I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Thursday, 27 October 2022
Eating Disorders - a bit more
Eating Disorders
I wanted to talk more about Eating Disorders further to the video I posted. A reminder : Kids help line text Wellness to 741741 to access 24 hrs daily. There is support for any issues big or small. Some people feeling no control over their lives, may develop Eating Disorders because this may be the only thing in their lives they feel is within their control. So though the video talked a lot about coaching, what is very important is the psychological. What I always recommend is being under the care of a physician. Unfortunately, many do not want to talk to their doctors about any mental health concerns. What I suggest is to find a physician whom you would feel comfortable with to talk about anything. When my physician retired, I went to about three, at least before I found someone I wanted to keep. I still have him years later. Finding a therapist you feel comfortable with is also just as important. It is more important that the competence of the therapist according to studies. If you cannot reveal all that is bothering you and cannot trust your therapist or feel comfortable with your therapist, find another. (Also ensure that your therapist belongs to a college and is registered, for your protection). Record what you eat and when you eat it. Do you notice a pattern? Do you eat with others? I enjoy watching “Trust Me, I’m a Doctor,” a British Show and in Season 6, Episode two, there is a topic on Eating Disorders. In the episode what is revealed is that in the UK about three quarters of a million people suffer from an eating disorder. Anorexia has the highest mortality risk of any mental illness with up to 20% dying prematurely. This can effect anyone, men and women at any age. Psychological factors such as low self esteem, anxiety, or depression can be triggers. Common among eating disorders are: obsession with food, diet and exercise, complaining about being overweight, even when they’re not, weighing yourself repeatedly, skipping meals, bingeing, frequent visits to the bathroom, especially after meals, social withdrawal, being withdrawn and secretive. Often in early stages of the disease there is denial or ambivalence. Friends and family who notice should talk carefully to their friend or family member and encourage the person to get help, keeping in mind that the person may be very anxious. Breaking the silence may be the first step of recovery. What do you think?
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Friday, 21 October 2022
Tid Bits for you and bringing you up to date
I have had a difficult week due to Holy Terror dying. Her brother, Mr Attitude has been developing behaviours she used to have. He now jumps up on a table to greet me in the mornings for kisses, which he never did before. That was Holy Terror's job. He spent the first few days resting on my chest or lap at every opportunity. He has been eating for two, which I need to watch. I have spent more time socializing and less working. I have given myself another week of more adventure, than work and than I will slowly get back to normal. I wanted to talk a bit more about the seminar I posted about Eating Disorders, but will do so next week, when my brain is clear, since I will be relying on memory. I posted the video for you because Eating Disorder is a problem and people should have all resources open to them, so they can be informed and make their own decisions. If you do have a disorder I suggest you see a Registered Psychotherapist, Social Worker, Psychologist or Psychiatrist. Remember that in Ontario every therapist needs to be registered. You can find out if your therapist is registered by visiting their specific college. To be a therapist in Ontario, one must have a Masters.
Now for your tidbits. The Canadian Medical Association Survey (conducted last fall) which consisted of more than 41,000 doctors and medical students,revealed the following: 53% of physicians have symptoms of burn out. It is suggested that 1/4 experience severe or moderate anxiety. 1/2 are struggling with depression. 36% had suicidal thoughts in their lifetime, up from 18% in 2017.
Now about Americans moving to Canada: Almost 12,000 people from the USA were granted permanent residency in 2021. More than 3,200 applicants were approved in the first quarter of 2022. This is the highest since 1980.
I wish you all a good weekend. In tribute to Holy Terror, I will like to share photos with you in her memory. If you hate the idea, let me know.
Tuesday, 18 October 2022
Friday, 14 October 2022
Holy Terror - my beautiful baby girl is dead
I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about today and didn’t want to miss the entire week. I decided to share about my beautiful baby girl, I had for about 19 years. It was Misty, a stray I adopted and had fallen in love with who brought Holy Terror to me. What struck me about Holy Terror was her beauty. She had the most beautiful blue eyes and silky smooth brown and beige hair. What I didn’t account for was how loud she could be telling me exactly what she wanted and when, meaning now. Twice she broke into my therapy room by squeezing herself under the divider. Fortunately for me because she was so beautiful, no one minded. Today the house is eerily quiet. Her brother has cried out only once after I came home without her. He has been a source of comfort but the house feels empty without her. I have cancelled all appointments outside including the two day conference in Markham not to leave Mr Attitude alone. I didn’t want pets this last time around because I enjoyed my lifestyle that I knew pets would alter. However, no one wanted these animals and they were going to be put down since they were considerd too wild to ever tame. It is surprising what love, security and consistency does not only for animals but for children too. Holy Terror had been having some difficulty whenever she went to the litter box or outside to defecate. When she wanted to go into my tv stand with one door closed underneath, I made a bed for her there. Holy Terror always wanted to be my side. If I went out, she came too. She never strayed too far from the back deck or front yard. If I worked on the computer, she would raise her paws onto my chair for me to move or pick her up so she could stay close. No matter where I was, she wanted to rest on me. So, when I saw her discomfort and couldn’t find her in the house and she had missed her morning meal, I was afraid that I would find her dead. She was hiding in the basement and this was the first time I could get her into a pet carrier. Once she was in my car, she yelled her annoyance half way to the hospital. I drove as carefully as possible with her trying to make her journey as comfortable as possible. At one point I had to swerve to the left because the driver of a parked mega truck, failed to check if the road was clear and came out quickly, causing me to swerve not to hit it. I was surprisingly calm, since my focus was Holy Terror and not the terrible drivers in my city. I went to the pet emergency hospital and the drive around where I normally would park to bring her in was now full of construction. So, I left the car on the roadway at the stop sign with my four way flashers on. After she went into triage and I provided all the info. I went out to see if my car was still there. It was and I was grateful that the parking people didn’t give me a ticket. I drove around trying to find a parking space and then saw a limousine driver get a spot. I asked the driver if he needed the spot, since my pet was at the hospital. He gave it to me (we have very kind people in Toronto). I went to pay my nine dollars for three hours and I rushed back to the hospital. They wanted me there ASAP. They were surprised I got a parking space and in no time I was informed that Holy Terror’s vitals were fine. However, I knew that she wasn’t fine. I returned to put more money into the meter (I need a smart phone). I went to place the new paid stub of nine dollars on the dash of the car and boy oh boy, I find a 50.00 parking fine waiting for me. I examine the parking sign along with a construction worker and we both find it confusing. Why did I get a ticket? There are parking meters all around the area with signs indicating when one could park. Doesn’t matter. I don’t have time for this nonsense. Looks like I have to pay 78.00 for this trip to the hospital (no. I would pay much more). I drive around and on the same street as the hospital where I have parked before to take Misty there, I find a spot as one driver is leaving. I park and examine exactly where I am. There is another meter, cars parked on the entire street and I carefully examine the sign, the same as the other. I notice a no parking sign and really find it confusing. There is an arrow showing that parking is only available just in front of me. There is one car and motorcycle there and no more room. I am baffled. How is it possible that there are only two spots on an entire street, full of cars and meters. I call parking customer service listed on my ticket and talk to a man about the confusion. He is sorry and tells me to contest the fine. I tell him that I will pay it, (for peace of mind) but that if I find it confusing, how do visitors to this city find it? It should be simple. I park in an underground parking and return to the hospital via walking tunnels. There is no way I would go through this area after nightfall. I decide I will have to take a taxi in future and hope they accept pets. The female Vet comes to talk to me. I approve the testing she recommends since I know there is something wrong though all the preliminary is fine. She suggests I go for lunch, that it will take a while and so I walk to Yorkville and go to Flo’s, a restaurant I used to go to when I was a student at the University of Toronto. You need a buzzer now to get it, but someone lets me in. I take an elevator to the floor and I recognize it as the same, but more worn. It is badly in need of freshness. The outside patio is bare of people and I know it is too cold for me for a sit down, the waiter agrees. He clears a table for me inside, but it is not my favourite seat where I can watch the people walking below. I order my meal and it doesn’t taste the same as I remember it. Has it really been 14 years? No, but at least 11 years. It is still a university favourite as I hear three International students speak. I feel outdated here. Yet, there are people here older than myself. I feel misplaced. I eat my meal, provide a generous tip and realize that this will be the cheapest I will spend this day. I walk back to the hospital and finally the same Vet comes to get me. She wants to go through the details. I am looking at a chart on the computer that is mostly green and she goes through all the positive. Everything is all good and then I notice the red. There are quite a few charts. I must have copies but I folded everything and placed it into my purse. She has found a poly in her rectum. I look at the photo of the polyp and it seems rather big to me. The vet provides me with options. Just to determine if the polyp is cancerous, surgery would need to be conducted to cut the polyp out and surrounding tissue. If cancer is involved it is an entire story. Then there are the additional complications because of the area. I think of my beautiful happy nineteen year old baby as I realize I am going to have to let her go. Tears form and I think the Vet is going to cry too. As tears continue, she shows me the x-ray or scan of her spinal cord and how that is worn due to her age. She can’t jump anymore like she used to. And then, the final heartbreak is that her kidneys are starting to diminish. The Vet will get ready to bring Holy Terror back and describes how she will die. I already know. I think of MAID. I think of my last long living cat who I also had for 19 years and had the vet come to my house to put him down. He had found it difficult to do because he had so many animals he had to put down in the same week. Someone comes in to take more money to put her down. I wait and then the attendant brings her in all bundled in a warm portable bed. He tells me she is a real sweet cat. I appreciate the comment. I can see that she has won hearts at the hospital with her beauty and kind nature. I can have as much time with her as I like but I ask for four to five minutes, because I don’t want to extend the pain. I kiss her tiny head until I feel she is becoming wet by my kisses and wrap my arms gently around her and she begins to purr and this makes it harder. She is happy to see me. I kiss her tiny face and she just keeps on purring with pleasure. She is home because she is with me. The Vet comes in and as I am holding her and feeling her little head, I see the fluid draining into her and then her little tongue hangs out. “Is she gone?” The Vet listens for a heart beat and there is none. I mention to the Vet that it must be hard for her. She tells me that this was a very peaceful death and she was 19 years old. So, I sit here and share this with you. At some point before her death I had thanked her. I merely said “thank you.” She has brought me so much joy and I shall miss her voice wanting me to stop working or to hold her or anything else she wanted. She has been the star of my books. I believe in God. I want to believe she is in heaven playing and having a great time with my family and other pets.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Til next week.
Saturday, 8 October 2022
PhD student examines clash of masculine identities on internet hate site (cut and pasted for you from University of Toronto news)
I took a seminar yesterday about Eating Disorders which is on my list for you and part of the discussion was about the media influence. So, as I am now catching up on my emails, I thought I would cut and paste this article for you since I am not able to share it to this blog. I was able to share to my facebook page and twitter. More next week. Have a good weekend and Happy Thanksgiving. We are also voting here for the municipal elections. I wish they wouldn't have that on a holiday weekend. Regardless, voting is important. What do you think? Now for the article:
As a biracial woman, it wasn’t easy for Jillian Sunderland to spend countless hours studying a website devoted to racism, misogyny and hate.
But she persevered with her research on the internet hate site Stormfront.org, which promotes white nationalism and the alt-right movement. Created by former Alabama Ku Klux Klan leader and long-time white supremacist Don Black in 1995, the site’s 300,000 members openly share their racist, violent and misogynistic views.
“It's the longest running white nationalist forum for hate, and originally, I wanted to look at the common ideology of the people in this white supremacist forum,” says Sunderland, a PhD student in the University of Toronto’s department of sociology in the Faculty of Arts & Science.
“But what I found were two groups: one prioritizing the hatred of women and one prioritizing the hatred of non-white people – and a lot of disagreements that led to a fracture within the movement. I wasn’t expecting to find this at all.”
Her work – “Fighting for Masculine Hegemony: Contestation Between Alt-Right and White Nationalist Masculinities on Stormfront.org” – was recently published in the academic journal, Men and Masculinities. “It felt really, really great – and it was a long time coming,” says Sunderland of learning that her first peer-reviewed paper had been accepted.
Sunderland says she was fascinated by her findings in what she described as a relatively understudied area, noting they could be used to help disrupt hate movements. But she adds that her long engagement with the platform affected her on a personal level.
“Spending hours a day reading hateful comments was sometimes very upsetting,” she says, adding that she relied on support from her academic supervisors and from fellow academics studying the same field.
“I'm one of the people the forum targets in terms of saying horrible things about Black women, Black men and how biracial people are abominations,” she says. “And I couldn't believe the level of hatred of women. There was a lot of racism but the way they talked about women was shocking.”
Sunderland used the label “alt-misogynists” for the group of Stormfront.org users who formed their identities around the opposition to women. Men in this group, she says, were usually under 40, though some were much younger. Many were single and opposed marriage.
“They see women as representing the breakdown of civilization,” says Sunderland. “In their minds, women are irresponsible, opportunistic, as well as promiscuous, continually seeking to take advantage of, and exploit, men.”
The other group Sunderland called “Aryan men.” Defining themselves through race, not gender, they were often older, more established and had families.
“They identify as defending themselves against Black men, Jewish men and other groups,” says Sunderland, adding that they portray themselves as superior to other cultures and races with respect to raising families and possessing traditional family values.
Sunderland was shocked to see just how much “alt-misogynists” and “Aryan men” quarreled on the site.
“In my paper, I show fighting between these two groups where they try to invalidate and criticize each other,” she says. “The ‘alt-misogynists’ were often critical of the older members, accusing them of being out of touch with contemporary society. The fighting got so bad on some occasions, the ‘alt-misogynists’ would leave the platform altogether.”
Often that fighting centred around women and their role in society.
“The older 'Aryan' members have established gender norms that men and women are complementary – that the man takes care of the woman,” says Sunderland. “Their base idea is to create a white homeland with growing white families.”
The "alt-misogynists," by contrast, have vastly different views on gender – and many of them expressed their belief and support for a society that’s based on the total domination of women.
“They’re very different from the traditional white nationalists who see women as a part of their movement,” says Sunderland. “A lot of the older white nationalist members found these views offensive.”
Sunderland says she was jarred by the number of posts devoted to victimization.
“A big part of the far-right is the sense of superiority, but also this deep sense that society is no longer set up in their favour,” she says.
Any kind of boost in diversity or a shift in equity was regarded as a threat to their way of life.
“They were referencing divorce rates, declining marriage rates, declining fertility – and they viewed these things as examples of a society that was now gynocentric, dominated by women and feminism. And that it’s actively disadvantaging them.
“There's this phrase that ‘equality feels like oppression when you're used to having more privileges.’ So, they see themselves as victims.”
Sunderland says she would sometimes step back and totally disengage from the site and her paper for a week or two to clear her head and then return with a renewed sense of purpose.
“My goal is to better understand these movements to help disrupt them, so that kept me level-headed,” she says. “But studying the extreme right is not for everyone; it’s studying people who literally advocate for a genocide of non-white people. That's why it's very understudied.”
Her paper concluded with the idea that this split between these two groups could offer an opportunity to further impede the wave of hate.
“Within social movements, if it’s a successful movement, there tends to be a unification within a masculine or feminine strategy,” she says.
“But on this site, that didn’t happen. It’s a more fractured movement and I think acknowledging their internal dynamics can provide an entry point in how people desist, leave – or migrate to and from – the far-right.”
But to pursue this idea, much more research is needed, Sunderland says.
“Future research can lead to more clarity when attempting to deradicalize or prevent radicalization from happening, and I hope my paper offers a way for experts to really grapple with the complexity of hate/far-right movements.”
September 26, 2022
Sean McNeely
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Monday, 3 October 2022
Ernst. Block. Jewish Atheist not approved by gospel. Hope. - Theology notes continues
Existence is being in the way and the hope of that way is in the future which does not yet exists. Incompetence means that humanity is. He divides essence } future; and existence } humanity now. Distinguishes two forms of hope - 1. Recognizing disparity of injustice in this world and how it could be, hope to bring about change. 2. Hope that brings people to complacency.
Block - avowed Atheist but respected Christianity - is a hope and so they didn’t have responsibility. Faith, hope and charity - faith should have all three.
Theology of Hope - Moltmav - states from first to last - is eschatology, revolutionary and evolutionary, the future.
Central theme of eschatology is hope. History is viewed as the sphere of God’s promise of the community is not in existence: 1. The second coming is not a radical break in history. 2. Promises one of moving towards fulfillment. Given enough time that eventually we will re-cur - live in the same experience. Moltman states - yes there is a sense of Block - unfulfillment of history. But, for the final time, will be a fulfillment of history. We have freedom to obey or not obey. Jerimach states that “I can’t help but speak the truth and then is killed for it.”
Sublate def. - promise of Israel is taken up by Christians: trying to connect promise of Christianity and promise of Israel. How patient is with Pharaohs. - Nice? Plaques?
Jesus death and resurrection is God’s promise, but fulfillment is yet to come. Hope is knowledge of future on the promise. Hope of future too - of the Church.
Philosophy is not about interpreting history but changing it. Proclaim history, fostering Church and individual existence, suffering in present world. Christians for Moltman are construction workers.
Next Metz, Shardane and wrap up.
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