I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Emotions - psych notes continuation from (cognition)
Emotions function completely different from cognition that we discussed last. Cognition in it’s purest sense is logical thinking. Emotions takes the stimulus and either amplifies it or de-amplifies it. You don’t have the 1 to 1 correspondence. Eg. Someone smashed my fender.
I can rant and rave and the unfairness of the world. Or, 2, I will look at what it will cost, about $1000. to repair. 50 h x 20= to pay - won’t gain by wasting energy so will repair. Latter process is a more rational approach. What happened? How will I deal with it? This is the difference. This is idealized because even when we think we are being rational and calm, there is some colouring of emotion. There are six basic emotions.
There are three colour receptors in the eye; same concept as six emotions. If you look at any diagnose, you will find that one or another of these systems is out of wack - way to easy too activate or way too hard to activate. I will write about “fear system” which will activate far to easy. Think, do we go on which system is too high or too low? Eg. Schizophrenia - which is a thought disorder. (I just watched a program last night about marijuana testing which depicted the usage and brain study to be the same of that as schizophrenia. I believe it was 20/20 or the fifth estate. The study was conducted in the States, as marijuana use is still not legal here. I am glad that they are releasing studies that can show how destructive marijuana can be for a developing brain, since I see the negative effects of it in my private practice. Back to my notes now). There is also a problem in emotional regulation. It get’s in the way of what they may be able to do. Anti-social - too little fear. This is framework to categorize and understand mental disorder - not the whole. Cognition is not only in processing - also issue of what part of experience goes into these emotional bins. eg. flashing lights in class - not auditory just sights. There is something a bit different for each bin of the six. There is an intermingling of emotions and cognition and you find in each culture abnormal, if have a cognition in an emotional bin that does not belong there. Eg. laughing at a funeral - that is abnormal behaviour (not necessarily disorder). At biological level these systems can be too finely tuned - eg. people prone to depression - anything happening in the world can be awful at other end. Is that not wonderful? Always can find a positive. Both may be found as strange. Not called fear disorders but anxiety disorders. Question: How does this come to be? It is a blue print. There are different perceptions. There is a general overview:
Biological : Fear processed in part of brain called Amygdala (if fear centre is activated, feels fear, if not does not. Neurotransmitter is involved in regulating. This is called GABA, an inhibiting transmitter. Normally, GABA functions as a gate. When something is extremely intense, eg. only person walks into class and big guy comes in. I may start to feel threatened - magnitude of stimulus, that makes me uneasy. I’m getting a few more impulses coming in. If man shouts, experience more fear. Also if exposed to extremely loud noise, even if benign. For example, jet engine - fear because not enough inhibition at the centre. This is biological level. What happens if a person has only 1/2 GABA as rest of us. They have a lower threshold to experience fear. One quantum alone may exhibit fear - not nearly as much fear to experience.
to be continued……..
(this is one notebook completed from Abnormal Psychology). I hope some of this information is useful to you.) Next week back to theology)
Monday, 21 November 2016
Theology notes Cont: New Testament continue
Pharisees - oral law to interpret written law. Jews - what do we do? Christians what do you believe died before creed “ through kingdom come as it is in heaven”. What do you do, not what you believe.
Midrash - how to interpret the law. Honour mother and father, hospitality to travellers, visit the sick. Could serve God wherever you are. Each person has a priestly role. If everyone did their own thing, then would wipe away vocation of the people. Therefore, persons in community. Pharisees - school of rabbis - Hillech, Shammai - schools of interpreting the law.
note: as a chart The Pharisees
written law - { Moses
oral law < { Moses
persons in community
Jewish law tells you how to cook and run a business. When men and women are cooking they are doing a liturgy. After the death of Jesus there is criticism of Pharisees. Both Jesus and the Pharisees resisted Greeks about integrating themselves with them.
1962 - 1965 Vatican II
If you were a Jesuit before Vatican ll, you had to be in by a certain time, eat at a certain time, wear a black gown and have a collar on all the time. After Vatican ll, each Jesuit was given a key to come and go. Jesus never questioned the observance of the sabbath. He justified his actions. Sabbath made for people and not people for Sabbath - curing the sick etc….
Jews of today follow Pharisees tradition. Therefore, if you say nasty things of Pharisees, you are saying nasty things of Jews - so know what you are talking about. The fact that Jesus argued with Pharisees, it is a cultural thing. 1. means nothing; 2. Jesus did not abolish the law, “truly truly if heaven and earth pass away not all the land…..” Jesus wanted to remain a Jew. There were at least seven kind of Pharisees in Jesus times. If you read Babylon - Jews poking fun of Jews. 1. Shoulder Pharisees (internet download) 2. Wait- a little - would do but is requested, but first must do something else 3. fleeing - walk into wall (from not looking at woman). 4. not bumping into him. 5.reckoning (confession, or forgiveness) 6. Pharisees - always looking for a spiritual director. No matter how good, go to heaven. Many would argue that Jesus was a good Pharisee.
To be continued with Dialogue Decalogue - discussion not debate
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Busy times but now able to slow down - more education days to come.
I have been attending seminars, lectures etc and it has been informative and fun. I always love to reconnect with former classmates and profs and everyone else. It is a time to learn, refresh ideas and create new ones. It is a time to network and make new friends. Today I am taking a "me day" but I wanted to write to you and bring you up to date. I know I was supposed to write some notes about theology today, but it really is a free day and I want to just keep it light and easy. Next week for sure, I will be back to a normal routine. Showcase at York University was fun and I sold the same amount of books as the year before. When I look my books up online, they seem to be posted and unavailable. They are available - www.silvaredigonda.com. I have added pscyhotherapy for those who are interested in telephone counselling Canada wide or out of the country. Anyone wanting more information can email me directly at silva.redigonda@utoronto.ca or through any links I am associated with. Next month I will be taking a two day course regarding suicide. As Christmas gets closer, some feel isolated, sad and at times suicidal. There is hope and I suggest giving it a try for yourself - HOPE. I am always prepared to take names in Toronto to start up a group therapy weekly session which hopefully can turn into a support group. My interest is veterans, military and other emergency persons and I am always willing to work with other therapists to accomplish this interest. In my adventures lately I met a woman from London Ontario who has set up a support group for adult survivors of child abuse. I bought her book which I have barely started but am sure that it will be wonderful and a support for those who may want to read it.The book is Let Your Light Shine by Sheila M. Stevenson. Next month I have also been asked to keep a day free to attend lecture for providing therapy to LGBT. So next month will be very interesting for me. I have connected with more insurance companies so please feel free to ask them if I am covered by your policy. I have non disclosure contracts and will have to check with a few to see if it is ok to share. At times I am asked why certain insurances cover some and not others. I have been told that it is not the insurance companys but the employers who make that decision. Also, note that you can claim psychotherapy on your income tax deduction under health. I believe you need to spend 1000. in heath costs before claiming. I would love to finish my third book by Christmas and hopeful, I will find the time. I need about two weeks off to do it and may not be able to. I do not like to take time off at Christmas because people can become so sad. I always manage my time according by priorities but my own physical and mental care comes first, because I cannot take care of others, if I am not taking care of myself. Sounds like a cliche but it is so true.
So, I shall leave you with some thoughts. Have you been made to feel less than you are? Remember that other people are just like you. Regardless of colour, nationality, culture, religion, education etc......we have basic commonalities. We love, we hate, we suffer, we find pleasure etc.....No one has the right to control you. No one has the right to belittle you. People may do terrible things to others, but they are still people with their own cross to bear. Remember that if you are being abused, you can do something about it. Children are not property to belittle, emotionally demean, physically or sexually abuse. Children are innocent of anything that happens to them by those who should be protecting them. I remember the first time I said to a client as a student, that he should not feel shame because it was not his fault. So, often shame is misplaced. Therapy does help you take control of your life and that has a ripple effect. People who control, do not like it when the people they are abusing seek help. They begin to lose control, the isolation induced becomes threatened. I advise you, the tormentor to get your own help too. Remember if you are feeling suicidal for whatever reason there is help. I ask you to please not kill yourself. You are worth so much, just help yourself to discover it. You just need to step back and have someone help you clear up the forest in your mind. I suggest all of you who read this blog today, to take some times to pause and reflect. What is it you want in life? Have you lost your motivation? Do you isolate yourself? Do you feel shame? Take a reached out hand for they are out there and walk out of the darkness. So, now I am going to enjoy the rest of my day and just have plain fun. What do you think? Next week - for sure - unless a tree falls - I will write more notes about theology. What was that you thought?
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Busy, busy times with conferences etc......and hey come and buy a book, or say hello at York University
Well, I have been on a roll. I attended one business seminar, one conference day regarding different types of therapy with the American Association of Family Therapy, another annual conference with Spiritual care, including ethics and PTSD, at North York Hospital, and another at Adler's school of Psychology. It is a good thing I take notes. I will be taking or signing up soon for a two day event regarding suicide. It is held in the beginning of December which I think is very appropriate. They are having a seminar next year at Deerhurst and I really want to go because one speaker, a physician will be speaking about the benefits of music in the operating room for the patient. Next week should be my last busy week for this month. I love conferences, seminars etc....I get to meet interesting people, doing wonderful things for people. I get to learn the latest there is to offer. I get to reunite with old classmates and see how they are changing the lives of so many to live happier lives. I also got to spend Hallow'en giving out over a hundred treats again this year and spending time with friends on one on one. I am looking for a big tree for Christmas and have not quite found one that is pet safe. I really liked one at Lowe's and it was beautiful, but the chemicals would not be healthy for my chewing pets, or the possiblity of, so I will either put up my old one which is sturdy but a tad small in the room. There was another fair I went to geared for seniors, I almost forgot to mention. I am looking forward to slowing down and enjoying the Christmas season. This Tuesday I will be selling my books at York University, Showcase, Central Square from 0900 hrs. I always look forward to going there since the University was a very important part of my growth. I would recommend a psychology degree there for anyone. If you are in the area, drop by to say hello and or buy a signed book. This reminds me that I really need to find some time to get that third one done - so little left to do. If you have a question for me, do not hesitate to ask. If you need an appointment for therapy and or couple therapy, do not hesitate to contact me. So, if you are looking for a therapist, do some research. Is the person registered and accountable to by a regulated body? Do you feel comfortable with the therapist when you meet? It is ok if not, and then go to another. The tip for today? Are you living the life you want, or the life that others want for you? What do you think?
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