All science starts with observation and in many cases ends with a theory of the phenomenon observed.
What is a theory? A set of concepts that attempts to offer a provisional explanation of the data. Theoretical concepts such as re-enforcement in learning psychology, drive in motivational psychology, identity crises in psychological developmental psychology are concepts that help make sense of data. It helps interpret data. As Lewin said, "there is nothing so practical as a good theory."
Meta theories - a set of related theories broad in nature that explains how the world works or is supposed to work. As Papalia says it is a lens through which we look at the universe-- a set of assumptions and values that filter perceptions and focus one's view. As Einstein said, "it is the theory that decides what we can observe. In sum, the meta theories in developmental psychology address issues of whether development is primarily quantitative - a change in amount or qualitative - a change in quality. Is it continuous - an accumulation of skills and habits? Or, is it discontinuous - marked by qualitative change in modes of cognition and characterological traits?
To be continued................
I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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