I have an Electronic Practice. Front line Health workers and emergency responders have priorities for appointments. For appointments call 416-878-4945 or email- silva.redigonda@alumni.utoronto.ca Sessions are $180.00 for a 50 minute hour. Prices will not be increasing in January 2025, Consultations/Couple Therapy/family therapy is $200. Check with your EAP/Insurance for coverage. Opening practice to residents of the Province of Quebec as well as Ontario. English and Italian speaking.
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Monday, 29 June 2020
The Exodus - Theology notes
Exodus 1
Deliverance from Egypt - continuity from Genises. Joseph ending up in Egypt and inviting family. Boch of Genises ends with them in Egypt and it is not the promised land. We have Exodus to Wilderness to Entrance. From Sinai to the Promised land. Slavery in Egypt (does not take peace in a vacuum). It’s not simply to be free from slavery. Free in order to enter the promised land. Crossing the Red Sea (it is God who delivered them by stopping of the water and here it is God >call. The weight is on promise and gift and then surprising - arch beginning. Abraham - must die and for promise to be effected, must be handed over to son. Abraham challenged to give up son. With Sinai covenant in reverse, God calling son out of Egypt. It is God who delivers. Then from slavery “with mighty hand.” It is God who brought us out- this is the gift.(It was Israelites who left but they say it was God who brought them out.
What is the Sinai Covenant? God is promises. “I will be your God and you my people”, but emphasis of the covenant is that men will commit themselves (gift and task is foundational to Israels’ faith). There is something very foundational about it. These paradigms - just like the three promises to Abraham respond to the desires we have and this desire to be liberated from slavery. Always from overview to general text. It is important to know the stories - three texts enclosed by test (past) to surrender oneself to future and reversal of this in the Sinai Covenants.
Why do we have a formal engagement of God where each person is expected to be from God, not simply free of slavery. The motive is coming to the land. The engagement of each person in the covenant. The Exodus is narrated in the Credes as the paradigm of salvation. See David Daube, The Exodus Pattern in the Bible (Londro:Gaber +Faber 63). To exit and to leave is the simplest pattern, leave from oppressor and enter land of milk and honey (most general view of Exodus to leave slavery and to Exodus, also to have an intermediate stage. Bring out of slavery - Egypt stands for that. To bring to wilderness - parallel where does Abraham have experience - in the desert. Our faith is born in the desert. It does not stay there but it is something in the formation of faith.
What is a concentric structure? You begin a story the way you end it (bringing you back to same theme). They thought a structure so they remembered seeing and hearing oppression. Repeating to intensify - to hold together what is being said. Luke 24 : 13-35, they left Jerusalem and they go to Jerusalem - beginning to end. Ask yourself what is in the middle? The middle is often intense, sometimes the extremities. When we notice there is repetition, it allows to see what is emphasized and what is different. It is harder to see difference than what is similar. Job - seven sons and three daughters. Job is not offering the sacrifice. In the beginning he offered, the end he pays not for his family but for his enemies. God brought them out from Egypt. God accompanied them in the desert and brought them into the promised land. Where as the Sinai Covenant is not a liberating what God has done. We commit ourselves a reference to the wilderness. Where did the Sinai Covenant take place? It was in the wilderness (gift and task), God’s deliverance to them. It is the liturgy reflecting the Sinai Covenant. To bring out of > lead through wilderness> to posses the land. Red Sea - two walls. Arch of the covenant into the water and can walk in dry land. Out of Egypt - ritual blood on altar and in all the people. Sinai Covenant is always going to emphasize commitment.
Theology portion is To be continued with Intent of God………….
Monday, 22 June 2020
Erotica and Pornography - Differences (Man and Masculinity Social Science notes)
I remember the night we had this lecture. We were asked to bring in a friend as the movie would be difficult to watch. I had to work a night shift after this class and what haunted me during the night was watching a child who was about to be molested. This mere child had eyes of a woman who knew she would be violated. It is so difficult to comprehend that people out there delight in torture of children. We need as a society protect those who cannot protect themselves. We need to work internationally together to expose and protect those most vulnerable. Not too long ago I watched a documentary called Coppers. I recognized a few of the ex policemen from a conference. One spoke of working with the child porn unit and having to view months + of tapes where children are violated. He said he couldn’t reach into the computer to protect those children. He had to watch because it is the law and a requirement for court. We need to remember that even those who are there to protect us, need protection for themselves. I know how difficult it was for me to watch one movie, not a love story and to know that there is a big market for this. I don’t mention children here in my notes. I mention the actors and their thoughts. I have done my best to censor language and at times to just list the first word. Next week I shall be taking a break on this and probably return to theology notes regarding the Exodus. After that I shall return to my social science notes and the topic will be the Trend of male violence. The video will be “Rapist. Can they be stopped?” I will not be proof reading my notes for you so I hope it makes sense.
Why more directed towards men?
Not a Love Story (movie) Film was banned in the USA - Story about search for love. Immediate love in stripping from audience. Honest arena - animal level at strip joint 6/10 top penthouse and playboy better than times and Newsweek together.
Paintings of Artist’s wife - very loving shown. We needed erotica rather than porn (in interview) 32/8 more magazines than three years prior to this course. The greatest turn on for a man is a woman at his feet to give……… (due to this being a youth friendly platform I will omit what I wrote. Theory of publisher for a man’s magazine - want to dominate, fantasy magazines - help people’s lives - sex education does good. Producing a product needed in today’s society. 3/1 porn outsell’s normal movies.
Actor in porn stated he felt it was degrading to women and great for men - macho - made 150. more at the time to release. He couldn’t keep up with the measure. Actor stated that “love is not so bad- camera could not feel love though I loved some of the women.” Filmed for men. Men are also victims - self inflicted. Teaches how to hate women and children. This actor finds it very difficult but knows he is capable. 4x more than MacDonalds - porn movies - organized crime. Value of these women decrease with age. Porn Actress states that making love to a man, she loves not on the street. Chooses man and makes love for 25 minutes. Live sex shows. White man say’s F— her, hurt her when making love to her boyfriend he has _______. She is small. Porn pleases men not women on performance - when asked about a movie about love only. Prior to that it was only a man hurting a woman who is bonded. There is nothing like amiable/affection/love - kill that and then require more stimulation. Poet - fear of impotency. Poet felt he was becoming impotent. He felt he was strong again watching women being dominated. Don’t see women as human beings, therefore easier to use women. Porn filled with men silencing women; Desecration of a woman’s body; the power of women psyche has to be destroyed. Research psychologist - oral s……with gun held by man when man is raped, pain and suffering -chase men who committed act. Porn great for man - woman is humiliated but is turned on - desensitization, after awhile not aroused, has no meaning. When real situation of rape - no longer need more violence for stimulation. Shows woman in meat grinder. Sex on phone and seeing guy. Just look at them and hard to take it out. Some women get turned off from sex and don’t have sexual intercourse with men and become to hate men. Victims - pictures of hurting women - awful. Rage - balance with those we love - one cannot objectify without destroying it. To fall off of what you are and go to rock bottom and everyone is watching - end result hating life and what you are. Pornography is anti sexuality. Conclusion: Destruction of the female body. Erotism - celebrates and enjoys the female body. The soul knows that the spirit is in the body - by violating sexually, you violate the soul. Erotica - Pornography : Power, pain strength, Addictive- escape from something. An end to good feelings. Same parallel to alcohol. Live in a society where we have done something wrong with sexuality. We learn very early of what is bad-that is bad, not me. Biologically - men can’t get pregnant. Sexual anorexia - not as destructive but still not healthy. Difficult in society to be sexually loving. Paying a woman for sex may be more honest.
Sunday, 21 June 2020
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
THE CLASSICAL AND MODERN WORLD VIEWS (1st Paper submitted) (Catholic) Theology
The classical world view is a view that is cosmic centered and static. The modern world is dynamic. There is a foundational shift from one world view to another. This paper will provide the world view of the Classical and Modern world and explain why there is a shift from one to another. What will also be explained is how these worlds are present in my image of God, spirituality, prayer, theology, ministry and in my ways of living, feeling and interpretation.
Static World vs Dynamic
If a juggler has three balls it is important that they are each of equivalent weight. If not, the balance is affected and the balls fall. Think of three balls as one being the world, one being God, and the other being humanity. In theology one may understand our evolving state by utilizing this concept. We live in a developing universe. There was a time of nature gods, there was a mythology, but not a history and therefore a divine purpose could not be declared. By the time Christianity appeared, the Roman world would have been entirely familiar with the thought that the universe might have gradually come to be as it is.
The biblical writers showed little if any interest in a causal explanation of natural process. The Greeks however were fascinated by it. Greek natural science attained its height with Aristotle. He created whole fields such as physics, theoretical astronomy, logic and biology. Aristotle foreshadowed evolution, "we should venture on the study of every kind of animal without distaste, for each and all will reveal to us something natural…Nature's works exemplify…the conduciveness of everything to an end, and the resultant end of Nature's generations is a form of the beautiful." (McMullin, p22)
St Augustine (5th century) stated that if there is a conflict between a literal reading of Scripture and a well-established truth about nature, this is sufficient reason to take the scriptural passage metaphorically. There cannot be a contradiction between nature and Scripture since God speaks to both.
In the mid 1200s, the natural science taught in universities, including theology students, was that of Aristotle (McMullin, p 27). Aristotelian cosmology and Christian theology were merged to form the medieval picture of the universe. Earth was the fixed central sphere surrounded by the spheres of the heavens. Man was unique and central in location and importance. This view would soon be challenged by science.
Galileo (1564-1642) combined mathematical reasoning and experimental observation. Galileo formulated a new picture of nature, that as nature in motion. Galileo called mass and velocity, primary qualities. Galileo was a devout Catholic and found no conflict between his scientific and religious beliefs. He upheld the importance of scripture but claimed that it reveals not scientific facts but spiritual knowledge for man's salvation, truths that are above reason and could not be discovered by observation. Galileo put nature and scripture on the same level as avenues of God (Barbour, pp 23-30).
In the year 1616, the Holy Office declared that the sun is the center of the universe, and consequently does not change place and that the earth is not the center of the universe and is not motionless, but is in motion as a whole and its daily rotation. We know with absolute physical certainty, that the stellar universe is not centred on the earth, and that terrestrial life is not centred on mankind
Newton (1642-1727) invented calculus but he was also an ingenious experimenter in mechanics and optics. Newton's law of motion and gravity, a novel insight, was the idea that the earth's gravitational pull might extend to the moon. Newton believed and found time for God and the human spirit (Barbour, pp 34-37).
The eighteenth century saw itself as the Age of Reason (Barbour, p57).
Charles Darwin and the Church
Darwin spent twenty-five years studying in detail the breeding of domestic animals, such as dogs where new breeds would be produced that never existed before from greyhound, to St. Bernard to Chihuahua. Here was evolution with human choice replacing natural survival. Darwin studied problems as diverse as hybridization of plants, comparative structure of embryos and the geographical distribution of animal and plant forms, both living and extinct. The range and magnitude of information he brought into correlation with his theory is staggering. After all this research, he published Origin of Species in 1859 (Barbour,p 86). By the close of the century, the fact of evolution was accepted by virtually all scientists, and by the vast majority of theologians.
In 1951, an address of Pope Pius X11 cited with approval the views of several astronomers that the universe had a beginning in time. In general, it is maintained that the creation of both the universe and the first man and woman were historical events, but that the biblical portrayal of these events is figurative (Barbour p 374).
The shift from the Classical World to the Modern World was a result of science. The weight of the juggling balls required to be balanced. What was once considered a static world where angels held the earth in place shifted because science provided a new reality that could not be dismissed. This view eventually was accepted by the Catholic Church, thus altering the theology of the Church. This has altered the theology of the church. Our world is dynamic and evolving. This shift is also seen as a shift from God-centered to man-centered. I believe that world views is a transcendence, a process, that of evolving towards God. This is achieved by keeping the juggling of the balls balanced.
The classical and Modern World views are present in my image of God, spirituality, prayer, theology, ministry and the way I live feel and interpret.
My view of God is not of an old man with a cane often projected by the Classical world which continues to persist. I believe that God is beyond my comprehension. God is neither man nor woman but so much more. God is all good which I sense in the beauty of creation and in my relationship with God. I do not fear God, as is common and was promoted in the Classical World. I cannot fear goodness. I certainly cannot fear anyone or anything close to my heart. However, I do fear evil. I believe that God is everywhere. In the Classical world it was common to believe that God dwelled in the heavens and demons were beneath the earth. I believe that demons are very much a part of our lives. I see this by living in the modern world. The classical World cannot be dismissed. Jesus came to us in the Classical world. Jesus came to us as God and teacher preparing us for future world-views. I also recognize evil transcending into the modern world.
Spirituality requires careful examination. What is ethical in Modern society? Was it more ethical in the Classical world? Was it more spiritual? I say naught. Can ethics be separated from spirituality and prayer in our way of living, feeling and interpretation? Can it be separated from our ministry? Again I say no. Christian Spirituality and Theological Ethics defines ethics as “the critical of morality, namely, the direct, lived experience of human values and obligations. Ethics stands to morality as theology stands to spirituality, the lived experience of faith.”
During the evening news, I watched in amazement as “500 tons of oranges” were being used in a “massive orange fight” [playful] for a medieval re-enactment of a revolt against a local tyrant in northern Italy. My thoughts went to the people of Haiti who had suffered so much from an earthquake and where there was an outpouring of love with support of medical care, food, and money to rebuild their country. My thoughts continued to sweep across the poor in Canada and the poor in the States and the poor in the rest of the world. I thought of the millions of people, more often women and sadly children who die from malnutrition and starvation. I saw all this as I viewed the vivid, colorful, images of hundreds of crates of oranges to be used in a mock fight. My spirit cried. This is the culture of our modern world. There is a shift arising because this tears at the hearts of men and women. A balance of the balls is required. Berry professes that “the first thing we must begin to teach our children (and learn ourselves) is that we cannot spend and consume endlessly. We have to save and conserve….An economy based on waste is inherently and hopelessly violent…”
Where is compassion? “Compassion…helps us recognize what the suffering need and inclines us to meet that need.”(Spohn, p 275). Poverty was prevalent in the Classical World but now there is an expectation that we should know better. Technology permits us to view the world from our living rooms. The ease of travel permits us to live among others and return home at a moment’s notice. Then why are we not balanced? Spohn states that” …emotions can be educated. They are not blind instinctual reactions but learned behaviors” (Spohn, p 277). Therefore, in my spirituality, when I viewed the news and felt the emotions I was feeling, others may not, since they have learned differently from myself. This is also encouraging because it reveals that there is hope for the future through learning which was more restricted to the rich in the Classical world. Pope John Paul II visualized a renewal of conscience, “…in the last few decades some consoling signs of a reawakening of conscience have appeared: both among intellectuals and in public opinion itself.” This is the stirring of another shift to come for humanity.
Berry states that “we accept uncritically the belief that technology is only good; that it
cannot serve evil as well as good; that it cannot serve our enemies as well as ourselves; that it cannot be used to destroy what is good, including our homelands and our lives.”(Berry, p 1).
Since the Classical World everything we created has been used for evil as well as good. Wars have never ceased. Now we have the technology to destroy massively while in the Classical World it was direct contact. Thus less were killed and only soldiers died in battle. Now a bomb can kill so many innocents. Darwin’s experiments continues to this day where tampering has become unholy. The British Parliament voted to allow the creation of human-animals. When Legislators vote 336 to 176 in favor of such a law we must question our respective governments who speak for us. That is another shift. Do we really trust our leaders to decide for us? Is there another system required to revamp what was considered democracy? How democratic is our society by the structures in place? But we cannot dismiss the good of technology and science. We are living much longer than ever before because of modifications in the treatment of health and medicine. We must keep in mind that life requires a balance. There is a polarity of extremes. There is good but there is evil. There is positive and there is negative. There is light and there is night. There is life and there is death. There is God and there is Satan. Some like to choose a particular extreme. Others choose to look at both sides and still others pick a point in the middle of what is available to them. This too at times may be bias and misinformed. “There is no need to seek Truth; only stop having views…The ultimate truth about both Extremes is that they are One Emptiness..Whether we see it or fail to see it, it is manifest always and everywhere….
I consider prayer powerful. For me prayer is a blanket which provides me with warmth and protection from cold and evil. Prayer connects me directly to God. Prayer engulfs me with grace. Prayer does this for me and so much more. Prayer is my protection. Jesus taught us prayer and
Jesus taught us forgiveness. Prayer is being removed from our schools and government. Even here at Regis, I have only had three professors who began class with a prayer. But, there is also a positive note. Crucifixes are now in every classroom while at our prior school there were not. This too is improvement towards God.
Spohn speaks of prayer which is my prayer, “when rightly done, liturgical prayer has significant moral consequences…Expressed in prayer and interpreted through preaching, ritual should help the congregation realize what God is empowering and requiring them to become. The complex affections shaped by Holy week ought to leave believers to take a definite moral stance toward their own culture and world ” (Spohn, p 280). This is another example of world views transcending into our modern time. The key words “when rightly done” is important because such harm can be harvested when it is not done right. Fundamentalists waving their bibles quoting the bible verbatim regarding hate can be used as an example. My spiritual director, as well as my studies have convinced me that reading the bible literally can be quite destructive. Interpretation through preaching is imperative in how we interpret the bible as we relate to others. And how is the community being affected by religion?
“An estimated 20 % of adult Americans pursue spiritual experiences apart from organized
religion…When, (however) spiritual pursuits are extracted from a community context of
interpretation, they can easily become superficial or distorted” (Spohn, p281). This superficialness
and distortion may also arise from religions which causes a person to seek spirituality elsewhere.
What is positive is that there is a revival of spirituality and I argue that the spirituality renewal is a
search for God in a quest for balance, another shift in perceptions and another world view. “In
every era, Christian spiritualities mediate between religious tradition and the needs and challenges
of a particular society” (Spohn, p 283)
In my ministry I want to be a non-judgmental presence for people who come to me for counseling. People have come to me unhappy, discouraged, frustrated and confused about their relationship with others. Most need only to have their stories told in a safe, controlled environment. All have needed their feelings to be validated. I am preparing for my ministry which is a continuous transformation. I am in a position where I can take the time to study, think, read and pray. I have the opportunity to pause. I have choices as we all do, to sink into a world of negativity or to look at the options and do something good even if it is a small step. In our modern world most must focus on so many things in urban society that the self is lost in the process. But, I also believe that we are living in an amazing time with endless opportunities. Of course we are also living in a dangerous time. Wars kill more people, exploiting our planet has caused global warming, our rainforests are recklessly being stripped robbing us of medicinal opportunities. We are a people in trouble. Regardless of our scientific discoveries that continue to expand along with our technical and medical knowledge, we are still allowing people to starve in major portions of the world while we exploit our world in others. Hopefully we can continue to evolve intellectually as well as spiritually without destroying each other or our planet with our tampering. There is an end for all of us including our universe. As Catholics we should take our faith seriously, try to do something good for others and our world, even if it is in a small way. We need to understand the changes we are introduced to in science, economics and politics because we need to understand our faith in the context of a changing world. We need to maintain the balance of the three balls, of humanity, God and the world. We depend on our Catholic leaders to educate us, to enlighten us and to help us with our faith. We depend on our leaders to help us to help others. We depend on our leaders to guide us, nurture us and to help us understand God in our changing world. This is all being challenged and rightfully so.
In June 1988, in a message to a group of scientists and theologians, Pope John Paul 11 urged scientists and theologians to come to understand each other for their mutual benefit. Pope John Paul said, "Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes."(Korsmeyer, p20)
I can only live as I know how on a balanced road toward God as I travel with others.
Barbour, Ian G. Issues in Science and Religion. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966.
CTV news, Toronto, Ont. 1800 hrs. 15 Feb 2010.
Korsmeyer, Jerry. Evolution and Eden. New York: Paulist, 1998.
Spohn, William. Ed. Holder, Arthur. The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality. “Christian Spirituality and Theological Ethics”, Massachusetts: Black, 2005.
McMullin, Ernan. Ed. Evolution and Creation. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1985.
New York Times. London. 18 Feb 2110. www.nytimes.com/2008/05/20.
Novak, Philip. The World's Wisdom. New York: HarperCollins, 1994.
Teilhard de Chardin. Christianity and Evolution. New York: Harcourt Brace Jamanovich, Inc. 1971.
Vatican Translation. Letter To Families From John Paul 11. Sherbrooke: Paulines, 1994.
Wildiers, N.M. The Theologian And His Universe. New York: Seabury, 1982.
Windell, Berry. “Thoughts in the Presence of Fear.” Orion, Autumn 2001,
I would like to add here a prayer before going to sleep at night apart from the paper I have posted. I cannot remember my source. I actually took the notes for myself, but why not share.
Before Sleep - Prayer
What made me closer to God and what drew me further away today?
2. When angry and feel it ask for the Holy Spirit to help you. Don’t let emotions take control. When in bad mood - look at it. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you (maybe tired because not enough sleep and then God says sleep and don’t blame someone else).
Next week, I shall return to Social Science.
Monday, 8 June 2020
Power - Male Violence - Man and Masculinity (Social Science) notes continues
Every abuse of power (physical, emotional) comes from a sense of powerlessness. There are three steps Does something - Interpret (might be accurate or might not) < React.
Power - position / personal. Power - Over/With - eg party. Respect - dignity. Power - Ability to act. Authoritorian/Authority < people subjected know what it is. Masculine terms and values - social science. Physical < men more comfortable. Emotional < women more comfortable. Spiritual. Power - Offensive and Defensive. Children know what buttons to push - Cry - getting dressed - power < due to powerlessness and then causes powerlessness. Abusing father may be beating son so he does not grow up to be like him. Probably came home with liquor on his breath the first time.
Video - Among Equals - Groups - Boys - Share reading. Abusive childhood, same as most of the others in the group. If parents abused you, then the child will grow up to be comfortable and feeling loved in an abusive relationship. Powerless to be able to love in a challenging way, so interact in a way that is safe. Boys chase girls and pull off their tuque etc…to get attention from the girls because they like the girls. This is their expression because they feel powerless and when grabbing they feel the power. The girl feels victimized because he has power over her. Say no to a man asking to dance with you may cause the man to feel rejected. One man remarked that he felt rejected and unwanted by his parents and so he feels rejected again when a woman says no to dancing. Sexuality and Spirituality are related. Violating sexually is a deep attack. Intimate relationships are scary because it is the core of who we are. Boyhood- Fantasy - defiance/ action - extra privileges/ physical - rough/ violence - noise/unrestricted - adventures/hero/wildness (without hurting)/rude - natural body noises/competitive - independence/constructive-destructive.
Male/Sports - Anticipatory participation - Team work (Sports prepare men for adulthood), competition, physical discipline (physical discomfort) socializes, morality both defined and non-defined; how to behave in the workplace, how to meet objectives in sports = objectives in work place. You don’t create your own play in sports; gives you ability to argue about trivial things: = politicians - man will talk about sports but there is also another level that is indirect. Is this management material? Can I trust this man? (men will build you things and not tell you they love you. Safety thing?
1. Why is so much money spent on sports? What functions to sports play? - Socialization, especially for males. 2. Social Control - entertainment in general. If public gives attention to one thing, it does not concentrate on something else. There is a certain amount of attention, sometimes good and sometimes not. Sports has been seen has having that type of control. A young person focusing energy on sports rather than other things. Focuses on aggression. It becomes part of the culture. It is allowed to happen - How to interact with others. You can act out negative feelings. Difference of spectators and players - Male aggression after super bowl (fan-atic). Europe is more mature than North Americans - a theory. Oppression never works unless oppressors allows it.
Next week will continue with theology notes and then back to Man and Masculinity - Erotica and porography. Please be aware that there is a difference between psychology and social science.
Monday, 1 June 2020
Conclusion of the New Missal notes: included from Middle ages - Theology notes
Since it has been a while, I have included my notes from the Middle ages to the conlusion of these notes. Sorry for the delay for those who were interested.
The New Missal (From the Middle Ages continues to the Italian Renaissance) - my notes
The late Middle Ages goes to the Italian Renaissance and so we move away from cosmic. Rome and Italy is taking leadership again. This humanistic shift is rural to urban, from universe to human. Awareness of human achievement is giving praise to God. There is a return to a sense of the significance etc…- music - complexity. In Gothic there is a window to God. Here the surface needs to fill up. Art and music are dialogue for you - an aesthetic sense.
The Reformation - Culture and the scandal of the wealth and politics. The rest of Europe is experiencing the plaque. The show and birthing of culture. Luther - needs to divorce. The Catholic response - Arrival of Trent - 25 sessions over 18 years. Trent is the first council that they need theologians. First having theologians consulting, in order to recover early forms of the mass. If it is going to overcome what led to Protestants Luther separation. We need to go to what was before. This is going to lead to the Trinitarian mass. What comes out of Trent? Suppress physical barriers to the altar. You create a very open church (no pews). You create a church that is back to the original - open, bringing people closer to the altar by moving the choir to the balcony. Emphasize the connection of the ritual to the cross and sacrifice as human participation in God’s saving labours. (It is interesting that in my own church the choir has moved from the balcony to the front and the Creed from Trent is recited rather than the apostles creed) Connect the ritual through scripture, and architecture and the communion of saints as members are now of God’s reign. No longer cosmic. Jesuits design their churches so that you can have a religious play before mass. The importance of preaching in vernacular for catechesis - (that is why they broke away). The mass of Pius V is basically the mass of 1000. There is a new form of education. You take a mystery of faith and music - theme of music - liturgy; Articulating it separately. Make the church a home for people so people feel comfortable. It had great promise. But it is an unfinished reform. There was limited use of the vernacular. The protestants used it and it did not want to be too protestant.
Then comes the Enlightment and the French Revolution. The Church all of a sudden takes a defence against the world. We reached out and this is what we got. This is reflected in the architecture - negative retrieval, fortress like, imposing and heavy. Neo-Byzantine, neo Romanis and new Gothic. We get the introduction of the pews. Pews are part of the reformation. In Roman Catholic worship there is a level of passivity. It re-establishes the separation. The pew is terrible. The pew does not make sense in RC liturgy. Sit and watch - passive-. We have now compensated for that. At the time it really destroyed something. It was not designed for that.
Vatican II - Sacrosanctum Concilium. The USA and Canada did not experience WW11 like the rest. RC’s fought for country for the first time. Also the American progress- WWII, North America protected in Latin mass. So they were against change. They needed Latin mass for identity. So in Vatican II not so well prepared. Not responding as elsewhere. No terms of reference. A very different situation. It would have been better for someone to articulate better. Vatican II - a renewal in behaviour and orientation, a new ethos, a coherent embodiment of graced living in God’s reign. Third part - After 40 years, we didn’t quite get it right. We needed to better preserve. Chapter 1 - Eucharistic Celebration - unity of meal sacrifice and thanksgiving. Priest first - just off the table, show people outward and last raising high. Lay Ministry - very clear to take up roles, and not as assistant to Father. - Open up sacred time (through silence) so can come back to communal moment.
Eucharistic Ministry - like the role of a meal. The role of the presider is facilitator. Choir - support for the assembly voice. Only one place solo during communal procession. Vatican II is clear in teachings. It is the Bishop who knows his, best. Have to be free from local changes. From now on final approval lays on the congregation. This challenges the individual churches. What we have is the exact wording for all over the world. This happened because text was changed very badly sometimes. All Bishops in the English speaking world, who consult in whatever way they wish. So each Bishop of an archdiocese does differently - some of their own. Others call in theologians; others with everyone including Parishioners. God is neutral - father eliminated. Overall more inclusive language - not all.
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