Friday 23 July 2021

Why still busy? Revenue Canada

I was just about to begin proof reading my next book when I was stopped by a telephone "from far away". After a bit of testing, it was indeed, hold and behold Revenue Canada calling me from Newfoundland. I didn't know that Revenue Canada worked out there. Good for them. So, aside from my clients, I have placed everything else on hold, including the weeds growing around my beautiful flowers. I will get that covered. I am now on a quest to gather all my proof of expenses. This is also a learning experience and if there are any tips at the end of it, I shall share. Because everything is going paperless, that is the challenge. Also, there is so much integration of facilities, another challenge. However, believe it or not, it is for me relaxing. I know I have everything, so it relaxes my brain. I would prefer to relax it outdoors, but hopefully, I will be able to get there eventually. It is amazing how many people have suggested I retire. However, none of them are in my profession. They want me to work til I am at least a hundred. Could I? Probably. Did you hear? Yesterday they announced a $100,000 cruise around 30 somthing countries in about three months. The announcer wondered how many people can afford that since everything was sold out in an hour. I could imagine sailing away in luxury but that is as far as it went - a temporary break from reality. I shall be posting what I have saved on USB until I finish this quest with Revenue Canada. At least they are super friendly out East, while they devour you. Have a good weekend.

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