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Thursday, 29 March 2012

Methods of Personality - psychology notes cont.....

Stablility or change or both?  Depending on the model or meta theoretical perspective, different definitions, assumptions, measurements, interpretations are offered.  (Erickson [trust vs mistrust - may occur again] less than a determinist than Freud [early experience hypothesis - oral, anal and phallic stage]).

Trait Models:  Traits are individual characteristics which tend to cluster and form the uniqueness of personality.  Traits may be grouped into categories called personality dimensions.  Eysench has identified the dimensions of extroversion, neuroticism and pyschoticism.

1.  Costa and McCrae have a five factor model composed of five dimensions:   Neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, concientiousness, and agreeableness.  Each dimension is made up of several clustered individual traits.  According to their research, people show remarkable stability in the expression of these dimensions over time.  Thus, personality is marked by stable tendacies to behave in certain ways.  Basic tendacies [note not traits but dimensions] may be inherited and do interact with external influences leading to characteristics ways of adapting.*   This in turn influences self-concept and the actual events of one's life (biography) which in turn influences several dynamic processes such as learning.

2.  Change:  Costa and McCrae did show, however, that certain dimensions did change.  As people become older, agreeableness increased.  Whereas activity, energy and health decreased.  The most stable dimension was satisfaction, including self-esteem, cheerfulness and satisfaction with one's self.

to be continued.............. 

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