I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Saturday, 29 June 2019
Delay about writing more on the conference
I have a very bad cold and it actually put me out of commission. Good thing I got to see the movie on Monday and then I was toast. It wasn't the movie. So, forgive me if I am delaying a week to provide you with notes of the conference. I am a one person operation so when I am down, it all shuts down. I had a wonderful doctor who unfortunately retired and she used to tell me just rest, drink fluids; do nothing. She would tell me to eat yogart and drink gingerale. She would also want me to clear my head. I do all of that. So I should be back to normal next Tuesday because that is what I am giving myself. So have a great Canada Day. I shall be missing the festivities I was so looking forward to and Happy Independance Day. I shall be watching all on the tube. I am looking forward to sharing with you about pet therapy. Til next week.
This is something I get quite often and normally I just delete it. I am letting you know that this is very very common as probably many of you know. If you don't please ignore any of these fraud attempts. If you did order something don't respond to the email, phone number etc... Look up the number else where and call them. This is becoming more frequent. It is fraudulent. Just letting you know. What do you think?
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Thursday, 27 June 2019
The Internet Murders - Come and meet me at Yorkdale, Indigo, 28 Jul 19

"Overcomer" New movie coming
Monday I saw the screening of "Overcomer" which will be coming to a movie theatre near you Aug 23. I would love to tell you about it but I have been sworn to secrecy. Actually we were asked (in red) not to provide a review so mums the world. The screening was held in Mississauga which had quite a few nice restaurants, though it was in the middle of nowhere land. It took a while to get there but it was worth it. I was allowed a plus one and took advantage of that. Hope you enjoy this family entertainment which has no sex, violence etc....in it. Hope it is ok to say that.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019
The New Missal (Roman Catholic ) Theology notes........
The New Missal (RC)
There are two distinct evolutions: a series of changes to the general instruction of the Roman Missal; a new translation. How to celebrate the liturgy and new instruction. Now it is about 50 +years old - 1961 - 1971 - new set of text. There was a scholar introduction and in 1975 and 1982, a revision. Changes were minor enough. In 2002 there was a much more significant requirement. Liturgical sets out minimum conditions. Do this and not do that. It needs to be applied. Roman/Cannon law is abstract because it cannot account for all situations. This is more like French law when everything is defined. While English is more do not do that. Anglo and
German law - it may be restrictive because we think it needs to be applied. Try to codify a better understanding of the Eucharistic. It is a witness to unchanged faith. Action, teaching and actions of Jesus - the idea that what we do with the Eucharist is not only the last supper but the entire mystery. Code words examples - satisfaction, thanksgiving….these words need to be broken open, a dense summary of the theology of the mass, for the celebration of the Eucharist, for the whole church. Consideration is given to what was not paid attention before. This is one of the important shifts. Eucharistic - meal and sacrifice needs to be together. These two elements needs to be held together. This has not been held well together. Ritual meals in first century Judaism - expressed religious truths with narrative, action rather than logically. We need to enter into the concept of action, leading to truth. Need to understand the ritual murals. Practised not only by Jesus, expressing and making social order through the ceremonies/rulers of the meal. Think of experience with different meals for us. Eg. Sunday meal we all sit down together and rituals preformed. Dad cutting roast, mom serving, children still (how many families still do this? But I’ll use it as an example anyway) This is a process demonstrating the rules outside of the meal. The structure of the family exists as the outside - social order. A ritual meal takes this - reproduces society. Our religious faith is how to live so we take the ritual meal. It is how we are created and are in relation to God, through the rules of the meal, washing of hands, feet or not. When we experience ritual rule, we are enacting. In addition, Jesus picks up these rules. Sinners and poor are at the centre. So you invite people who are in the magic, so Jesus is defining them as culture and the rest of us around. Creates a new communal order among God and the people. People got it and were upset about it. The passover meal was central. A is the height of the centre, intentionally re-received and re-founded. After the exodus, there is thanksgiving for liberation from Egypt. Already existed but re-defined. An offering of the first fruits of the harvest - this signifies my offering of ourselves which we couldn’t if we were not led out of Egypt. The meal becomes a way of participating now - signifying, empowering, what happened. By us in this meal, we remember. It makes us again, one that was freed by God. The unleavened bread takes us on the importance of a fresh start (The bread from sour dough always comes from the original. It continues to reproduce.) When say unleavened, bread is starting a new batch. It’s a new start. Blood in middle eastern culture of the past is where the gift of God resides. Where does this come from? Bleed to death, therefore blood is life. God - you will protect yourself by putting blood on the door - special permission to spill blood. In meal - beloved is presented by blood. What does it do? It feels like it is warming your heart. to be continued in two weeks. ……….(p 3 of notes)
Friday, 14 June 2019
Guelph Conference cont…… Day one (part of it)
Our first official morning, we were welcomed with coffee and breakfast deserts and fruit, which is always a given at any event. Some are more heath conscious than others, but it is always nice to have a blend. There was talk about Red Nose Day, a campaign to end poverty. It was explained who we are and who we represented, 15,000 people strong. Then it went right into the fatality rates. In the 1950’s the average death was approx. 65 years old. In the 1970’s - that increased to age 75. From the 2000 - 78 years old ,and currently 81 years of age. Now from previous lectures there is a difference between men and women, with women normally living longer at least at the time. There are more people spending time in retirement homes since 1970’s. There was an introduction of what we would be learning but I shall skip that part and dive into the meat when we get there so to speak. We gathered in groups to share ideas and to get to know each other based on provided questions. It was rather fun because I always enjoy meeting new people and sharing ideas and stories with lively debates. Session two was provided by Dr Alison Duncan, PH.D., R.D., Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences who is involved in preventing deficiency disease to and including prevention of chronic disease. Dr Duncan explained that there is major influence in research activity regarding food, nutrition, and health. There is an idea of functional foods. A simple definition therefore is foods that may provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Ie. They contain bioactive compound, relevance to many human health for older adults emerging as highly beneficial. The numbers of Canadians over 65 is projected to increase from 4.2 to 9.8 million. Guelph from 1998. There are research studies at Guelph University. Bread is made from soy beans, there is spearmint tea. There is analysis of isoflavone content with confirmed distinction between low, medium and high. Urinary isoflavones increased with distinction between high and low but not immediate. Looking at Spearment tea for arthritis. Horses were munching on the plant and would improve. Made it into tea. Both groups experienced decrease pain. The decrease in pain was only significant in the high - A group. Lentils - type of pulse. Low in fat, low in glycemic. Combination of lentils with white rice will reduce blood glucose compared to white rice alone. You may look up functional food circuit and download it. www.aha.the rea There are recipes for healthy aging flyers. Easy recipes. https://the rea.ca/resources/the simple-bean/. If you are interested google this. Next week I shall talk about a theology topic and then the following week I shall continue with the conference - Topic will be “Have your retirement plans gone to the dogs. We also got our own dose of pet therapy during the break, (I still managed to get a coffee and treat) so I will be looking forward to talking to you about this session. Til then have a wonderful weekend. Work smart and not hard and perhaps begin eating smart. That may be on my agenda sooner rather than later. What do you think?
Tuesday, 4 June 2019
Continue Theology notes. World Religions.
Ok, I am continuing from the last posted note: Endomorphic - Bhakti Yoga; Mesomorphic - Karma Yoga; Ectomophic - jnana (weakest); Superpersonal - Godhead. Experience of God that is person. What is the foundation of all spirituality? You want to practise detachment from the fake self (ego). How do you practise meditation? The three yogas listed. The more attached to someone less, the less attached to yourself. If you become attached to God, you become less attached to your kingdom come - my kingdom go. Ego - me, me, me,….True self - made in atman. Atman=Brahman=Word of God. When say true self = God. Are you saying psychologically so? Understanding psychologically or ontologically (def: deepest nature is God). Rhineland Mystics -God Head. What is the principal of foundation of all spirituality? - union with God which calls for detachment, therefore the answer is detachment. Some say indifference of what happens to me. True self - is image and spirituality of God. School - learn about God. Retreat - know God. Bhakti - neighbour - protect marches - don’t know how to love neighbour, if don’t know yourself. , Karma, Jnana - social : What is causing oppression in society? Social Analysis - if in South America, and man cannot feed his family - examine social analysis and then realize it is exploitation of other nations……………….All spirituality - Vertical (God) Horizontal (neighbour). One in every eight see a psychiatrist. Religion is becoming practical. Christianity - God - what you believe. Buddhism - pryna (wisdom) What you do, started in India. Hindu approach to life is practical. Supra personal - above knowing God. Raja - 8 steps. Buddhists - When told not have a soul. Was it true or is it because you think you have a soul that you have all these problems Bible 1500 BC , Hindus Budhists. Islam 6th century 711-1492. Muslims lived in Spain. Roman Catholics learned how to pray the rosary by the Buddhists beads. Spirituality is how one gets beyond intellectualism. (using feelings and getting out of head -Eastern). Buddhism tremendous evolution. What is happening here is happening there. Zen would argue supernova. Is there such a thing as personal experience of God? Katz would say all experience is open to interpretation. It is from our own perspective. I think she looks great. She thinks she looks like a hussy. Ontologically true. (Descarte) Psychologically true (St John the Cross) Can’t pray without me (the Church). Will have no job. How much is politics and how much is truth?
The is the end of another notebook. I should have more on World Religions or do you want to take a break and have some notes from another topic? I shall think about it. I am always open to suggestions. I am not proof reading this one so I do hope my notes make sense to you. Next week, back to notes from the Guelph conference.
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