I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Monday, 6 July 2020
Trend of Male Violence- Video “Rapist, Can they be Stopped?” Social Science - Man and Masculinity
WARNING: THE FOLLOWING MAY BE DIFFICULT TO READ, please skip if you find you are sensitive to violence. The cases described is not suitable for youths. Therefore, I will not be posting it elsewhere as I usually do.
Just because someone doesn’t act out doesn’t mean that the person has morality. Surplus aggression is surplus aggression. Guilt is a revolving door. Book - Care of the Souls (I haven’t read it yet and now that I see it in my notes, I have recorded the name to find it). Eliminate violence by violence. One person - rather than deal with negative in ourselves, direct it to the other. The other is generally inferior. Eg. female in male discontent for feminine qualities and sees that in female or gay male. Instead of dealing with the inner, he attacks the other. No one wins. Be comfortable with our fears. Choose romantically. One of five will be sexually assaulted. On this course it was also stated that there 99% success rate of rapists in that particular study of treatment. - regain power/eroticizes/anger - explosive assault. Two out three rapes are directed at girlfriends or wives. In one case study: one former army ranger married with one child was angry- wanted high excitement - in army. He does not know where anger started. He was poor in a close knit family. He reinforced macho. Made it to Corporal and then was demoted to Private so he quit. He grew excited thinking about rape when he followed a woman driving a van. He stopped her and cut her shirt in two or three places to let her know he was in business. His therapy (at that time) was when he gets excited an electrical charge was sent to his private part (trying to be sensitive to who is reading this) - aversion therapy. After one year he was no longer excited. Justifies to himself that the woman will get over it. Another case, one killed his mother. His IQ- genius, in his teens he did poorly in school. He was in full rebellion against his dominating Army Colonel, step father. His mother was submissive. His first rape was at 16 years of age. Self disgust event to hospital. He attempted to rape his mother and killed her. He felt his mother had encouraged his child abuse by not interfering. He was still excited after his aversion therapy until it was interjected with therapy. The therapist does not trust him. Over 60% of men at this centre were sexually abused as children. Within 6 months to four years these men will be back in the community and that is the only reason why the therapist works with them. Next case: The only son of an accountant, this person was loved by his mother and sisters. When he developed acne he felt ugly. He felt like a freak. He started by becoming a peeping tom, looking at bodies and that escalated after watching a woman for three weeks. He attacked her in her home. He felt a sense of power. He hit her with a club and dragged her to the bedroom. She pleaded that she had just had a baby and couldn’t have sex. The subject compared himself to how a leopard feels at night, “I have to do this”, as he raped the woman he had killed. He did not feel bad. He was 17 years of age. The social worker was 27 years old at the time. The subject had fantasies of rape, torture….etc. He continued…..He married and had fantasies of rape which continued until he raped his child step daughter. The therapist feels he will do it again. Arousal - women no longer excites him, young girls do. Advise to women from a Rapist: Keep defensive perimeter around yourself. Be aware of your outside. Don’t leave windows open. He killed a woman who left her window open before going to sleep. He cries when he watches the mother of the raped dead child. Talks about her.
Another case study: Ex Cop - dutiful son - grew up on a ranch- Protection of women - Military Policeman. Father died and he was angry at the world. “I needed someone. Someone had to be responsible for my father. He raped and sodomized a girl (and more which I won’t state). He was given 15 1/2 years but served 2 1/2 years. He feels it was temporary insanity. He remarries, has financial problems and began fantasizing of rape. He finds and handcuffs a woman to the steering wheel of her car, and got rid of the dog. He raped and sodomized the woman. He informed her of his full name. After again serving 1 1/2 years he went to the clinic. He is self-centred and does not feel anything for his victims.
Another case study: When 13 years of age, he tried to rape a six year old. As the son of a respected business man, it was dismissed as adolescent. Later, he raped a girl while on a date. She was a virgin. He went to college and joined the army where he continued to rape and none of the women reported it. He went from bad to worse, turned to victims easier to control - even a seven year old blind girl. She reported it to her mother. The therapist reports they feel powerful being in control. Power rapists don’t kill victims and don’t understand the pain induced to victims. 1/20 in six years re-committed rape. This is the end of my first notebook. I have my notebook 3 & 4, which I shall continue to provide for you. Notebook two may pop up, or I may have given it away. As you know I am typing all my notes and then cut and paste them for you here. Remember that when I wrote these notes, I was in my undergrad years. In our first year we were required to take one social science, one natural science, one writing with reason and one in thinking with reason or words to that effect. This is my social science Man and Masculinity. I enjoyed this course. I will not be proofreading these notes so I hope it has made sense. I have also tried to be as sensitive as possible without being graphic. There are many women and men who do not report being sexually assaulted. Many if not all blame themselves and feel shame. The shame and blame is not on the survivors. The shame and blames lays entirely on the one’s who commit these acts. Some feel abandoned by God. We all have free choice. If you have read anything that has triggered something here, please get some help. I have decided to continue to record my theology notes here and continue with my undergrad notes. I have neglected my books and so will add that to the agenda every third week. I will talk about my writing seminars, books I am working on and my three books I have self published which you can buy at www.silvaredigonda.com Please take care of yourselves. Social distance and wear your mask if you need to. This covid 19 has taken a toll on the entire world. Please listen to the disease medical experts. Politicians are not physicians. Thankfully, Canada has proven it can work with each other as we should be, during this trying time. They are listening. Tomorrow, we in Toronto must wear a mask in all public places. Though I have difficulty with this, I understand that it is required. Not all take this seriously enough and therefore spread it without them even knowing it. Unfortunately, some are leaders of countries which are responsible for more deaths than necessary. Hopefully, they will be voted out where there is a democracy. Take care; keep safe. What do you think?
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