I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Thursday, 14 September 2023
What have I been up to? A few weeks in my life aside from work.
As usual I have been busy. Let’s begin with the last long weekend. I made sure to only relax and spend most of my time with Mr Attitude. He was in his glory. I read all the books I had bought and mentioned to you while watching mostly American planes give me a show from my backyard. I don’t know how, but I missed going to the Exhibition this year. I was watching the news and decided it was too late to go as it was super crowded. Last year wasn’t bad, but I also went during the weekday. I need to plan it next year. So, I told you I would let you know about the books ———. Well there was the one I mentioned who believed she died for four days and I thought she made a mistake. She didn’t. She really believes she was dead for four days which is simply not possible. Nada………How the book got published is beyond me. My publisher would take a fit and say bye, bye. I wouldn’t blame her. Now, this writer believes that while she was dead, Jesus was reading a quotation from the bible. I have a bit of a problem seeing Jesus reading from any book, religious or not. On the other hand she suffered greatly from brain tumours and I am pleased that she has recovered. I found that the book had many quotes from her bible and it is one of the few times, I could not read such passages. I placed the book in the recycling bin at my gym. It is still there.
I also read, Over The Wall by Fatima Gould. I met this pleasant author and remarkable woman and do recommend the book. This is the woman, born in Canada and leaving to spend the first eight years elsewhere, to return home and feel racism for the first time. It is well worth reading. It may be a bit raunchy for high school for a small portion of the book, but otherwise very instructive regarding racism and harsh family life.
The last book I read was Finding My Voice, Standing Against Racism by W. Nadine White. This book was very interesting as well. The experiences this woman has had, I have heard before. She sued The City of Toronto but in my opinion should have gotten a lot more money. I have been informed by another who successfully sued the City of Toronto where he worked and I have to wonder why is this happening in the City which should be up to date regarding work ethics, racism etc……What is going on? Get with the program. These are our tax dollars. Obviously not enough money is invested in educating employees not to discriminate. It is not the first time that I have heard about black women in positions of authority being complained about and people saying that they are scared of them. Black powerful women are just that and there is nothing to be scared about. That is called prejudice (pre-judging). When I was a young woman it was my gender being attacked. How can a woman do a man’s job? She can’t be a woman, must be gay etc……Of course I worked with great men but boy a few can make your life miserable. I believe I mention that in my own bio For Love of Country Military Policewoman, www.silvaredigonda.ca
I haven’t read the elderly man’s book yet (which we traded. I gave him Hey Guy Buy Me). I needed a rest from the suffering these author’s went through. My work is based on the suffering of others and for self care, I spend a lot of time on me, me, me. Another thing I was reading about is how so many women think they are unattractive (this applies to men as well). Last night I was watching Big Brother. Now, I stopped watching Big Brother, Canada and continue with the original American one. I like it better and have not examined why. The Amazing Race I like equally Canadian and American, but Big Brother Canada, for some reason doesn’t do it for me. Last night a woman is telling another how she felt about her looks and it resonated with the other woman. I believe I read that in my books as well. Low self esteem is something I work with, I remember asking one person who she would like to be like, and she said, like me (meaning me). I normally tell my clients to surround themselves with positive people and to re-examine their relationships and how it can improve. If people are berating you, especially your appearance is that healthy for you? I also suggest for people who think they are ugly and have ugly bodies to strip down to nothing, and to look at their reflection, and then to tell themselves they are beautiful and to do that every day. You may not be able to do it for more than one second and that is ok. Try to do it a bit more each day. Remember it took a while to make you feel as low as you do about your self, so give it time. I have found that this works. As for me, well I didn’t have to study this. I even blow kisses to myself. We have to love ourselves people, nothing wrong with that.
Enough, of this. Remember I bought a new (old) car because I had to drive out of the city for an important bridal shower? Now, if it was a Jack and Jill I could have just brought a date, but no it was for women only, so I decided that I had to go. Well, it took me three hours to get there. Why? My GPS has attitude and it sent me to the wrong places. I didn’t even know it was the GPS until I asked it to bring me home and it decided to give me the tour. I only know that I was so tired and even though I passed some nice restaurants, I kept driving because I would not want to get back into my car. I came home exhausted. The Shower was held at The Tea House at Hwy 11 and 5 Side Road. I found 5 Side Road but it was somewhere West of location where I was supposed to be (I didn’t know it at the time). I tried to ask the cows and then horses where I was. I really was in the middle of nowhere. I ended up at “Road Closed” and that is when I made my first phone call. How do you tell people where you are, when you don’t know yourself? After that I stopped people who were driving and asking them where this place was - Oro Station. No one knew. I found a Roti food van (probably from Toronto) stopped on the road and he tried to help me by getting the passenger to check his cell phone, but nothing. I stopped to ask about 15 people. About three told me, it was complicated. One told me she knew where Toronto is. Did you see my sign that states “bang head here”. I posted it in the past. It was given to me by a friend who used to work with the Toronto Police. I had and used it at two of my careers. It was kept on the door of my locker which came in handy after certain days or encounters. However, I don’t have one in my car. Also, when I was driving on the highway, I saw my little Fiat driving beside me and I thought how ridiculous that I am in this big SUV when I would rather be closer to the ground. Come on manufacturers make more smaller cars - think of the environment please. Yeah right, they care. I am trying here. Anyhow, I get out of my car when I am at a crossroad in the middle of nowhere and wave at the first car, I am able to raise my arms to. I think he is going to drive through, but no this handsome young blond hair blue eyed man parks his vehicle and runs over to rescue me. Yes!!!!!!! He knows where I am and he knows where I am going. He tells me that my car is parked in the right direction and what I have to do is pass several places, and then drive under the underpass and turn left at the church. I was rescued by the Church. I turn left and yes, I am on the highway. I see side road one and then two and then I finally see 5. Yup, I turn off and there is the Tea House, right there. If I had blinked, I would have missed it. It is right there. There is lots of parking which I always marvel at. I enter the house and see people I know and love. Boy, what an adventure it has been. Now, if this Tea House was closer to me, I would be a frequent flyer. It is an old house and the hostess and her servers are very friendly and accommodating. I ask for coffee and they make it for me. I am sitting with three people I know and who are family. They have left me my share of sandwiches and scone with cream and jam. I am in my happy place. I love high tea which is getting harder to find, because they are trying to make it high end and I just want a basic high tea. I spend a few hours there before dreading the return. I had a good time. That night I get a well deserved good sleep to be ready for the next day. I am getting back into the work mode while balancing my life. And how was your week? Good talk. (PS - there is still the wedding).
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