I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Monday, 23 January 2017
Update - Working on third book
I know I promised you that I would be writing about pedophiles today after checking up resources. However, I have to suspend my writings for all that, except for what I am focusing on at this time aside from my private practice. I had planned to take a three week vacation and to work solely on my third book for my one or two fans. However, that is not practical and if I don't start dedicating some time for my book, than it will not be completed. So, I am doing my best to make this work by writing about one hour a day. Today I spent several hours, on it, but went back to the beginning of my work, to change the spelling of one character's name. As I am doing this, I decided to use another pattern, to initiate more suspense. This book is about a nasty serial killer in Toronto. A teaser is at the back of my second book. I am now changing the teaser slightly. I think I am a better writer each time, I write another book. I will not be ignoring you as that simply is not nice after you continue to read my blogs. So, hopefully I can generate some interest as I inform you weekly of where I am at in my third book without giving too much away of the meat and potatoes so to speak. My next books after that will be one on therapy so to speak and another on spirituality/religion. Those I will not have to change what I write here for you because it does not need the same type of focus. However, this book is all about my imagination and it is purely fiction. So, please do not stop reading me, but come along for the ride. I need to stay fresh and focused on my characters. Ideally, I like to write in the morning and then clear my head, but this will not always be possible. So, I am not going to thank you for your patience, because I normally find that phrase most annoying. Perhaps you are not patient, but I hope you can be with me. Wish me luck with this book. It is my most fun and creative side, me thinks, with a deadly edge. Holy Terror, my cat is one of the characters. She insisted. Have a fun week and do something you love to do! What do you think.
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
Scams, scams, and why my books???????
It seems there is so much fraud going on these days and it does get tiresome. I have never made a profit selling my books. I will continue to write them because I love to write as some of you know. I am quite proud that I have two fans and now maybe only one. I am almost an open book you may say. It gets tiresome, weekly getting emails from companies or imposters seeking employment for me. I am not interested and do not even open the attachments, so please stop annoying me. Even though I have indicated on my web site that I am willing to work one or two days, that would be only for emergency services personnel. I have an office and everyone may come to me. I have my fee and am not interested in all those rediculous emails, that only wastes my time when I press the delete button. I suggest the same to you who are honest out there. As for my books and ebooks. The only authorized departments to sell my books or ebooks is me at www.silvaredigonda.com (my website), KOBO, Military Police Kit and that is it. My first book is at Eglinton and Yonge and St Clair and Yonge. My second book is not in any stores. That hasn't been without trying. These are the times and trials. They are selling my books on line in the States for a rediculous amount of money and they are offering downloads for free again in the States. However, you have to register and I suggest you do not. I have requested for it to stop and of course that has been totally ignored. Do you really want to give those people hiding behind computers your financial information to buy what they should not be selling? If they are stealing from me, do you think they would stop there? So, if you want to buy my book, please buy it from me, where I get all the funds or the others where they get the bulk. I do make a profit from my first book but not my second unless it is the download. Tomorrow, I want to go back to my third book. I can delay no longer. I have to give it at least one hour a day preferably at the start of the day. First I have to re-read everything I wrote and examine my white board to refresh my stale memory. Then once I have it all instilled in my brain, I will focus on the climax and ending. I will keep you briefed. Next week I want to write about something I read this morning about pedophiles. I am going to try to find the source of the article. I find I am more relaxed about writing on my blog, than I ever would writing a formal paper. Then I will return to my psych notes as well.
Have a nice day, be kind to yourself, lift your chin up and smile (no fake smiles please) and please do not buy my books or ebooks from people who cannot write themselves and try to make money from others.
Tuesday, 17 January 2017
Dialogue Decalogue - discussion not debate -theology notes
How to write a paper - First there is a method. If you want to write a paper regarding Christians and Jews and you want a Christian perspective - pay attention and give app to prevent other view and then base conclusion for both. Lonergan - First you need data. Then you need understanding followed by judgement and decision. You need to examine both sides of issues. Anti-Semitism - conflict between church and synagogue. Further got away from the death of Jesus, the more problems. Retrojection rather than historical account. Why did Jesus die? There is suggestion that it was written so that Romans would not look bad. The Pharisees were arguing for persons in the community. From the standpoint of the Pharisees, Jesus never answered where persons start - community and vice versa. Where did the Pharisees go? No temple, no job. They fell with the temple.
Fathers - 70 A.D. Punishment of God because of crucification of Jesus. Israel offends God. He who consults and hates……(GM) 2nd century, Jesus does the same to God Deicide. 3rd century Tertulliar - anti-Semitism building into 3rd century. 4th - Hippotas - God put curse, because killed Jesus - wander homeless til the end of time. Why has not the Vatican recognized the state of Israel? Not to go against the church fathers. Recognized state of Israel in 1993 for political reasons; not theological.
Eupetfis Caesuric - JC.
Luthur - venemous beasts.
Presbyterian - most worse jobs for Jews.
Christians put Jews in Gettos without a church. Hitler would not be possible. Hitler pointed out that he was doing what the Christians were doing for 1500 years.
Emancipation of the Jews. 18th century (Enlightenment) 2nd half of the 18th century - Church opposed human rights. Church argued to give rights to humans is to take rights away from God.
1862 - Church recognized rights of human. France was first place for hints of rights in 1776. Declaration 1789 of rights of man. This had little effect on the treatment of Jews. 1791 - Jews were given political freedom in France, but still there was prejudice.
Dreyfus Affair - (Tales of two cities by Dickens). - was imprisoned, Jewish, plea for innocence.
2. Country - Prussia - Frederick William 3rd; 1858 - England; 1838 (Black slavery stopped)
Russia - 1917 - Jews get equality.
From the Middle Ages to Enlightenment Jews lived in Ghetto. They learned to survive which is why they are so good now. 2000 years they have been pounded upon. 7% Orthodox Jews.
Muslims - 3% of Philippines are Muslim. Muslims suffered as well by Christians there. When Prof was in the Philippines, Muslims were living in the “sticks” No one with a Muslim name could find work. 1980 began change.
Next : Theological issues
Wednesday, 11 January 2017
Obama Farewell speech - a motivator to not stay away from Politics and Saudi Arabia shame on you for todays talk
As I have informed you before, I have consistently been advised to stay away from politics and I think I have been quite good. But, what the heck, it is a new year, I am a year older and not necessarily wiser and so today I will talk a tad about politics. Me bad.
When Obama came into power I was nervous for him. Honestly, I thought someone would hurt him because of all the guns and the KKK still pouncing around in the States. I think the KKK know better than to try that in Toronto. They did in the past without success. We have a zero tolerance for hatred, more now than ever before. That is not to say that there is no hate. Hate like a vine travels and sometimes one can be oblivious when it blends in with the greenery. However, I was also so happy that Obama had achieved the highest post with the blessing and vote of the American people. Last night I was turning channels when I stopped to hear Obama’s farewell speech. I was so proud of having such an amazing neighbour. He has done so much for his country. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I just glowed when he spoke and gave praise to his wife and family. It reminded me of our own Prime Minister defending the love he has for his wife when he defended an embrace. He was holding his wife and what is wrong with that? What is wrong with that indeed? I am proud to be a Canadian and even though I could live elsewhere for a while, Toronto Canada will always be my home, for better or for worse. Yes I do dream of living in Niagara Falls and I do hope it will happen one day but the universities and education is all here. During the one month where I seemed to be at Conferences weekly, I realized that if I had lived elsewhere, I would have had to return too often. So, am I willing to retire or slow down yet? Not right now. Sometimes, we take for granted where we live.
Regarding Obama, seeing him on my “small” tv, I saw the massiveness of the man. He has charisma; he has poise. I see an intelligent, gracious man. It was difficult to hear him say goodbye.
I always thought it would be better to have a business person heading the country rather than a lawyer. There are a lot of lawyer jokes out there. There is a saying, “be careful what you wish for….” How do people vote? Do they vote strategically? Do they vote on impulse? Do they vote based on their own biases? Is there research regarding this? Perhaps, a bit of all. The States is our neighbour and therefore very important to me. We have always had a positive relationship. I have neighbours who are American and I love to hear their perspectives in how they compare our two countries. One American who is heavily involved in politics here told me that our system in Canada is airtight in filtering politicians who would not be suitable to lead the country, unlike the States. I am not quite sure what that means or involves. I am not even sure if the information is accurate. Ultimately, it is the people who vote and I also think that who is elected is reflected by the people who vote for them. I live in a democratic society but I am also aware that democracy is a privilege and hard earned. There are leaders in countries who despise freedom. They hate and encourage hate of anyone who thinks differently then they. They want to take power and retain power and do so by promoting hate. However, though the people in these country suffer in fear, there are always those who despite the consequences, speak up to what is right. What is right? Recently, I watched a documentary, regarding the hidden side of Saudi Arabia. It was broadcasted on the National News, The Passionate Eye. My pet is presently sitting on my notes, so instead of disturbing my princess, I will relate by memory. The King of Saudi Arabia considers himself King supreme (my interpretation). His mug is plastered on the tall considered beautiful buildings. People speaking out against the government or interpreted religion are jailed and lashed. We are in the 21st century and beheading and whipping is still occurring? I am sorry, but I think that is not only horrendous, it is primitive. Children in school are taught by books made in Saudi Arabia which are distributed through out the world, that the Shia Muslim is blasphemes as are Christians. Of course Christians should be wiped out of the surface of the earth (my words). (I really wish my purring pup would let me take my notes. But Holy Terror is just too happy that I am typing away with her nearby. I do not have the heart) Where is the heart and soul of these treacherous leaders? The documentary shows a beautiful Muslim woman being bold enough to drive a car and of course is imprisoned for almost three months. Women are often found begging in the streets because they have no livelihood. Then there is the religion police who should never have the title of “police” because it desecrates it. Nor should it have the title of religion. It doesn’t actually but that is the interpretation because that is how this religion is exploited for personal means. The founder of this religion did respect women. I have written papers about that on my blogs. Saudi Arabia, so rich has deplorable prisons where one prisoner is seen hanging while being abused by fellow inmates and another injecting himself with a syringe. It shows a poor side of town where sewage crawls along the poor.
Saudi Arabia is not the only country which exploits it people. It is important for me to understand people and know where they are coming from. I like it that my country opens up its arms and takes in these people who suffer. Where do people escape the atrocity of dictatorship and torture if doors are closed? How do we help people heal when they find a new home here? When a country is rich and treats its people with so much disregard and women with no respect what so ever, what does this say about our world? What about Russia and China and…………….? We can dissect countries who exploit their own and just want to control the Western World. That makes it very important for us to each respect the right to vote and to do it to the best of our ability. We can never take our liberty for granted. I could never live in a country where I am considered less than my male counterpart. I can never live in a country that tries to silence me. I can never live in a country that imprisons me, whips me into submission or kills me. I can reach out to help those who have suffered and suffered greatly, I can vote analytically and not based on personal biases. I can vote for a man or woman who has a voice to promote equality without fear diplomatically. I can vote for a woman or man who has a keen sense of duty and responsibility for all people. Obama, it is your fault that I am writing this today because I really liked you as a person and what you did for your country. Actually, I know that it is not your fault, but what the heck. Goodbye Obama family and I do wish you well. You served so graciously and eloquently while trimming off some of the venomous vine.
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
Fear - Continuing psych notes
Client suffering from anxiety disorder - increase benzpdepozine - fine tune - with drugs. Operations not feasible. Help with symptoms - don’t want to induce addiction.
Fear is not always harmful. It not only energizes people, when people get frightened, they don’t feel pain. Once fear passes, pain is felt. If a wolf bites - fight it off- if in pain, not able to fight. Pain free can defend self. However, have lots of people who have never been fearful, but then exposed to experience or several beyond normal. Eg. downsizing - A Professor, 65 years of age is to be fired from hospital in next three months. Too much is coming in and therefore too much can become overwhelmed. There is nothing wrong with biology but wrong with the environment - reasonable - mortgages, salary. The other possibility is minding your own business and you get attacked underground or are subject of terrorism or war - time duration is relatively short but fear is excessive. Few people would be able to say, “oh well, bombs all over me and blowing people apart” - it would be generally overwhelming. It can generate anxiety disorder relatively quickly. It is the circumstances, not the biology. Another thing too emotionally is that learning and memory is enhanced greatly.
Next for psychology note continuation is : at the cognition level. Next week back to theology
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