As I watched the news of the bombing in the States, my mind went to the suffering of those who were injured and the senseless murders. Nails in a pressure cooker, such a cowardly way to kill and maim. I wonder who the culprit is? Is he a loner who feels he is underappreciated, under valued, in need of being someone bigger than he or she is? Is it to cause terror because the culprit is full of hate and wants to cause pain and terrorize? Is it a vendetta? It can be so many things.
The States is my neighbour. My favourite places and fun times are in the States. I love New York City and could easily live there and I love Disney World and even lined up for an autograph waiting for Mickey Mouse. I would never do that for any other celebrity.
When anyone who is not American attacks the States in Boston or New York, he or she does not only attack Americans but attacks the world. These cities draw people from everywhere. Marathons are popular and will continue to be so, and may more than likely increase due to the stamina and will power of people.
It will be a matter of time when the culprit(s) is found. With everyone having a camera nowadays and cctv, it is only a matter of time.
This incident, as all that are similar, cause a lot of pain and suffering to everyone exposed. Effected are the victims, the families, the observers, the medical teams and the police. No one is eliminated from the grief. The concentration is immediate to help, but the pain lingers and hopefully people will continue to seek the help they need.
My thoughts are to my neighbour in the South today and has been since the occurrence. I am proud of my city as they take their moments of silence. I am proud of my Prime Minister as he speaks of solidarity with our neighbours.
As for the culprit. Yes he or she has caused suffering. But what has also been achieved is bringing people closer together, and that was not the objective. It is when disasters occur that we also see the kindness, the consideration and the love that people have. Love is much more powerful in my books that any act of hatred.
I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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