I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Friday, 6 April 2018
I owe you a good blog. Today it is tid bits.
Goodmorning. I know I am behind providing you with my school notes; my bad. I have one more conference notes for you regarding transendance and for sure you will get it next week. I am now examining what conferences I am thinking of attending this year. My college requirement is 40 hours every two years and I already exceeded this amount which I will report to them in September. I cannot accumilate hours and that is ok. I need to keep growing and learning for the benefit of my clients. This is a year where so much is being offered and so I am keeping my options open until early deadlines. One of the reasons it is so hard to leave Toronto and begin a private practice in Niagara Falls is simply because everything is here. I have two very good universities right here and I have received a degree from both. I have teased with the idea of continuing to a PHD but it will cost a lot more money and time. I do need to use my brain though it is good to have a rest as well. I hope you all have a place where you can find solace to replenish your soul. Mine is in nature, in exploration in being nurtured and just being. I am fortunate that I have had parents who taught me how to work hard and play. I realize that growing up I was involved in so much. I worked part time since I was 13 years old, because I loved it. I also liked earning my own money. I went to dances, I took swimming lessons and I ice skated. I was reading a journal I had to write for school (as you know I am reading everything I have and discarding it after I type it out for blogging or other writing) and I was amazed at how much I was doing. It is no wonder that I believed sleeping was a waste of time. It is now in this phase of my life that I ensure I sleep enough each day. Fortunately, I have never not suffered from not being able to sleep which served me well in my first major career. How many careers can a person have? How long can I live? Balance is the trick and I do it well. I have and am very socialized. I can talk to anyone and consider every human being an equal. If it wasn't for my present profession, I probably wouldn't be on the internet at all. That is how much I like being with people in real life. I think it is important for people to be able to see other people's point of view. In families there can be much turmoil when one thinks differently than another and all too often there are little cliques where it is felt there is moral support and therefore it is accurate against a parent or sibling. Children need to be protected and children also need family time and fun. They need to be children. They need to have positive people in their lives so they can build up a resilience when they encounter saddnes in their lives. One of my biggest concerns right now is the amount of bullying that exists which is not being handled efficiently right now in the school systems. Every child who goes to school needs to feel that she is safe. Every teacher or staff member should ensure she is. There is a lot of controversy about children on the internet. However, there are also many parents indulging, taking time away from their children though they are together. Yesterday I happened to be in a mall watching a baby smiling at her mom who was emersed on her media. I wondered if the mom would look away, and see such a cherishing moment. I know that though some parents, especially separated or divorced feel that just being with their children is enough. It is not. If the parent is constantly on the phone or texting or looking at her social media, than the parent is not present. I have heard this complaint from children. Sometimes parents also think it is good for their children to just sit with their computer away "from negative influences". Reality check - who is your child speaking to? It is beyond me why parents are not encouraged to take courses to learn how to rear children. I remember one person telling me that he learned normality from television family shows. What show would a child watch now to see another healthy way of life? Oh well. If you are reading my blog and have a child just think a bit of what I typed. Are you really present with your child? Do you find that you provide lots of attractive gifts to make up for the time you do not spend with your child? Do you tell your child to stay indoors so you know where they are? I see addictions to video games and internet viewing at such a young age. So this is my tidbits for today. If you ever want me to write about anything of interest to you let me know. If I know something about it, I will share. In the meantime have a good weekend. Be kind to yourself and give yourself a treat. Become more focused on how you react to others, and how others react to you. How is your family system? Do you spend quality time with your child? Do you have fun? One of the questions I ask parents is where is the fun? What do you think?
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