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Tuesday, 4 October 2016
New Testament - Notes (studies with the Jesuits). Note that the current Pope is a Jesuit
There is anti-Semitism in the New Testament. Let’s assume Jesus was born in year one. Let us assume that Jesus died in year 33. Who was the first person to write anything about him? Paul never saw Jesus (50’s).
|______________| _____________50 Paul |_______Mark (2nd) 68’s Rome ____70
1 B
Destruction of Temple |___________80-90 Mathew \ Antiac Syria 85 - famous counsel Jamnin - Christian continuing to attend synagogues |__________________Luke 80-85 debate
most Rome and say Luke disciple of Paul; many say Luke was not a Jew but a gentile.|______________90 John Ephesus Turkey. Early Christians had two religions. They wanted to be Jews. The point is that the further we go from the death of Jesus Christ, the more anti-Semitic we begin. We have two communities. Our first gospels (Symantics MM+L Q source).
John for example is not - it is high. God is the word etc….not history. Gospels were written at a time when the Jewish community was divided among themselves. They were not objective. Each theologian had their own interests. Gospels were written many years after the death of Jesus. Mark is least anti-Semitic. Luke is not a Jew. Mathew- after the temple fell. Sadducees - priestly interpreters of law. When the temple fell- no more temple needed. Mathew - some passages are very anti-semantic in tone. Chapter 21 - “Therefore I tell you kingdom of God is taken away from you.” - squeezing Jews out of the Jew. M —22 vs- parallel of the King. Supercessionist - replacement theology. M 27 - Key to anti-Semitism. “I am innocent of this man’s blood. His blood be on us and on our children. Therefore, Jesus is accepting the blame. Most Jews did not even know about his existence. Evidence that Jews accepted blame for death of Jesus. Deicide - the death of God. Anti-Semitism also focused on the Pharisees. Mathew - Chapter 23 - where collect all the nasties and put it in one sermon - the same person who said forgive your enemies. We have Mathew consistently putting down the Pharisees. In Luke, the Pharisees are on Jesus side. Go away - Harold wants to kill. Mathew wrote at a time when there was a struggle to separate the Christians from the Jews. Division was to differentiate the Christians from the Synagogues (no more vicious fight as that of a family). John wrote in 90. He preached to Gentiles, but Gentiles did not understand the Jewish law. It is difficult to understand Jews in John because there can be a variety Judaism, Jewish religion, high priest, etc……According to some scholars, it refers to problems as a whole. But same as movies with good/bad, emphasize Jews wanted to kill Jesus because made himself equal to God. Jesus is bread in heaven, life and light of world. Jesus becomes good shepherd, replaced Jewish leadership. Jesus body replaces temples. 8:44 - Jews were children in the devil. Christology is the left hand of anti-Semitism. The most vicious wars have been religious wars. Remember that the Gospel of John was written after - hate literature - concluding with Word of God. If written today would take him to court. Historical - Who killed Jesus Christ? What killed Jesus Christ? - theological. Theologically we killed Jesus, not the Jews. “The hand of God who takes away the sins of the world.”
New Testament to be continued ………….(in about 2 weeks) next week back to psych.
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