I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Today is Bell Lets Talk focusing on stopping the stigma of getting help. Sgt Kerry Schmidt, OPP, a familiar face on the Toronto news was also answering questions when asked about three OPP officers who committed suicide last year. I decided to write this today because five cents is going to go for funding regarding mental health issues and as a Registered Psychotherapist and Registered Marriage and Family Therapist, I support ending any stigma regarding getting help and I have heard it often among clients who finally seek assistance. My own background is working as a Military Policewoman, who served four years in Europe and in the Sinai Desert for six months as a Peacekeeper. Prior to retirement I went back to school and chose psychology to understand why people do the things that they do to each other. I needed to understand the human mind. My second career at York University granted me the opportunity, which I appreciate to this day, to study for my degree without it costing me anything. Due to great work mates we traded hours or shifts so I could pursue my education. I then went to study full time at Regis College, at the University of Toronto where I received my Masters of Ministry and Spirituality. I also attended another program with the Toronto School of Theology where under Dr Beech, I completed another four programs two at a basic level and two at advance. I have worked as an Intern with people living and dying from cancer and HIV. I have worked with women who were financially, emotionally, sexually abused and physically abused and another two units of working with individuals, couples and families. That was my education. I have been very fortunate that in my own careers, I have had great support, as well as from close family and friends and colleagues. I have never kept anything inside for too long. I indulged in self-care before realizing its benefits. There is not a secret kept within me of a personal nature. It has been my way of life. I am saying all this because I have a particular interest in emergency personnel and men. I probably see men and women on an equal basis though I haven’t statistically recorded this. However because I have worked mostly with men in my life time, and seen suffering, I understand that the stigma for men may be greater though there is a stigma for women as well to get help. I normally utilize the analogy to clients who cannot understand why their emotions are so overwhelming, to think about water heating on the stove with a lid on it. The water becomes hotter, until it simmers and boils and boils over the pan, tipping the lid, just as emotions do when we bury them within us. The stress that it puts on the mind and body can eventually cause physical illness. Sometimes alcohol or drugs is used to dull the pain and this becomes very complicated because it becomes an addiction which complicates matters even more so. I usually recommend people go to AA, al-anon, CAMH, and other support groups which they many find beneficial. Drinking and drug use to dull the pain is not the answer. You eventually drink more and take more drugs to feel better until you get to that point where you need it, just not to feel so horrible. I have also had much experience with people who were violated as children which is tragic in itself. Shame is something I hear a lot from people who are suffering. It is not their shame, but the shame of those who abuse and hurt. Emergency response providers see all the horrors imaginable. They see bodies mangled and death, they see abuse of innocence. This is internalized and can cause professional numbness (I mention that on my blog). I would say in my own opinion that professional numbness is almost a certainty with those who respond to emergencies at some point. There is that expectation that a person in uniform should be immune of everything she or he sees. There is that expectation that anyone in uniform will respond to any type of danger or see anything which many will never ever experience a fraction of and they will not be effected. This is not the case. Emergency responders are only human. They feel pain and they suffer. Because it is a field where many want to help others and are in the position to do so, they must be careful to release their own sufferings of what they see. At times they may seem callous but this is a protective response as well. There is more violence in my city than it has ever experienced. There are shootings that have occurred and we must never accept this as the new normal. Sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers are killed. The judicial system as it is also causes harm as the healing is stifled over and over again with further court hearings where family members suffer and re-hash the killings over and over again waiting for justice to happen and re-living the nightmare which caused the death of their loved one. Their healing is stalled and tempered. I always encourage support groups and if they cannot find one, I will help to get them started to begin their own groups. Finding people who have experienced the same pain and sharing is healing. This is only a small fragment of mental health which I have spoken of here. If you are reading this and feel any kind of stigma to get help, don’t. Remember that what is said between you and your therapist is confidential. There is a law that the therapist must report if there is a child being abused, if you are going to commit suicide or if you are going to cause harm to someone. The court may also subpoena
the therapist to court. However all else is private. Your identity will never be known. So if you are feeling some sort of stigma, I hope what I have mentioned here will help for you to take that first step to help yourself.
Monday, 28 January 2019
Conversion and Dissociative Disorders - cont from Abnormal Psychology notes prior to DSM changes
Conversion Disorder
one or more symptoms or deficits affecting voluntary motor or sensor function that suggest a neurological or other general medical condition. b. Psychological factors judged to be associated with conversion disorder is preceded by conflicts or other stressors. c. not intentionally produced. d. cannot be fully explained by general medical condition including culture. e. causes clinical distress or impairment etc…..f. not limited to pain or sexual dysfunction, does not occur exclusively during course of somatization disorder etc….Specify type of symptom or deficit with motor symptoms, with sensory symptoms, with seizures symptoms; with mixed symptoms.
DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS - Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personality)
presence of two or more distinct personalities/states. b. two of these concurrently take control of persons behavior. c. Inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. d. disturbance nt due to alcohol black out etc. Note: Children- not fantasy or child playmate imaginary.
Next alternate week :notes on Abnormal psychology pertaining to Depersonalization and Dissociative Fugue and Amnesia
Next week: continuation on Theology notes.
Thursday, 17 January 2019
Theological differences between two religions. Muslim/Christian dialogue
Christianity is the fastest disappearing religion. Islam is the fastest growing. Islam as Christianity is an International religion (live mostly in Asia and Africa). There are more Muslims in India than in the middle East. Africa, North of Sahara 100 million- South of Sahara 130 million. In 60 countries Muslims comprise of a majority. In another 15 countries, it is quite substantial. Europe - second largest. Presbyterian is the smallest, even in Canada. U.S.A - substantial minority. Anglicans are majority in the Black African communities, since 1979. There are more people who are not white. 3000 convert to Islam every year. Muslims - picture of Mary and they will keep it. It is quite common for Muslims to support churches with Mary’s name. Allah is one and only God. Ginn - evil spirits - (Muslim). 610 in cave - angel Gabriel appeared in form of man - to Mary. Prophet - one who speaks for God. Annunciation to Mary like revelation to Mohammed. Mary - virgin - son. Mary - Jesus. Mohammed - Quran. Quran - record of revelation that Mohammed received between 610 -632 (death). Therefore received revelations for 22 years. Died 632 + 25 years = 657 - Canon of Quran. When was Cannon of New Testament? 16th century - Council of Trent. Quran: 114 chapters - shorter chapters - Mecca. Not in same order as revelations received. They were placed in decreasing lengths. Fatiha - corresponds to “Our Father.” Muslims believe that the Quran is the word of God. They would never write in it. It regulates and evaluates all of life, how to eat, how to live, etc…..The Quran is the most recited book in the world and most memorized. Presbyterians recite a lot. Unity of God and seek forgiveness for your sins. No other God but God. Quran is transcendent and imminent. First step to draw man and women. Prevenient grace - 1st step. Every chapter except nine. In the name of God, full of joy and hope. Quran 93. there is revelation outside Quran. To love God fully is to surrender to God fully. Mercy and Justice is a ____of strong religion. After Mohammed’s death - law continued to evolve - play a central role in unification. In evolution of Islamic law, Sharia (Islamic law) four foundations of the law. 1. Quran 2. Custom of what Mohammed said and did (Sunna).3. Consensus of the jurists. 4. Anatolgy.
It is not what you believe, but what you must do. Pray 5x a day. to be continued……….
Tuesday, 15 January 2019
Tuesday, 8 January 2019
Pain cont. from psych notes prior to DSM revision.
I hope everyone is ready to start a new year. I still have information to provide to you from conferences, but today I want to continue with psych notes and then theology, in alternative weeks once again. For anyone new reading my blogs, I write all my notes, which by the way is better for retention, than typing notes. However, I want to keep all my notes somewhere without the clutter of paper. So, as I type my notes, I also place them on line for you to read or discard as you wish. Today I shall continue from my last psych notes, regarding pain. Reporting of pain. There are 3 pain pathways. You have the perception of pain Thalamus, the site of origin where it ends up. The spinal - reticular, governs general arousal. Below that is the Spinal - Thalamic. So you feel pain. Pain is localized and three there is arousal, all at different centres of the brain. Recognizes fear before cognition. Adaptive significance because can get head start at what plan to do. Are there objective ways of evaluating pain? Yes. The prof indicated an example of proposed pain in right shoulder because of accident. Easy way to test if pain is in location subject area is to repeated stimulation at the same site, on other side of body, if person experiences pain - by poking it. Hook up to EEG and stimulate (not applicable to pain disorder).
Explicit memory - voluntary wants to memorize and under examiners control. Implicit memory - don’t consciously try to remember. From mental image - can stimulate , retrieve.
Somatization Disorder - A. A history of many physical complaints usually before age 30, that occur over a period of several years and result in treatment being sought or significant impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. B. Must have four pain symptoms: A history of pain (eg. head, abdominal, back, joints, extremities, chest, rectum, during menstruation, during sexual intercourse or during urination. 2. A history of two gastrointestinal symptoms, other than pain (eg. nausea, bloating, vomiting other than during pregnancy, diarrhea, or intolerance of certain foods. 3. one sexual symptom - history of at least one sexual or reproductive symptoms other than pain (eg. sexual indifference, excretion or ejaculation dysfunction, irregular menses, excessive menstruation, bleeding, vomiting throughout pregnancy. 4. At least one pseudoneurological symptom: history of at least one symptom or deficit, suggesting a neurological condition not limited to pain (conversion symptoms such as impaired co-ordination or balance paralysis or localized weakness, difficulty swallowing or lump in throat, aphonia urinary retention, hallucinations, loss or touch or pain sensation double vision, blindness, deafness. C. Either 1 or 2. Next: Conversion Disorder.
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