I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Wednesday, 27 March 2024
It's been a week and as usual, I am behind
Give a reason to celebrate and I do. It is Easter season and I have been on an Easter hunt and will be delivering gifts like an Easter bunny. On the dark side, I am still contending with the results of being conned. I would like nothing more, than have the culprits charged and deported. I was reading an article, that cons are highly intelligent but lazy which prevents them from contributing to society in a meaningful way. I think people can change. I don't agree that they are all lazy. However, I enjoyed the article which I cannot share because they don't want it shared. I wonder why. So, having all your ID stolen, means you have to notify everyone and then have everything cancelled and then having everything sent to you new. It is a Royal Pain. Not only do you feel violated, but it is a lot of work. So, I have been playing more than usual to heal my wounds. I have been surrounding myself with the wonderful people I know and care about. I have sold some of my books, "Ominous" which I encourage you to buy, because it is my favourite to date. I was asked if I started writing my next book, but hey how can I quite now? I can barely keep up with my blogs to you? What I have to work on now is my taxes so I can get that out. I am still gathering info for my practice and then I shall start with my books. You know, I am pretty pleased with myself. Happy Easter everyone. I love this season more each year. My heart goes out to the States. I keep seeing that bridge falling which must be devestating for the families of the missing and those who have died. Russia - What can I say? I also feel sad for those killed and their families. Putin was warned but he didn't believe it because he is projecting. If you are a liar, than you think everyone else is as well. For example if one person is having an affair, he will blame his partner of having one. That is pretty routine. He is also blaming poor Ukraine as an excuse to continue his devestation on others rather than ISIS. I heard Robbie Kennedy on CNN and thought that if I was an American, I would vote for him, but I am not, so the jury is still out. There you are, all caught up. Now I have to load up some gift boxes, try to work on my taxes, work out, blah, blah, blah, Happy Easter world. Be nice to someone today. Mr Attitude is calling me.
For Love of Country - Military Policewoman - The Middle East Chapter continues www.silvaredigonda.ca
I was scheduled to travel from our camp to the other camp. I would be going with the Colonel as my jeep partner. There were several teams and we would meet up at certain points. At one point the Colonel and I found ourselves in the sand dunes. A truck holding numerous Egyptian soldiers began following us. As they were catching up, I sped up to get away from them. I didn’t even want to think what could happen if they caught us and I would not let that happen. I remember when we crossed the borders from Israel and Egypt, how the Egyptians would open our bags and go through our underwear, holding up our bras and panties for the other Egyptians. They disgusted me. At one point when I was walking on the beach, Egyptian soldiers were staring at me as if they had never seen a woman. At that moment I felt like taking every piece of clothing off me and tell them to take a real good look. Even while we were lying on our own beach, Egyptian helicopters would break the rules to came down low to look at the women. I told a fellow bather that war with these people would be successful if we were to bring in only the women soldiers. While they stared at us dumbfounded we could shoot them all. I said this as I was ingesting the flying sand blowing around due to the Egyptian helicopter hovering over us. That would be one way of winning a war.
The truck was gaining speed and this was the Egyptians’ terrain, but I would have rather died than let them catch me. The Colonel never said a word until the distance between us grew further and they became a small stain on the horizon.
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.” www.silvaredigonda.ca
Friday, 22 March 2024
For Love of Country - Military Policewoman continues https://www.silvaredigonda.ca
I was working a nightshift. One of the Dutch policemen told me we had to set traps for cats so that they could be put to sleep. It was an order from the camp Colonel. I disagreed with the order and told him so. However, I accompanied him while he got some fish and set the trap. A cat was trapped and he left it in the cage. The cat tried to tear her way out, causing her to bleed. The Dutch policeman learned that the vet was not available to put the cat down until after the weekend. Dutch was upset at the screeching of the cat, while I drowned out the sounds by listening to music with headphones. I reminded Dutch of what I thought and he finally let the cat go. Before the weekend was over, Dutch once again went to get some fish to set the trap. I was with him and saw the same cat. She sat just outside the trap and stood firm. None of the other approaching cats would enter the cage. I was amazed. The smell of the fish alone must have been a real treat after just eating their regular diet of the large rats I heard so much about. Yet not one cat or kitten would enter the cage. There seemed to be some silent type of communication. That day I developed a newfound respect for cats. How could they know and rationalize?”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman. https://www.silvaredigonda.ca
For photo check out facebook or X
Ominous is now listed in Crime Writers of Canada
Tuesday, 19 March 2024
Crime rising in Toronto and Niagara Falls is a breath of fresh air
I missed the night news yesterday and boy did things happen. Apparently a NDP politician wearing the Palestinian scarf wanted a recogition for the country. There was some compromise. This compromise may have cost Trudeau his election. As for myself, I do not recognize any country led by terrorists and Hamas has been deemed terrorist. The Police Chief reported 989 hate crimes since Oct 7, last year. Hate crimes in Toronto are up 93% since last year (I won't even talk about the car thefts). Anti Semitism has been the most targeted, which increased after the Hamas attack on Israel. Where do I stand? I stand with Israel. I don't like what is happening in the Middle East right now. So many innocent people and children are needlessly killed. I feel the same about Putin in his war against Ukraine. What we need to think about is that dictators and terrorists are never satisfied and some of us have to take a wake up pill or smell the coffee. As Canadians we need to think about what direction we want our country to go. My mom used to say that Canada opened her arms to the world and she was being kicked in the behind by those same people. I really loved my mom. She was upset that I didn't want her Swiss duel citizenship for myself. What can I say? I love Canada and I love Toronto. However, I remember my dad complaining about change and I am obviously doing the same here. I am my parents. Good thing they had good qualities. I think that as Canadians, we need to each take a look at ourselves and ask ourselves who we want to be and how can we get there? The City of Vaughan which is just outside Toronto wants to create a bi-law to control all these protests, I am so tired of and which keeps me from going places I would have normally gone to. Protests are a right for democracy but this is getting out of control. I think and it is my personal opinion that it is contrary to my freedom. I don't like having my routes blocked by hatred. We have always, as Canadians been known as a warm and inviting country, but this will eventually change. The world is watching. We have always been able to get along. However, we were also on the same page as part of the Western world. We are not perfect, nor have we ever been, but we can all do our part. I have always detested protests. I remember when I went to the University of Toronto, I would be in class and looking out the window watching demonstrations on Parliament. It was loud and destruptive. I love silent demonstrations. When I was in Niagara Falls Sunday, I gazed at the roaring falls and thought that it was the kind of noise I yearned for - not angry voices, but the sounds of nature. I met a woman who had moved to Niagara nine years ago and she and her husband love it. So does their son, but he had to return to Toronto for work. She said I should move to Chippawa and that it was nice and quiet and lovely. We had actually driven to Chippawa's Betty's restaurant known for their fish and chips. "Do you like quiet?" She asked. "Yes" I replied quickly. But how quiet is quiet? I mean, my favourite place to live in the world would be New York. How quiet is New York? I love Disney World. How quiet is Disney World? I remember when I moved to the Middle East and lived in the desert for six months.....quiet.....When I returned I didn't want to move to PEI as I thought I would before going to the Sinai. I wanted city. But when we ventured to Chippawa and were driving along Main Street, I saw a house I am monitoring on the Realestate app. It is now being sold by a Toronto agent who is listing it as being 1km for the falls, which it isn't. It does not indicate it is in Chippawa. I would never use an agent outside the location I was trying to sell, but this house is having difficulty being sold. It looks better on the internet and bigger on the internet and it is asking for about 670 or so. It has a little church across the street which is ok for me. I could watch people going to church and maybe they have bake sales. I need people around me even if it is just on Sundays. I saw only one person walking a dog. I see animals from my home here all day long or anywhere. I even have treats for them. They have a grocery store, pizza shop, bakery place, tax place, tiny library and Tim Horton's all within walking distance so I can grow into old age nicely. The house has a basement apartment where friends can stay when they visit. The falls is 4 km away so it is a bike distance away. I saw a coyote which normally doesn't make me nervous, but there have been a few incidents here due to people feeding them. It is rather isolated so maybe I don't want to outwalk a coyote but probably can ride faster scared. Did that in the Middle East. Only I was racing away from a Fijian. Maybe the coyote is safer. I am thinking all this. I remember having dinner with my old professor, whom I miss so much since he died from COVID. He asked me if I was going to Niagara to die and he chuckled as he always did when making insinuendoes my way. I know people return to Toronto all the time after leaving because they are bored there. So, the question is would I be bored? As I ponder while typing, I don't really have days of boredom regardless of where I am. I need to be around people. I love people and that is why I have always had jobs/careers where I help people, and I have helped a lot. I know that. I know that there is the good, bad and ugly out there. I have had an encounter with the ugly the Sunday before last. But I also said a little prayer for them just once. I know that there will be a time that they will have to reflect on their lives and on who they have hurt. I have seen that from people many times. That is unless they are anti-social. Sociopaths are not all criminals either. Ok, I like people and I prefer multicultural with all kinds of differences and what unites us all - our compassion. I can see that at the Falls and across the street when people go to church. It is a tiny church and I hope it has bells because I love church bells. There is a theatre on Niagara on the Lake (suffering now because of costs). There is also entertainment at the Falls. I don't have to fight crowds to see a show. That is a positive. So will I like it? I don't believe they have protests. It is across the bridge from the USA. I love that. All positive. I also like their Mayor - another big plus. The woman I talked to said that the only thing she missed from Toronto is the food because of course we have everything here. She said it was changing there. I kind of like keeping Niagara as Niagara. When we leave a place and then try to make it like our place, we can also ask, do we really want to do that? I used to love going to Kleinburg. It was quaint and cute. Now it looks like an extension of Toronto with Monster homes. It's charm - poof. Food? Hey, if it has high tea and veggie burgers - I'm good. Yes. Ok, I think I am good. You know I also have my name on the list to live on Toronto Island. However, I shall probably die before being able to go there. I shall keep my name on the list. I am 250. They have 250 houses. That means that all of them will have to go. Of course, people drop out and others sell. So, let's say Mr Attitude dies. He refuses to do so, at the moment. I move to Niagara and feel like I am dying there because of the quiet and then I get notice that there is a house up for grabs - am I interested? Don't sweat the small stuff. It is all good. What do you think?
Monday, 18 March 2024
OMINOUS www.silvaredigonda.ca
Hi, I just want to let you know that I have finally posted "Ominous" correctly on my website. I am so sorry that I cannot post a picture of it here because they want cookies and I cannot do that for security reasons. Please check out my website which is a secure site on shopify. I went to Niagara Falls and it was breathtaking once again. Of course, I am once again behind but will post something for you tomorrow. Please take a look at my book cover and let me know what you think. For some reason you cannot click on it, probably the cookie thing. Just type out my name and it should work for you.
Thursday, 14 March 2024
I got conned. So, I have been busy because of this. Things will get back to normal soon. In the meantime, be aware of this, to protect yourself
I was going to wait to let you know about this until it was concluded, but I decided that I shouldn’t waste time so you can be aware of these two people and how they operate with distracted theft. I was at Fortino’s in Lawrence Square Sunday, 10 Mar 24. At the salad bar, a woman hit her head on the glass portion as she moved in towards it. It actually was quite hard. Her partner laughed loudly. Myself and another woman expressed concern for her. Afterwards I went to the cash register to pay for my groceries. I saw the same woman in the aisle where I was, looking towards the salad bar. She then moved in beside me at the register to load her items. As I paid for my groceries, I heard the cashier ask her if she needed a bag. She said she did and I offered her one of mine, which she rejected. I had one more stop at the flower shop, before heading out to my car which was parked on the aisle directly outside Fortino’s main entrance/exit. Normally, I keep my purse with me but this time I placed it in the driver’s passenger door. As I placed my groceries in the back of the SUV, the same woman approached me from behind, with a set of cat treats I had bought for my own pet. She had it with a receipt in her hand and told me she thought it was mine. I did not find this surprising because it does happen at times that I find something extra which isn’t mine or vice versa. I asked her if she had paid for it and she said no after glancing at her receipt. She said she had two cats and never tried it so I gave her half. I asked her how her head was and she said that she was more worried about her dog than her head. She was now moving slightly away from behind me. She took out her phone to show me a picture of her dog, a white poodle with a what looked like a slash of blood along one side. I told her she should take her dog to emergency. She said she wasn’t from this country and asked where to take the dog. When I told her to an animal hospital, she asked if it was a human hospital. She stated this a few times and began to scroll down her phone to determine where she was exactly. I moved away from her and went to my car and began to drive away. As I moved my purse, I noticed that it was light. The wallet was missing with all credit cards, gift cards and cash. It appears that these two went directly to Walmart at Lawrence and Keele to do some shopping. Both appear to be Eastern European (Russian), Caucasian, with darker skin. Male is about six feet, heavy build and female is about 5’6’’ with botox heavy lips. This is what makes her stand out. Both have dark hair and eyes, wearing dark clothing. They are anywhere from 25-35 years of age. When I went to my bank, I was informed that at his last bank there were six customers reporting being scammed a day. I do love my city. This is my home. I think that the majority of people living here are wonderful, but we do have too much crime. I have been aware of distraction theft and normally ignore and walk by people approaching me in parking lots, saying no thank you. I was also approached at a gym where I was suspicious and let it be known. However, this is a situation where a person fakes injury, takes a piece of your grocery and then approaches you from behind when you are loading groceries. She returns your item and then depicts concern not for herself but her pet. While she is distracting you, her partner is stealing from you. I wasn’t familiar with this, so just in case you aren’t, you are now.
Wednesday, 13 March 2024
For Love of Country - Military Policewoman https://www.silvaredigonda.ca
I was working and going to an accident scene. Our bus had been struck by a horse and buggy. The horse lay on the ground, crying, blood running from his mouth. A few of our soldiers came begging me to shoot the horse. I knew I couldn’t and as they continued to beg me, I looked at the Egyptian owner of the horse, my peripheral vision watching the horse suffering alone with no one to comfort him. Death would soon claim him. I looked at this Egyptian man with his toothy stained grin. I knew he wanted me to shoot the horse because then we would have to pay him a hell of a lot of money. The accident was his fault; he had cut off the bus. Greed was plastered all over his face. I knew that I could not shoot the horse.
Watching anything or anyone suffer has always torn at me. At that moment as I looked at the Egyptian, aware of his suffering horse, I asked myself why we were there. Why didn’t we just go home, let them all kill each other and return to pick up the pieces. What was our purpose for people who thought so differently from us – who had no respect for life or suffering? The horse died as I glared at the Egyptian, my fellow soldiers still near me, also suffering in resignation.
We had our own dog, Lucy, at the camp. Females of any kind were worthless in Egypt, and Lucy had somehow been adopted by the Australians. She was an alcoholic and one of the men who worked in the bar took care of her and weaned her off alcohol. It is not nice watching anyone withdraw from alcohol. Her shakes were disturbing and I really didn’t think she would survive, but she did. There was a rule that if a dog was found loose it would be put down. Every time Lucy got loose one of the Canadian soldiers would call me in desperation. I always found her and would bring her home. She didn’t have to be put down during my tour. I can only hope that someone continued to care for her after I left and that she lived for a long time.
Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.” silvaredigonda.ca
Thursday, 7 March 2024
Tid bit, from EspritdeCorps Canadian Military - Military Woman
From Volume 30, Issue 7, pg 29, Veteran Affairs Canada has processed over 3,400 military sexual trauma related claims, with 28% of those being submitted by men. "Veterans could use to complain about Veteran Affairs Canada related issues is 1-877-330-4343" (VAC Ombud).
Just a note that I can no longer post pictures or video because I will not accept their cookie clause. I will post photos on face book and X. When I do that, I shall let you know. Should this platform stop asking me to accept cookies, I will then resume this for you. Sorry.
Eschatology - continues - notes
Movie watched was God vs Satan, The final battle. Dreams and Nightmares - visions.
7 - holy # in Hebrew tradition; slaughtered lamb; breaking seven seals - natural disasters
Islamic vision: many disasters, world wars, struggle between evil and good powers.
Armagandon - a place - an ancient place in the holy ground < Satan defeated, but not final draw (mountain of Mezato) at the base of the mountain of Mazot - a final battle. That is the real battle - supernatural Jesus and Satan. Who is the religious figure? Once defeated - new heaven and new earth will be created.
Discussion after the movie: written in a time of turmoil. Carl Jung sometimes said that it is over dramatic to make a point. New Testament mindset knew it was symbolic.
Four traditions developed in revelation. Written in the past and talking about their present time but also for the future.
Augustine - evil is a minute distortion of the good, evil will minutely distort it by pride.
Charity distorted envy. Evil is a mimic distribution of the good. 3 figures in revelation 1. false prophet - leader; 2. Anti-Christ; 3. Satan. All distort mimicry of Christ Holy Spirit and creator. Mimic distortion of working itself out. Battle has been won - (cross). We are waiting for final consummation. When grace enters there is tension, bad mimics it but it is distortion. Final has not occurred because of evil which mimics it. It talks about past, present and future. We are involved in the battle. Can’t touch Mary so we are attached, the children. Multi-eyed lamb - nothing is hidden, everything is seen. Movie - The Road - All things past - God never changes - it would have to be a deceiver ( Speculation).
to be continued ……
Tuesday, 5 March 2024
Men’s Conference - Parental Alienation: Long-Term Effects of Court Orders by Dr Denise Hines, Mason University, College of Public Health (near Washington DC) and Dr Bates, University of Cumbria.
Not all children who are exposed to parental alienating behaviours become alienated. In the USA and Canadian poll, more than 84.4 - 88.3, identified as heterosexual did not predict victimization. Patriarchy survival and continues to be. At this point one participant began to argue, once again. I found this annoying. I did mention this in my report of how I found the conference to be. Though I found the conference very informative it is open to everyone and anyone. The host continued in response to the male not liking what he was hearing. He stated that Patriarchy does not only affect men, it affects women. He indicated that in his study, few men had drinking problems. Participants in his study, came to him. He did not accept any who were in the courts, unless it was over. Some men worked long hours. Some saw violence from other countries. One man who came to him had killed a man and came out of prison. In the past if he got into a fight, he would use a knife or gun. He had two fingers missing and scars on his back. When he was a child, a teacher noticed he had been whipped from the scars visible on his fingers and back. Now this man who was helped for a year and a half has turned his life around and is married. Women are still not seen as equals in power. This needs to be addressed. A study consisted of 508 participants, 18-59 years of age. The least healthy romantic relationships were met on line. This was non-female identifying. 6.3 indicated they had parented a child. They had also experienced other forms of abuse associated with suicidality.
Dr Rachell Bim-Baum returned, from King’s University College at Western and Queens University, Canada. Parental Alienation: Long term effects of Court Orders. She reported that children did not feel they were listened to. Children are excluded from the legal process. Interventions are confusing and tumultuous. Children want to be heard. Some said they could share with a sibling which was positive. 6/9 children had no contact with favourite parent between the ages of 3-7. There can be financial ruin. Once court starts, it never ends and one can spend up to one million dollars to see their child. There is a loss of the child during all this. Extreme behaviours are associated with parental alienation. Resources should not bankrupt families. Any errors listed is mine alone and not that of the speakers. To be continued.
Friday, 1 March 2024
OMINOUS has arrived
I can't post a picture of my book because they want to allow cookies. I need to not do that for security reasons so I will wait until I post it on my website and let you know where you can see it. For now I will post it on Facebook. This has happened before and then they let me post it. I shall try again tomorrow. It is going to be a busy month, but I am ready for it. The sun shone all day, which made Mr Attitude happy. I noticed that he is grumpy when he wakes up. Who figured? Anyhow, Have a great weekend. I have also posted the photo on x.
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