I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Friday, 22 August 2014
New web site needs to wait until College is up and running - The College of Psychotherapy
I read that it is worse to have a web site that is not up to date, than not to have one at all. Once I have an up to date one, I will find out for myself. However, it seems to make sense to me. However, I have decided to wait until the College is set up and running. When I was in my undergrad psychology program, we were informed that anyone could put up a shingle and provide therapy as long as they did not refer to their clients as patients. As students we were horrified. We could not believe that this was not regulated. This is finally changing and I am very happy that it is. Not everyone is as happy as I am. Why? Again, if I had my way every business dealing with the care of others would be regulated. Heck, any business should be regulated. Think of how many scams could be controlled and the public protected. We live in a world that is constantly changing and we need to change with it.
So, I have decided to wait until everything is sorted out and then there should be no other changes for me. However, after the College is here, I will re-examine how many associations I belong to and perhaps drop one.
If you are looking for a therapist, ask for their qualifications. You should be able to see the certificates on the wall. You are paying them to help you so ensure that the person you are seeing has sufficient education related to what you need. I still remember when I began my studies, asking therapists about their qualifications. I was horrified. Some had no training what so ever and only a Bachelar of Arts etc...
This is all changing and it is for your protection. Get the help you need. Find someone you can relate to and feel comfortable with. There is no shame in seeking help. It is only a shame when you don't. Start getting atune to your feelings. Why are you angry, sad or happy. What is happening? Why do you feel the way you do? Have you given up? Why? Where do you find peace? How often do you go there? What do you think?
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Second book is with publisher
I had a professor in Grad studies, whom I now consider a friend, tell me that a book should never be more than 200 pages because people will get bored. I suppose I shall find out, since my publisher informed me recently that my book will be about 500 pages. I was surprised. I thought it would have been less. My objective for my third book will be aiming for 200 pages when it is completed. I have to ask how many typed pages = to two hundred. I have loved to write stories since I was in elementary school. I would read them to my mom in the kitchen. I would then hand them in at school and I remember one teacher not believing me that I had wrote it. He chastised me in class, in quite a condenscending way telling me, that I could not have possibly wrote it. Because I had a very supportive home life, I was able to tell him in a class full of people, that he could ask my mother and she would indeed verify that I had written the story. Looking back, I smile thinking how much I did not like teachers in grade school and high school. That all changed for me in University. I loved University where one can express their views and not be told that it is above their capability. Teachers today need to be more educated than they were when I was young. However, there is no perfection.
I had a mom who urged me and convinced me that I could accomplish whatever I wanted in life. Not everyone has that. There are children who are told that they will never amount to anything, they grow and have children and all that negativity that they have been taught is handed down to their child. What would be the difference for a child who has no support system at school or at home? One positive influence for a child can make all the difference. Find that positive influence because it is out there.
My book will not be ready for the fall book sale, at Queens Park next month as I had planned. It may not even be ready for Show Case at York University. However, if you are in the area, do come by and say hi. I will be selling, Hey Guy Buy Me and always appreciate the feed back I receive, especially when it is kind. When the second book is completed and I have it in my hands, it will be time for a second web site.
Thank you for still reading my blogs. I am considering returning with more information from my schooling. Why not share with the world?
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