Friday 5 October 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

      Canada celebrates Thanksgiving this Monday.  I shall spend Sunday with family and Monday with my mom.  I won’t be eating the turkey as I became a vegetarian after seeing a rabbit being killed.  Initially, I thought it was one of my pets, so no turkey for me.  I am thankful that I am a Canadian who was and is educated here, work here and play here.  I am thankful that I was offered the opportunity to serve my country, given the opportunity to travel and see parts of the world and to return home with a new found appreciation of what I had left behind.  I am thankful for everyone who is in my life and touches my soul.  So, before I bore you all with my thankfulness, I wish to thank you for checking out my blog and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving where ever you are!
     I am now in the process of trying to design my own web site   I should have it finished by Christmas.  It is fun taking a course just for fun with no intense readings, papers and exams.  The world of the web is quite fascinating but I am more people orientated and very social preferring face to face contact.  However, the internet is a very important facet of society and an extension tool for providing counselling and psychotherapy for people who would not be able to get it otherwise or are too shy to meet in person.  Check out my blog regarding the paper I wrote for internet counselling.  You will see the cons and pros of internet counselling.  It is a matter of time before we all enter the realm of the internet for providing counselling/psychotherapy.
    Why not take the time to examine what you have to be thankful for?  Thanksgiving as with all holidays can be a very stressful time for many.  Perhaps this is a good time to examine who is positive in your life and who is not.  Why is that so?  Who makes you happy?  Who makes you sad?  Why?  What can you do to change this?  What can you change in yourself to make life a bit more for yourself?  Thanksgiving is a time of reaching out to someone who may have no one in their lives.  Why not a friendly visit to an elderly person?  Why not reconnect with that special person?  Why not just say Happy Thanksgiving to someone who may not have heard of it in sometime?  Why not celebrate in your own way today?

Happy Thanksgiving  

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