I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Lead Exposure - psychology notes
The Environment and the developing brain --- pending…….psychology notes….
Lead (PB) Exposure
. main routes of exposure through air and soil pollution;
. Main focus of concern
- moderate exposure levels
- early childhood exposure
. Currently accepted “safe” level: 10-15 /100 ml
. Lead poisoning (plumbism)
>50 - 80 /100 ml
Common Environmental Sources
- paint (especially in older buildings)
- electrical battery casings
- automobile emissions
- lead plumbing
- pottery and cooking utensils (eg. Old pewter, some paints and glazes).
- Leaded crystal
Effects of Lead
. Blocks absorption of Iron, zinc and calcium (critical to nervous system and bones).
. Accumulates in body tissues and selectively in certain brain regions:
Behavioral Impairments
(primate and rat studies) Results are very mixed. There are more studies of monkeys than others.
. Delayed alternation (animals in maze goes one way and another, another way).
. Delayed matching to sample. (visual stimulus).
. Spatial and non-spatial reversal learning. Reversal learning is a measure of cognitive flexibility.
Simply put, the basic idea is that simple learning is not impaired but when it becomes more complicated there seems to be impairment.
Human Behavioral Studies
. umbilical at fetus and teeth in children for lead exposure
. Prospective studies - mixed results on IQ measures
. School achievement
- Some evidence for delays and lower achievement in children with moderate exposure to lead.
Friday, 23 July 2021
Why still busy? Revenue Canada
I was just about to begin proof reading my next book when I was stopped by a telephone "from far away". After a bit of testing, it was indeed, hold and behold Revenue Canada calling me from Newfoundland. I didn't know that Revenue Canada worked out there. Good for them. So, aside from my clients, I have placed everything else on hold, including the weeds growing around my beautiful flowers. I will get that covered. I am now on a quest to gather all my proof of expenses. This is also a learning experience and if there are any tips at the end of it, I shall share. Because everything is going paperless, that is the challenge. Also, there is so much integration of facilities, another challenge. However, believe it or not, it is for me relaxing. I know I have everything, so it relaxes my brain. I would prefer to relax it outdoors, but hopefully, I will be able to get there eventually. It is amazing how many people have suggested I retire. However, none of them are in my profession. They want me to work til I am at least a hundred. Could I? Probably. Did you hear? Yesterday they announced a $100,000 cruise around 30 somthing countries in about three months. The announcer wondered how many people can afford that since everything was sold out in an hour. I could imagine sailing away in luxury but that is as far as it went - a temporary break from reality. I shall be posting what I have saved on USB until I finish this quest with Revenue Canada. At least they are super friendly out East, while they devour you. Have a good weekend.
Summary of the Development of Trinitarian Dogma (Theology)
Summary of the Development of Trinitarian Dogma
Silva Redigonda Part One
Providing an outline this particular way was due to my review of classnotes, readingings and some of the tape recording in class to date. It fulfills instructions 1a in helping me pull it all together so that I can fulfill the task of the second portion. This may be considered a blend of your request for my way of helping me pull it together and your request of the latter portion of a chart from scripture to Dogma.
Who is God? Not, what is God?
Three in one and one in three = Trinity
Tasks - Understanding and notion of Doctrines (gradually developing)
Research – data – interpretation – some canons; some rules – meaning
Dialectics – differences are contradictory
Conversion or not
Problem of relating to Trinity - Thinking modern thoughts - therefore, do not think modern
1st century Judaism – God > therefore, if not God, created by God- eschatology –monotheism/ Not God
Two dogmas – 1. Mystery 2. God acts on behalf of God’s people.
- over time Israel provides a shift - spirit and word. Spirit only given to Kings and prophets. King mediates to the nation. Prophets guide and announce something new.
-Duality - Wright (more than one divine). Hebrew accepts other religion but it is not God.
Easter – Resurrection – we see Jesus who was dead and is now alive (reason) - Spirit poured out onto us. Jesus is God – recognition and reconciliation of Jesus – scriptures open to us – mission.
Easter changes everything - Jesus is God and God is Jesus – The Holy Spirit acts and God is one and one in three. God as Father, God as Son and God as Holy Spirit.
Scripture -John to the Philippians – proposes a shift. High Christianity vs. low Christianity
John – will not find human Jesus Christ. (word about, work of :Cross; word of:Ministry, word of human origins, the word. Revelation – starts giving names of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit has personal name. God is on trial at a certain point. God makes a judgement. Communion of God. Father giving to son and the son giving to the father and Holy Spirit receives everything from the father and the son and the spirit bears witness and gives back. Obedience of Jesus, the Father and Son work together because one is obedient to the other (two can do the work of one).
Mark – (behavior) only human Jesus. The word of Jesus: Ministry – how Jesus got to the cross; Jesus performs that belong to God alone. (claim authority over law, forgives sins and drives out demons). Jesus speaks own authority. Messianic secret. Depicts Jesus before Easter. Who Jesus is and who God is. All things lead to Son of God. Development – mutual neutrality of Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.
Paul - Jesus is raised.
Luke – goes further: human origins. Stops at Adam. One humanity in Christ. Interested in overshadowing Mary. Spirit at conception.
Mathew – interested in origins of Jesus. Focus on Israel. Jesus is Israel and reveals God. Spirit at conception. Obedience of Jesus, the Father and Son work together because one is obedient to the other (two can do the work of one).
Early Christians – story of Jesus as story of God’s own obedience. There was no issue that Jesus was human. The pivot is the revelation of who God is.
1st movement – a WAY
2nd movement – ascribing agency (spirit becomes the subject – a verb)
3rd movement – Luke – exploring depths of this agency. Mutuality between Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Things need to be clarified so – Dogma
Pray text, Pray 3 in one and one and three
GK philosophy and culture cannot accept a suffering God. God is abstract. Proclamation of Christ as God is a scandal. How to proclaim the gospel through new meaning?
Church Theologians 2nd century
Gospel of Ebionites - on the day of his bapism Jesus is begotten as Son of God, by the Spirit entering him (adoptionism). Accepted by Byzantium, Theodotus the Younger and Artemon (end of the 2nd century).
-^ rejected by mainstream church and considered heretical.
Later second and third centuries
Monarchian school at the beginning of third century. He himself made himself a son to himself. A Father makes a son and a son makes a father thus reciprocally related out of each other to each other cannot in any way by themselves simply become so related to themselves, that the Father can make himself a Son to Himself, and the Son render Himself a Father to Himself.
^(argument) with God anything is possible.
Tertullian (IN THE WEST) - Father and Son – two different entities are needed. I cannot be my own father or my own son. Trinitarian counter position – God the Father implements the salvation of human beings with the help of the son and the Holy Spirit. The Father is distinct from the son, being greater than the son, inasmuch as He who begets is one, and He who is begotten is another
Demonstrates in Praxis 11, that Monarchians have no scriptural proof
Origen (IN THE EAST) [died 253/4} (most educated in his time [probably]) Put forward Logos theology grounded in both the Bible and philosophy – decisive attacks on Monarchians. Like other Logos theologians, more concerned about distinction rather than unity in God. Origen described Father, Son and Spirit as three distinct hypostasis. Therefore, three entities with their own existence and real presence, and their distinction is expressed. He designated these three as being one. No other beings are good in themselves. God is first and only. All that is spiritual is eternal and only the material is transitory. God is the creator of all.
Arius – born circa 260 – theology from the Alexandrian milieu strongly shaped by theology of Origen before him. Dispute over Arius occurred circa 318. If the pre existent son of God had a beginning, then he did not exist before he was begotten, created and set up. God is therefore, true God. The Son of God is not true God, he only bears the title God. The Son belongs more on the side of the creatures, who also came into being from nothing. The son is so radically subordinate to the Father that in Arius’s view he cannot know the nature of the Father. Therefore, Christology no longer a threat to monotheism. Excommunicated circa 318. Bishops of Nicomedia and Caesarea supported teachings
Bishop Alexander of Alexandria warned fellow bishops against intrigues of Arius and followers. Also counters Arian doctrine that the Son has a beginning.
Council of Nicaea (325) deliberations began and held in Gk. Eusebius was offered the opportunity to justify himself with a creed. It had become customary in the dispute over Arius for opposing parties to sum up their theological views in creed. Council fathers to work out a creed chose the theology from earlier creeds which were undisputed, namely pre-existenacne of the Arian dispute. The term homoousios belongs in the anti-Arian repertoire of the Council of Nicaea. Council Fathers also condemned the core thesis of Arius including that Son of God had once not existed. Fathers also used the terms hypostasis and substance (ousia) as synonyms and did not distinguish them (poses a problem in the future).
Question : Are Father, Son and Spirit three distinct entities or only one was not answered at Nicaea.
Banished dignitaries such as Arius and Bishop Eusebius of Nicomedia were rehabilitated and had to adhere formally to the official church.
Years after Nicaea, in the east of the empire, a witch hunt against Nicene Bishops began.
Marcellus – like the Monarchians at the beginning of the third century central concern was the unity of God. Creator God of the OT and the savior are not two Gods but one and the same God. Moves further in the field of pre-existence Christology and confirms (against Arian thesis) that the Son really is God’s own and true Logos. Emphasizes that the divinity of the Father and of the Son is indivisible.
Athanasius and Marcellus were banished to the west of the empire so that peace could come to the east. In 337 Constantine dies there and empire is divided between his three sons. Son Constantine allowed banished bishops to return but in due to unrest in 339 they leave.
341 – a synod took place in Rome without Eastern participation. Verdict – rehabilitated Marcellus and Athanasius and at the same time accused the theologians of the East of being Arians. 4 different formule are associated with the Synod of Antioch.
East and West divided in church politics and theology and incapable of union on their own. For this reason political support was seeked from Ermperor Constans, ruler of the western half of the empire.
Circa 342 council met – none of the disputants reached the theological stage which would be the binding tradition of the church decades later. However, problems not discussed at Nicaea were now openly on the table.
351 a synod in Sirmium
350’s revival of Arianism. This new version is also called Neo-Arianism. Used concept of begetting to express the difference in substance between the unbegotten Father and the begotten Son. The son is like or similar to the Father in substance.
In reaction there was a counter-movement in the East. Emperor Constantius also anxious of Neo-Arianism rise.
357 Constantius organized a small synod in Sirmium to give discussion on a new direction. Result: Rivals agreed on a joint text, fourth formula of Sirmium, dated 22 May 359.
New Years Eve 359/360 all present bishops in Constantinople finally signed a creed (synods 30.2-10)
362 – negotiations in Alexandria – the orthodox content of the different theologies was established.
381 – second ecumenical council – a Synod of the bishops of the East (orientated on Neo – Nicene theology). Pope not invited. Only one Western participant Bishop Acholius of Thessalonica. Canon 1 which the council passed proves the bishops still recognized the Nicene Creed. With the council of Constantinople the crises that the theology of Arius had sparked was overcome, in the East of the empire. Canon laws.
Part 2
This paper will examine the dogmatic development from the end of Nicea to Constantinople II pastoral application of reflection reaching out to the spirituality within each person.
The Council of Nicaea deliberations began in 325 and were held in the Greek language. Council Fathers condemned the core thesis of Arius including that the Son of God had once not existed. Fathers also used the terms hypostasis and substance (ousia) as synonyms and did not distinguish them which would become a problem in the future. Subsequently, what was not answered is the question, are Father, Son and Spirit three distinct entities or one? We may examine the differences of two Creeds, the Creed of Jerusalem indicates the Son of God as the only “begotten Son of God”, while the Nicene Creed” … from the substance of the Father, God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten not made” The difference being created and not made. What is basic at Nicaea is what you can say about the father you can say about the son. The statement that“ ‘true God from true God is also anti-Arian’ ”(Dunzl, p 56).
Circa 342 Serdica council met and problems not discussed at Nicaea were now being dealt with. This could have been an ecumenical council as intended but the Bishops of the East refused to take part in joint sessions with Marcellus of Ancyra and Athanasius of Alexandria were present (Dunzl, p 79). The Eastern bishops also once again condemned,
doctrine of there being three Gods or that Christ is not God; that neither Christ nor
the Son of God existed before the ages or that one and the same is Father,
Son and Holy Spirit, that the Son; that the son is unbegotten or that one and
the same is Father, Son and Holy Spirit; that the Son is unbegotten or that
the Father did not beget the Son by decision and will”
(Dunzl, p80)
The Western assembly continued to meet in Serdica. It had two tasks, to safeguard the rehabilitation of Athanasius (had been banished to the West of the empire so that peace could come to the East) and other deposed bishops legally (Canon 3 of Serdica). The Bishops of the West wanted to give binding expression to their faith and to publish it in an encyclical (Dunzl, p 80) . Questions raised are: Is there only one divine hypostasis as the West taught or are there three as the East taught? Neither the West nor East could provide a convincing answer.
In the 350’s an unexpectant revival of Arianism also called Neo-Arianism, occurred which did not meet with undivided approval among the Bishops (Dunzl, p 89). In reaction there was a theological counter-movement in the East which maintained the Eastern doctrine of the three divine hypostases but at the same time wanted to separate itself clearly from Arianism. Neo-Arianism believed that “the Son is like or similar to the Father in substance (Gk. homios Kat’ousian) One can also express the relation of the Son to the Father with the adjective homoiousiso, so in history of dogma the representatives of this doctrine are designated Homoeousians. The two Greek adjectives homos and homoios have the same meaning and express likeness but with different nuances. Homos can mean “like” as indentical; homoios “like” as similar. Since two things that are like each are not identical, this is the problem. The traditional East taught that God, the Father and God the son cannot be identical with each other, since that would be modalistic thinking, they are therefore two distinct hypostasis, each with his own ousia, individual substance. A breakthrough to a conception of the Trinity which would pave the way to the future and ultimately overcome the dispute over Arianism is the pioneer work by Basil the Great. Both supporters and opponents of the Nicene Creed had used the terms hypostasis and substance (ousia) as corresponding to each other. The West and the Old Nicenes around Ahanasius of Alexandria had always started from one divine substance and at the same ti8me one divine hypostasis to safeguard monotheism. The East spoke of three divine hypostases (three existing realities). The two terms “substance and hypostasis” was also customary for Basil. However, Basil learned to keep the two concepts apart due to the controversy with Arian (Dunzl, p 106). The key basic insight that Basil has is that the Spirit has his own divine operation. The Spirit is God. God works the difference.
A great moment in Church history is the negotiations in Alexandria in 362. Here there was an understanding of opposing parties and a clarification of terminological differences. The orthodox content of the different theologies was established (Dunzl, 106.
Here in pastoral terms one might be able to recognize and respect the language, difference of opinion
Friday, 16 July 2021
Busy but trying to slow down - a bit about my next book and how it is coming along. www.silvaredigonda.ca
Yesterday morning I managed to finish my first draft. I have been attending the Sisters of Crime events whenever possiblie and there have been some interesting speakers. As you know I self published the first three books, mainly because I don't have the patience to wait. I send out to a few people and then am asked if they are the first I have offered a submission and of course I am honest and then don't hear anything. I have also been focused in Canada and perhaps I should do like others and spread my wings; go more international. Perhaps I should shop for an agent. I have heard all kind of reasons why someone won't accept a book. One person said if there is anyone in the book smoking, it is a no. Some don't like coffee etc......If you kill anyone in the first chapter, it's a no.etc.....I have to admit I was surprised at what I was hearing. I didn't expect so many biases. However, there were some good tips. Write, keep writing and don't stop. That is what I did with this last book. I wrote and didn't stop but there were so many gaps between being able to write. So, in this draft when I return to it, I imagine there will be many errors for me to correct. I wrote 160 pages. I like this book. It's spooky. Aw that is something else that I learned. One writer shared that she was rejected by one publishing company only to be accepted when she changed it from mystery to supernatural mystery or something like that. Ideally, it would be wonderful to just focus on my book for a month, so it can remain fresh, but that is not possible during this pandemic. I have been busier than ever, seeing clients and attending seminars, because there have been so many changes because of the pandemic. So, as I attempt to slow down and focus on my book, it still is not possible at this exact time. I want to take December off, because taking August off, doesn't seem possible at this moment. Of course things can change but I am not counting on it. I also have a responsibility to who I see. I am a one woman operation with a responsibility of care to my clients. Of course I am also big on self care and because of that I do try to take two days off a week for myself. If it cannot be two full days, it is rather close. My priority is clients, seminars and then talks about writing and finally actually writing. In this last book, I love the ending because it opens the door moreso to continue writing a series if I want to. I began writing about a heroine, but eventually I switch to a man. That is something else that I learned. Publishers now like women as the top dog. That is something else I learned- political correctness and if not correct, it can be the end of you. I feel bad for some because I believe that if changes are to occur it should be by education before giving the fatal blow. We are going through changes and don't get me wrong, I do think we are over do, but let's be kind ourselves while doing it. As I ponder how I am going to slow down in my private paractice, I am also toying with the idea to focus more on my writing. It is still a hobby unless I can make it more profitable. A person once said if you are not making money, it's a hobby. Well, so be it. I have been writing for fun since I was little so keep throwing pennies my way. I can take it. I have to go back to work, but I just didn't want to leave you without offering a bit of me to sustain you during the weekend. I plan to take at least two weeks off before Christmas and just maybe if people are good about getting their double vaccinations, I can take a mini trip. I was invited to a bbq next weekend, but I don't think I am quite ready for too many people, even though they are only inviting people who are fully vaccinated. I don't know why, but my suspicious mind tells me that people are so anxious to go out to play that they will say they are vaccinated even when they are not. So, have a good weekend. Try to balance your life during this time and please go out and seriously consider getting vaccinated. LIsten to the experts and not all the conspiracy nonesense out there. Hopefully, we can do a better job at educating in earlier grades so people can understand how biology works and other aspects which is so important right now like global warming. Have fun this weekend. I am planning for some fun each weekend from now to eternity. What do you think. www.silvaredigonda.ca
Thursday, 15 July 2021
Theology notes - more definitions
Ebla- a city of ancient Syria.
Edomites – Traditional enemies of the Israelites, the Edomites were the descendants of Esau who often battled the Jewish nation. Edom was in southeast Palestine, stretched from the Red Sea at Elath to the Dead Sea.
Enuma Elish – the creation of the world begins with the universe in a formless state, from which emerge two primary gods, male and female.
Etiological stories - creation stories or stories that explain or justify certain things.
Exile- The Babylonian captivity of the Jews, 597 – 538 B.C.E.
Gilgamesh epic – the hero of Sumerian and Babylonian epics.
Henotheism – the worship of a particular God without disbelieving in the existence of others.
Hexateuch – the first six books of the Old Testament.
Hittite Grant – is similar to the grant of the dynasty of David. It is found in the decree of
Hattsilis concerning Middannamuwas, his chief scribe.
Jamnia – A place near Joppa. circa 90 where a council of rabbis declared the Old Testament canon to be completed. This eventually became known as the Masoretic text.
Levites – The subordinate ministers appointed in the Mosaic Law for the service of the Tabernacle and of the Temple.
Mari – an ancient city on the Euphrates, in Syria.
Masoretes, Masoretic Text (MT) The authoritative Hebrew text of the Jewish Bible regarded almost universally as the official version. This text was completed by a meticulous group of Jewish scholars called the Mesoretes who flourished between the 6th and the 10th century (approximate) . They devised a system of marks that could surround the Hebrew consonantal text and describe the manner of reading without disturbing the consonants.
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
Scam alert - This is a very poor attempt but still about 55 Canadians a day were victims of a scam last year according to the gov't of Canada- so I shall post it.
This mail is been writing to you because we have come to understand that
you have lost a lot of money all because you want to receive your fund
well note that all that have been put to a stop as the federal government of
Nigeria has promised to assist you with the sum of $5million in other to
compensate you and all you have to do is fill the below information s.
1 full name
2 home phone and cell phone number
3 occupation
4 amount that was lost by you
Send this and get back at once.
Warm regards
Friday, 9 July 2021
The Internet Murders cont... For your signed copy www.silvaredigonda.ca
“He looked up at the entrance to the building and began looking for cameras. Nothing. How could there not be a surveillance camera in this day and age? How does that happen? He joined Philip, once his partner stopped talking to the blond man, who seemed to be the only one sober.
“So, did city boy blondie give you anything good? That boy is so good looking he should be a girl.”
“No, nothing much, Tomo. But, if not for them, that girl would definitely not have made it. Let’s go to the hospital.”
The next morning, Sandra opened her eyes slowly. Her entire body ached, including her eyelids, which did not want to open. She heard herself moan. Is this what it feels like waking up from the dead? She slowly peered out from her jellied lids and the room began to come into some focus. She was in a hospital room, hooked up to a machine with intravenous. The male nurse walked in.”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.” iBooks.
Wednesday, 7 July 2021
Fraud, fraud, fraud. Don't fall for it. I post this for you for you to be aware. Nothing legitimate here.
I am sorry to inform you that your device was compromised.
I'll explain what led to all of this. I have used a Zero Day vulnerability with a special code to infect your device through a website.
This is a complicated software that requires precise skills that I have. It works as a chain with specially crafted and unique code and that’s why this type of an attack can go undetected.
You only need one not patched vulnerability to be infected, and unfortunately for you – it works that simple.
You were not targeted specifically, but just became one of the quite a few unlucky people who got hacked that day.
All of this happened a few month ago. So I’ve had time to collect information on you.
I think you already know what is going to happen next.
During that time, my software was quietly collecting information about your habits, websites that you visit, searches you do, texts you send.
There is more to it, but I have listed a few reasons for you to understand how serious this is.
For you to clearly understand, my software controlled your camera and microphone as well and it was impossible for you to know about it.
It was just about right timing for me to get you privacy violated.
I’ve been waiting enough and have decided that it’s time to put an end to this.
So here is my offer. I need a consulting fee to delete the media content I have been collecting.
Your privacy stays untouched, if I get paid.
Otherwise, I will leak the most damaging content to your contacts and post it to a public tube for perverts to explore.
I understand how damaging this will be for you, and amount is not that big for you to keep your privacy.
Please dont blame me – we all have different ways of making a living.
I have no intention of destroying your reputation or life, but only if I get paid.
I don’t care about you personally, that's why you can be sure that all files I have and software on your device will be deleted immediately after I receive the transfer.
I only care about getting paid.
My modest consulting fee is 1650 US Dollars transferred in Bitcoin. Exchange rate at the time of the transfer.
You need to send that amount to this wallet: 1M6JzrEt3VYpjcwvXyy8GwewGTHjv8bTgQ
The fee is non negotiable, to be transferred within 2 business days.
We use Bitcoin to protect my identity.
Obviously do not try to ask for any help from anybody unless you want your privacy to be violated.
I will monitor your every move until I get paid. If you keep your end of the agreement, you wont hear from me ever again.
Take care.
During the Black lives era (notes from a day lecture)
I attended a day long lecture held by Dr Brown. He has a doctrine in theology and born in Panama. He said that the first time he felt different was when he went to Costa Rica to study theology. He found that they spoke different. His roommate told him that people there found him greedy. In the 1950’s they offer you food and you take it. That’s how he experienced cultural differences. During the break out session what was discussed, was understanding coming from privilege. Ageism - now openings for minorities and others are losing. Prism of lenses - body shape and weight - cultural differences. Single groups - stigmatized. Toronto has mixed housing and therefore there are more opportunities for education. People look at height and physical attraction has a positive. CEO’s are extremely tall. There is discrimination at an unconscious level. Language : a big thing in Canada and the U.S. - it’s more about accents. In Canada the two dominant languages are English and French. In the States it is English and Spanish (I am going to include here that English is the universal language, not mentioned in the seminar). Dr Brown’s definition of culture is a way of seeing and making sense of the world in a community context. He talked about people refusing to see ethnicity in themselves. He spoke of a son’s dad, Irish in descent who was ostracized because he married a black woman. The father never spoke about his family. He over compensated when he moved to a new country because he didn’t get it in his old country. How do people see me as different? How do I see others who are different from myself? When you look up at someone, you miss the downside. When you look down at someone, you miss the upside. Dr Brown indicated that just by showing with a client, you have power because of the therapeutic relationship. Be aware of that blind spot. He said that sometimes black people (did I mention that Dr Brown is a black man?) don’t want to show vulnerabilities. They want to appear perfect. Desire to appear perfect. People see them as defective. It is important for families to understand that it is true. How to advocate for the child’s need: sometimes parents do not know. You need to advocate in the system - organizations are there. Skin colour - Canadians tend to be of the notion of no slavery - not so. There was slavery in Canada. Dr Brown also spoke of scientific racism, the spread of bogus theories of supposed black inferiority in an attempt to rationalize slavery and centuries of social and economic domination and plunder. Racialized by complexion - appearance and public perception (1894 Supreme Court decision: Don’t look black, but still black: Plessy v. Fergusson). 1950’s Population Act declared that all South Africans be classified into one of three races - white, native, (black African or coloured) neither white, nor “native”. Lighter hue and straighter hair - greater privilege. He spoke of generalizations even regarding the police. He spoke of the definition of Ontario Human rights Commission - Criminal profiling - defers from racial profiling which relies on actual behaviour or on information about suspect. Racial is based in stereotypical assumptions. He spoke of a man who was lynched for looking at a woman. They threw his body in a river. The mother showed her son’s body to the world which caused a civil movement. Dr Brown said that white people march in black lives matter because of shame (I may not agree with this. I find it too general. Would like to see research). Black lives matter has begun a conversation if not anything else. Protests were led primarily by whites and went global. He spoke of Multicultural Churches in Canada. White man rules. When a church is considered black, white people leave. This happens whenever there is a 30% representation of a particular group. This disrupts the system. Essential diversity - I may be losing power in what I am used to. I may be the last person standing. He spoke of the Catholic Church has a shift in the priesthood. The Church is replicating society when it shifts. Now the key leader - European American goes to the extreme to find balance. It’s about power and not power with but power over. Powers in Canada are still safe - white male. Dr Brown said that he lived in Maryland, U.S. with a population at the time of 150,000. He never saw the diversity there as he sees here in Toronto. For reverse to exist, the culture needs to reverse. He said that Blacks don’t stay in therapy. He suggested building a therapeutic alliances. He said that Black people are loud because they are angry - not so. He talked about Canadian politeness. He said to look at Canada as posh. Express views of some people. Some people feel need to be polite. He suggested helping the understanding of mixed race. There is a struggle with identification trying to identify to the mother and or father and identity issues all around. Dr Brown said that colour is seen. He suggested taking the time to hear the fall out. He said that in one study therapists intended to intercept female clients over men. Dr Brown spoke of a list of Cultural humility when listening: 1. Listening with empathy. 2. Stand with patients in pain - no fix. 3. Neither look up or down on them. 4. Listen to self talk (opinions, judgements) 5. Examine your fears, prejudice and unquestioned assumptions - comfort level with vulnerable and disempowered groups. Blacks may look down or away as a sign of respect. Even looking a parent in the eye is defiance. From slavery days - whipped. How they see themselves is very important. What can we do to change the system or challenge the system?
I found Dr Brown’s lecture very interesting and thanked him. I have waited to write this, because his lecture led to much upset among the black people in the audience to a point where they were turning their backs to him. I don’t agree with this type of disrespect even within cultures. A guest, is a guest. You don’t have to agree with a speaker. You can question and disagree but to display such anger is inappropriate in my opinion. I had never seen this before. This was during a webinar because of the pandemic. I wondered if this was a live audience what would have happened? I don’t necessarily agree with everything I heard, however, I can take away with me. It may manifest with with anyone I encounter. We need to remember how we are reflective of everything we have been exposed to and genetics as well as the environment. I normally have an equal amount of men and women I see at one point or another. I see people from many cultures, religions etc…I have insight about cultures and religions but I need to hear it from the client’s perspective as well. That is more important. There may be more than one reason why a person will not look you in the eye. I have found that more white people than others have not looked me in they eye. What does that mean? I do think we need to be careful to generalize because there is differences within cultures and religions but also the individual. If we assume that a person will be a certain way because of culture, skin colour or religion, than we are missing the main objective - the individual. What do you think?
Sunday, 4 July 2021
Friday, 2 July 2021
Brief Therapy for couples in crises cont……
Take away: 1. Clarify goals: one thing that brought to crises. 2. Re-assurance - they feel overwhelmed and need to have you know you are there to support them, by creating timely responses and consistent email, text etc…3. Timely and consistent.
This is available to all Canadians but cannot be extended to the States at this time due to legality issues.
Regarding children (as for others) - Where are they 0/10? What is the goal? What is the best for the three sessions? Who are the important people in your lives? Are they supportive? Brief therapy was found to be very effective with one problem. In brief work we may not complete the goal but get a step there. Have client see a new way of looking at something. Brief solution therapy is on the web site which is a good one. This concludes this aspect of the meeting which was offered by CAMFT. Have a good weekend everyone.
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Canada Day - 1 Jul 21
I woke up this morning and sat out front sipping my coffee while my pets frolicked nearby. I was surprised by all the garbage bins lined up with precision along the sidewalk. I wondered if they had forgotten it was Canada Day? I pondered how I would celebrate Canada Day, on a day that everything is still fairly shut down due to Covid. Yesterday I learned that my hair stylist had retired. I cannot blame him. I was fortunate to have had him and he is like an icon who was always there. I made an appointment for next week, when I will also getting my second vaccine. I shall wait for two weeks after that for things to proceed more normal. When I am fully vaccinated, I will once again venture out into the world with cautious optimism. It has been quite a year where I lost a very close friend to Covid as well as a few out of country relatives. I have taken Covid very seriously and went entirely online for my work even though I altered my office, ridding it of any comfort to be replaced with wooden/metal chairs and the minimum of books. It now looks empty, sterile and uncomfortable but as safe as I was able to make it. However, I will still remain closed. I pondered after learning that my hairstylist retired what that would feel like. I have never been retired for more than a month. During this pandemic in my business I was very busy and have evaluated once again my associations. Before the pandemic I would enjoy taking a day off the week to enjoy the theatre and explore the sites of my city which seems to be forever changing. I miss my city. It is like being in a womb with the urgency of escaping and living life. It has been quite a year for everyone and I have been more aware than ever of my own privilege. As the heat is killing hundreds out West due to intense heat including pets, I am kept cool, though again in isolation. I have had air conditioning since I was a young person living with my parents. I don’t think we needed it then, but my mom wanted it and she got it. It used to give me a headache then but now it is no longer a luxury but a necessity. This Canada day I am missing my parents. This has much to do with the pandemic. This year has been a learning experience. I had my eyes shut for too long, again mostly because of privilege. I have had the freedom to always choose whether it was my school, profession, education and/or life style. I learned the value of work from my father. He was dedicated though he always made family a priority. To this day I am always early and prepared. I don’t know what it would feel like not to work because I have been doing it since I was thirteen years old (part time of course at that age). I had my own bank account at that age and would shop for my own clothes and entertainment. I learned to be independent but also learned about having fun at every opportunity including work. This is all because of family learned values and also the opportunity that Canada has given me. I don’t know who I would be if I had not been raised here. That is what I can celebrate today. However, today as I have been watching the news, we also have shame in how we have treated our Indigenous people. The Aboriginal bodies found buried in unmarked graves at Residential Schools sites is a dark scar on our history. Children should never be taken away by force from their families for no reason other than thinking one race is better than another. It broke my heart as I heard an Aboriginal woman talk on the news that she used to use bleach to try to wash away the darkness of her skin. She said that Natives were not believed to have a soul. I knew that slaves leaving for Canada for freedom was restricted to them as Canadian Slaves remained so as to not upset the elite. We have our sins. The residential schools have not been closed all that long. I believe it was in the seventies. I believe a criminal investigation has to be conducted and criminal charges laid. Ignorance is no excuse under the law. It is ironic that just about a week before this scandal was brought to light, I watched a movie based on a true story about an American woman who returned to Ireland to find out what happened to the son she gave birth to and who was taken away from her as a toddler, at a home for girls also taken care of by nuns. She had the help of a reporter who helped expose how children were given away to rich clients. The nun responsible for this was still there and very uncooperative. She still believed that she was right and had no empathy. This woman’s son had been adopted by an American family and he too returned to Ireland at that same place to find his mother. Both were deprived even years later of being united. This involved more than one old woman. As a Roman Catholic this is all very disturbing because all of this is so much against the concept of Catholicism. I have had the honour of knowing so many wonderful priests and nuns. However, like in any institution or corporation or country there are people who are a reflection of their own biases, cruelty, kindness etc……The residential school was a systemic notion that the white man knew better. This wasn’t only a problem with the Church, but also the government and the education system. How does one think that it is ok for a child not to be able to speak her own language, to be taken from her parents and to be forced into another religion concept which is so far removed from what Catholicism is. As Canadians we have a lot of work to do and it should begin by taking responsibility for our wrong doing and to do some serious work in stopping an arising bigotry like I have never seen before. There is too much hatred spreading like weeds. There is a notion of freedom being an expression of hatred in harming others. That is not freedom. Freedom is for everyone who walks in our country to be able to feel safe and have the opportunities that are for everyone equally. We need to educate more because something is obviously lacking. We need to rethink how we are dealing with those who harm others. We need to protect our children so they can grow and prosper. It is time to take a good look in the mirror and decide what kind of person we each want to be. It should begin in school to learn to be mindful and respectful and to begin the dialogue of the similarities we all have as individuals as well as our differences. We need to understand and learn world religions, cultures and politics. We need to stomp out all this negativity and imposition on the rights of all of us by not only education but justice. There has to be accountability. So this Canada Day, I shall enjoy the day and do no work. I shall play as I look into the future for change and growth. Happy Canada everyone. My thoughts are still in Miami as well hoping for a rescue. Thoughts and prayers this day for all who are suffering.
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