I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Friday, 27 December 2024
Monday, 23 December 2024
Friday, 20 December 2024
Merry Christmas; Happy Holidays
It is now snowing and it is beautiful. I love this time of year and Christmas needs snow and so I am very happy. My vacation begins today. This is the time for me to spend with family and friends and of course animals. This morning I was thinking of how much I have to be grateful about. I love life. I actually really like my neighbourhood and the people and animals in it. I am grateful for all the opportunities my country has given me. I love that I have choices galore. I will be keeping my blogs short and light for the season. I will be giving myself a mini vacation. Yes, I will be checking my emails twice a day and taking emergency calls, but I will be tring to remove as much work as possible until after the holidays. In January I shall be increasing my fees for psychotherapy to 180.00 a fifty minute session. I have lots to read for work, but that will have to wait until the new year. Please take time off for yourselves as well if you can. Think about the positives in your lives. Take a look at my websites: redigondapsychotherapy.com and silvaredigonda.myshopify.com The Post office has re-opened. I won't be writing to Santa Claus this year. Sorry Santa. Keep safe, reach out to someone who may need you and remember what this season is all about. Merry Christmas world.
Thursday, 19 December 2024
Federal Pensions
On Nov. 25, the Treasury Board president announced the $1.9 billion non-permitted surplus would move from the Public Service Pension Fund to the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Federal Retirees has received several questions about the “non-permitted surplus” in the Public Service Pension Fund. Media coverage has varied, and there are conflicting views and positions on the issue. We're here to clarify things, answer your questions and set the record straight. Whatever happens, know that Federal Retirees has your back and is standing up for your interests.
I heard the government has taken federal public service pension funds. What has happened?
On Nov. 25, 2024, a non-permitted surplus in the Public Service Pension Fund was revealed in a statement by Treasury Board President Anita Anand. At the same time, the federal government announced its intention to move approximately $1.9 billion from the Public Service Pension Fund to the Consolidated Revenue Fund and explore the next steps — effectively taking the surplus and moving it to the federal government’s central account at the Bank of Canada.
How can the government do this?
The rules that govern the Public Service Pension Plan are outlined in the Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA). According to subsection 44.4 (5) of the PSSA the plan is in a non-permitted surplus position when the plan is funded at over 125 per cent. The Public Service Pension Fund was found by the chief actuary of Canada to have a funded ratio of 126.3 per cent.
If in the minister’s opinion there is a non-permitted surplus, the government can authorize:
A pause in contributions to the Public Service Pension Fund for the employer. (This is done automatically as soon as there is a non-permitted surplus.)
A pause in contributions from the employees.
An immediate transfer of the non-permitted surplus to the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
While these options are those that are explicitly outlined in the PSSA, the federal government is not prevented from taking on other options that would allow plan members to share in the surplus.
The Treasury Board president’s statement outlined the federal government’s intention to move approximately $1.9 billion from the Public Service Pension Fund to the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
The next day, Nov. 26, 2024, the chief actuary of Canada’s Special Actuarial Report 2024 on the financial position of the Public Service Pension Fund as at 31 March 2024 was released revealing that the government omitted a serious finding in their initial announcement.
While, according to the Treasury Board president, the non-permitted surplus would be resolved by Dec. 1, 2024, it would begin growing again immediately afterwards unless a pause in contributions (known as a ‘contribution holiday’) was considered. If the projections in the report are accurate, the federal government would stand to reap $7.4 billion in saved contributions. Despite this, the Treasury Board president considers the plan no longer in surplus.
How did the plan get to a surplus?
Our members’ pension contributions and equivalent government contributions are set aside in a fund managed by the Public Sector Pension Investment Board also known as PSP Investments.
PSP Investments has done excellent work growing the pension fund through investments in a variety of assets including capital markets, real estate, private equity, infrastructure, natural resources, etc. It has reported a 10-year net annualized return of 8.3 per cent.
Due to a number of factors, pension surpluses have become more common in Canada. Canadian pension legislation allows a variety of options to handle pension plan surpluses: contribution holidays (whether from the employer, the employees or both), an increase in benefits or risk management (like the purchase of group annuities). It has become more common for surpluses to consider retirees, too. For example, in 2018, a surplus at HOOPP (Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan) allowed them to introduce increases to survivor benefits at no extra cost.
What other options could help deal with the non-permitted surplus in a way that’s fairer to plan members — including retirees?
While the PSSA would need to be amended to increase pension benefits to retirees and employees, there are other avenues available to the government. As they chose to move the non-permitted surplus to the Consolidated Revenue Fund, those funds — currently around $1.9 billion — became part of general government spending. Therefore, the funds could be used for any purpose, including one-time payments to active members and retirees. The funds could also be used to help retiree plan members such as, for instance, funding an increase in dental benefits for federal retirees. These solutions would not require the government to review the pension legislation and could be accomplished as part of the fall economic update or through the Budget Implementation Act, for example.
Some people are worried if amendments intended to increase pension benefits are made to the PSSA, that it would immediately lead to fundamental changes in the way the pension plan works. However, amendments to the PSSA do not need to be substantial — the legislation is amended regularly, almost annually, with the most recent amendments being made in the Fall Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2023 to increase the number of directors of the Public Sector Pension Investment Board.
So, what happens next?
The government has said that it plans on “engaging with all stakeholders” for “next steps.” Though, at the time of writing, no invitations to discussions had been made to any stakeholders (bargaining agents and federal retirees).
The Treasury Board president received the report from the chief actuary thirty Parliamentary sitting days (nearly two months) prior to the federal government’s announcement in late November 2024. The high likelihood of a non-permitted surplus has also been known since the last actuarial report in February 2022. There was ample time to communicate intentions with stakeholders, including time to discuss next steps.
Labour unions, including the Public Service Alliance of Canada, Professional Institute of the Public Service and Canadian Association of Professional Employees, have released statements condemning the government’s actions.
The Association was critical of the initial announcement and further developments and will continue to monitor the situation. Federal Retirees’ next steps will be considered by our board when there is more information. Members will be updated as soon as possible.
Wednesday, 18 December 2024
Monday, 16 December 2024
Are you lonely? Please don't choose MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying).
It was disappointing to hear the news state that the Federal Government was going to permit MAID for psychogical disorders in the future and that people suffering from lonliness had chosen MAID. Where has the Hippocratic Oath of doing no harm flown to? How is killing a person at their request a solution for lonliness? How can a person suffering from a psychological disorder make a sound decision? I know that Christmas is a difficult time for many people. Just recently the Director from a community centre said that they were seeking volunteers to visit people living in isolation. Now that is a wonderful, caring step. Of course they would require a police check, or should have one. Vulnerable people need to be protected not killed at their request. If you are thinking suicide, don't be dissolutioned by the coldness you may see in others. People in general mean well. They do try to help, but sometimes the most simple quick solution is picked rather than the most caring. People need to feel valued, respected and loved regardless of their circumstances. This Christmas I am asking those who are lonely to reach out. Reach out to your priest, your neighbours, your communities and your physicians but never accept anything less than an option to feel wanted. We are all born the same. Of course circumstances are different. Some of us have wonderful upbringings with oppotunities and some of us have the opposite. As adults we are a consequence of all that has happened to us, but we have choices. Seek help, if you need it. There is no shame in that, it requires courage and I know you have it in you somewhere. Search for it. There is no reason to rid yourself of a life you were meant to have because you are lonely. You can also start your own support group. If you live in the country, there is zoom. Make sure that any group you do reach out to is one of hope and not one that encourages the worse - especially suicide. There are people out there who wish the worse on others, a reflection of themselves. You need to find people who make you feel good about yourself. But remember that you need to do a bit of work to find the best in yourself. I wish you a happy Christmas this year with hope for a new beginning, a positive beginning. So if MAID is offered to you, please say no. Open your heart and your soul for something more because you deserve it.
Thursday, 12 December 2024
Christmas can be depressing - Please take care of yourselves
I come across many people living in Toronto and I am reminded outside of my practice, how many people are dealing with food insecurity, social isolation, sadness and worse. For years I didn't take holidays during the Christmas holidays because of the suicide rate. So, I am talking to you. Though your life may seem without hope, don't give up. First of all today why not examine who is in your life? Do they enhance your life or is it the opposite? I have often been told by people living in what appears to be desperate situations that they are more afraid of making changes because of a fear of the unknown. It can perhaps be easier to stay in an abusive situation because at least you know what you are dealing with. But is it easier? Yes, making changes can be hard and the future can be frightful, but what is beyond that? As children you don't have much choices, but as adults you do (and children if you are reading this and something is not right, tell an adult you can trust perhaps a teacher at school or a Priest?). Perhaps it is time to take power back for yourself. Who is in your corner? Do you not have enough to eat and are ashamed to go to a food bank? Don't be and go get yourself nourished because having enough food in your belly and sleep along with exercise is important for you to think clearly and to have strength which you require for change. Go for walks. Try to spend time in nature. Find a support group and find out what resources your community offers. If I had a magic wand and could give you whatever you wanted - what would that be? What can you do to make yourself get there, with little steps along the way? Start a journal and write about your daily life. What stirs you? What motivates you? What makes you smile? What makes you sad? Why not examine who in your life does not appreciate you, and find those that do. I understand that we are living in difficult times with political strife and crime at unrecorded levels. People when desparate do terrible things and though for some there is no remourse, for others it mounts. Examine your spirituality. Are you angry with God? That is ok? God can take it. Do you not believe in God? Think of some higher power and try to connect with it whatever it may be, as long as it doesn't take you on a downhill spiral. Reach out for help. There is no shame in asking for help and finding the resources. What may seem terrible today can clear up in the future. Remember that. Decrease your social media, the news reports and anything else that can only spew negativity. Why not today get out of bed and go for a walk. Talk to nature. I do wish you all a Merry Christmas. Can't afford a gift? Make one? It can be as simple as a drawing as an expression of your love. Stay clear of people who encourage you to think worse about yourself in real life or in the media. Why not take a deep breath and go outside. Perhaps you can volunteer at a food bank or shelter and know that you too can make a difference to someone in a positive way. Should you ever want to ask me a question, don't hesitate.
Wednesday, 11 December 2024
Tuesday, 10 December 2024
Long Postal Strike in Toronto
I just want to let you know that our Postal Workers are on strike (for awhile) and so I won't be able to ship books out until it is over. I would recommend that you order ebooks only at this time. I will let you know when the strike is over. Sorry.
The Federal government has transferred 1.9 billion of our pension funds into government accounts - What do the other politicians say? Help.
Federal Retirees is calling for the government to reinvest surplus funds in initiatives that benefit those who helped generate them.
The National Association of Federal Retirees is concerned about the federal government's handling of non-permitted surplus funds, which has resulted in the transfer of $1.9 billion into government accounts. We are troubled by the potential appropriation of an additional $9.3 billion from pension funds, representing the deferred compensation of retirees and employees. Although current legislation permits such actions, allowing the government to take a contribution holiday without providing equivalent benefits to those who have contributed, we firmly believe that there are more equitable alternatives available.
Retirees and employees have made significant contributions to their pension plans and the overall stability of the pension system; therefore, they deserve fair and respectful treatment in the allocation of surplus funds. “It is our position that surplus funds be reinvested in initiatives that benefit those who helped generate them, particularly retirees —– starting with improving the Pensioners Dental Services Plan,” said Anthony Pizzino, CEO, National Association of Federal Retirees.
The Pensioners Dental Services Plan (PDSP) has not been updated in over twenty years and is now vastly out of step with current employee plans and the rising costs of dental care. The association has asked the minister to provide retirees with the same plan on a cost share basis. This issue is especially pressing for retirees facing ongoing affordability challenges.
This situation highlights the critical importance of maintaining strong defined benefit pensions, as recently emphasized in the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) study, which play a fundamental role in the economic well-being of communities across Canada. The National Association of Federal Retirees stands united in advocating for the rights and interests of retirees, ensuring that they are recognized and valued in our nation's decision-making processes.
Monday, 9 December 2024
My Website: redigondapsychotherapy.com is back on line
Well, I had a good and tiring weekend. Too busy perhaps, but good. Last night I called Go Daddy after feeling refreshed since I didn't see the website on line and was about to cancel when behold, they solved the problem. When I thanked them, the person I was dealing with said that it is them who thanks me. I was told that I was his most polite customer he has had so far. I wondered if he was working for a week or less. How do you respond to that? Wow? Well, that was my response. During the Christmas Fair I was beside a woman who was IT and so she shared about how some people know nothing of the programs etc....I informed her that I was one of those people. I know that when I called Apple a few times, two IT's were frustrated with me, because I could hear it their voices. I remember my math teacher in grade school where I got my highest mark. She was a writer of math books. She talked to us as if we were idiots and therefore she simplified math that we could understand it. She was really good. Unfortunately, that was the only math teacher I could relate to. So, why don't we try to be just a bit kinder to each other and know that we don't have the same gifts. Anyhow, that is all for now. I have a busy day, but I would like you to check out my site. Bye.
Friday, 6 December 2024
Christmas Fair - Where I will be signing and selling my books tomorrow
Hi, Tomorrow I will be at the Toronto Legion, branch 31 at 1050 Weston Road, from 10:00 to 2pm, signing and selling my books. If you come and can tell me where you saw this advertised, I shall give you a book of Hey Guy Buy Me for a tooney. Feel free to order books on line at silvaredigonda.myshopify.com
See you tomorrow! There is coffee for sale on site as well as grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch.
Thursday, 5 December 2024
Technical Problems with my Go Daddy Website www.redigondapsychotherapy.com
I just want to let you know that I am once again having problems with my Go Daddy website. Apparently I have been with them since 2012 and until this year I have never had a problem. My website has gone down big time twice this year and it took three calls to Go Daddy to get it resolved the first time and now two times and being told once again that it will be resolved within 24 hours. Please rest assured that though I don't understand the real reason while suddenly there are problems when I didn't have it in the past, I am doing my best to get this resolved. I am sure it is not Go Daddy's employees since they do their best to help. I am not going to speculate. Please be advised that I am watching this. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Tuesday, 3 December 2024
Monday, 2 December 2024
Spirituality Direction combined psychology - notes
A transition for the narcissistic to relate to other people. This transitional condition
stays with us which has something to say about the transition part.
God Representation - to understand a relationship with God, it is important to know this vision. How relationship with God was formed. First year - attachment theory.
Talk is about security blanket and actual image of God. Infant and child to be consciously independent require a secure base - an anchor point where the child feels secure and safe; a safe haven - where if threatened, a safe place to return.
Anxious, depression etc… treat them by helping to bring the unconsciousness to consciousness in a safe way and not to overwhelm or cause suicide. The fixations and repressions - once achieved, goal is to think about that we repressed things.
Free Associations - repressed feelings come to the surface. It can take a long time. Relationship between analyst - The client begins to have feelings so that in love with the therapist or despises, therefore must help client understand these feelings. That too needs to be analyzed. Therapist also gets feelings about client, child, a friend or analyst. Spiritual Director may notice resistance to Directee’s life.
Notes to be continued
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