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Tuesday, 11 March 2025

From Boys to Men: Uniting International Research & Practice - This will be well worth attending. I can't unfortunately. Niagara

Uniting International Research & Practice

Mobilize. Amplify. Fortify.

Hilton Barbados Resort

Hilton Barbados Resort

September 19 - 20, 2025

September 19 - 20, 2025Tentative




From Boys to Men:

From Boys to Men:

Uniting International Research & Practice

Uniting International Research & Practice





September 19, 2025 September 19, 2025 Hilton Barbados Resort

Hilton Barbados Resort

8:45 - 9:05 am

Room: Garrison 1

Welcome & Introductions

Susan Chuang & Rebekah Ali-Gouveia University of Guelph, Canada, & Lawyer, Youth Advocate, Trinidad & Tobago Hon. Philip Telesford

Minister for Health

Government of Grenada, Grenada

9:05 - 10:00 am

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh

University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago

Founder, International Men’s Day (November 19)

TIME Garrison 1 Garrison 3

TIME Garrison 1 Garrison 3

10:10 - 11:50 am

11:50 - 1:20 pm

1:20 - 2:20 pm

Boys & Youth: Abuse, Risk, & the Law


Men: Offenders & the Law

Men: Paternity, Fathering, & Health


3:00 - 4:40 pm

4:40 - 5:00 pm

PANEL SESSION: Family Breakdown & the Law

Day 1 Wrap-Up & Activity

Emotional Intelligence, Communication,

& Building Relationships


Domestic Violence & Homicide

International Families Alliance

Tentative Schedule Day 1 - Friday, September 19Tentative




From Boys to Men:

From Boys to Men:

Uniting International Research & Practice

Uniting International Research & Practice





September 19, 2025 September 19, 2025 Hilton Barbados Resort

Hilton Barbados Resort

8:45 - 9:05 am

Room: Garrison 1

Welcome & Introductions

Susan Chuang & Rebekah Ali-Gouveia University of Guelph, Canada, & Lawyer, Youth Advocate, Trinidad & Tobago Hon. Philip Telesford

Minister for Health

Government of Grenada, Grenada

9:05 - 10:00 am

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh

University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago

Founder, International Men’s Day (November 19)

Garrison 1 Garrison 3

10:10 - 11:50 am

Risk and Juvenile Offending in the Caribbean

Corin Bailey

University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados

Bullying as a Precursor to Teen Dating Violence and Sexual

Violence: Identify Pathways Underlying the Association

Dorothy Espelage & Yutong Gao

University of North Carolina, United States

From Risk to Resilience: How Sexual Risk Avoidance Shapes

Middle School Boys’ Health and Decision-Making

Nanci Coppola

Coppola and Company, United States

Supporting Boys and Men: Addressing Trauma and

Empowering Emotional Health From Childhood to the 20s

Jamie Huysman & John Hamel

STAR Network & Family Preservation Alliance, United States

From Boys to Men - Promoting Fatherhood: Paternity Fraud

Victim or Really the Daddy?

Gene C. Colman & Brian Ludmer

Gene C. Colman Family Law Centre & LudmerLaw, Canada

Maternal Gatekeeping, Father-Child Relationships, and Men's

Psychological Well-Being

Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan

The Ohio State University, United States

Co-Parenting Is the Root of Single-Parenting

Sharon Rose-Gittens

Barbados Association of Professional Social Workers, Barbados

11:50 - 1:20 pm LUNCH

Tentative Schedule Day 1 - Friday, September 19

International Families Alliance





From Boys to Men:

From Boys to Men:

Uniting International Research & Practice

Uniting International Research & Practice





Garrison 1 Garrison 3

From Risk to Reform: Analyzing Trends in Male Offending and

Exploring Targeted Solutions Through a Caribbean Lens

Angela Dixon

Barbados Probation Service, Barbados

Making Change Meaningful for Prisoner and Ex-Prisoner

Survivors of Sexual Assault

David Gadd

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Healing Journeys of Indigenous Men in Conflict With the Law

Returning to Their Communities: Facilitating Factors, Needs,

and Future Directions

Lisa Ellington

Université Laval, Canada

Emotional Intelligence Within the Family - Focus on Fathers

Fabian Sargeant

MEN Empowerment, Barbados

Parenting in Partnership: Bridging the Gap for Mastering Effective

Co-Parenting Communication

Nelson Racson & Sarah Jensen

Dads Move, United States

Healing Family Breakdowns: Addressing High Conflict and

Building Healthy Relationships for Boys and Men

Dwayne Meeks & Tia Meeks

Beacon House of Hope, United States

2:30 - 3:30 pm

PANEL SESSION: Healing Family Breakdowns: Addressing

High Conflict, Building Healthy Relationships for Boys and Men

Rebekah Ali-Gouveia, Joanne Chuckaree, Alexei Mc Kell, &

Jake Shen

Lawyer and Youth Advocate, Trinidad & Tobago; Caribbean Institute for

Conflict Resolution, Trinidad & Tobago; Noel House Law Chambers,

Barbados; & Jake Shen Criminal Defense Lawyer, Canada

Masculinity and Recovery From Sexual Victimization: A Gendered

Recovery Capital Framework

Keren Gueta

Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Understanding Refugee Men and Domestic Violence Through the

Lens of Masculinity

Jill Bloom

William James College, United States

Growing Up in Protracted Displacement: The Lived Realities of

Fathers Navigating the System Through Domestic Violence

3:40 - 4:40 pm

War-Affected Refugee Boys Living in Italy

Raymond Gregson

Myriam Denov, Maya Fennig, & Chiara Quagliariello

McGill University, Canada, Tel Aviv University, Israel, &

University of Rome, Italy

The Role of Immigrant Men’s Personal and Group Identification

in Their Psychological Well-being

Barbara Thelamour & Naila Smith

Swarthmore College & University of Virginia, United States

Growing Your Mindset LLC, United States

Clinical Considerations When Working With Male Victims

James Dubé

The Peoples’ Counselling Clinic, Canada

4:40 - 5:00 pm Wrap-Up Day 1 & Activity

Tentative Schedule Day 1 - Friday, September 19Tentative




From Boys to Men:

From Boys to Men:

Uniting International Research & Practice

Uniting International Research & Practice





September 20, 2025 September 20, 2025 Hilton Barbados Resort

Hilton Barbados Resort

9:00 - 9:15 am Morning Opening

Room: Garrison 1 Susan Chuang & Rebekah Ali-Gouveia

University of Guelph, Canada, & Lawyer, Youth Advocate, Trinidad & Tobago

Jamie Huysman

STAR Network, United States

9:15 - 10:10 am KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Elizabeth Bates

University of Cumbria, United Kingdom

TIME Garrison 1 Garrison 3

TIME Garrison 1 Garrison 3

10:10 - 11:35 am

11:35 - 1:00 pm

Parent-Youth Relationships & Effects of

High Conflict, & Divorce


Youth: Incarcerated Parents, Delinquency,

& Resilient Communities


1:00 - 2:00 pm

2:10 - 3:10 pm

3:15 - 3:45 pm

Male Inequality & False Allegations

Culture, Wellness, & Abuse

Closing Remarks!

Community Supports

Abuse & Homicide

11:35 - 1:00 pm LUNCH

International Families Alliance

International Families Alliance

Tentative Schedule Day 2 - Saturday, September 20

Tentative Schedule Day 2 - Saturday, September 20Tentative




From Boys to Men:

From Boys to Men:

Uniting International Research & Practice

Uniting International Research & Practice





September 20, 2025 September 20, 2025 Hilton Barbados Resort

Hilton Barbados Resort

9:00 - 9:15 am Morning Opening

Room: Garrison 1 Susan Chuang & Rebekah Ali-Gouveia

University of Guelph, Canada, & Lawyer, Youth Advocate, Trinidad & Tobago

Jamie Huysman

STAR Network, United States

9:15 - 10:10 am KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Elizabeth Bates

University of Cumbria, United Kingdom

Garrison 1 Garrison 3

10:15 - 11:35 am

Father-Child Relationships Through the Eyes of Adolescents

William Fabricius

Arizona State University, United States

High-Conflict Parents and the Effects on Their Children

Nolanda Robert

Online Parenting Programs, United States

A Longitudinal Examination on Divorce and Adolescents' Mental

Health in Taiwan

Reversing Criminogenic Predisposition in Adolescents 11 - 16

Years With Mentorship: Reflections From the Government

Industrial School Barbados and Barbados Probation Services

Florence Seemungal

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Children With Incarcerated Parents in the United Kingdom: A

Qualitative Exploration of a Police-Led Initiative to Support


Ching-Yu (Soar) Huang

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Sarah Bekaert

Oxford Brooks University, United Kingdom

Empowering Men and Boys: Breaking Barriers, Building Resilient


Richie Bansraj

Caribbean Ambassador for IDEVAMB, Trinidad & Tobago

11:35 - 1:00 pm LUNCH

International Families Alliance

Tentative Schedule Day 2 - Saturday, September 20Tentative




From Boys to Men:

From Boys to Men:

Uniting International Research & Practice

Uniting International Research & Practice





Garrison 1 Garrison 3

1:00 - 2:00 pm

Reforming the United Nations to Address the 12 Areas of Male


Edward Barlett & Larry DeMarco

International Council for Men and Boys, United States

False Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse: A Review of the

National Registry of Exonerations

Caroline Erentzen & Sarah Martin

Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

2:10 - 3:10 pm

Smudges in the Mirror: Fathers' Views on Their Cultural

Backgrounds and Its Impact on Well-Being

LaWaun Curry & Tara Curry

Just Wanna Live Right, United States

Abuse: Childhood, Family and Intimate Partners

Adetutu Aina-Pelemo

University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados

Translating Theory Into Practice: Tips, Tricks and Surprises

Learned on the Ground While Building a National Charity for Boys

and Men

Justin Trottier

Canadian Centre for Men and Families, Canada

Barbadian Men's Experience With Men's Health Forums: Building

Towards Best Practices

Dwayne Devonish

University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados

"You See My Weapon and Weed, But Are Blind to My Tears":

Addressing Youth Trauma, Violence, and Addiction

Tessa Beausejour

RestoringRootsMindBody&Soul, INC, United States

Overlooked Victims: Examining Male Victimization and Female