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Thursday, 31 October 2024

Writer's Corner - Ominous - I got my worse review ever for my favourite book (that I wrote)

Yesterday, I was at a Hallowe'en luncheon which I enjoyed very much since I miss parties. One of the people came up to me and told me she insisted that her nephew read my book, "Hey Guy Buy Me." She told me that she had enjoyed reading it. I didn't remember that she had bought a copy. "Hey Guy" has been around for a decade since it was the first book I wrote. This year I published "Ominous" and I poured my heart into it so when I got the worse review ever and in such a mean fashion, I felt sad. I pondered if I should continue writing. But when I had that person approach me at the party about "Hey Guy Buy Me" which I wrote for fun and tell me how much she enjoyed it, I realized that I love writing. It is creative. I only took courses in English as a break from Psychology because English has always been my favourite subject. I would love to write stories in the kitchen while my mom was cooking up a storm of the most amazing food I have ever eaten. Of course I took her for granted at the time. But my mom was always my favourite fan. She encouraged me to sing and to write. You didn't know I could sing. Well maybe I can't anymore. When I would sing at home, Holy Terror would start screaming and jump onto my lap. When I stopped singing, she would stop yelling. Who knows maybe she was singing too? Doubt it. Anyhow, back to my writing. I was in grade seven when a mean teacher (I hated teachers until I went to university)with red furious hair and a reddish face (can still visualize him, uch) to match with an untrimmed mustache and a bulldozer appearance, told me I never wrote a piece I had submitted. He told me that I had copied it from a book. Insulted and never able to control my mouth, I told him. "Did too. You can ask my mom." Here I am a child in grade seven and some substitute teacher is telling me I am plagiarizing. That was my experience with creative writing. It was Toni Morrison who told her students to use their imagination when writing because they know nothing. That is what I do. I imagine. I am not trying to create a masterpiece. At a book sale, I had a woman excitedly approach me and ask if I did research writing my books. I said no and she hopped away. But am I being honest? "Hey Guy Buy Me" I wrote because of all the men I have worked with. I have had men love it or hate it, but I wrote if for fun people. Does it have errors? Yup. For Love of Country - Military Policewoman my worse critic said it was evident that I was a policewoman because I wrote it as a report. Ok. Fine. Did you like anything in it? Probably not. But what I like about "For Love of Country" is the feedback I get from people who have served. Every time they reach out and share their own journey's or opinions of how they suffered, that counts big time! I have a large segment of the Jewish community who usually buy my books at fairs and I hope I honour them in my books as I speak about the concentration camps. Then there is "The Internet Murders". My bad review there is that I write it as if I live in a town, which is not Toronto. This from a critic who very much lives in a town. I have lived in Toronto forever except for my service to my country. I think of Toronto as a town, which is why I love New York, now that is a city. However, I am sure that if I lived in New York City the same critic would complain. Really, is that the best you have to criticize? "Ominous" is my heart. So, when a critic tore it apart without even identifying herself, probably making her feel safe, it disheartened me at the time, but not for long. I am writing about this today because the writing community is so loving and supportive. I belong to the Crime Writers of Canada and the Sisters of Crime here in Toronto and the USA. I haven't been able to attend their luncheons or bar nights because I have so much on my plate that I have to prioritize and the writing part remains my hobby which I love. Of course if one of my books became a movie, it would cease to be a hobby, wouldn't it? Right at this moment I have to give priority to my private practise and endless meetings and eduation hours. I am not complaining but I do not write to be the next Hemingway. I read and enjoy books like Stephen King, Dean Koonz etc... spooky stuff. I am sharing this with you because I don't want young writers to be disappointed. When I have young writers approach me, they are so full of life and ambition and hope and I would hate to think that someone would be mean to them. You can certainly critique someone and be kind at the same time. Every piece of writing that a person has given me, I have read, though I tell them that I am not in a position to help them. So, this is how I feel. I still remember a writer criticizing a popular Toronto author whose books I enjoy reading. I could feel her venom and wondered where it came from? So, that is all for now in writer's corner. I have accomplished a lot of work this week and hope to return to my next book soon. I have been reading my poetry and papers as well and am trying to determine how I can encorporate it in my writing. I am looking forward tonight. Little monsters should be arriving. Happy Hallowe'en world.

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