I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Thursday, 27 January 2022
The Internet Murders ......cont.........
“Fr. Francis managed to nod and walked to the side of the church. The door to the house was unlocked. He entered and Mrs. Delany approached him in a fuss.
“Father, oh Father, come here and sit down and I’ll make you a nice pot of tea.”
He felt himself being guided by Mrs. Delany to a chair. She placed a plate of cookies in front of him and he stared at them, wondering if he would ever be able to eat again. He felt a hollow pit in his stomach. The roller coaster he was on was slowing down but would not stop.
Sandra slowly opened her eyes, looking through the hospital window at the rising sun. There was a rosy glow, with the promise of a new day. She felt as if she had been badly beaten. She had never experienced so much pain. She felt sore throughout her body.
The nurse entered. “How are you feeling, dear?”
Sandra turned slowly to look up at her. “As if I have been hit by a truck.”
“Would you like to have something to eat?” The nurse asked cheerfully.
Sandra suddenly felt very hungry. How long had she been here?
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.” https://www.silvaredigonda.ca
Tuesday, 25 January 2022
Ethics - theology notes
Even to be morale, we require the notion of sensitivity. It begins in the heart not with abstract principles.
…Morality begins with notions of value: The sacredness of persons; sacredness of life (appreciation) - All that God created was good and sacred.
….Morality is affective, intuitive, imaginative, somatic. Sensitivity attuned to God.
—-Reality and mystery (Incarnational principle) - St Thomas Aquinas raised what the Church has never done before and separate.
——Bringing foundational values to practical situations.
——What best befits the person in all their sacredness.
——Morality is thus about love (parable of good samaritan)(love is always a decision).
——empathy (Carol Gilligan)
——The practice of the presence of God.
——Prayerful attention to the presence of God in the Ordinary, diverse experiences of daily living.
——Reading the signs of the times.
——Fullness of relationship.
——to be attuned to one’s heart; rules alone are inadequate for moral judgement and action.
to be continued with "A need for Reflection"
(I took three ethics courses - one being theological)
Tuesday, 18 January 2022
#Market Place
I cannot believe it is mid January already. I am afraid I got a very bad cold or was it more, which is improving but I did have to go out and shovel in a blizzard yesterday just to clear the steps to the front sidewalk. Thankfully, my next door American neighbour did my sidewalk which I am very thankful for. I have always had a soft spot for my American neighbours. Today I recommend that People watch Market Place which you can find on utube because it talks alot about the scams going on and other serious concerns. The most recent one was by a guy named Alex I believe, who is supposed to be registered telling a producer that he is registered and her water tank needs to be replaced within the next six days on his authority. However, this water tank which was supposed to be dangerous was examined by a College Professor prior and it was found to be in good order. It was functioning properly. The Company that Alex works for has a government type name beginning with Ontario which victims have thought was actually government. Then hold and behold they did another examination of people being scammed for thousands of dollars and signing contracts for something which would cost about 250.00 to buy plus installation and they find they have a lien on their house again for thousands of dollars when they try to sell their homes. Market Place shows how easy this is to do and there is no follow-up with the homeowner. What was most disappointing was that they informed what was happening to the government who refused to see them. Really? Do we need to inform the government that they are elected officials voted in who can be voted out? When they refuse to speak to the media professionals working in our interests, they are acting like dictators. We need to be careful about that especially during these days. A previous show demonstrated how toxins in clothing is being allowed into the country from where else? China? This includes toxins in items for children. This is controlled in the States but not in Canada. Why? Because businesses police themselves here. Why am I interested in all this? Because it causes undo stress for people who have enough stress in this pandemic. NOt only do they feel betrayed by registered companies but also abandoned by their own government who they believe should be protecting them. It is disappointing for me to see people suffer needlessly because people are not doing their jobs. If people are registered and breach ethics, then they should be penalized and lose their license. We have a lot of work to do to help out our people and the first thing is to hold people accountable for scams and our government to start listening and do their jobs. Next week I shall continue to talk about ethics from my notes in grad school. Have a good week. Keep safe. What do you think?
Friday, 14 January 2022
The Internet Murders continues https:www.silvaredigonda.ca
“As Francis drove towards the church he was disturbed by all the police cars parked at the front of the main entrance. No one had called him. What had happened?
He approached one of the uniformed policemen who was standing just inside the yellow tape barrier. “I am Fr. Francis. This is my church. What has happened?” Fr. Francis was directed to the plain clothes officer. Sandfield saw the good-looking young priest approaching him. He was tall, and looked more like a model sporting a priestly collar than a priest.
“I am Detective Constable Sandfield. I am sorry to inform you that an elderly priest was killed here overnight. He has already been transported to the coroner’s office.”
Fr. Francis felt his legs weaken and was suddenly unsteady on his feet. He felt as if he was on a roller coaster that was going too fast and wouldn’t stop.
“How …,” he barely managed.
“It appears, by the markings around his neck, that he was strangled. There will be an autopsy. We talked to a Mrs. Delany who said you were expected this morning. She tried to call you but ….
Francis couldn’t make out any more of what the detective was saying. He had talked about a phone call. There was no phone at the cottage and his cell phone … where was his cell phone? His mentor and old friend was dead. It was his fault. He had asked him to stay at the church so he could go away for a few days to relax. His friend encouraged it. He was relaxing while his friend was being killed. How could this be happening?
The words of the detective slowly became audible, “Mrs. Delany called the Archdiocese. They are making arrangements. We’ve already swept the church. You can have your church back by the end of the day. We’re working hard trying to get this done.”
Francis stopped hearing the words again. He was in a fugue state.
“Father, I know this must be a shock to you. Why don’t you go to your house and we’ll talk to you a bit later. Ok?”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.”
Thursday, 6 January 2022
Happy New Year - Out with the old and new beginnings
It is my first day back and I am on my way to recovery from a cold (hopefully). I started to feel better yesterday and I am easing my way back into work. This morning while listening to the news I heard President Biden talk about the one year anniversary of the attack on Captital hill. I remember that day and forgot it was on the Epiphany which is my last day of having my Christmas displays out. This weekend I am hoping to get everything down, at least most of it. Hearing the President reminded me of that horrid day when I became concerned regarding democracy in the States. I believe in the democratic system and in freedom. The President said that one policeman said he was more afraid that day than he was as a soldier in Iraq. That was the most powerful statement I felt because I understood it. You expect that from battle, but not on your home turf. I hope that after a full investigation that all parties will have their justice due. He never named the previous President and I am glad, because I prefer to never hear that name again either. Deomocracy should never be taken for granted. That is out with the old. New Years Eve I spent with Ryan Seacrest in my living room. Actually I was watching him on the screen. It was different this year. I didn't recognize too many faces but it was nice to see who performed before. Aside from him I didn't recognize the other hosts except for Puerto Rico. I didn't realize that two of my favourite actors were married to each other. The Rookie and Paradise Island united. The performance there was also my favourite. I also watched our own show and that was more than a tad boring. I did a lot of fast forwarding. I was disappointed to hear that Ryan Seacrest was being bashed by a CNN host with his sidekick laughing beside him. It may be time to exchange my CNN channel. I have it because it reports the news 24/7 and if there is a disaster they usually cover it. However, I also expect professionalism and what I saw on a clip bashing Seacrest was not. Out with the old and new channel coming. I got sick Jan 1, full force and it had nothing to do with the small champagne bottle of Moet I have every New Years. I was shamefully in bed by 11:30 New Years Eve and now I know why. Yesterday I started feeling better and it is a good thing. I am self isolating once again and ordering my food. I don't want anyone else to catch my cold. I also found a New Hair salon who takes the pandemic seriously, so it is out with the old and in with the new. If I could make a New Years Resolution for the world I would suggest making this one, a year of self care. Our Nurses and Doctors are being asked to work more, not take holidays and return to work before they are healthy to do so. My recommendation - do not. Take care of yourselves first. Our government has been reducing costs for the health care and other departments of health or police services and now they expect everyone to step up. I suggest the government steps up instead. This was all predicted but as usual unless a threat is staring you in the face, it is ignored. This has been a difficult time for everyone but it has also been an awakening. If you are not well, take that sick time. If you are due your holiday, take it. The politicians are not there to see your struggles as you become overwhelmed. Take the time - heal. For a short time many can work around the clock. Been there done that. However, in the long term it cannot be sustained. Don't feel guilty because the guilt is not yours to take. On the news one reporter said a psychologist told him that people are suffering from learned helplessness. I disagree and don't think we are there yet because unlike Pavlov's dogs who had no choice but to sustain such cruelty. We do. This is not permanent. You have choices. The last two years has been a wake up call for people who are in unhealthy relationships. You have a choice. You can continue being miserable or you can do something about it. Society now has everyone in a household working and children are left at school. It worked fine. There has been more money but things changed didn't they. Things cost a heck of a lot more, and choices minimized. I agree that it is important for children to be socialized and school is a wonderful place for it. However, the health of the child is paramount. Last night our city suffered the loss of a child less than four years old to COVID. What a devestating nightmare for a parent. I have always liked Moslow's hierarchy of Needs because it made so much sense to me. Please get vaccinated this year or seriously consider it. Protect yourselves as much as possible. I am still waiting for my booster shot and I am on a calling list. I can't go if I am sick but as soon as I am healed I shall bug pharmacies once again. This year I will be able to catch up with everything and re-examine what I want in my next chapter. I will shortly return to my own writing which I paused completely during the holidays. I did have fun though. I find that people are afraid to say no to visitors. This is a good time to practise saying no. "Do you want to work over time?" Response. "No. I am sorry." "We need you back." Answer: "No, I cannot. I don't want to burn out and I need to take care of myself so I can be the best when I return." That is just a suggestion. The pandemic is not disappearing any time soon, but you can adapt until it does. What are you willing to change? What do you have control of? Are you doing what you want to do? Are you with who supports you and loves you? Are you a healthy positive family? You have choices. You are not helpless. So, I sincerely wish you a positive movement to self care this new promising year. Happy New Year world.
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