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Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Hong Kong Researcher: In Chinese Context. notes from men’s conference


Psychological Trauma:  stigma, cultural stigma, masculinity.  China and Hong Kong.  Traditionally three character classes in Chinese culture.  Nowadays masculinity signifies a man with material and upward mobility. Rresearch targeted research participants.  Heterosexual men,  found 19 participants:  Findings and discussion.  Male was hit by his wife with a pair of scissors.  Since then, he has had fears to sleep with her.  His wife said it was acceptable to beat her husband because he did not make enough money.  He internalized it - felt shame and ashamed.  Another participant was attacked by his ex-wife with a hot iron several times.  She criticized his ability and depreciated him as an indecisive.  Gradually he accepted her criticism as being wimpish and a coward.  He dared not express his views in front of others.

Another participant, his wife would kick him and tell him that he was useless and not making more money than her.  Many of the participants excluding four, were considered useless by their wives and not earning enough money.  Physical violence was always associated with not making enough money.

Another man was slapped and kicked by his wife in front of the children.  His daughter expressed shame, because her father could not provide enough money for her to participate in school activities.  It was found that fathers who were attacked by their mothers was contributed by the father’s relationship in that he could not provide sufficient finance.  Not having a high finance, these fathers still strive to be good fathers.  Results:  intensive shame and stigma; superiority in earning incomes, expectation of high income.  First priority is to provide financial resources.

This year the Men's conference is in the Carabean.  I do not fly and time this year is difficult since I am planning on moving.  Soon I shall be returning to Niagara to look at more houses/condos.  However, I do need 20 hours of education each year so I am going to have to attend something, which will probably be the conference by the Canadian Association of Couple and Family Therapy which will be held at Guelph University.  The last time I was there I had a great time and met wonderful people.  This time it will be difficult because we won't be babied as much.  The last time if we had a choice of hotels or staying on campus (I had a entire townhouse to myself, but I found it creepy).  Those choosing to stay at hotels had a van provided to transport them.  We had many activities where transport was provided and we had great food.  This was organized by York University Retirees.  Those were the days my friend.   This time.  Your on you own pal.  

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