I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Disorders - continue from psych notes
Disorders - a number of ways people have conceptualized content - will introduce another way of conceptualizing - by looking at what is it of abnormal behavior and what goes wrong.
Abnormal Behavior : Cognitive and Emotions gone array. Two types of processing:
Cognition (thinking) - Prob. neurologist and Pys. - In about every neurological disorder there is emotional too. eg. Multiple Sorosis - has emotional sequel. Once mess up things in one area, normally effects other. eg. A parent dies - feeling sad is normal and not irrational. There is a learning component to emotion. Learn when to be happy and sad- context that evokes emotions is probably not inborn. Brain probably constructed for rational thought. (a) There was a paper written in 1920- Bektrant Russel and North Whitehead. Question posed is what is basis of mathematics? Point is math can be reduced to logic and logic - which can be reduced to the a/m.
Emotions: clinical psychology - get changes of patterns of thinking. There are a few ways we can have abnormal behavior occurrences. a. problem with thinking processing behavior will be unusual because of abnormal behavior or have problem because some emotion is not enough or overcharged. There are some basic fundamental emotions. 1+1. eg. Shepherd job is to take the sheep to carrell in the evening. One night he was not sure if he had brought all the sheep back. He had no real way of checking. Being clever he did as follows: used pebbles to put in a bag as sheep went through- which was the 1 to 1 correspondence between sheep and pebble - process same at night by removing pebbles when went through- if less than had to go find sheep. *Logic - any logical statement can be reduced to 1 to 1. Cognition in purest sense is logical thinking. 1 to 1 - if pay bill - for same amount - exact correspondence. Emotions function completely different. Emotion takes the stimulus and either amplifies it or de-amplifies it - don’t have 1 to 1 correspondence. eg. someone smashed my fender. 1. Can rant and rave and unfairness of the world; or will look, will cost $1000. to repair. 50 h x 20 = to pay; won’t gain by wasting energy so will repair. Latter process is more rational. What happened? How will deal with it? This is the difference. This is idealized because even when we think we are being rational and calm, there is some colouring of emotion.
Next: this topic is to be continued with Six Emotions (basic emotions). However, let's not forget we are alternating with theology notes. Have a nice day.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Positive changes coming to a hospital near you? Check this out.
This month and next will be busy with seminars and conferences as well as my regular work but today I would like to share information with you regarding my second last conference a few weeks ago, Oct 5 at Sunnybrook Hospital. The speaker was Dr. Darcy Harris, regarding Spirituality and Health. Dr Harris is an Associate Professor and Thanatology Co-ordinator at Kings University, at the University of Western Ontario. She serves on the board of directors for St Joseph’s Health Care in London, where she is also current Chair of the Quality Committee of the Board. This is among her other credits. I found the day quite exciting and motivating because we are in for positive change and that I think you all want to hear. The following information is provided to you from handouts that Dr Harris supplied, the seminar and my notes. The topic The Sustaining Capacity of Compassionate Care.
She reported what we already know and what the National Health Service Upheaval in the UK (Francis Report, 2013) divulged that the health care system was focused on doing the system’s business - not on patients. The standards and methods of measuring compliance did not focus on the effect of service on patients. There is disengagement, disinterest, and tolerance of poor standards and risk to patients. There is failure to address challenges that interfered with maintaining a positive work culture, in nursing and especially the medical profession. The findings of the Francis report - “”It should be patients-not numbers which count…”””
“”””A fundamental culture change is needed…””(Francis Report, 2013)
“Patients tolerate and even expect to endure some suffering with their illness;however, many describe a different kind of suffering that resulted from the way they were treated by their doctors and other professional staff in the health care setting”””(Ballatt & Campling, 2011).
A movement began in Scotland as a way to re-humanize health care (www.whatmatterstoyou.scot)
Multiple studies has depicted that compassionate care improves health outcomes, reduces expenses, increases patient satisfaction, better adherence to treatment recommendations, fewer medical errors and malpractice claim and more resilience in health care workers. Research found that kinder care and improved information sharing resulting from compassionate practices leads to a range of improved outcomes including, faster healing of wounds, reduced pain, reduced anxiety, reduced blood pressure, shorter hospitals stays and shorter duration and severity of the common cold (www.dignityhealth.org/about-us/press-center/press-releases/scientific-literature-review-with-standford). Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto is affiliating with Harvard University to incorporate empathy and compassion. (I had to stop jumping from my seat at the news). (Check out www.ccare.standord.edu)
Sunnybrook hospital is affiliating with Harvard ““to make the unbearable bearable’’’’, the Swartz Rounds (Ken Schwartz). The mission, “”to support and advance compassionate healthcare in which caregivers, patients and their families relate to one another in a way that provides hope to the patients, support to caregivers, and sustenance to the healing process. Sponsor education, training, fostering rounds that focus on compassionate approaches and recognition of caregivers who embody the values of compassionate caregiving. The goal is for compassionate caring to rise above institutional rules and practices, encourage health workers to reconnect to the heart of their practice, to increase the happiness, well-being, and resilience of health care workers. Finally, to provide connections between health care workers across the globe in order to support compassionate care. You can also check out www.heartsinhealth.com)
One movie clip we watched touched me as a patient talked about her hospital experience. She was on life support and doctors would come in with their interns and talk over the patient never acknowledging her. Of all the doctors and nurses only one would come into her room and touch her shoulder and talk to her. This nurse would talk about tidbits on the news, the weather outside, and anything else. She said that after 20 years she still remembers him and feels the gratitude. He talked to her. She heard everything on life support.
One of the questions asked was if there are any other hospitals who have incorporated this method of empathic and compassionate care. I remembered being in Montreal at St Mary’s Hospital and I was so impressed with their cancer care. The chaplain told me that staff and doctors are informed to care for patients as if they are members of their own family. I was so impressed with the care and patience I saw there. I had never seen that quality of care before. However, it is Children’s hospital in Montreal which has implemented the care as mentioned in our lecture.
Parking at Sunnybrook alone cost me $26.00 (ouch!) However, parking in Toronto is getting crazy along with everything else. But the day organized by Bill Ford was amazing with lunch to boot and another certificate for me, which I keep in my file drawers for counting educational hours, for my college). I have shared this with you and provided you with references because how we have been taking care of patients is changing and we are moving towards positive change. Any errors which I have typed, I hold myself and only myself responsible for.
Have a nice day, balance your life with fun, work and play and do not forget to rest. What do you think?
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
New Testament - Notes (studies with the Jesuits). Note that the current Pope is a Jesuit
There is anti-Semitism in the New Testament. Let’s assume Jesus was born in year one. Let us assume that Jesus died in year 33. Who was the first person to write anything about him? Paul never saw Jesus (50’s).
|______________| _____________50 Paul |_______Mark (2nd) 68’s Rome ____70
1 B
Destruction of Temple |___________80-90 Mathew \ Antiac Syria 85 - famous counsel Jamnin - Christian continuing to attend synagogues |__________________Luke 80-85 debate
most Rome and say Luke disciple of Paul; many say Luke was not a Jew but a gentile.|______________90 John Ephesus Turkey. Early Christians had two religions. They wanted to be Jews. The point is that the further we go from the death of Jesus Christ, the more anti-Semitic we begin. We have two communities. Our first gospels (Symantics MM+L Q source).
John for example is not - it is high. God is the word etc….not history. Gospels were written at a time when the Jewish community was divided among themselves. They were not objective. Each theologian had their own interests. Gospels were written many years after the death of Jesus. Mark is least anti-Semitic. Luke is not a Jew. Mathew- after the temple fell. Sadducees - priestly interpreters of law. When the temple fell- no more temple needed. Mathew - some passages are very anti-semantic in tone. Chapter 21 - “Therefore I tell you kingdom of God is taken away from you.” - squeezing Jews out of the Jew. M —22 vs- parallel of the King. Supercessionist - replacement theology. M 27 - Key to anti-Semitism. “I am innocent of this man’s blood. His blood be on us and on our children. Therefore, Jesus is accepting the blame. Most Jews did not even know about his existence. Evidence that Jews accepted blame for death of Jesus. Deicide - the death of God. Anti-Semitism also focused on the Pharisees. Mathew - Chapter 23 - where collect all the nasties and put it in one sermon - the same person who said forgive your enemies. We have Mathew consistently putting down the Pharisees. In Luke, the Pharisees are on Jesus side. Go away - Harold wants to kill. Mathew wrote at a time when there was a struggle to separate the Christians from the Jews. Division was to differentiate the Christians from the Synagogues (no more vicious fight as that of a family). John wrote in 90. He preached to Gentiles, but Gentiles did not understand the Jewish law. It is difficult to understand Jews in John because there can be a variety Judaism, Jewish religion, high priest, etc……According to some scholars, it refers to problems as a whole. But same as movies with good/bad, emphasize Jews wanted to kill Jesus because made himself equal to God. Jesus is bread in heaven, life and light of world. Jesus becomes good shepherd, replaced Jewish leadership. Jesus body replaces temples. 8:44 - Jews were children in the devil. Christology is the left hand of anti-Semitism. The most vicious wars have been religious wars. Remember that the Gospel of John was written after - hate literature - concluding with Word of God. If written today would take him to court. Historical - Who killed Jesus Christ? What killed Jesus Christ? - theological. Theologically we killed Jesus, not the Jews. “The hand of God who takes away the sins of the world.”
New Testament to be continued ………….(in about 2 weeks) next week back to psych.
Monday, 3 October 2016
Word on the Street - Yes!
Word on the Street was fun and extraordinary at the same time. There is an excitement that generates when you get writers and readers alike at one grand festival. I do love the waterfront and having a view of watching the lake with boats and planes passing by is just about perfect. Again I met tourists and one complained to me about paying 600. a night and getting served with paper plates and cups. I told him he should complain but he didn’t want to. Then I informed him (once again - since last year) that our Mayor loves tourists and he should write him a letter of his experience with the hotel. I have never paid $600. a night for a hotel, but I would expect proper plates etc……Well this is one tourist who will return to his country and tell them how horrible the service is here in Toronto and how expensive. That is too bad, because we do have a beautiful city with lots of real plates and glasses too.
I met many wonderful people from Toronto as well who just love books and talking about them. I promised my third book for sale at the next “Word on the Street.” It is so meaningful when people return to find my next book. I can only hope that I bring some joy to people. I love writing as you may have guessed. This is such an amazing world and we each need to find a way to make it better for someone else as well as ourselves. What is your passion? What do you think?
( I will be writing another entry having to do with theology this week as promised)
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