Saturday 16 November 2019

Catch up - Bringing you up todate

It is a good thing that I took a break from work because boy have I been busy. Last week I signed and sold books at York University and handed out the rest of the chocolates from Hallowe'en. I kept the chips and cheesies, only because the boxes were too big. I had less than half of who usually come during Hallowe'en because of the weather. Those who did come were soooooooo cute. I had little police come, little swat teams come etc.....I thanked them for making me feel safe. I also went to a funeral of another friend who was such a fighter but could not defeat cancer a second time. I do hope they find a cure. We are so advanced in the medical field, yet we have far to go. Money is always needed for research and I do hope that can increase. I am also expecting someone to have a baby. That is the cycle of life. I attended another conference and have one more to go. I also wrote more of my fourth book and was getting a good flow but had to stop to work on my documentation for the college. I did that, and missed reporting a lot of the education because it was so tedious. I only reported the lectures rather than all of my readings and video watching etc.....That was sufficient to meet my minimum requirements. I am going to ask if there is a way to document continuing education on line directly rather than on my own lap top. If there is a way to manage time more appropriately I am all for it and for suggesting it (KISS). As my old prof used to say and now I repeat to him, work smart and not hard. I still have one ethics workshop to attend, a mini vacation to enjoy and to catch up on housekeeping paperwork and housekeeping in general. I still have to hang up all my tree decorations and I am waiting for a nice day to put up the lights outside. In my last four hours of professional education, I heard two speakers and have decided that I won't report both to you. What I will tell you about is the research report from Rabbi Dr Rena Arshinoff "Experiences of Mutuaality in the Spousal Relationship in Advanced Parkinson's Disease from the perspective of the Caregiving Partner. After the day, I called up my old prof and we went out to dinner to discuss the events of the day. My education simply continued during dinner. That is all for now. Have a great weekend. Though I am not seeing clients this month, I am taking appointments for December.

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