feedback and in one case I had to report to the Police because I became concerned with one reader's reaction. That reaction got under control very fast. What I also learned from writing one book how diverse the reaction can be. I do not know why I was so surprised. I do counselling. I realize that we look at life with different lens. What I may write quite innocently and naively about may have an impact. So be it. I have been writing stories since I was a child in the kitchen and I would read them out to my mom who loved and encouraged them all. So, I shall upon completion of this Specialist process get back to my second book which I think is deep before I continue with the Serial Killer.
So today and this weekend, why not take the time to examine what your work does for you and what do your hobbies do for you? Are you encouraged to express yourself as you like and feel or are you hindered? Do you feel satisfied at work? If not, why are you stuck in that place? What can you do to grow? Do you feel the need to do or live differently than you do. Why not begin to record how you feel when you are at work, at home, at play? What are the differences. How can you balance your life more? Have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate it and value the comments I have received (to date). Why not begin to be true to yourself? What do you think?
I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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