I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Thursday, 22 August 2013
Underground Railroad
Below is a book review. I bought the book while touring in Washington, D.C. I could have spent much more time going through more of the museums and sites. What a beautiful place!
Underground Railroad by Larry Gara, Brenda Stevenson, and Peter
Ripley essay: by Silva Redigonda
The central idea of this book is the escape of Black African slaves via the Underground Railroad. The authors provide a history of origin of how the Black Africans were captured from their own land in Africa, their resistance, their torture and finally their escape via the Underground Railroad.
The authors use a historical account of events and facts to demonstrate the theme. The story is told "in the context of a free North and a slaveholding South." There are accounts of rescues, underground hidings and tunnels connecting nearby rivers to the stations. This is the Underground Railroad, particular routes where people both Black and White helped slaves escape mostly to Canada. What is considered are the existing laws during this period, the perils of the people captured and those helping them and the obstacles found in the North. What is missing is the emotional void when families are split, due mostly to the factual historical account. What is demonstrated is the means in which slave owners try to retrieve what they consider their property, their logic in trying to justify keeping their slaves and the resistance to the law when freedom is granted. Freedom for the African American is ultimately not what it is believed to be because prejudice still reigns despite changing laws. The text indicates that religion; dance, music and food were vital aspects of the slaves' cultural life. It is interesting that it was the Quakers who opposed slavery, yet there was division regarding the Underground Railroad. Many thought it too extreme.
There is an accurate portrayal of the 19th century politics. In 1833, William Lloyd Garrison heads New England Anti-Slavery Society. Britain passes the Emancipation Act freeing slaves and outlawing the slave trade. In the 1830's Committees organize in Northern cities to prevent the return of fugitive slaves to the South. In the 1850's Fugitive Slave law requires escapees to be returned. In 1861 the Civil war begins. In 1863 Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation takes effect abolishing slavery in Confederacy. There is a recruitment of "blacks" as soldiers. In 1865 the Civil War ends in April. Thirteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution outlaws slavery and Lincoln is assassinated.
The authors are persuasive in sustaining the effectiveness of the Underground Railroad. It separates myth from actual accounts. The details from escaped slaves are utilized to project truth. Harriet Tubman (1823-1913) was born into slavery about 1820 in Dorchester County, Maryland. She escaped in 1848 to Philadelphia and returned to Maryland's Eastern Shore area about twenty times, leading more than 300 runaway slaves to freedom. It is unknown exactly how many African Americans made the journey on the Underground Railway. Runaways are estimated at about 100,000 prior to the Civil War. Most fugitive slaves were illiterate and left few records.
Slavery was outlawed in Canada in 1834 and officials refused U.S. requests for the return of slaves. That did not prevent men from entering Canada in attempts to retrieve runaway slaves. By the end of the Civil war the majority of Black Africans, at least 20,000 headed for Canada. The provision of numbered accounts, dates, and stories of individual slaves throughout the text permits the reader to understand the period of the 19th century as it pertains in this context. The authors do not impose opinions or judgement. It is strictly a historical account. What is missing is the emotion of the story. It is a text full of dates and accounts of various locations. Yes people are telling their stories but the emotion is too controlled.
This book is interesting. Though the book is a historical account it does provoke emotions from the photographs of slaves in captivity. There is one photograph of a captured slave in shackles, covered by a net. This man is captured in Africa and the brass he wears tells us that he is an African King. This man sits looking at the camera proudly with scorn and contempt. Trapped as an animal, this man is the heroic one. This image is the story. This is a story that should be taught in schools. Students of all ages should be aware of how easily equality is dismissed. It teaches the abuse of power for personal gain. It makes us ashamed of what we do, what we are capable of, and what we don't do to stop injustice.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Introduction To the New Testament
Intro to New Testament
By Silva Redigonda
1. Social/cultural criticism (honor/shame; client/patron)46, 53
The Centurion's Servant
In Mathew there is direct dialogue between the centurion and Jesus while in Luke, the centurion addresses Jesus through mediators which makes social relations more complex. There is a set of social relations. This consists of the centurion, his slave, Jesus and the two groups of elders and friends, who though related to the centurion, are in a position to be in contact with Jesus. Patron-clients relations are social relationships between individuals based on inequality and difference in power. A patron has social, economic and political resources that are needed by a client. In return, a client can give expressions of loyalty and honor that is useful for the patron. Luke in this passage places emphasis upon economic exchange and social relations. In Luke, the power of the centurion is his relationships with the groups. His position is patron. He represents the outside military and administrative power. He is not a Jew. He has established himself the role of patron to the town. He is a broker and in return for favors, the town elders, who are his clients establishes contact with Jesus. As is the custom of that time, they praise the centurion and recommend him to Jesus as an honorable person, "he is worthy of having you do this for him, for his loves our people, and it is he who built our synagogue for us." The elders also depict respect to Jesus, the potential patron. He is addressed as Lord and is considered more powerful than the centurion. The centurion declares his own unworthiness,"I am not worthy to have you come under my roof." He also relays this through his friends. This permits the power of Jesus to be shown. This is a positive honor challenge. The powerful centurion, an important patron in the area, provides more honor to Jesus and addresses him as benefactor and patron. Honor is the positive value of a person in his or her eyes of his or her social group.
The Call of Levi (53)
The honorable person does honorable actions. Jesus is not a patron in his own right because he does not distribute his own resources, but he is a broker. He mediates between the people of Israel and God. By honoring God the people accept their status as clients. Jesus is discredited because of the company that he keeps, when he dines, with tax collectors and sinners. His honor is challenged when the Pharisees and scribes question Jesus's disciples. The accusation is that by eating with them, Jesus makes tax-collectors and sinners his clients and that he enters into an unholy alliance with them and all they represent. Tax collectors had a lowly status as did sinners. Due to the honor and shame society of that time, "Who is the greatest?" would frequently arise. Pharisees and scribes had a position of honor and therefore could challenge Jesus. When Jesus is challenged he has the option of succumbing to shame or responding to the challenge. He does the latter by providing a reasonable explanation, "those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick." His honor thus remains intact.
Textual Variants "S" and "O". 1&54
John The Baptist
S text: Codex Sinaiticus (4th or 5th century), Codex Vaticanus (4th century),Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis (6th century perhaps 5th), Koridethi Gospels (7th to 9th century), The Lake Group (minuscules); it Itala, vg Vulgate,The Peshitta Syriac version; The Sahidic version; The Bohairic version. The prophets minus Isaiah) Codex-Alexandrinus; Washington Codex; the Ferrar Group; The Koine.
This text begins with John the Baptist, an apocalyptic prophet. This is multiple attested. This was a common view of the first century. All three sources independently of one another begin Jesus' ministry with his association with John the Baptist. Earlier sources should be especially valued. This type of text "S" is very significant as it is represented by the oldest extant uncials. Older is normally considered more accurate. The text of the gospels and Acts is the best Alexandrian text existing. We are dealing with families or groups of manuscripts regarding this text. This is old Latin which was later translated into Greek. Omitting "son of God" is dated from the middle fourth century. The later sources are more theological based. Luke introduces a historiographic preface. "In the fifteenth year of the reign…" Mathew just refers to "those days" which is non specific but we know that it is after the prophet Isaiah. Mark implies this as well.
Internal criteria – Luke is the best reading that explains all the others. There is a history, an explanation, an introduction of Jesus and a fulfillment of prophecy. Mark is considered the more difficult reading. He introduces the beginning of the good news (therefore Jesus is not kept quiet, but proclaimed). He also has the shortest reading. The text is similar in meaning but not necessarily the same. The theology is proclaimed and, Jesus is come "who will prepare the way of the Lord" (TT). All three indicate that John is in the wilderness.
Text variants O (54)The Question About Fasting
O text – Gk Paris Papyrus (3rd century), It may or may not include Geneva Papyrus (ca. 200 ad) since this is uncertain it must be disregarded. Codex Sinaiticus (4th or perhaps 5th century) Codex Vaticanus (4th century) one of the most important biblical manuscripts extant. Washingon Manuscript (5th century). The Peshitta Syriac version (1901), The Sahidic version (1911), The Bohairic version. The oldest version is the best). O indicates that better is Codex Alenadrinus (5th century), Codex Ephraemi (5th century), Koridethi Gospels (7th to 9th century), The lake group (minuscules), The Ferrar group (minuscules), The Koine or Byzantine text. Versions cited is Itala (old Latin version), but not in its entirety. The last verse is to be deleted "And no one after drinking old wine desires new wine, but says, the ""old is good."" Codex Bezae (fifth century or perhaps fourth) and it (old Latin Version).
Luke writes for a gentile audience. Luke always tells a parable in public. This text is part of Public Ministry.
Considering both texts O and S, the more manuscripts the better in authenticity and both have this which establishes credibility. The text is very valuable and it also demonstrates the danger of misinterpretation when one does not study theology. What was contemporary and acceptable then is not quite understood in this period without understanding of that period. Jesus is accused of going against Jewish law for ignoring the time to fast and pray.
At that time wineskins would stretch with new wine as it continued to ferment and then it would get harder. If new wine was then put into the hard wineskin it would break. Another analogy was that new cloth would shrink. Subsequently putting the new cloth with cloth that was already shrunk would not be compatible either. This is Jesus teaching was not being compatible with the old teachings. Jesus is the bridegroom and therefore there is no requirement to fast if he deems it so. This text is similar in the triple tradition. The readings accord with the style and theology of the author. (Internal criteria)
(252) Source and Purpose The Guard at the Tomb
There is one source for 252– Mathew. But the foot notes also provides more sources, that being: Gospel of Peter 8:28-33 and Gospel of the Nazereans for the entire passage. All in all there are three sources for the passage. The purpose is to validate. The more sources, the more confidence there is in acknowledging the passage. The sources also provide us with a time period. Sources for the Catholic Church are also those that have become acknowledged as authorized as is 252 and therefore valid. But to ignore other sources that are not recognized by the church may restrict the full appreciation for its historical contents.
253 – Significant Redactional Changes in the words of the angels to the women
What I consider significant redactional changes is the view the authors had of the women which is indicated in how the women are addressed. Mark is considered the oldest text. The angel (Mark) tells the women not to be alarmed. The young man is explicit in acknowledging that the women are looking for Jesus and that he is no longer in the temple. The women are directed to go to Jesus' disciples and Peter and to tell them that Jesus is going ahead to Galilee and the women will see him there. Mark is specific that the women are Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, and Salome. Mathew also identifies Mary Magdalene but identifies Mary the mother of James as the other Mary. This may be the mother of James but again it is not specific. No other women are mentioned. Here there are two women rather than three. Perhaps the third woman did not merit mention. In Mathew the angel tells the women to not be afraid as opposed to not be alarmed as by Mark. Mathew acknowledges that he knows the women are looking for Jesus but does not indicate that Jesus is of Nazareth which is stated in Mark. This is important because it is part of the reason why there is confusion where Jesus was actually from. Luke indicates that the women are terrified. None of the others have indicate that the women are afraid. They are just advised not to be. This is specific to seeing women as the weaker sex and more prone to being scared. There is more gender differences and expectations. There is now two angels and not one. The women in Luke are identified at the end of the passage and not the start as Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James and the other women with them. It is not specific if the group who later alert the disciples are the same women who see the angel. Perhaps this implies that it is not important and therefore women are not important. Yet Mary Magdalene and Mary the Mother of James (or other Mary) is specific because it illustrates the importance of these women in the time of Jesus. Women in future text would gradually become more diminished in importance and acknowledgement. Jesus had a good relationship with women not common of that day. He treated women as equals to men. Neither Mathew nor Luke add Peter separately from the disciples as in Mark when talking to the women. But Peter is mentioned later in Luke as returning to the tomb after meeting the women. What is very interesting is that women are identified as going to the tomb and being directed by the angel. This would be considered an embarrassment because women should not be elevated to this level of actually meeting the angel. For that time men rather than women would have held this honor. Therefore, Mathew Mark and Luke have provided women with a status that is varied according to the author's impression of women.
Mark 10:18 Jesus said, to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone…"
Utilizing the criteria of historical Jesus research, it is unlikely that Mark 10:18 represents the authentic words of Jesus. Since the 18th century, scholars have learned and emphasized the Gospels were not composed by Jesus' disciples. The Gospels are selected and edited editions. None of the authors would have met Jesus. They would have felt free to change Jesus' traditions, including changing words attributed to Jesus. Jesus' words were shaped by contemporary Jewish thought and the interpretation of scripture by fellow Jews. The Historical Jesus explains Mark 10:18, " this method of retracting the development to observe a low Christology often leads us to a person who is sometimes impressively humble: Jesus."
There is a Christological concern that only God is good.
History of 1st century and dating of the gospels – 213 PREDICTION OF THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE
It provides the apocalyptic viewpoint that it would occur in their time, that is wars, and final judgement when Jerusalem is surrounded by armies. It reflects the siege and destruction of Jerusalem. It seems like the end of the world. It is not like the fundamentalists at the end of our time. All this is for the communities of the 1st century. The Gospels are written after Paul, about 20 years before Mark.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
I am solid and a tribute to the soldier, more tid bits
Well, I have completed all my papers and Saturday I was doing a happy dance in the living room. I certainly did not win the 30 million lottery. I accidently threw my ticket away into the Home Depot garbage can just prior to paying for my paint. My happy dance was a dance of another chapter. It has been five years of study and internships and meeting wonderful people. My theory paper was found to be a solid piece of work. I was pleased. I am also pleased with my grade. I am forever being graded. Now, I have to complete my three steps of applications, reviews and etc... However, it is bringing everything I have done together verbally and in writing. It is gathering every bit of me for review. It is a good feeling. Another achievement. Sometimes people think that they need fulfillment from others to know their worth. But you need to find your own worth and fulfillment within yourself. I used to sluff off achievements because I was taught to be humble. Humility can be challenging in a dog eat dog world, but when you only need to prove what you are worth to yourself, it does not matter.
If you are living in despair look outside of the box that you are in. Step out and look in. What do you see? Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be with? Are you happy? Do you feel suffocated? Are you drowning? Take the life buoy. Reach out to someone who compliments you rather than threatens you. Bullies have a habit of making you believe that it is your fault. Preditors are great at this. They try to remove all social supports. They try to keep you in a trap so they can abuse you. When you are ready - go for help. They may threaten your family, your pet and that is what it is a threat. If you are a minor report it to someone who can help you such as a teacher. If you are an adult and you are so unhappy that you can no longer function, perhaps it is time to take that stand. Have a bag with some clothes in it, a passport, personal papers. Have something put away with a friend or at a safe location, that if you want to leave an abusive relationship, you will, when the time is right. There is so much out there available. Every one has the right to live their own lives without fear. Find that happiness.
I have always done what I have wanted. I have always had options. I have had a solid relationship with so many people. I have had opportunitites and it has been my decision, and mine alone, to choose or not to. I have had 33 years of experience helping people in one way or another and have loved that experience. It is that experience I also bring into the therapeutic room. Balance is always a key word. Balance is required to live a healthy life. I know that two years of continuous stress will effect the body health wise. My love for people has not decreased throughout the years, knowing that there is an ugly side too out there. I encourage all people to find out who they really are so they can live to be who they want to be and not what is expected of them.
I will be posting more notes and less of me as I will be quite busy gathering, preparing and working on completing my programs. I want to thank all of you for reading my blog. It started as a way to advertise but I did not know I would have fun doing it. Thank you. I have had 1115 look at my page view and 5492 blogs read. The States continues to be my number one reader which I appreciate. I know the dynamics have changed in my city. I grew up in Toronto where many thought they were just an extension of the States. We grew up with American tv. I remember one child being asked who the Prime Minister was and the child name the President of the States. I always preferred American shows. I love going to the States and will one day hope to travel through each one if I can. However, I have to see the rest of Eastern Canada first.
This year has been a year of loss for me as well. I have been honoured to have been friends with very wonderful people. I still have some left and I am forever grateful. My best friend is a man I have know since we were teens. When boyfriends challenged the relationship, he was my choice. Some people don't think you can have a platonic relationship with a member of the opposite sex and that is their loss.
Now I cut and pasted what I thought was very meaningful. I received this SITREP Jul 20 13 and thought I would share it with you. In memory of Fr MacFarlene, Lietenant Commander as well, my old friend. Visiting your grave was solemn. I knew you would have preferred to be among the soldiers and not the elite. I miss you.
“Bury Me With Soldiers”
(Authour Unknown)
I've played a lot of roles in life; I've met a lot of men.
I've done a lot of things I'd like to think, I wouldn’t do again,
And though I'm young, I'm old enough to know, Someday I'll die
And to think about what lies beyond and beside whom I would like to lie.
Perhaps it doesn't matter much; still...if I had my choice,
I'd want a grave 'mongst Soldiers, when at last death quells my voice.
I'm sick of the hypocrisy, of lectures of the wise.
I'll take the man, with all the flaws, who goes; though scared; and dies.
The troops I knew were commonplace. They didn't want the war.
They fought because their fathers and their fathers had before.
They cursed and killed, then wept... God knows they're easy to deride...
But bury me with men like these; they faced the guns and died.
It's funny how you think of it, the way we got along.
We'd come from different worlds to live in one where no one belongs.
I didn't even like them all; I'm sure they'd all agree.
Yet I would give my life for them, I know some did for me.
So bury me with Soldiers please, though much maligned they be.
Yes, bury me with Soldiers, for I miss their company!
We'll not soon see their like again; we've had our fill of war.
But bury me with men like these, till someone else does more.
Friday, 2 August 2013
Time out!
Another long weekend and I do need it so much. I really believe in self care with lots of fun time. I miss my trips in my little car exploring the country side that gets harder to find. My poor old guy is still hanging in there and I hope he does for a few more years. I have had enough death in my life this year.
I was going to take most of the week off when I was alerted by my mentor about my papers. He had sent one back and one I am not sure where it is. I found his in my junk mail of all things and when searching to see if he had sent another back, I accidently deleted all the rest of my junk which may not have been junk. I thought I was deleting one page. Think again. It works differently in my junk mail, than it does in my regular mail. So I spent an entire day working on the paper and sending it off again because it is crunch time. Now I have to retrieve, photo copy, update etc……But that can wait until next week. So after I write this, I shall go home and determine how much more work I will do before I begin my holiday weekend that can be cut short by one phone call about something to do with this procedure.
I must admit it will be nice to finish this process. I wrote my paper like a story. That is what I do. I love to write stories. However, a paper is not a story and so I got into scholar mode and wrote less story and more pro. I walked home exhausted and was stopped by one neighbor for a little talk time. I was about to almost get home when I was stopped by another. She noticed my clip on earrings (I do not believe in self mutilation and so I have no holes on my body that was not put there by my creator. I am also a very big wimp and will never cause myself pain, if it cannot be helped). One of my earrings was dangling and why shouldn’t it. I broke my own rule and went over 9 hours with one short 5 minute break away from the computer. It was a day that I had planned to paint my baseboards not be at my office. I had been interrupted from my silence by what seemed like gun shots and I wondered if something was happening in the neighborhood. It was a woman down the hall, in a separate office, watching u tube with her sound system a bit too loud. Break time, and then it was back to paper mode and not story mode. Anyhow, back to earrings and trying to get home. My neighbor tells me she has two earrings for me which are clip on. I was excited, home forgotten, pets forgotten and everything else forgotten, because I can never find clip on. I am offered a meal. I say no thanks. She produces a huge zucchini to show me she has vegetables for a vegetarian. I mention my pets, but do ask for a coffee. She jumps right to it and brings back the most wonderful coffee from her deluxe coffee/expresso maker. What a champ. Her husband starts telling me about his day and he gets me laughing in no time. She had a scary day and I sympathize. No one likes those days. He continues making me laugh hysterically. Papers are all forgotten. I go home still chuckling about what I heard with two beautiful unique earrings I have received as a gift. It took me an extra couple of hours to get into my home, from just meters from my home, but it was nice. I am grateful to have wonderful neighbours near me.
So today, I am going to leave my office momentarily and bring my pro stuff home just in case and I am going to try to take a few days off for me. I am hoping to also catch a Shakespearian play if it does not rain. I will get into relax mode and just chill for as long as possible and hope that the phone does not ring with some news about my papers, unless it is tute fine. Excuse my French. Have a wonderful weekend and take that time for yourself. You deserve it. We all do!
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