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Friday, 7 March 2025

Thoughts of the Week. Trump, activities, fun

Well it has been a whirlwind or should I say Tornado with Trumpie in the picture.  He keeps insulting our government and it appears he used foul language when he last spoke to Trudeau - surprise, surprise - nope.

He keeps lying  and lying and lying and there are people out there who believe him.  So, let me think how I have been thinking.  I served my country for twenty years.  I worked with the Americans.  I have been thanked by Americans.  I have given American's trinkets to have them pass off as Canadians because people out there hated Americans.  It was at a function where a Veteran of about 26 or 28 years, I can't remember exactly how much, but more than I  said, "Where are Americans going to go now?  Who is going to help them out now with Canadian items so they can pass as Canadians?"  We have what? We have a million Americans here who left the States.  What now?  Where will they go?  I say no where.  This too shall pass.  Canadians are protesting.  I saw it in Metro a grocery store I went to since the attacks on Canada became more aggressive.  Before that I was snowbound so ordered groceries on line.  I saw little flags everywhere to help Canadians choose items from Canada and I did something, I never did before.  I put a package of carrots from a farm in the US back in the refridgerator and bought a bunch of Asparagus from Mexico instead and I felt bad about it, but did it anyway.  Why was it painful?  I have thought about that.  Because, I do love the American people.  I have always bought Canadian first.  Normally, it would be American second, Europe third and all others next except China.  I haven't seen too much from Russia, but of course I wouldn't buy from them either - not because of the people, but because of Putin.  I went to one clothing store for children to buy a gift and everything had a tag stating made from everywhere, which I took to mean China.  The saleswoman/owner was very angry with me because I didn't want anything from China - too bad, so sad.  Recently, because I had been in such pain for months due to my calf, I didn't do any shopping what so ever.  Trying on clothes wasn't even something I contemplated.  However, as soon as I could try on clothes, I did because I need new clothes and I did something, I never do.  I bought three pair of pants made in China at Laura's.  What I have found is that after I have worn a pair for a day, at the end of the day there is some white powdery substance all over the interior.  I wash them and it happens again.  What on earth is it made from?  So, no more China.  I always liked buying American because their laws were always stricter in eliminating toxic items.  So now I am in a delemma aren't I?

Let's get back to my service days.  Whenever I was homesick I would go to the American Base where I would celebrate Hallowe'en, Christmas etc....because Canadians were supposed to adapt to the existing culture but I kind of like my own so off to the American Base I would go because they were more like me.   

And it was during one of those times when I went out with a group of Americans (still talking soldiers) where we were all asked to leave a restaurant because they didn't serve Americans.  We left quietly but boy were they hurting.  

My favourite city in the World is New York City and I had always planned on living and working there some day (for awhile).  My favourite place to play is Disney World.  As I travelled through the States I was often mistaken as a New Yorker.  So, I have always felt connected to the people of the States, though I have also had to shake my head a few times.  I won't go into that.  I have still maintained my relations with the States.  I renewed my registration with the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists ( I am also here with the Canadian Association of Couple (they changed the wording) and Family Therapy.  I also belong to the Sisters of Crime here in Toronto and the States.  I also belong to the Crime Writers of Canada.  I belong to lots and it is expensive and unfortunately I have let my book activities slide - that talk for another time.

     I studied Psychology because I needed to understand why people could be so cruel to others.  How can people torture other people and animals and walk among us?  Now I understand.  My job as a therapist is to help others regardless of who they are or where they come from etc....I remember from my life guard days "Whomever you see in distress, recognize in him a fellow man".  My upbringing was to accept all people, not by who they were in status but how they were in their hearts.  I have lived by all this.  I have turned down careers which could have provided me with prestige, money etc..........The timing was always wrong and I didn't feel that I was really helping people because that is what my priorities were - always in service of others.  Now, I am looking at the next phase of my life.  I want to travel again since I am free to do so, but I don't want to be house poor and perhaps it is time for change.  So, what do we have now?  A big problem with our closest ally.  What is my personal opinion of Trump?  I won't say.  If I said a psychotic, narscistic, I could get into trouble, so I definitely won't say that. Let me be clear - I don't diagnose. But, I am going to examine how we got into this mess with the Americans.  The first time Trump got elected, I was stunned.   I put my bottle of Champagne (I love Mums) back into the fridge.   Why did he get elected?  Well, he was on the Celebrity Apprenticeship which I used to watch and enjoy.  People have a tendacy to choose a celebrity in Politics because they feel they know them.  Now, I did something this week that I have never done before.  I watched Trump address his assembly.  I don't even watch my own.  Before, Trump declared war on Canada, I simply was not interested in politics.  I vote in my own country choosing mostly between the Liberals and Conservatives.  This is like a pet project.  I watched him being charasmatic.   Of course he lied and lied and lied but it is done in a playful manner.  There was one Democratic raising his cane at Trump and he was escorted out.  Others were quiet, raising something you would see at a bidding function to get attention.  It had liar, etc on it whenever he lied.  They also sat down throughout unless they walked out.  So, I didn't know how it works and I still don't.  I do wonder why there seems to be little control over Trump.  So let me think.  I have never taken a political course  - ever.  But, let me examine this further.  I understand how Trump got elected using his celebrity status the first time, though it was obvious to me that he was not worthy of his new position.  Then, the worse happened on Jan 6.  Of course, he lied again.  He believed that he should continue to be President.  You lost buddy, now take it like a man.  Oops.  So sorry, not.  However, we now have his followers who believe him and take their cue from him to cause a riot where one police officer was killed.  So, it was interesting to me watching Trump praise the police and military and actually say that he was going to provide the death penalty to anyone who kills a police person.  But wait, didn't he free and pardon all the protestors including those responsible for brutally kill a policeman?  Now, all those people who are pardoned, will do anything that Trump will ask them to do.  So, Russia, Russia Russia, Putin.  What does he do?  Anyone who disagrees with him well usually goes to jail or is killed or simply disappears.  He puts his buddies in charge with hefty salaries expecting complete loyalty.  When he doesn't get it?  Well, we won't go there.  Now back to Trump.   When he won the second time I couldn't believe it.  I had to ponder.  Was it because both times he was against a woman?  Maybe, maybe not.  But it is something I have to think about, with what I am seeing and hearing.  Just yesterday a nice looking white man asked me to take note that the two Generals he fired, one was Black and one was a woman.  What I do see is that he is firing people who are very qualified replaced with Stooges who will forever be loyal to him.   He is also terminating the jobs of thousand of Veterans.  Interesting since he professed to like the military so much.  You know I have had more perks as a Veteran going through the States than I ever had in Canada.   I have had discounts buying clothes, and even going to movies.  Here?  Nope.  Wait for it, I did once in Toronto.  We were allowed to park free for some time but I kept getting parking tickets which of course got cancelled but I didn't think it was worth the perk.  Now Ford, our Premier is promising us veterans to ride free on the Go train, so that is definitely a first.  I have never been on a Go train.  I actually like the choo choo train.  So, getting back to Trump, he seems to be a contradictory sort of person.  Veterans will really feel his wrath.  Right now there is some protest, but not enough.  This guy will continue to replace anyone he can with people who are going to love him and follow him to abyss.  He is testing the waters to see exactly how much he can get away with.  Democrats seem to be watching and waiting for him to dig his own grave, but there can be danger with that.  Next, Ukraine..........Trump is siding with Russia.  It is as simple as that.  He is accusing President Zelensky  of causing this war and is accusing him of possibly starting WW111.  What's wrong with this picture?  Putin is a known liar, pants on fire.  Hey, they have something in common.  I am not going to mention that Trump's wife is Russian.  Because, hey I was born in Italy and am so glad I wasn't raised there.  They turned me down to be an interpreter for the Canadian Forces because I am a woman and they couldn't accomodate me.  Yeah right!  Mom and Dad you did the right thing, coming to Canada.  Now, my mom is not Italian.  She was born in Switzerland.  If you buy my book some of the stuff I am talking about is mentioned there.  Now President Zelensky is supposedly the Dictator and not Putin?  According to the news, I think I heard that 15% of the US believes this as well.  Those same 15% also believe the world is flat?  Trump, you should really be working on upgrading the education for that 15% not eliminating Education pockets.  So, I do think we are in trouble with Trump in power.  He has alligned himself with Russia and the Communist countries are dancing for their new buddy.  It's so easy by just stroking his ego.  Say thank you a thousand times.  I do not thank you Trump.  I think you are a wild card and now you are destroying your own country if you continue to have free reign.  If I wanted to be an American, I would have applied.  You just want our land and resources and that is a snow ball chance in hell, as Trudeau said.  I have stood by and with your troops and I know that democracy is just as important to them as it is important to us.  They just need to tell you that a little louder.  I hope it is sooner rather than later.  In my opinion you should be in jail.  If I had classified material in my home like you did, I would be in jail, under the Officials Secrets Act.  You sir, are a traitor to democracy and everything America has faught for and stands for.  You will push and push and continue on your path while you think you have the American peaple's approval.  I choose the American People smelling the coffee and opening their eyes to see you.  May God bless the American People and may God bless the Canadians, because we can use a little love during these difficult attacks on us by the so called President of America.  Shame on you.

      Now, a tid bit.  The news today reports that Iranian singer who wrote a song urging women to remove their headscarves was given 74 lashes for consuming alcohol.  God, we can use some help down here.  Pretty please.  

Now, plans for fun.  I shall be going to a dinner celebrating Women's Day.  It is going to be at an Italian restaurant and I am looking forward to the meal.  I don't know who the speakers are but I hope I can eat while people are talking.  The Home Show is back in Toronto and I do normally go every year.  The best yet is that Disney will be a Casa Loma soon and I definitely will be going to that.  I will have to compete with children but it is worth it.  As you know, I love my castle.  Next month I will also be selling my books at 31 Legion,  I will provide more details once I am confirmed.  So, that is all for now.  No it is not.

To my fellow veterans in the States.  I cannot overstate how sorry I am that you are losing your jobs.  I am sure that this is a temporary thing, because the people in your country see your value.  Do find support to help you through this crisis.  You can also start up your own support symstems.  Do not isolate yourself.  Spend time in nature, participate in sports, art, music etc...try a new hobbie, take a new course.  This is temporary.

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