I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Friday, 27 October 2017
Alfred Hitchcock's North By NorthWest is great! Books arrived.
It is busy again as I try to pause and determine which conferences to attend or not and what Associations to continue or not. What I always recommend to people is to have a balance in life and so I am taking my own medicine to a new level. I have subscribed with MIrvish to see six plays at the theatre. I love the theatre, but haven't actually been committed for one reason or another. But when you pay in advance you become more so. I normally wait til something arrives that I am really interested in and this time North by Northwest and Come Fly .....peaked my interest. I could not for the life of me figure out how they could turn such a movie into a play and it did not disappoint - cimema of course. The actors and cinema was so intertwined and connected. I loved it all. The leading actor I have seen before on "Murdock Murder Mysteries" set in Toronto in the good old days before I was born or you for that matter. Love it! If I write again about a play I saw you will know I have fallen in love with it.
Next my books, "The Internet Murders" has arrived. I love the cover. My publisher and editor, "Cranberry Tree Press" never fails to impress me. Now, I have to determine how I can connect it to Canada Post so I can sell it on the world wide web. I have found that my second ebook "For Love of Country MIlitary Policewoman" has been selling without my permission or me getting any funds. It is unfortunate that people take your work and sell it making an income for themselves. I have always been in the service of others so this is all new to me. Again I let you know, so you can be aware, if you write a book yourself and try to sell it. I am determined because writing is my passion (one of them).
Have a great weekend. I am seeing another play next week. If it is great I will write about it here but if not I will find the time to continue writing my psych notes about fear. In the meantime, have a nice weekend, have fun and try to maintain a balance in your life. Be kind to yourself. What do you think?
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Canadian Veterans in need
Hi, I am on a roll today. I have cut and pasted this for you. I have a special interest in supporting and helping veterans. It is heart wrenching for me that veterans are found homeless on the streets of Toronto. That has got to stop. Transitions should be carefully considered. So, note below which I found in FSNA. I hope it can help some of you.
Many organizations provide financial assistance to veterans and their families. The following are some funds that can help veterans and their families who may need financial support for different reasons.
The Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Trust Fund is available to veterans —including serving and former Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and RCMP members — and their dependants. Grants are available for food, fuel, clothing, prescription medication, medical appliances or equipment, essential home repairs and emergency shelter or other similar types of assistance. You can apply for financial assistance from the Royal Canadian Legion by contacting the service officer at your local Legion branch or provincial command or through Dominion Command.
The Dominion Command of The Royal Canadian Legion also acts as a coordinator for several United Kingdom Benevolent Funds through the Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League. These funds are generally reserved for veterans and their dependants who suffer misfortune, encounter an emergency or are seriously disadvantaged. Veterans or dependents who have ongoing difficulty making ends meet may also be considered for an annuity.
For more information, call toll-free at 1-877-534-4666 to speak to a Legion service officer.
The Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund is available to veterans who served in the Navy and their spouses. For information, call toll-free at 1-888-557-8777 or 613-996-5087.
The Canadian Forces Personnel Assistance Fund provides financial assistance to serving and former CAF members and their families through the following programs:
Minor Disbursement Program provides grants up to $200 to relieve temporary distress and to promote the well-being of serving and former CAF Regular Force members and their dependents. Grants are available on a one-time, lifetime basis.
The CFPAF Financial Distress Program offers grants up to $5,000 and loans up to $25,000 to serving and former CAF Regular Force and Reserve Force members.
For more information, call toll-free at 1-888-753-9828.
The Support Our Troops Program, administered by the Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services also provides financial assistance through a number of programs:
The Military Families Fund provides financial assistance to serving and former CAF Regular Force and Reserve Force members and their families who find themselves in unforeseen situations. They may have immediate financial needs resulting from conditions of military service.
The Soldier On Fund was established to support ill and injured military personnel with a permanent or chronic disability. It is available to both serving and former CAF members and their families to help them attain an active and healthy lifestyle. It helps personnel increase their independence, develop new skills, achieve goals and open the door to other life opportunities.
The Hospital Comforts Fund ensures that serving CAF members who are hospitalized for longer than 48 hours have access to telephone, television, Internet services and reading material for the duration of their stay in hospital.
For more information on any of the funds in the Support Our Troops Program, send an email to Fund.Military@cfmws.com or call toll-free at 1-877-445-6444.
Lastly, funds are available from the RCMP Benefit Trust Fund to provide financial relief and promote the well-being of former RCMP members and their immediate family members. For more information, contact the RCMP Veterans Association national office by telephone at 613-993-8633.
You can also contact the Association’s Veterans Officer toll-free at 1-855-304-4700 or at 613-745-2559.
For Ontario women who have been sexually assaulted - Help resources
I have cut and pasted a portion of an email I received from the Ministry of the Status of women for Ontario. Since I work from Toronto which is in Ontario, I focus on a specific area to refer clients, who may need additional help. I hope this may help some of you or someone you know.
The Ministry of the Status of Women is committed to advancing gender equality across Ontario. The ministry collaborates with partners across the province on key initiatives to end violence against women and improve women's economic independence and security. The ministry supports programs and services for women in Ontario, but does not provide direct services.
With respect to your inquiry, you may wish to contact the Assaulted Women's Helpline to seek referral information about local services for women in your community. The helpline offers a 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis line to all women who have experienced abuse, and also provides referral information to service providers and others. For more information about the helpline's services, please visit: http://www.awhl.org/contact-us. To access the helpline:
GTA 416.863.0511 or GTA TTY 416.364.8762
TOLL-FREE 1.866.863.0511 or TOLL-FREE TTY 1.866.863.7868
You may also wish to contact your local Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centre to seek referral information related to assessments for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. A list of these centres is provided at: http://satcontario.com/en/home.php.
Your local sexual assault centre is also a source of referral information about services for women in your community. A list of these centres is available at: http://www.sexualassaultsupport.ca/support.
Lastly, the ministry's on-line resource, Getting Help, provides information for women experiencing violence, and is available at: http://www.women.gov.on.ca/owd/english/ending-violence/help.shtml
Sexual Assault is never the person's fault.
About a month ago I was at a salon having my nails done when I overheard a woman employee say she was not judgemental however, a woman who was raped had to take responsibility because of the way she was dressed. She was saying a lot of other things that was
making me cringe and needless to say I will not be returning to that place. A while ago a judge made a comment regarding a woman who was sexually assault laying responsibility on her because of one thing or another. I am amazed that in the year 2017, we are still so limited and restricted in our way of thinking. First of all, it does not matter how a person, male or female is dressed, rape/sexual assault is never an invitation. All these comments do is blame the survivor/victim. Rape has nothing to do with sex and it has everything to do with power. For some reason this mode of thinking is being passed on from generation to generation and from culture to culture. I cannot count the amount of women who have informed me of being sexually assaulted. Men are too. Children are too. Is it all their fault? Is it partially their fault? No!!!! You can be having sex with a person of legal age and at any time you can change your mind and that needs to be respected. There are so many people who do not report being violated. Many are traumatized and sink into a deep depression, re-evaluating life as they saw it. Some suffer PTSD, living the assault over and over again. This mindless accusations of blame should only rest on the perp. Each time you blame a woman or man who has been victimized, you excuse who is actually at fault. So, please think about this. Offer support and kindness to any one who has reported being violated. Stop blaming those who have been hurt. Start trying to find out the facts based on evidence. If you are in a position of authority with power over those who have been abused, try to determine your own biases and be able to separate them from sound decision making. I am having hope for the changes I see around me. The average voice is heard more often with the introduction of wide media. It is more important than ever for education to include misconceptions, empathy and even manners. I was going to write about my meeting on Monday with the idea that I should continue with the psych notes regarding fear. But this is part of fear, is it not? Blame is all to often internalized when it should not be. How often have I said, "It is not your fault. You have nothing to be ashamed of. He (they) should be ashamed." It makes me cringe when I hear that "gang bangers" will tell their targets not to report to the police because they are even worse. If you have been assaulted it is not your fault. You have suffered enough. Find your own safe place and choose your own friends who are truly supportive of you. If you have been raped consider the option of going to hospital where there is a rape kit. You do not need to make a decision right now. Do not bathe or shower as much as you want to cleanse yourself. You have months to make that decision while the evidence is intact. If you hear the slightest hint that it was your fault, do not believe it. Talk to someone who you trust. Seek help to cope. Join a support group or get the counselling you may need.
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
Fear - Continuing psych notes
I am continuing with my psych notes from 1/4/17. Fear -
Client suffering from anxiety disorder - increase benzpdepozine - fine tune - with drugs. Operations not feasible. Help with symptoms - don’t want to induce addiction.
Fear is not always harmful. It not only energizes people, when people get frightened, they don’t feel pain. Once fear passes, pain is felt. If a wolf bites - fight it off- if in pain, not able to fight. Pain free can defend self. However, have lots of people who have never been fearful, but then exposed to experience or several beyond normal. Eg. downsizing - A Professor, 65 years of age is to be fired from hospital in next three months. Too much is coming in and therefore too much can become overwhelmed. There is nothing wrong with biology but wrong with the environment - reasonable - mortgages, salary. The other possibility is minding your own business and you get attacked underground or are subject of terrorism or war - time duration is relatively short but fear is excessive. Few people would be able to say, “oh well, bombs all over me and blowing people apart” - it would be generally overwhelming. It can generate anxiety disorder relatively quickly. It is the circumstances, not the biology. Another thing too emotionally is that learning and memory is enhanced greatly.
At cognition level - the way in which people construe events eg. happen to live next to foreign speaking people - if idea is that all are terrorists and kill Canadians. If a cognition therapist is trying to change their cognitive perspective - one way is to ask for evidence. “ You think……..What evidence do you have for this?” As cognitive view changes. Anxiety goes away. Psychoanalytic will look at conflict because of ID - Ego has to repress. Gets conflicts out in open and tries to resolve it. Behavior will tend to look at specific stimuli that cause anxiety and will try to desensitize the person.
Next: hierarchy Approach for psychoanalyst
Thursday, 5 October 2017
Networking day - Professional Development
Yesterday I drove to Hamilton Ontario for six hours of ongoing professional education. Another certificate to file for proof that I attended. If I covered my wall with such certificates, people would think I am bragging. If I ever move and get a home office, I will do that though, just to remind me of everything I have done. However, in my office, I like to keep it simple.
I found Hamilton to be quite beautiful and the hospital was in the mountains somewhere and I was quite pleased that my sibling had given me the gift of gps. I may have been going in circles, but I got there. Beautiful water views and traffic is a no brainer compared to the nightmare in Toronto.
One of the speakers from a Toronto Theology University shared how in her psychology undergrad at a university I will not name was very opposed to any questions about God or theology. Of course I raised my hand and mentioned that at my university at York University, though ten years later I did not find that. We also offered psychology and religion. I also remember a professor teaching when out of the blue he talked about the universe. He said that though everything is all in order, throw something in that order and you have chaos. "How can that not have to do with God?" He asked rhetorically or words to that effect. The next speaker also teaching from a theological viewpoint, hence her college, spoke of being confused regarding viewing pastoral/spirituality as a separate module rather than encompassing the whole. Perhaps because I am in private practice only, it is much easier for me to comprehend spirituality as a separate modality. In being able to practice therapy, one must first be able to face own biases and subjectivity and be able to focus on the client and their own subjectivity. For me it is about assessing each individual on their own merit, belief system etc....However, that does not separate me from myself and who I am. The focus is on the client and not on myself. I must be able to separate myself from myself so to speak. The first professor responded to my going to a Toronto University and professors would be more inclined to be open to religion due to the diversity of the people and religions in Toronto. I have been pondering that. Are we that closed minded if we do not come from a diverse city? I would like to disagree. I think that perhaps it was the biases that prevented her professors from keeping an open mind. Education should encourage thought and questions and who the educator is and his or her own biases may prevent the growth of those who study and learn from them. You do not have to believe in God to discuss God or answer a question relating to God. How can you help people if you disregard what is important to them? I have been honoured to have had clients with such a wide spectrum of diversity. I have been fortunate to have travelled and worked with amazing people. When any professor waves a question away casually, it may be time for re-evaluation. Of course these same professors may have a different perspective at this time. We learn by questioning. What do you think?
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