I have been told by my mentor that I am solution focused. I suppose in many ways I am. However, I incorporate all my learning, experience and education and tailor it to each client. It was in my undergrad psychology that one professor informed us of a particular client who came to him with a specific problem. As he continued to see this client, he realized that her problem was not the one she had assessed. I have found this to be very true in some cases. There are at times situations that are so close and overwhelming that one cannot take a step back, with an unbiased position.
I have a friend who is a social worker and she said that helping people is more than just listening to them. I wasn't sure where that came from but I cannot totally agree. Different people need different things and sometimes, that is exactly what someone needs. I remember another professor in my undergrad say that the Aunt Martha that people used to go to is disappearing. They have no one to turn to. Sometimes, that is what someone might need and that is, to just let it out and be able to do so by trusting the person. Not everyone is able to talk to someone.
I also of course believe in the medical model. Another professor indicated that during counselling we should ensure that a client has a complete physical, to ensure there is no medical problem which may be thought of as a psychological problem or a contributon of such. That is something I have found to be easier said than done. Sometimes people just don't want to go and that is it. There are normally reasons associated with that. The client is responsible for herself and a suggestion may be made but the decision must be respected.
I also had one professor say that no matter how much work we do, there are times that all we can do is just make the person's life just a bit more bearable and that is all that will be accomplished. That is ok to.
Couple therapy in my opinion is solution focused. We cannot change other people but we can change ourselves. In couple therapy it is about the relationship. Our family of origin, is a template of who we are. I like to do a genogram with most clients because it helps me and the client to understand why they think or do things automatically in response to their mates. This extends to other relationships. The idea is to get both to listen to each other, and get beyond the emotions that surface and repeat themselves. It is basically, beginning another approach to listen to each other and understanding where each other is coming from. That is the beginning. This takes time and effort. Can we do couple therapy with only one person when the other party refuses to come or can't. Yes. I prefer the couple together but I have done couple therapy with only one person and there has been a positive change in the relationship.
My understanding of theology also helps me to understand the religion and spirituality of the person. I understand why people are athiests and agnostic. That is not a problem, unless it is a problem for the client. There are also various understanding for people with their own organized religion and that is ok too. However, there are times when an individual's concept of God is also contributing to an unhealthy notion. If God is cruel and destructive and not loving, than it can negatively effect the person's health as well. If a client had an abusive and cruel father, than God may be cruel and unforgiving.
This is all that I encorporate in therapy plus. My session is a 50 minutes hour. I charge 75.00 an hour at this point and will probably charge more as I advance and grow. However, I keep in mind that not all people can afford that price. So, I do keep in mind a sliding scale according to what the person can afford. I do not work for free as I have in the past in my internships. I too need to make a living.
What is your mental health worth to you? What are the qualifications you should look for when you seek therapy? Can you afford therapy? Can you not? What do you think?
I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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