Saturday 14 November 2015

Heart felt sympathies to Paris - Terrorism

I just want to extend my sympathies to such a beautiful city. I know some of you read my blog. You have my prayers. Nations such as ours who believe in freedom, in love, in caring for each other are sometimes targets of all that dispises that. I do believe in good and what good can accomplish. I believe that the majority of the people in the world are good and that is why evil acts stand out so much. There is no doubt in my mind that tragedies such as this, make us more aware and more prepared to find a way to stop this hatred. I know that my education has always been a focus of change through education. However, I am quite aware because of life experiences and careers, that this is not always possible. When someone has turned to hatred to the point of self destruction to kill many, when people are beheaded for helping others or reporting the news and when the innocent are targeted, than one has re-examine one's thoughts. I am aware of what trauma can do to a person. If you have been affected by this, talk about it and keep talking about it, write it down and see a professional to help you deal with this. Terrorists want to terrorize. However, I think, they fail to do this. They stir suffering and pain but what they also do is have nations unite and be stronger with awareness that something needs to be done. I even feel sorry for the terrorist because I cannot imagine how it feels to be so full of hatred and wanting to do harm. Again Paris, I have had such wonderful times in your city. My prayers will remain with you.

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