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Friday, 24 January 2025

Niagara Falls - Imsa coming!

I have been talking about moving to Niagara Falls for years. It has been my plan to retire there, go for my walk to the Falls and then return home to write. I was waiting for my final pet to go to heaven before making the move and it is now. I emailed Al Sinclair, a real estate agent who talks about properties on CP 24 Hot Properties and I am glad I did. I had tried once again to connect to someone selling my dream house and I felt I was dealing with a car salesman. You know how frustrating that can be. Anyhow Al Sinclair set me up with someone he works with in Niagara Falls and so the move is now or never. It looks like I am going to have to move there because staying at the Fallsview, otherwise is very expensive. It used to be very cheap when our government controlled it but no more. They sold to the Americans and not even breakfast is included. My priority is living close to the Falls. Imagine being able to stroll along the Falls and stop at Tim Horton's for a coffee while watching the roaring waters. Toronto will always be my hometown. I love Toronto and the people and I cannot blame Toronto for leaving. Yes, the crime in our city is out of control but that is the government's fault. Yes, we have too many people for our city but this is where people want to be. Taxes are going up once again by Olivia Chow and it is not her fault. She said she was going to do this before being elected. I just saw a sofa yesterday at a community centre at the entrance. Apparently all of the city communities got this. I don't think of this as an expense for a reason to raise my taxes. Oh well people voted for this so now you have to live with it. Of course all my social networks etc...are here. I sell my books here. I love going to Word On The Street where I sell most of my books. How practical will that be in Niagara? People always ask me why I want to go to Niagara and try to talk me out of it. One person begged me not to move. "Everyone you know is here. People care about you. You are going to spend all your money, outlive your money and you will lose your social network." She is a sweet elderly woman, whom I am very fond of. Anyhow, everyone has an opinion as you all know. As a family, in my childhood we always went to Niagara. My parents would give myself and my sibling tickets to go to the attractions and that was such fun. I have gone to Niagara during every season and just love it. It is also just a walk into the United States which I did with my mom when I was a child and she had no passport for us. It was just a casual walk but we got back in. I don't think that would be wise to do now. I have a picture somewhere about that. So you are going to see less of my blog because as you can imagine I shall be very busy trying to do everything and preparing. I have one property in mind due to it's location to the Falls but I was preferring a bungalow and it isn't. However, it's a contender and I can see myself in there. It is modest and I could also use a portion of it as a B&B if I like. But I wouldn't be considering that just yet. I can work anywhere in Ontario and all I need is my computer. Though I have a separate home office right now, the house I am considering won't have that. That is ok. So, this is why I am only writing this entry, this week. I want to still write to you one day at least a week and should be able to manage that. Good talk.

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Thoughts of the week........OMG

Well, I just posted the clip of a line up for a doctor in a community in Ontario. I watched it on the news and that was disturbing. It made sense that when I had to go to the hospital there was a 10 hour wait for triage only. I left deciding I would be more comfortable dying at home, if it came to that. Triage is supposed to be done immediately to determine the seriousness. At least that is how it was done in the military for disasters. No surprise that someone out West died in the emergency room waiting. Global news this morning reported that half of Canadians are $200. or less away from not being able to pay bills. What was not mentioned was who and how the poll was conducted. I also heard CDC on CNN concerned about changes regarding dissecting the organization and other concerning problems. OMG. CDC is so important to the world. I was thinking of the difference between Trump and Putin. Actually, I was thinking of the similarities. I was thinking about Israel and Hamas and how we allow Terrorists to prosper. I was reading in the Catholic Registar (Dec 22, 2024, pg 37), that since 7 Oct 23, there has been a 93% rise in hate crimes in Toronto. Jewish schools in Montreal have been shot at (it has happened here in Toronto as well. Glorification of terrorism and violence are heard in the streets, praising the Oct 7 attack by Hamas and its affiliates who murdered 1,200 people in Israel. Because civil authorities failed to do something, it was taken to the courts. What was happening at the universities against the Jewish community sickened me. During Christmas this year a family member asked, "Have the Jewish community not suffered enough?" I too became a verbal target from an American post for not falling for the crap that Hamas was constructing. They don't like it when they fail to gain support. We really need to do something to stop all these radicals from recruiting. Were my thoughts all negative? Not at all. Wait. One more thing. How can I forget? Our Mayor is raising our taxes again. I have reached a point that when I hear her speak or Trump is talking, I change the channel. I have also swore more this year when I am alone than my entire life? Not really, but at least I will have something to say when I go to confession. That will be a new one. Oh before I forget, there was that poor woman who got scammed out of what 750,000 or 850,000 because she thought she had formed a relationshop with Brad Pitt and he needed the money because it was all tied up because of his divorce and he couldn't get to it. Women and men out there, do not give away your money to people. I have already had at least two so called "celebrities" actors wanting to connect. Yeah right! Do your research. I am glad to say I have never been on a blind date and never used a dating site - ever! If you do, keep your money people. People try to scam me at least once a week. That is why protection is really needed nowadays. Now, the good stuff. Oh no there is more..........What's his name - Elan Musk? He called our Prime Minister a girl. What is wrong with girls? What is wrong with women? I love being one. I think he looks more like a girl than Trudeau. Trudeau is handsome and normally polite as are most of our politicians except what is his name Polierre? Yup, our next Prime Minister. Yup, just a moment while I go bang my head. I know of people who are going to vote for him, who can't stand him, because they want change. Change is indeed needed but in what direction are we going to go? Rob Ford bought a baseball cap which says "Canada is not for sale". Wait I have to go bang my head again. Boy, oh boy oh boy. Anyhow, that is all I can say about my thoughts of the week. The good stuff? We have great people in Toronto. We have many who have left and many more who will but I am and always will feel a kinship to the people here. They come from all over the world and settle here. Many give so much back to our city and country. My tip for the week? Balance your life. Get enjoyment from it. Nature is so important. Spend time with her. Love your family and or surround yourself with positive people. Go have fun. That's enough for now because I want to have some fun. Why don't you buy one of my books if you have any money.

Hundreds wait in the snow to get a family doctor in rural Ontario - How did this happen?

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Violent death and Grief’s Complication notes from a Kane Seminar

There is a lot of grief going on all over the place and so here is something I hope helps. Deaths from Traumatic Circumstances include accidents, suicide, homicide, Sudden, natural causes (heart attack, strokes, etc….I am going to include war and natural disasters(global warming is getting worse and it is important to deal with this). Sharing stories of how your life is impacted by his or her life. You need the opportunity to tell your story. You need to talk. Even if a person is not religious, you can still question where the person who died is now. This is spiritual. What does this loss mean? So who am I now? Therefore what does this mean and what changes. I as a therapist may ask “ So, what do you make of that?” Realize - Coming to terms with the reality of the death and the magnitude of grief’s pain. Hearing that door slam and thinking your spouse is at the door is normal. It is grief. Adapt at saying good-bye. Rituals are important. Grief is not something we recover from. There is no closure. We don’t move on. What we do is find a new place to stand. We find a new way to live with this loss. Learning to live - in spite. Bereavement reconstructs meaning to refocus life after significant loss. Trauma needs to be addressed first. You may also have a crises of faith. Find out the reason. eg. Priest saying you should be able to get over it (I hear this often from all people the person may know (this is also a time when relationships are reconsidered). Go back to the Minister and ask where they found that? This is empowering. Grief is about the relationship. A friend can be more powerful than a sibling. It’s the circle of care. You may have been sexually abused by a parent and grieve them. You are grieving the relationship you never had. With an alcoholic partner - you may grieve singing together at Christmas. Regarding pets: Visiting hours for a pet and a wake. Busy doing things - don’t put that down - coping skill. When grief is not socially approved, the person is not allowed to grieve. They are not worthy of their grief. This includes pets. Sometimes people grieving don’t have the words, but they may have a symbol or can express metaphors and revised narratives. When my dad died I felt like I was on a rollercoaster. Listen to those metaphors when you are trying to help someone. Pictures - ask what picture would you most likely want to use to describe how you want to be. Ask, “how would the new picture get developed?” Community: participate in activities, groups of people, Look at the past as a model for the future. Private funerals don’t work. People need to be with people, even if they say they don’t. You need to do stuff - sing, share stories with the dying or bereaved, preparing and presenting food, washing and dressing the body. Moving the dying/deceased and yourself. Positioning yourself - standing, kneeling, sitting. Memorials - wars. Faith, family community, individuals etc…(flight 93 heritage memorial. What is honour for some is trauma for others. How to take care of it - eg. a tree or flower. There needs to be a waiting period before erecting memorials. Time is needed to reflect, eg. a partner who killed a child. Children who do not participate going to a funeral suffer twice as much than from children who did go. I have written about children and grief here in an earlier article. Always feel free to ask a question. What do you think?

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Jean Chretien tells Mr Trump to piss off? As a birthday gift to you, I shall post it. Happy Birthday former Prime Minister of Canada

Jean Chretien (former Prime MInister of Canada) is 91 today and he gave himself a birthday present. He told Donald J. Trump to piss off in the The Globe and Mail. Here's his column: * * * Today is my 91st birthday. It’s an opportunity to celebrate with family and friends. To look back on the life I’ve had the privilege to lead. And to reflect on how much this country we all love so much has grown and changed over the course of the nine decades I’ve been on this Earth. This year, I’ve also decided to give myself a birthday present. I’m going to do something in this article that I don’t do very often anymore, and sound off on a big issue affecting the state of the nation and profoundly bothering me and so many other Canadians: The totally unacceptable insults and unprecedented threats to our very sovereignty from U.S. president-elect Donald Trump. I have two very clear and simple messages. To Donald Trump, from one old guy to another: Give your head a shake! What could make you think that Canadians would ever give up the best country in the world – and make no mistake, that is what we are – to join the United States? I can tell you Canadians prize our independence. We love our country. We have built something here that is the envy of the world – when it comes to compassion, understanding, tolerance and finding a way for people of different backgrounds and faiths to live together in harmony. We’ve also built a strong social safety net – especially with public health care – that we are very proud of. It’s not perfect, but it’s based on the principle that the most vulnerable among us should be protected. This may not be the “American Way” or “the Trump Way.” But it is the reality I have witnessed and lived my whole long life. If you think that threatening and insulting us is going to win us over, you really don’t know a thing about us. You don’t know that when it came to fighting in two world wars for freedom, we signed up – both times – years before your country did. We fought and we sacrificed well beyond our numbers. We also had the guts to say no to your country when it tried to drag us into a completely unjustified and destabilizing war in Iraq. We built a nation across the most rugged, challenging geography imaginable. And we did it against the odds. We may look easy-going. Mild-mannered. But make no mistake, we have spine and toughness. And that leads me to my second message, to all our leaders, federal and provincial, as well as those who are aspiring to lead our country: Start showing that spine and toughness. That’s what Canadians want to see – what they need to see. It’s called leadership. You need to lead. Canadians are ready to follow. I know the spirit is there. Ever since Mr. Trump’s attacks, every political party is speaking out in favour of Canada. In fact, it is to my great satisfaction that even the Bloc Québécois is defending Canada. But you don’t win a hockey game by only playing defence. We all know that even when we satisfy one demand, Mr. Trump will come back with another, bigger demand. That’s not diplomacy; it’s blackmail. We need another approach – one that will break this cycle. Mr. Trump has accomplished one thing: He has unified Canadians more than we have been ever before! All leaders across our country have united in resolve to defend Canadian interests. When I came into office as prime minister, Canada faced a national unity crisis. The threat of Quebec separation was very real. We took action to deal with this existential threat in a manner that made Canadians, including Quebecers, stronger, more united and even prouder of Canadian values. Now there is another existential threat. And we once again need to reduce our vulnerability. That is the challenge for this generation of political leaders. And you won’t accomplish it by using the same old approaches. Just like we did 30 years ago, we need a Plan B for 2025. Yes, telling the Americans we are their best friends and closest trading partner is good. So is lobbying hard in Washington and the state capitals, pointing out that tariffs will hurt the American economy too. So are retaliatory tariffs – when you are attacked, you have to defend yourself. But we also have to play offence. Let’s tell Mr. Trump that we too have border issues with the United States. Canada has tough gun control legislation, but illegal guns are pouring in from the U.S. We need to tell him that we expect the United States to act to reduce the number of guns crossing into Canada. We also want to protect the Arctic. But the United States refuses to recognize the Northwest Passage, insisting that it is an international waterway, even though it flows through the Canadian Arctic as Canadian waters. We need the United States to recognize the Northwest Passage as being Canadian waters. We also need to reduce Canada’s vulnerability in the first place. We need to be stronger. There are more trade barriers between provinces than between Canada and the United States. Let’s launch a national project to get rid of those barriers! And let’s strengthen the ties that bind this vast nation together through projects such as real national energy grid. We also have to understand that Mr. Trump isn’t just threatening us; he’s also targeting a growing list of other countries, as well as the European Union itself, and he is just getting started. Canada should quickly convene a meeting of the leaders of Denmark, Panama, Mexico, as well as with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, to formulate a plan for fighting back these threats. Every time that Mr. Trump opens his mouth, he creates new allies for all of us. So let’s get organized! To fight back against a big, powerful bully, you need strength in numbers. The whole point is not to wait in dread for Donald Trump’s next blow. It’s to build a country and an international community that can withstand those blows. Canadians know me. They know I am an optimist. That I am practical. And that I always speak my mind. I made my share of mistakes over a long career, but I never for a moment doubted the decency of my fellow Canadians – or of my political opponents. The current and future generations of political leaders should remember they are not each other’s enemies – they are opponents. Nobody ever loved the cut-and-thrust of politics more than me, but I always understood that each of us was trying to make a positive contribution to make our community or country a better place. That spirit is more important now than ever, as we address this new challenge. Our leaders should keep that in mind. I am 91 today and blessed with good health. I am ready at the ramparts to help defend the independence of our country as I have done all my life. Vive le Canada!

Friday, 10 January 2025

Prayers for California

I have been watching CNN more than I usually do, due to the terrible fires in California. I have been praying as well for all those affected. When we see devastation, we also see communities coming together to help each other. People have lost their homes, their pets and people have also died. So much tragedy causes grief and trauma - a sense of hopelessness. Let's support them in whatever way we can.

Monday, 6 January 2025

A new Year and new Beginnings - I had a nice vacation catching up on appointments - Forced Rest and Niagara Falls

Well, today is the 6th of January and it is the last day I will have my Christmas decorations lit up. I have my small tree by my desk lit up right now. My house is full of decorations. Part of me wishes I could extend this and the other part says enough already you need more space. So tomorrow I shall start putting everything away in my free time. Plastic boxes are waiting for another descent. I spent much of my holiday catching up with delayed appointments. I found another physio therapist connected to the University of Toronto with their own physician and gym which my other lacked. My other physio therapist left to buy an affordable house and he simply could not be replaced. I can now drive to my family's home needing to stop twice there and once upon returning with difficulty, after a good nights sleep. I am progressing, though slowly. Now let me tell you what happened. I share so it doesn't happen to you and because that is what I do on my blog. This is about moving. As you know, I am always checking out homes in Niagara because simply put that is where I always planned to retire, though retirement is less relevant than it used to be. I did choose this line of work because while I have a well functioning brain, I can always work. Anyhow, what was keeping me intact was Mr Attitude. I still miss the little Testosterone. I am always looking on line at property in Niagara and have been for years waiting for the little guy to go to heaven. I saw a real nice condo with an indoor pool and all the works. It also had a back deck facing a wooded area (my delight). However, there were pet restrictions and I decided I didn't want to be told what I can and cannot do or have in my home. Pet restrictions is a deal breaker no matter how nice everything else is. Almost everyone I know has pets and I want them to visit with their pets because they are part of the family. I saw a house I really liked but it costs more than I would be willing to pay and it is right across the street from a cemetary. "Well, you wouldn't have to worry about nosey neighbours," sibling informed me. I didn't respond that there was a fire pit on the premises and after my demise, I could be cremated and buried late at night across the street which would be very cost effective. Don't get me wrong, I love the house and imagined myself swinging in the porch while reading books. Being only three miles from the Falls and a park resting next to the cemetery maybe I could get used to the serenity. However, this is something I want to grow old into and it has two floors and would I have difficulty climbing when I am a hundred? You know for the longest time the tax part of the description was 1000. and recently it changed to 2000. I think if I was taking that to heart, I would have to verify with the city because I don't quite believe it. It is a huge piece of property. The deal breaker: it has a hot tub on the main floor which they broadly announce with a fireplace and washroom. I would rather have a bedroom or office on the main floor with washroom and no hot tub. Sibling reminds me that I can tell them to have that moved out, but then it would be more difficult to negotiate the price. I don't want to pay their asking price. So, that is a write off at the moment. If price comes down, then I can say get rid of the hot tub so I can use it for what the main floor would be used for - me. I am not against a hot tub. I like them, but for my taste, it belongs outside in the backyard beside the pool. No, it does not have a pool. But, there has been a nice brick bungalo with a good sized garage a nice house, and what captured my heart - a private backyard beside a wooded pathway. All nature to be seen through large windows capturing the beasts that roam. Love that. I noticed it sold last year and when it came back to the market I thought it was my chance. I contacted the realestate agent and my brain started to work full time. I planned to go to Niagara in a few weeks look at the house and I was quite prepared to buy it, following an inspection and of course my affairs here. I knew the central air is old, but so is mine. I know their furnace is, mine has been replaced. She said the roof was 5 years old and that is good, but of course I would want to have everything verified. That an existing house inspection done just a year ago wasn't readily available to me was a yellow flag, but then I could do my own at an additonal cost. I don't expect perfection, but I want to know what I am up against. That there are huge windows everywhere can be costly to replace if there are leaks. I had it all planned. The agent told me it was "quiet" and yes that was why I was attracted to it. Peace and quiet except for the howling of the wolves (ok, I just made that up). I thought that perhaps I should retire and focus on my writing after a year or so. I also thought of timing. Toronto is a buying market at the moment and I prefer multiple biddings depending on who is profiting. My books- I sell at opportunities I have in Toronto. I belong to the Writers of Canada and Sisters of Mystery Writers (which include men of course). I would have to return to Toronto for my social networks, or would I? I was right down to planning what I would throw out, take with me and believe it or not how I would decorate my new home. It went from scary to exciting. I even knew where I would go for high tea in the few days I had planned to go there along with finding a lawyer there etc......My brain was just going. I even decided what would go into the garage - my Christmas decorations. Then my sibling sends me something and it is a newspaper article. The mansion next door which I can see from my home, but which shares there property on all sides except the front is going to be demolished for a new affordable development. I read the article. My heart is pounding with unbelief. My paradise - lost, gone, to develpment. There will be noise galore, so much for the agent ensuring me it will be "quiet" and even worse than the noise (how can I work with the noise?) will be the lack of privacy - no more, just me and my squirrels and birds. I have more privacy now in my backyard with my trees than I would have moving there. So I forward the article to the agent with my regrets. Guess what? She knew. What did I learn from this? I will only use an agent from Niagara (this one wasn't), another flag for me, and I know whom that will be. She is award winning and I hope that includes honesty. I had actually planned to spend more than I would have liked to stay where I could see a show which didn't seem to really exist since an American partner bought it from our government along with previous deals. It also had all these additional costs included in the price and I wondered if that was why it doubled. It has gotten me to think about stuff as well. Maybe I should buy a condo here by the waterfront and a trailer in Niagara? Maybe I should wait to see what else shows up at Toronto Island and spend cold winters South at a pssible, 11th province, if Trump would like to join us. We still have better health care, so Americans would prosper. I can work anywhere as long as I have my computer. There are so many options and it is all good, because you see, I am in no rush. I just need another dream affordable home. Now Niagara Falls, you know I love you. I just need to be on high alert for full disclosure. What do you think? "Sibling, lunch or supper is on me at any place you like. You saved me lots of money." Oh and if I do go to Niagara, I now want a garage, nature, and nice verandah with that swing and why not a pool? I need nature and not developments.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Happy New Year World

I am fighting off a cold so I had to cancel plans, but it is all good. The New Year is a time to reflect and to decide what we want to achieve in the New Year, what do we aspire to achieve? Who do we want in our lives? What makes us happy? What can we do to make others happy? It is a time for inspiration. I wish you all a wonderful New Year. My heart and prayers today also extends to New Orleans. As we move forward ask what we can do to make our world better, kinder and what can we do to make it safer and wiser. Best wishes and one happy New Year!!!!!