I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Tuesday, 26 February 2019
Marijuana - The effects of cannabis on the developing brain
It is not a secret about how concerned I am that marijuana is legal in my country. I am even more concerned that there is a hint of persons/institutions trying to legalize other drugs, even more powerful. When I decided to begin caring for people with mental health concerns, addiction was not in the forefront. I had no interest in dealing with addiction. However, that is in my opinion not possible. I therefore have one stipulation. Do not see me if you are under the influence. Though in the beginning, I thought I had that in control, experience has dictated that though I may wish to see people who are sober or not under the influence of drugs, how can I turn anyone away who comes to see me because of pain? Addiction is pain. So, the more I deal with the suffering of addiction, the more I become very much opposed to the legalization of illegal drugs. However, I do not run my country and am not interested right now if ever of getting involved in politics and so I can only inform you of what I learn and have learnt. I am sure I have written here about addiction before, so I will just relay what I learned and refreshed myself at my last seminar about two weeks ago. It was during that snow storm, where I was forced to take the TTC. It was rather nice because it is not to often that my city quiets down and snow storms usually makes that happen. There were students all around me as well as we walked to our respective destinations. Academia usually surpasses all else. There were about fourteen of us in the seminar room, however, our peers were watching and sharing from all over Ontario. We would share thoughts, concerns and experiences from Kingston, Ottawa, Niagara (I love Niagara Falls and appreciated the photo of the falls), Kitchener, Oakville, Owen Sound and London. The topic - The effects of cannabis on the developing brain. At this seminar the speaker is Dr. K. Shen, MD., CCFP, Addiction Specialist, helping lead young physicians in their training. Points were as listed here. There is no medication right now to wear off marijuana. Spiritual care is important. In a 12 month period survey, 27, 8 youths 16 to 19 years of age had driven within 2 hours of marijuana consumption. 43, 1 of youth 20-24, drive within 2 hours. Recommendations of waiting time is 6 hours of no driving. Almost 1/2 of Canada is among the highest recreational users in the world. 15 to 24 years of age are the highest. One to six youths who try marijuana will become addicted. illegal and legal differences is the THC which has more euphoria. CBT - higher tends to less euphoria and helps with seizures and pain (medical use). Effects on youths with legalization? In the States there is now 10 States where marijuana is legal. In the city of Oregan, after legislation, there was more use. Colorado - more risk with children injury accidentally. Higher risk suggested in crime and driving. We shall see what will happen in our country. Where do children get marijuana? 22% were from their parents. 38% was obtained legally. What are the reasons youths try cannabis? It is legal and therefore it must be ok. They take it to relieve depression and anxiety, pain control, peer pressure, euphoria, sleep. Youths wanting to fit in. It seems exciting or out of boredom. Do they think there is a risk? Yes, maybe, but it won’t happen to them. Social media is reaching out to teens as never before. How does one filter to get research based effects on the brain? Marijuana effects respiratory, heart increased, risk of psychosis, risk for addiction. Impacts on development, memory loss, can reduce ability to make decisions, loss of motivation, low self esteem, can increase depression. Effects the pre-frontal cortex. Effects are worse when the brain is still developing. It effects IQ which may not be reversible. It is like pouring salt rather then a pinch of salt on chips, but it is your brain. The brain is rapidly developing til age 25. 17 -25 increases psychosis and mental illness. Notice a connection between marijuana and psychosis. You see it in vulnerable patients. More research has to be done. There is no clear recommendation at the moment. DSM - 5, spends more time on the drug, craving, thinking about it, can’t stop, problems at work and home. There are four or five or six in criteria already in that spectrum etc…It starts as recreational, longer term contributes to problems and increases mental health concerns. What are the signs for addiction in a teen? Changes in behaviour, drop in school grades, isolation, more withdrawn, change in sleep patterns. Treatment: prevention if possible, no approved medication, treat anxiety and depression, counselling, on-going research, dialogue with teens, drug kit tool - how to have conversation with teen, schools - have talks in schools. Screening tools for adolescents: Questionnaire: use of alcohol or drugs to fit in, use alcohol or drugs alone, asking to cut down. Medications in the future? No clinical trials right now. Counselling, Cognitive behavioural Therapy, Motivational enhancement therapy…….
www.drug free kids canada.org wp.
Marijuana is not a non problem drug. It can alter the structure of the developing brain. In some the effects may not be reversible.
For therapists: what is the cause the person is the user?
Find other way to cope with anxiety or depression.
My question: Is paranoia a symptom?
Answer: Powerful blurted out by more than one expert: “Absolutely!”
When one is in denial - use the approach “What is your goal?”
My question: smoking marijuana among children?
Response: same as second hand smoke (cigarettes).
The rest of the seminar involved updates on policies about association changes, college updates etc….which is important to me but boring for you. So, I hope this has been of interest to you. Though this may sound depressing, I find it very rewarding where youths who have become addicted, after many years, come to therapy for help determined to stop. I often refer them to support groups while using CBT. I usually do ask clients why they are coming to me and how they would like me to help them, which is them letting me know what their goals are and how I can help them get there. It is always their option. The control is theirs. Regarding addiction, it affects the entire family. Sometimes addicts stop and then start again not because they want to, but because the addiction is so compelling. This is a process, not the end. I have probably seen people at every stage of their addiction and there is nothing so rewarding as when someone is so determined to make changes and I am able to journey along with them on their travels to see those results.
Next week it is back to theology and alternating, I will continue to catch up with seminars before more begin. I was invited to attend a talk about engineers who have developed cannabis detectors and digestible cameras as well as more about the brain. However, I was too late in responding and so I wouldn’t have my choice of including the brain. What I have learned is not to stall in my rspv’s. I have to always pick and choose what I attend as well as considering my clients needs. So, I now know there is a limit at this university which I did not know in the past because I usually respond right away. The weather this winter has been challenging, in my decision making of what to attend.
Thursday, 21 February 2019
Tuesday, 19 February 2019
cont....from World Religions (Theology notes)
First Century
Arianism - only God the Father is God.
The international language was Greek. The language in the middle east was Armenian, Syria and coptic (when think in one religion, translate to own and there is some misinterpretation. When it went West, it became Latin. When Constantine was in power, it was either do it his way or you would be shot. There was no accommodation for language as in the West. One of the things to unify is to have a common religion. So, you come out with the appropriate answer or you are dead. These were the solutions to unify.
Four main Schools of law. Islam - five pillars of Islam. Things you do, rather than what you believe. When Mohammed was born in 570, never heard about Roman Catholicism, and racing together you are ready for a fight to the death. Alexander died in 3.24, may say that Mohammed was the answer to Alexander, protector of Christian rules under Muslims greater than the rest. Muslims discouraged Christians from being Muslims (wouldn’t pay taxes anymore). Muslim scholars educated Europe. Culture that was not Jewish. Plato - West. Aristotle came to the West during the crusades (after 15th century). Muslims conquered Spain 711 and ruled Europe til 1763 (for about 10 centuries) Muslims called the shots. Europe/Africa - threat because of the Mediterranean Sea.
1683 - Balance shifted. Today we must not only speak of salvation, but also geography of salvation. Can there be more than one?
Religion Imperialism - The crusades began with the Christians which had nothing about faith, but economics in Europe. The crusades lasted over 200 years. Popes used to fight in the army.
Seminan - Religion of the people. People of the King. 1961 - Roman Catholicism recognized human rights. Pastoral - left alone. Is the Koran the word of God? Theology is faith seeking understanding. When the context changes, changes the theology. 1945 - after war, balance of people did change.
Hindes - with end of colonism, before Vatican Two (1962-65), RC’s (Roman Catholics) used to believe that revelation was to affirm that it was true absolute the world would be saved and if questioned, would be in a little trouble. Preparation for the gospel. Islam - after the birth of Christ - one of the reasons was that revelation ceased with the last apostle. After WW2, began to understand revelation differently. Revelation is the self communication to the world and this communication is not only to the Christian world but to all nations. General revelation is given to anyone. Received through personal encounter. This dimension was emphasized by RC. If this is the truth and this is the faith, “There is no pure faith.” In this concept, it is not the New Testament that is the revelation of Jesus Christ, but Jesus Christ himself. The New Testament admits that Christ does so incompletely. What do Protestants believe in revelation? We don’t know. If it is a revelation from God? This understanding of revelation with a personal encounter. World religion is a setting of world revelation. RC understanding is yes. With this concept can slip in Islam even though after Jesus Christ.
Christianity became allied with Western culture, never with the East. Constantine emperor 4th century used to enforce not theology. It was baptism or death. Christians living under Muslim were protected but they were not allowed to try to convert. Christianity falls under Abraham, Sarah, Issac, 12 tribes, Jerusalem and Jesus. Muslims under Hager, Ish meal, 12 tribes, Mecca, Mohammed. Revelation since Vatican11 - self of God (always filtered thru language and culture. God has not left God self without revelation. General and Special - Christians. For RC’s the revelations that they get is salvation. Crusades (Christian wars) last more than 2000 years. This has impacted the relationship of the two cultures. Muslims governed Spain from 711 until defeated in 1683, so for 8 hundred years. (1492 Jesuits, at least 500 years). Vatican 11 - 1962 - 1965 - trying to update the faith. Regarding non Christians states, reject nothing that is good. That enlightens men and women everywhere. Highlights between the two - Muslims and Christians. Higher power - even thought different of God’s oneness. RC believes the possibility everyone has. Vatican 11 recognized the mystery of Islam in salvation. Panel 2 recognized that both Christians and Muslims come from the children of Abraham. Neither does Abraham replace the Koran. Koran is necessary for the Muslim. If Jesus separates us, Mohammed joins us. To be continued…. Next week I want to talk about some seminars I have been to, before continuing with my psychology notes. I will probably tell you about last weeks education regarding marijuana and the developing brain. I am now alternating between Theology and Psychology notes or conferences for psychotherapy. I wish you a wonderful week and thank you for reading my blogs.
Monday, 11 February 2019
Depersonaliztion, Dissociative Fugue and Dissociative Amnesia
Persistent or recurrent experiences of feeling detached from, and as if an outside observer of one mental processes or body (eg. feeling like one is in a dream).
during depersonalization, experience reality testing remains intact.
depersonalization causes distress or impairment in social etc…..
Dissociative Fugue
predominant disturbance is sudden, non expectant travel away from home or (customary place of work, with inability to recall one’s past).
confusion about personal identity or assumption of a new identity (partial or complete).
disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of Dissociative Identity Disorder and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance etc….or medical disorder.
symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.
Dissociative Amnesia
The predominant disturbance is one or more episodes of inability to recall important personal information usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
ok, this is the end of my second notebook for abnormal psychology. There is a lot more and a continuation of dissociative amnesia. You can look up references at http://www.cmhc.com/disorders/sx24.htm. During my first psychology course “Basic Psychology” we were warned not to see the symptoms in ourselves. Physicians too when studying have to ensure that they do not internalize the same for physical symptoms. I find that many outside of the fields begin to believe they have a disorder because they see symptoms which they believe they have and then self diagnose. I do not recommend this. When I think I have a client with a disorder or a client believes she or he has a disorder, I request that their physician refers them to a psychiatrist. This is a physician with three years of psychology. Many have not had a physical for years and this is my first recommendation. Next week I shall continue with theology which I post on my blog only. I shall probably continue with notes from seminars which I have not yet shared with you. As you know if you have been reading my notes, I type out my written notes for myself to clear all my paper. Now I can destroy this notebook or leave it outside once the snow clears for someone to pick up along with my other recycling material. Remember also that my notes were written before there were revisions to the DSM. However, I consider the information quite beneficial. This is also a refresher for myself. Writing notes rather than typing them has better retention value.
Friday, 8 February 2019
New Scam. Be aware.
This is part of a scam claiming to be from amazon. It asks if you ordered this product and provides the address of where it is to be shipped to. In this case to BC. I have forwarded the email to amazon. Don't ever click on these links.
2 x Official Nerf N-Strike Elite Series Vision Gear
Sold by Amazon.com.ca, Inc.
CDN$ 11.69
2 x Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor
Sold by Amazon.com.ca, Inc.
CDN$ 16.63
Item Subtotal: CDN$ 56.64
Shipping & Handling: CDN$ 0.00
Estimated Tax (GST/HST): CDN$ 2.82
Estimated Tax (PST/QST): CDN$ 3.98
Order Total: CDN$ 63.44
The Internet Murders Discussion Questions - For Book Clubs
I am available to attend signings and book clubs for any of my books. www.silvaredigonda.com
Author Name * Silva Redigonda
Author's Website * www.silvaredigonda.com
Link to Author's Discussion Questions My blog right here listed below
Author Email Address * silva.redigonda@utoronto.ca
Cover Art Image *
Include 2-3 sentences about this book * A killer finds victims through an internet chat room. A policeman's Italian mama wants to marry him off. This is part of the "whodunit" that involves family intrigues, good food, and a mysterious cat (Holy Terror).
Questions for Discussions: 1. How is a cat utilized in this novel? 2. How many times do you think you know who the murderer is? What leads you to believe who the murderer is? In your opinion, what is the main theme to this story? What does this book reveal about life?
Wednesday, 6 February 2019
cont...from Muslim and Christians dialogue
Muslims believe that Jesus is the Messiah and go as far as believing like Catholics in the Immaculate Conception. Look at data, make decision. Mary instruments of the word, Mohammed instruments of the word, Koran. Comparison is more Mary and Mohammed, rather than Jesus and Mary. Using some words has different meaning. Revelations is something we believe RC’S. Muslims - force of law - like the Toran.
Sunnis - Abu Bark was a black man (slave). Islams believe black men and women played an important part in bringing the word.
Umar/Uthman/ Ali. Sons of Ali: Marjaal - Taqlid - (like the Pope). Alatouahs (like a Cardinal in RC). Mullaus (bottom). Use on paper Shaig scholars. Some believe they are parallel to Catholicism.
Shietes - Ali (Mohammed) son in law and cousin. Ali was contesting Muarita, son. Ali was contesting Muarita >son. Battle sons of Ali (three mentioned above with Yazin, Muarita’s son.
Shietes regard Hasan’s death of a Martyr. So do RC’s view Jesus Christ on cross. In both Shiac Islam and RC - both have been institutionalized. If you do something wrong, you have to do your own redemption. These commemorations honoured Redemption, suffering in Islam everyday. RC - daily mass. Shisim - Hussan at Kaputi (sp) just like every day RC prayer sections, commemoration first month of Muslim calender. Muharan, First ten days of Muharan, passion play, ceremonies etc……Shietes Muslims do the same things. If you have a devotion to Hussain can. If you have a devotion to Hussain can be redemptive if you do. 90% of all Muslims in the world Sunnis. 10% Shietes (almost confined to Iran and Iraq). Some Sunnis regard the Shietes as “funny” Muslims because they follow the law. Iran is the only country where Shietes is State religion (at the time of taking these notes). Most Muslims live in Indonesia, after Africa and Asia. Very peace loving people. Muslims do not resist Christianity but resist oppression. Muslims come from 60 countries and there is no agreement on what to do. If you are not Sunnis, you fall under Shietes. Ismali live in India today and don’t like what is happening. Conflict between Christianity and Islam (Muslims) began long before Jesus was born. It was a culture conflict which began with Alexander the Great. To be continued…………
Monday, 4 February 2019
Scam Alert
I have indicated that I will begin posting scams. Here is my latest which is not too bad. I was sent a gmail email address to respond but I won't post that for obvious reasons. However, we always know what may happen when one assumes. Don't be fooled by this or any other gimmick. It is so unfortunate that so many people are ticked by these fraudsters. More work needs to be done to identify them, with the help of those who they use to manipulate others.
My Name is Capt. Brian, an American soldier currently on duty in Afghanistan, I would want to ship two boxes containing (USD6M) cash to you. The above figure was given to me as my share of a huge sum of money which we discovered in boxes at a farmhouse during one of our operation here.
To conceal this huge sum of money became a problem for me but with the help of a medical Doctor working with Red Cross, I have now found a much secured way of getting the package out of Afghanistan for you to pick up.
I will discuss this with you when I am sure that you are willing to assist me.
Capt. Brian
Friday, 1 February 2019
Google going away
I just posted directly on google plus, but what I wrote, I somehow cannot find. It appears that my site will be going away and I am not sure if it will affect these blogs as well. If so I shall continue on Facebook on either the psychotherapy page or the book page. I believe Facebook will be hanging around for a while. I want to thank the 159 people who have followed me on google plus. I still have lots of notes to post, so I am not going to vanish completely. A reminder that if you want psychotherapy or couple or family therapy, you may find information on my personal web site, www.redigondapsychotherapy.com. If you want to order any of my books, or download them, you may do so on my secure web site www.silvaredigonda.com. I thank you all again for your interest and your time. Have a nice weekend.
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