I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Friday, 29 November 2024
Thoughts of the week - Missing Mr Attitude - In the Christmas Spirit - and so much more said and not said! Happy Weekend
Today is Crazy Friday; and that is what I call Black Friday. Should I go or should I stay? Not today, me thinks. Yesterday was nutso. I am in the Christmas Spirit and I remain there til about 6 Jan when I normally take down the tree and all the decorations. I now have help doing that, so it is much easier because my house is Christmas. I have been shopping at a minimum due to my leg still bothering me. The pain is always decreasing but walking is still too slow for Crazy Fridays. Yesterday, I went to my shopping mall and I was waiting for a driver to reverse his vehicle so I could park. Of course, after a ritual they did not leave but a car on the opposite side was about to. It was at this point where a car came from behind me and began to honk so I would leave. My left blinker was on so I just ignored the vehicle. The man began to reverse and was just about to hit my car, so I honked at him. He came out of the vehicle and asked if I could reverse. I informed him that I tried, but the vehicle behind me wouldn't reverse (though there was no one behind her). He then shouted out to her if she would mind to please reverse her vehicle, so I could reverse mine and he could get out. It appeared that she still did not want to. Now just a tad was needed for him to get out. So, he asked a few more times in exasperation. I am still in the Christmas Spirit, surprising myself that this wasn't bothering me. Now another woman going to her vehicle beside the poor man's was giving the woman behind me dirty looks and that did the trick. The woman behind, reversed, I reversed and man got into car and left. After I parked, a man driver wanted the lady's (who had been given dirty looks which did the trick (peer pressure) was reversing her vehicle) parking spot. He became angry because she wasn't moving fast enough for him. At this point I am walking to the mall, or should I say limping towards the mall. I go inside and a few things were happening which I won't bother you with. My city is not boring. A man I know began telling me a story about a funeral he went to which had a ritual he was unfamiliar with and wanted to know if I knew. He stopped, when I couldn't stop laughing because he called an urn a urine. As I continued laughing everyone else around us started laughing which only made me laugh more. I did think that was very funny because I have never heard of an urn described that way. He began to say it was his Italian accent. The guy was born here and has no accent. Or, at least I think he was born here. He was certainly raised here. Anyway, Karma caught up to me when I was waiting for some food being prepared for me, when I saw a man sitting on a wheel chair close to me. He was holding a large bag of ice between his lower legs. I have been icing my own legs for about five months and I was concerned he would get a freezer burn, so I made that suggestion. He looks at me and informs me he has no legs. I of course appologized but couldn't surpress my giggling which only made it worse. I shopped in one other area and that was about all I could carry so I left. I did check out a new Physio Therapy place which was recommended and I think I may give that one a try. I booked for my first Christmas party and will book for another today. I love parties, but I have to really figure out which ones I will be going to. It is a balancing act. I will not be going to two due to massive stairs, another because I am not dancing at the moment and considering a few others. Parking is required or it is a no go. Rails are required if there are steps. This should make things easier. Anyhow, when I got home, I received a call on my private line. It was the emergency vet hospital where I took Mr Attitude and had to make the difficult quick decision to put him down. For a moment, not even a moment, I thought it was great news. Why would they call me? Mr Attitude must be alive. He refused to die, because he didn't want and if anyone could survive it would be him. They mentioned Mr Attitude's name and I was sure for just seconds. I could pick him up and bring him home. I could stop grieving him. They were calling me about his carrier which I had left there and wanted to know if I was going to pick it up or donating it to them. I already donated it to them but I guess somehow that was missed. I understand. It is difficult for Vets too to put animals to sleep and witness the suffering of people who have to make those tough decisions. The animal clinic appologized for re-awakening the memories, but there was no need. The memory never left me. I told her it was ok, and my moment of a Christmas Miracle was gone. I gave Mr Attitude a wonderful long life he would never have had. He was a little monster whom I loved so much. I could deal with his hyperthroid and his heart murmour, but it was his cognition decline that caused his emotional suffering. I did not want the little guy who had brought me so much joy to suffer and so I made the decision for him and certainly not for me. As I continue to look at properties listed in Niagara Falls, I have decided that if I decide on a condo it has to be pet friendly. I don't want to live anywhere where animals are not appreciated. I may probably never again have another pet but I want friends and family to be able to bring theirs without reservation. Anyhow, I am still in the Christmas Spirit. I taped the Thanksgiving Parade in New York City and watched a bit. It is always fun to watch. Todays news revealed there was a Pro Palestian protest that interfered with the parade. Arrests were made I believe. I would like to see them banned once arrested because there is always violence. I consider it violence when you stop a parade, stop people from entering a hospital, hurt people physically etc.... Yesterday I also watched a community of the Jewish people demanding that our Mayor do more to protect them. What she said made me reflect for 5 seconds. She said that if they didn't trust her or maybe she used another word, how could they both move forward? The Jewish community was accusing her of passing the buck. Do we really need to trust politicians to move forward? Simply put - do your job. Be a leader and maybe offend some people in the process. Our city is not a board meeting. We need strong leadership and quite simply it isn't here at the moment. I am still in the Christmas mood. Now for some Christmas music. Have a wonderful weekend world. Love each other; help others if you can and come see me next Saturday at the Legion where I will be selling my books at 1050 Weston Road, Toronto from 10:00 to 2pm. It is part of a Craft Show. I love Craft Shows. silvaredigonda.myshopify.com
Thursday, 28 November 2024
Theology notes continues
If you had a day off, how would you spend it? Read a book? Go for a walk? Answers gives an answer to the Spiritual Director for the path you take. If the Spiritual Director doesn’t know the person, then they need to be referred to someone else. This includes people who won’t open up. What are their strengths, rather than weakness. There are different ways for different people. Sometimes, the Professor has told people to stop going to Church because they are hung up on it. Therapists should be aware of spirituality. He suggested using the analogy of a garage and car needing some work, rather than waiting for a major problem. Use: That happens to people with all the problems and tensions nowadays. Psychology and Spiritual Direction compliment each other. A person can be spiritual and not believe in God. Foundational - all human development; nurturing. There should be a lively relationship between Director and Directee - not boring. There are consequences, such as a person not caring about poor street people. Spirituality is a tool. Confession is therapeutic. In the old days there was only therapy available. Grow in relation to God. There are three in Spiritual Direction - God, Directer and Directee. In psychotherapy there is the client and psychotherapist. (I think it is a bit more complicated than that. However, I still think that these notes are beneficial. The Professor in this case is a Psychologist and Priest who is old school.
to be continued.
I shall be signing and selling my books, Saturday 7 Dec 24, Happy Thanksgiving USA silvaredigonda.myshopify.com
I will be at the Christmas Fair selling my books, from 10:00 to 2:00 pm, Saturday, 7 Dec 24. Why not visit me and say hello, at Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 31 Mount Dennis, 1050 Weston Road, Toronto Ontario, M6N352. Just South of Eglinton, on the West side. Looking forward to seeing you.
Monday, 25 November 2024
Empowering Parents - Strenthening Families - Guelph University - Dr Susan Chuang (and of course my thoughts)Conclusion
Cont…..from eg. Go to be 08:30 - “aw too early”. When you get it to 10:00, get it down to 0900 which you were already prepared to do. Children need structure. No routine breeds chaos, anxiety, stress. Meal times please. Hugs. Personal freedom - as young as one - leave child alone. Necessary for psychological well-being. Anxiety - as a result of parents who are extremely authoritative and controlling. Children who are 5 say no because they want to do it themselves. If three year old wants to pour their own cups, don’t shame them - “You always spill your drink, that is why I do it”. Put so much shame and putdown and then they don’t feel confident to do it. Let them. They need to explore their world. It looks like they are playing but they are learning. Autonomy vs shame/doubt. It’s all about control. “Drink milk.” No. Give choice of milk or juice. Self worth - esteem. It goes down when comparing siblings - comes from parents. Are you praising one over another? Celebrate one child for achieving an A and for the other no word? Low or no self esteem is crippling. When Professor asked one student what she was good at, she could not think of one thing. Are your expectations realistic? Should you really have your child at the top of the class? What do you do when your child fails? Need to allow child to be disappointed. Put x into perspective. Work through it with them, With not For them. You need to be consistent. Your child is being bullied? Work with them. No friends - shy? Self harm when dealing with bullies. Bullying is a big deal - some parents don’t think it is. At the other side you have parents say, “my child is not a bully”. Teachers talk about it in general. Tips: Consistency, within and between caregivers, united front whether parents or grandparents. Use humour, if possible. Never back someone in a corner. Make it into a game if possible. Clean up by throwing into a box. Always give a way out. “Maybe you weren’t doing it intentionally.” Take a break to think and then talk; united front. Hit yourself. Why hit a child? Your child will then hit others. My thoughts: I enjoyed this webinar and found it very basic which I usually find because it has been so engrained. I have a responsibility to let clients know my duty to report and child abuse is one. I often wonder if telling parents I have a duty to report, stops them from revealing child abuse. But, these are the rules. I sometimes need to reflect child abuse or simply lousy parenting. It can become a blurred line which I need to navigate. Parents need to be educated and sometimes they raise their own children, how they have been raised which is not usually the right way, but what is the right way for them? When I find that parent(s) have difficulty I usually recommend that they attend free instruction that the city provides for various age groups. There are also charities that provide solid education and then there are also support groups. One problem I have recognized consistently is separated or divorced parents using children for their own unresolved issues with their ex-partner. This hurts the child because they love both parents and want to support them. It places them in a difficult position. The well-being of the child should always come first. Get the help you need if you find yourself using the child to control what is happening in your partner’s relationship. Perhaps even work with a family therapist. I would just love it if I could see even extended families to work out issues and come to a united compromise for the benefit of all involved. I have seen so much love in the most dysfunctional families and they do benefit as they step back, reflect and work towards making positive changes. Next: continuing with Theology. Have a good week. I just want to mention one more thing. Expectations that parents have of their children. I recall a student hanging herself in the stairwell of her university for failing to achieve an A. She received a B. I always find it rewarding when I see a parent providing their child with lots of love and nurturing. Think of the words you use towards your child. If you have to hit someone, like Dr Chuang suggested, hit yourself. Take bullying seriously. I have dealt with adults who bullied and were bullied. We need to stop this cycle of abuse and can. Schools need to take this very seriously and deal with it.
Friday, 22 November 2024
Why go to Italy when you have it here - Mirra's? Have a good weekend world
Remember not too long ago I mentioned a new restaurant I wanted to try out? Well, I did, only it has been around since forever. Now you know that I do keep my eyes on the road. Before you wonder if I am partially blind, they did at some point renovate the exterior and it is across from Swiss Chalet so if that is a poor excuse, what can I say? Anyhow, I enjoyed the experience. It has an old classic environment due to time and a touch of aging elegance. I ordered gnocchi which I recommend because it is Italian authentic. You can dine with Italian soft music which permits conversation. I enjoyed the experience and would like to return to have their pizza. I cannot count the times when people have taken me out to what they believed is an Italian restaurant to treat me for one occasion or another. Good try and nice thought but all got a failing grade. Why do people pretend to be Italian? I don't know, but if you are going to pretrend, at least hire someone who can cook Italian. Anyhow, I do recommended this place for an authentic Italian experience. Check them out at 2157 Dufferin Street, in Toronto. They have a web site with menu.
Wednesday, 20 November 2024
Empowering Parents - Strengthening Families by Dr Susan Chuang, Guelph University (webinar) notes
I am glad that I had the opportunity to attend this webinar during the weekend, since I missed the big conference here. Our names were changed and I became S. She was in another country. There were three topic challenges - As a parent - your child is facing - with partner/extended family.
The question asked: If you were your child, would you want you as a parent? If your child could choose, would they pick you?
Two weeks before birth, memories are formed (assuming a full term birth). (Finally - I remember and I was told it was impossible for years!) Day 1. Infant’s prefer mother’s milk, then strangers.
Create boundaries at least at age 1. eg. no knives. Children will always push boundaries. Who is setting boundaries? Can negotiate with children, give phone - have limits eg. 20 minutes a day. If addiction begins, don’t just take it away. Punishment must fit the crime. I PAD smash on the floor? No - too much. Need to enforce accountability, reasoning, negotiate, discussion. Not punishment - addicted to phone? Let’s see how long you can stay away from the phone? What’s fair? Can stay away from the phone for two days? Yes, big deal. You can do it. Children also learn the skills on negotiation and communication skills. Eg. Go to bed at 8:30 to be continued……..
Bernardo Parole Board - You bet that the families of who he tortured and murdered should face him. Give them this because they need it!
Outrage over Paul Bernardo’s transfer to medium-security prison was the last memory and now we have another problem Huston.
Parole board barred victims' families from attending Bernardo hearing in person, lawyer says
The infamous killer and rapist goes back before parole board next week for a virtual hearing
Catharine Tunney · CBC News · Posted: Nov 19, 2024 6:51 PM EST | Last Updated: 37 minutes ago
Two teenaged girls in school photos.
Kristen French was 15 and Leslie Mahaffy was 14 when Paul Bernardo kidnapped, tortured and killed them. (The Canadian Press)
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The lawyer representing the families of Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy — tortured and killed in two of the most heinous crimes in modern Canadian history — says the justice system has let them down again by denying the victims' mothers the opportunity to deliver their victim statements in person at Paul Bernardo's upcoming parole hearing.
In a letter sent to the head of the Parole Board of Canada (PBC) on Tuesday, lawyer Tim Danson argues his clients have a right to confront their daughters' killer in person.
"It was nothing short of gut-wrenching to experience the painful and heartbreaking reaction of Debbie Mahaffy and Donna French when they learned that the PBC was prohibiting them from representing their daughters (and themselves), and denying them the right to confront Paul Bernardo, in person, through the reading of their victim impact statements," Danson wrote in his letter, which was shared with CBC News.
"This was truly a shock to their system. It was bone chilling — an insult so deep and hurtful that, (figuratively speaking), it set victims' rights back to the stone age."
The letter is addressed to Parole Board chair Joanne Blanchard, Correctional Service of Canada commissioner Anne Kelly and Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc.
Paul Bernardo goes back before parole board later this month
Supreme Court won't hear families' years-long case over access to Bernardo documents
Bernardo, designated a dangerous offender, is serving a life sentence for the violent kidnapping, sexual assault and murders of French and Mahaffy, who were teenagers at the time of their deaths.
He is scheduled to have a virtual parole hearing next week.
PBC citing safety reasons, lawyer says
In his letter, Danson said the families' legal team was told recently their clients won't be able to attend the hearing because the board was "unable to ensure safety and security of all hearing attendees." He said the parole board didn't provide further details.
According to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, the board can restrict attendance if "the security and good order of the institution in which the hearing is to be held is likely to be adversely affected by the person's presence."
In his letter, Danson said he has never seen that threshold invoked in his four decades as a trial and appellate lawyer.
"Who is the 'person?' Surely not the victims who have conducted themselves with absolute propriety and decency at Mr. Bernardo's previous two hearings. Are you referring to Mr. Bernardo — is he your concern?" he wrote.
"Even the worst offenders are smart enough to behave properly when appearing before the Parole Board claiming that they no longer represent a threat to public safety and therefore ought to be paroled. There has to be an air of reality to this."
sketch of paul bernardo
Paul Bernardo in a courtroom sketch. (Pam Davies)
He argued that delivering victim statements in person brings an "overarching human dimension and quality" to the proceeding.
"Relegating victims, against their will, to the impersonal, detached coldness of a computer screen is simply cruel," said Danson.
"The fact that the 'system' fails to understand this is profoundly sad."
CBC News has reached out to the Parole Board of Canada for comment.
A spokesperson for LeBlanc, whose portfolio includes the parole board, said the board is an arms-length body that makes decisions independently.
"Our hearts go out to the families of the victims, who continue to live with the trauma caused by this individual's abominable crimes," said Gabriel Brunet in an email.
Killer moved to medium-security facility
Danson pointed out that safety and security concerns were not cited when Bernardo's first parole hearing was held at Millhaven, a maximum-security facility in 2018. His second attempt at parole in 2021 was held virtually due to the pandemic.
"How can there possibly be any such concerns at the La Macaza Institute, a medium security facility? If such concerns have now arisen, why hasn't Mr. Bernardo been transferred back to Millhaven or some other maximum-security institution?" Danson wrote.
Corrections chief briefed Mendicino's chief of staff weeks before Bernardo's prison transfer
Bernardo's controversial transfer to La Macaza last year sparked outrage and demands for changes to how dangerous offenders are treated.
Following a review, Correctional Service Canada concluded all proper procedures were followed but acknowledged that the families of the victims should have been better informed.
Danson accused the system of working for "Canada's most notorious sadist, sexual psychopath and murderer, but not his victims."
"Lip service to victims' rights is deeply offensive," Danson wrote.
The letter concludes by asking that Bernardo's Nov. 26 parole hearing be adjourned to accommodate the families so they can travel to attend in person.
"They have a right to answers, as do all Canadians," it reads. "They too are entitled to justice, not just the offender who has murdered their daughters."
Catharine Tunney
Catharine Tunney is a reporter with CBC's Parliament Hill bureau, where she covers national security and the RCMP. She worked previously for CBC in Nova Scotia. You can reach her at catharine.tunney@cbc.ca
With files from The Canadian Press
My comments: The Bernardo case is one I remember quite well. I also remember what decent students would tell me what they would do to him if they could. There was so much shock and anger. He is in jail, and his wife who is free, remarried with children and hiding last in Quebec under a new name. Recently the law changed that people convicted with such offences or words to that effect can no longer legally change their names. This is a case that people watch closely because it was so terrible. HOlmoka at the time (with husband), also killed her own sister. This was merciless. Our judicial system has been coming into question in how effective it is. People are actually leaving the city of Toronto because they are tired of the crime. Only yesterday I was conversing with someone who felt she was stuck here and told me that since I was born in Italy, I could go there. Me, in Italy? Mama Mia. I don't think so. I turned citizenship to Switzerland down noted in my book. What am I going to do there? Sing to the mountains? I probably cannot get books written in English at the library. It is always one thing going on vacation and quite another going to live there forever. Yesterday they released on the news that one of every immigrant (aside from refugees) leave and they are trying to figure out how to keep them. Do you really need to figure that out? What is it now, every fifth person needs a food bank? Who goes to the food bank? This includes university educated people with full time jobs who did everything right - the local news broadcasts. And what did I hear today? 20 percent of children are living in poverty in Toronto. Maybe if I stopped listening to the news as my 100 year old, old neighbour did, because it was so changed from the early Toronto we both knew, I might be just fine and able to keep my big mouth shut. However, it is all interrelated. I know that terrible devastating crimes are not always reported. Victims want to know why they cannot feel like they did before anything happened to them. Long court waits re-awaken the sorrow that families feel. Justice is something that survivors and victim families hope for and it is not always available. People need to feel safe. Wake up and smell the coffee. This is not brain science. I am staying in Canada. This is my country and home, regardless of where I was manufactured. I am not going to say "Let's make Canada great again" but I can see why people vote for people who may not be the best option. We need politicians who care about people and not money. Or at least care about about people as much as you care about money. Do the right thing. Focus on survivors and victims. Let people make a living wage. Crack down on corporations who will never be satisfied. It should not be our responsibility to feed the people of Toronto. Yes, Miss Mayor, we are generous, but it shouldn't be happening. Did I get pissed off listening to the news today? You better believe it. Can it bite me? You bet!
Tuesday, 19 November 2024
Monday, 18 November 2024
My temporary store for my books is silvaredigonda.myshopify.com
As you know by now, I am always dealing with some nuisance or other. While shopify deals with the domain of my store, they have provided me with this temporary domain, so you can order an ebook or soft cover book. Of course there is also a mail strike going on. What are the chances? Oh boy. So, why not order an ebook. If you have any and I mean any problems please let me know. Ominous is my favourite book and the last one I released this year. You can still order the book, which is in soft cover only, for $24.95. I don't say 25.00 because it sounds more expensive. I will mail it out to you as soon as the strike is over. I will be selling my books at the legion 7 Dec 24, for their Christmas Fair. The legion is at 1050 Weston Road, M6N 2S2. Please come and visit me and buy a book as a Christmas gift to someone you love or hate. I can help you choose. The legion is on Western Road, West side, South of EGlinton.
Oh boy...........
Thursday, 14 November 2024
Oh Boy, Thoughts of the week (my web site www.silvaredigonda.ca is down) Taylor Swift is in Town and the Good, bad and Ugly are hard at work.
Well, I did attend a webinar last Saturday held by Susan Chuang, a professor at Guelph University. As always it was interesting. I wrote notes and will start providing that for you next week if everything returns to normal sooner rather than later. Of course it is about family. Next: I noticed yesterday that my site where I sell my books is down. Apparently my domain disappeared and now they are working on getting that back on line. It should take about 24 hours. I'll give them til Monday. I try to keep my weekends free from any kind of work or media. Note: Try. Work balance is very important and I am prone to having fun. Next: I was alerted yesterday that I am going to have a seven hour exam at the end of April. I have seven hours to complete it in one setting but I should be able to do it in four hours. Yeepeee, can't wait!!!!! Of course, they don't call it an exam. They call it a CBA. I will be provided with 30 situations, judgement cases and I believe the pass is 85%. They are trying to make it as stress free as possible. How nice. I hope all the colleges do that. They will be providing me with more information - how nice. This is all to protect you, the public. I was asked three questions. Would I be able to write the exam? Would I still be working? Or, three is there any reason I couldn't do it. Let me think? Don't want to? I don't think that is a good response. Retirement? Can anyone retire nowadays? OK, I'll do. There you go, now that is a sound judgement response. On a lighter note we have Taylor Swift in town. Our city counsellors who seem to be mostly Swifties, made a Swifty road sign which cost thousands to welcome her. My city counsellor objected. I have to make sure to vote for him. Counsellors called those opposed - haters. So, is this the solution statement now at city hall - Don't agree with a Swiftie fan therefore you are hater? I think Taylor Swift is a smart business woman and you have to be, to be a billionaire. She is always welcomed in my town. The news this morning reported that she is expected to generate 282 million dollars in our city. Hotels have marked up their prices 10 times (greedy. I don't think they should be able to do that. Niagara falls did the same thing and upset a lot of people during the summer eclipse). The Anti Fraud Centre reports that 184 Swiftie tickets were reported as being fraudulent (as of Wednesday). Not nice Fraudsters. These are kids you are ripping off. As far as I am concerned if Taylor Swift is in town and is making so many people happy, perhaps she should live here sometimes. Of course, we need to keep her safe because there are some actual haters out there. My town needs excitement with all the shootings going on. Fortunately, most don't know how to shoot and I am not going to be their instructor. Three Police Associations are protesting the Bail System and are asking the government for help. What would our city look like if the police went on strike? I would take a sabatical out of town. Yesterday there were some 23 people I believe arrested for shooting about a hundred rounds, including hitting an unmarked police vehicle. Our police heros were on the scene and arrests were made quickly. How do they accomplish that? Let's support our Police who do their best to keep us safe with so little. Oh, they are going to hire more police, naw, not to match the crime...silly. They are trying to replace the ones retiring. Now, I have two busy days ahead, so I think, I'll go shake it off.
Tuesday, 12 November 2024
Veterans Day - Poppy - No frills disappoints
Well, I did go. It was the first time I attended since I retired, with lots of drama. First as I drove to the cemetary I spotted a woman, I had seen chasing a Coyote a few days earlier. She was trying to film the poor beast, while he was trying to get away from her. I was concerned because the woman showed no respect for the animal as she was filming him and I was concerned that she was going to corner him. This time the woman was searching for him without success. It is no wonder that they are starting to attack. They have less land to feel safe in. A man saw my plates and asked me where I wanted to go and began removing the safety pods so I could drive through. What a guy! There was no way I would have been able to walk the distance that was cordoned off. I drove to the steps and parked where film crew and others were given priority. I managed the steps with one of my crutches and I was so glad I carried it with me. I found a beautiful tree and made it my resting place. I was asked a lot of questions and I wasn't expecting so much. One of the cemetery staff asked me if I wanted a chair and I accepted, thus losing my spot at the grand tree. During the service, an elderly woman fell onto the ground. Initially, I thought she had died, her eyes were wide open and still. She was with someone who was helping her and calling 911. For some reason, I called out that we needed a medic. For some reason two medics reacted but their equipment was in their vehicle. It is comical really because we all reacted as if we were still in the military. Why would I call for a medic? Fortunately, EMS were at the parade as well, so they responded immediately. Paramedics arrived and they all brought her back to life and of course I gave her my chair. What a woman! I would have gone to the hospital if I were her, just to be safe. However, she wanted to remain for the entire parade. I couldn't understand why there were not chairs for more people, especially the elderly who need to be there for reasons they alone have. I saw the VIP civilians come in their glory as well as the politicians, perhaps one and the same. One woman was insisting I have another chair and I insisted that she stop. OMG. After the service, I hobbled over to the coffee which I was really looking forward to. There I was approached by an MP who spoke of his ambitions. I marvelled at this new generation of hopefuls. I did tell him to be careful what he wished for (because I have seen so many lively and wonderful people going to war zones and returning different. I wanted more for this young striking man who has his entire life ahead of him.) After some discussion with him, I went to the cenotaph to compliment the young cadet who was so perfect in her role; and so much better than myself when I had to do that, which I shared with her. She informed me she wasn't a cadet, she was regular force. Boy, how long has it been? Then I was approached once again by a civilian woman wanting to know where I had been. I told her Europe, the Middle East and Canada, as I continued to go to the safety of my car. I hobbled down the steps and helped my leg into the car. I decided this would be my last parade. I went off to have breakfast with legion members and while they were going off to another parade, I decided to go home and then return. I did and spent most of the day at the legion where I heard the stories about the poppies. I had to admit I was so much in awe of these volunteers who give so much of their time for the causes of veterans. They have welcomed me so warmly and earnestly. Then the stories came. I shall call her Alaine, not her real name (I hope. I am bad with names). Her parents were both World War vets from England. They immigrated here and at the time, citizenship was automatic with Canada. I didn't know that had changed and wondered why so many things have to change and not always for the best. Look at us now. It appears with no surprise that her parents had suffered, due to the war. She later told me that "No Frills" at Black Creek and Eglinton had refused her to have poppies on the premises. She said she was so upset that she had to take a break before going to the next place and had to have a coffee to calm down. I felt really bad for her because I saw her pain. I don't go shopping there and Fortino's my grocery store has a poppy box at customer service. I always make a mental note of where they are because I keep losing mine. Then I heard from another member who had served, whom spoke of one man who gave him one hundred dollars and wanted only one poppy at the Eaton Centre two years ago. It was evident that he had appreciated the gesture. Then he talked about how wonderful the children are and that of course, gives me hope. I was given a Military Service Recognition book, Volume X1, and he wanted me to look at the pictures at the back of the book that children had drawn. The work is stunning. These children are so deep and their drawings are so amazing. What gifted children. He gave me a pen of a palace guard, hat and quilt - so cute. I have tried to go to England three times while I served and never did make it. Was it time? My hairdresser also went and I have been suppied with cookies and tea bags from the West Minister Palace since his return. I was also provided with an Afghanistan, Lest We Forget pin (2001-2014). It rests against the following words, " Once again Canada was called upon to send our Canadian Armed Forces into battle. More than 40,000 soldiers served in Afghanistan. 2,179 soldiers were wounded. 158 soldiers made the ultimate sacrifice and thousands more will need assistance for years to come."
Friday, 8 November 2024
Thoughts of the Week - Rememberance Day - Rob Ford Thank you
Our Premier, Doug Ford has extended us Veterans and Military Personnel free access of the Go Train. I am grateful to him. Already there is a lot of hoopola about who didn't get it and why we don't get more, yada, yada, yata. I remember years ago and it is probably in my book that I went to Marine Land which is in Niagara Falls Canada and a sign stated that American soldiers could get free access or a discount I can't remember which (I have to read my book). That is the only time I got mad and spoke up. I did get that discount or freebie, because come on, we're in Canada and soldiers here were being dismissed in their own country? I know there are a lot of discounts in the States for soldiers and Veterans. Every time I go there I get discounts even in clothing stores. It's everywhere. We never did get anything at home. Perhaps times are changing. However, I am really appreciative and grateful that Rob Ford has thought enough of us to give us this. I think it is big. I know I was getting 25% off the train as well and so first class was appreciated. I never take things for granted. Recently I was listening to a person named Richard on the news representing the City of Toronto and I was disappointed since he sounded like he was dismissing women who served. He said men and a few women. I wanted to strangle him. If someone does, I assure you it wasn't me. I thought of all the WW2 Veterans I have met in my time whom were women. I think of all the deaths and suffering. I think of when I went to Dacho, concentration camp and saw the ground where two British Officers who happened to be women were tortured and killed. What would they think of Richard? Richard was so effective that before the interview was over the woman interviewer stopped saying women and just said men. That is all it takes. I haven't been to a Veteran's parade since I retired. I was about to once, but I wasn't a dignitary so couldn't get a parking space. I explained I was a veteran but I don't think he understood what that meant. However, since I joined a legion and have been encouraged to attend, I am debating. I will be donating my helmet and a few other items to the legion because I see how proud they are of what they have. I have donated some things to my old military school and also to my Chief who is now deceased. The military world is a paradox. There is a connection to all who have served. The only thing stopping me right now from attending is my right leg. Will I need to sit? How will I look if I lean against a tree? I found my beret which is still acceptable. I would have to wear my red running shoes which will match my beret. All things to think about. But what is most important to me is the military family and thoughts of all those who died so we can have the freedom we enjoy today. To all who have served. I love you. Have a good weekend and spend a moment to reflect.
Wednesday, 6 November 2024
Theology notes continues
Looking at connection between Jesus Resurrection - rest of the world.
Jesus Historical resurrection - Overcoming evil
God’s ability of victor over evil. Do you want to believe in God that allows to have his son die or resurrect?
Abraham is stopped slaying his son that is the evil of all sacrifices.
Redemption is the reversing of violence-
wanting to be like God - compete with God
Sin and Redemption - Jesus resurrection is hope of overcoming evil but it is also our resurrection.
Definition of Prolepsis - anticipation. Anticipates the resurrection of everyone. Doubting Thomas - doubted Christ’s resurrection. Show me.
Angels don’t have biological sensitivity. No distinction between knowing and doing - if they rebel, that is it.
There is a revelation - New heaven and new earth - seems to suggest into the heavenly realm once and for all. Ratzinger is very concerned about the intermediate state. Jesus was separated from earthly body. Most Christians are naive. We think the soul dies. The body is snake skin. Skin immortal? There is a misinterpretation of body/soul separation. If it is not possible to separate how can they live on? If resurrecting right away, how are you going to preserve this? Razinger says this is intermediate state. Soul is in heaven while waiting for the resurrection of everyone. Dermont Lane said that resurrection of soul is imminent, second resurrection with coming of Christ. Vatican 1 had specific definition for dogma (inner knowledge of God which cannot be reasoned) therefore learned through revelation. Intermediate state is trying to understand the two. If don’t have free will in purgatory will need prayers. Apparitions of Mary - People in purgatory don’t have free will at all.
soul - YUXN/y everything but the physical body. Interpreting the foundations of faith as context change. Life after death - different concepts of different religion.
Soul is real; whole person is an organism (ideal), incongruence, biological {} psychological. Model is biological. Evolution has opened us to transcendence - genuine, unconditional warmth; empathy.
Next (when we talk about theology) we are going to touch on spiritual direction
Tuesday, 5 November 2024
Good luck today America
Today is a big day and I want to wish my American neighbours good luck. I hope it is a good choice that will enhance the country. Every time I took a glimpse of what was going on, I only heard bashing. Unfortunately, we are experiencing much of the same. Wishing my neighbours the best! I have a glass of wine ready. I posted on X, which I can't seem to post here, a special comedy editon I watched most of last night (will watch the rest when I have more time). It's called this hour has 22 minutes. It's fun to watch so please don't take offence. If you don't have a sense of humour, you may want to skip it.
Monday, 4 November 2024
Canadian Health Care Workers - I cut and pasted this from EHN. You should be able to find their video if interested.
Morning, I thought this may be of interest to you. I didn't watch the video because there is nothing new here for me. However, feel free to look them up if you are interested.
Silva Redigonda
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October 2024
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Canadian healthcare workers’ mental health is in decline
More and more studies are showing that the mental health of Canadian healthcare workers is reaching a critical point.
In 2021, more than one in five health care workers logged overtime. Nearly half of family doctors report working beyond capacity according to the College of Family Physicians of Canada. The Ontario Medical Association says, “Physicians retiring prematurely, reducing their workloads, changing their scope of practice or leaving medicine entirely in response to burnout will exacerbate the situation for remaining physicians, resulting in a potential domino effect.”
Paramedics, family physicians and respiratory therapists were the most likely to report working overtime at 45%, 34%, and 31% respectively. And Dr. Leigh Chapman, Canada's Chief Nursing Officer, said, “Nurses are the backbone of our health care system, yet too many in Canada are struggling with their mental health, experiencing burnout, distress and feeling overworked, and unappreciated, causing them to leave their jobs."
Understanding the impact their work is having on them is the beginning of offering the support healthcare workers need.
Healthcare_Therapist talking to client_HS
Caring for others while harming themselves.
When we talk to healthcare professionals across Canada, one thing we hear from them again and again is their inherent drive to help people. The other thing we hear is how much their work impacts their own mental and physical well-being.
Being on the frontlines of healthcare means witnessing the results of accidents and disease, and also being with patients in their final moments. While they are trained to deal with such challenging situations, healthcare professionals are still human beings who often cannot shake what they’ve experienced.
It’s a phenomenon known as “vicarious trauma,” and it’s impacting between 40 and 85% of healthcare workers today. In addition, "compassion fatigue” is testing the limits of healthcare workers’ dedication to their work. This erosion of empathy often leaves workers feeling like they have nothing left to give.
Look for colleagues who are:
Feeling drained, overwhelmed, or numb
Showing difficulty empathizing or connecting with others
Overly alert, anxious, or easily startled
Increasingly frustrated or angry
Experiencing nightmares or having trouble sleeping
Suffering from frequent headaches, stomach issues, or other stress-related physical ailments
Feeling unappreciated or questioning the purpose of their work
Withdrawing from social interactions, friends, and family
Unable to focus or make decisions
To learn more about vicarious trauma, watch our webinar with Clinical and Forensic Psychologist Dr. Krystle Martin.
Watch Webinar
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