I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Will be signing and selling my books at Indigo, Bay and Bloor, 55 Bloor Street West, Saturday, 12 Mar 16,from 12:00 to 4pm
When there is an opportunity to sign and sell my books, I take it. Bloor and Bay is in the heart of Toronto, just South of Yorkville. I do hope that some of you stop and say hello so I know who reads my blogs. I shall be selling "Hey Guy Buy Me" and "For Love of Country: Military Policewoman." They have my favorite coffee there as well, so what else can I ask for?
My books are my hobby and I had to stop writing my third book for a while because of my practice but it is all good. When you do what you love, it does not really seem like work. I did write about 130 pages of "The Internet Murders" but I found myself doing a lot of reading so I shall have to re-organize my schedule to focus on the ending of the book. It is all in my head. I have all my clues on a whiteboard I mentioned to you and it is a matter of re-reading all I have written and throw in all the tidbits here and there. Ideally I would just like to take a two week vacation and just focus on completing my book, but it is not possible. So, I will have to just figure out how to manage that into my workload without being too distracted. I have given myself lots of play time and rest time this winter. Sometimes, it is nice to just clear your head, so you have room for more.
I think the next article I will write about either later this week or next week for sure is about narcism. It is a continuation from Abnormal Psychology. That has been my favourite course but I had to memorize all the signs and symptoms etc....Did you know that "80% of information transmitted is forgotten by students in 8 weeks....and by faculty in 8 minutes"? That was at the end of slides which I had to record though there was no author mentioned. That is why there is so much repetition in psychology me thinks. I also have some notes from Dr Koenig MD, regarding Religion Spirituality and Health. I found some notes that I don't think I shared with you. That I shall include as Pastoral.
My heartfelt sympathy to the families and those suffering from the train crash in Germany. Germany is a beautiful country. I am also following a bit of the politics in the States as well as in Canada these days.
So have a nice week and remember to play as well as work. I plan on playing a bit more than usual this week. Happy Valentine. I couldn't help but give myself a head start by buying my own chocolates and flowers. I also bought a vase of tulips and another of daffodils. The price was right and it was so warm on Sunday that I just had to begin my spring ritual of flowers. Did I mention I love flowers. So, take care of yourself, so you too can take others in your life.
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