I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Wednesday, 13 July 2016
Do you do volunteer work? Share your opinion here if you like.
Summer 2016 publication of SAGE (National Association of Federal Retirees) Borrowed Time by Sharon Kirkey, reported that Canada’s charitable sector is the second largest. The Netherlands reigned and the USA ranks fifth. Half our country’s estimated 170,000 non-profits and charities are run entirely by volunteers. This means that Canadians worked 1.96 billion hours in 2013. The concern for the writer is that there is a worrying trend in the decline in volunteering in the 35 to 45 age group. Seniors score the highest average hours and a “windfall” for charities “if they don’t lose them to Florida or cruise ships first.” Health wise, volunteering is associated with reduced depression, lower rates of hypertension and hip fractures among seniors. However, there is a tipping point. About three hours per week is all it takes for the benefits. Studies have “suggested” the more cognitively or socially complex a paid position is, the better cognitively and lower dementia risk. About 750,000 Canadians currently have Alzheimer’s or other dementia expected to double within 15 years. More than 50% of the risk of developing dementia is due to modifiable life style.
What do you think about all this? Do you have the urge to volunteer? Have I recommended volunteering to clients? Yes, when they are financially secure. When they are not, I recommend workshops for retraining or updating skills. If people are living isolated lives than yes I recommend some type of work, either paid or not. There is a need to socialize and if volunteering gets them outside, then yes volunteer. It also provides a sense of accomplishment and it can feel good to help others. I myself have never volunteered for anything, and yet I was volunteered for ever. I have been given choices and when I said no, I was volunteered. I also worked basically for free in my internships and in some cases if not most I had to pay to volunteer. I am happy that they are thinking about actually paying people for their talents and time. I volunteer now in two positions. One I belonged to so long that it was my turn or my dues to volunteer. The other, well that was my old supervisor/mentor who did so much for me that I certainly have a hard time saying no and he knows it. If I counted how much I volunteered or more specifically was volunteered, I would probably sit down and cry and decide to retire completely. At a hospital that I interned at they had 5000 interns (called free labour) and 5000 volunteers (free labour). Maybe the multiple six figure salaries and bonuses should volunteer a bit,huh? So, when do you want to volunteer, if at all? I actually believe in paid labour. All the benefits described in volunteer works, could be equally effective being paid. Or could it? I remember studying in undergrad that when a hobby one enjoyed became a job, the joy was lost. Something to think about. I know that if I did not want to volunteer, I could simply say no. However, how much time does it really take for what I do? Everything I do requires thinking. However, my paid work requires thinking as well as my studies. Does that guarantee I shall never get dementia? No, however, it is less likely especially since it does not seem to effect my family to date. That does not mean that it will not happen, only that I would be surprised if it did. Then again if I got the disease I may not realize it , therefore I would not be surprised. Make sense? So, if you are not working and do not have anything to do with your time, yes, go out there and volunteer. However, give me the option of a cruise or Florida, I think I will take the cruise and Florida both. However, in my real world I work and volunteer for now. What do you think? Recently, I was on a train ride in the town of Tottenham, about a one hour drive, North of Toronto. It was great fun riding in a 1920’s train with the windows open and waving at the people in stopped vehicles, waiting for the train to pass. I had no idea that the maintenance, tracks and service is all accomplished by volunteers. I got so excited that I told the volunteer in his 1920’s clothing, that if I lived in Tottenham, I would definitely volunteer. What a treat! If you are in that town, I recommend the trip! Care to volunteer? Whatever you decide, stimulate that brain of yours! What do you think?
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