I have been busy. My house was a construction site for a few weeks due to tube and knob removal, electrical upgrading and plastering. It is difficult to write when the house is in chaos.
I have people who are close to me going through tragedies and one is dying. If this continues, this will be the year where I have lost the most people who are close to me. One book for people who are suffering from the loss of someone they love is, Time Remembered, A Journal for Survivors by Earl A. Grollman. I noticed another book he wrote when I was ordering another copy for someone. I will consider that another time.
I went to visit the cemetery yesterday for family who has passed. I brought fresh plastic bright flowers (because it will still freeze for fresh). I also bought myself an Italian desert which has an interior cream filling and a light flaky pastry on the outside and a coffee and I sat there eating and drinking my coffee as I told them I would when they were alive.
I consider myself quite lucky. I have lived the life I wanted. I not only like myself but I love myself as well. I know that if I died tomorrow, I have accomplished all I wanted to do .....plus. Yet, I still have lots to do.
As the sun is shining through the window I feel a peace in my heart. I know who I am. I know where I am going. I know my options. I feel blessed that I have known and met so many good people and have them in my life.
I have a strong and somewhat powerful personality. It is this strength that permits others to lean on me. It is this personality which can be overwhelming for some. I do not minse words. I love all of me.
Why not examine your life today? What do you think of yourself? Why? Is this coming from within you or others? Are you happy? Are you in an abusive relationship? Remember that people who abuse others, tell you that it is you making them want to strike you, degrade you etc....Trust me, that it is more about them and not you. What can you do to change your life to make yourself happier. Remember that we cannot change others. There is no magic wand. But, you can stop the cycle of violence. You can stop the cycle of incest. You can stop the cycle of verbal, emotional and financial abuse. You can when you are ready. Are you ready?
Is the sun shining in your life today? Do you see the rays coming in through the window?
Have you been there for your friends in their need? Have they been there for you? Is there a balance in your life? If you were to die today, would there be something more you felt that you did not accomplish? What is that? Does it make you sad? Why not start today to make changes in your life that pleases you and not everyone else. Why do you not take a step today to getting to know yourself? What do you think?
I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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