Monday 13 May 2024

A Day at Niagara is Refreshing

We started early and arrived in Niagara's St David's Chocolate Factory. They make their own and it is tasty. I spoke to a tour guide who caters to small parties attempting to convince me to move there. However, I shared my dream of waking up and having a walk along the falls each morning. Next we went for a pairing which I have shared a photo with you at Niagara On the Lake's Chateau Des Charmes I loved the cheese and bought both displayed. I enjoyed the first glass of wine you see and so bought a bottle of that as well as another small bottle, a 2016 unoaked Chardonnay. The chocolate is made by a local woman who designs beautifully and provides them with all the chocolate they need. Our Host was a charming retired CEO Executive who lives in Old Town and works there to meet and interact with people. He provided us with a history of the manor. It was very elegant and I loved it. Next we went to the Mandarin for lunch. As you know I like the Mandarin and hadn't returned since my old professor died. We had spent endless hours of discussions and debates without needing an encampment. I am glad he doesn't have to see what is going on at the University of Toronto now. Next we went to the Casino where I wasted the 35.00 they provided and then went to soak my eyes of my beloved Falls. One of the people I was with mentioned how relaxing it was to leave Toronto. Another who had lived in Niagara misses it and wants to return. Me- well you know I plan to move there when Mr Attitude decides to go to heaven. Anyhow, Niagara Falls, I love you and I am looking forward to moving there eventually. Back to the city. Last night they cut some poor soul's throat and of course he died. Friday night before heading off to Niagara I woke up to the sounds of gunshots. I counted 10. Apparently they were shooting cars on Westmount. They also killed a woman on my street, closer to Eglinton. Yup, as one woman said, it is a different environment at Niagara and I for one, want more of that!

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Social-media break has huge impact on young women’s body image: York U study April 30, 2024 - I attended the Scholar's Hub.

Psychology prof says online exposure to idealized images creates ‘infinite’ opportunities for comparison TORONTO, May 01, 2024 – There’s a large and growing body of evidence pointing to potentially negative impacts of social media on mental health, from its addictive nature to disruptions in sleep patterns to effects on body image. Now, a new study coming out of York University’s Faculty of Health found young women who took a social media break for as little as one week had a significant boost in self-esteem and body image – particularly those most vulnerable to thin-ideal internalization. Headshot of Professor Jennifer Mills Professor Jennifer Mills “The statistician inside me was excited – we don't often see effect sizes this large in my area of psychology research because human behaviour is complicated and there's lots of variability,” says Psychology Professor Jennifer Mills, co-author of the paper. “We hope this study can be used to help protect young people and influence social media companies to give users more agency in how they interact with these platforms.” The paper, out this week in the journal Body Image, is thought to be the first to look specifically at social-media breaks and body image. Mills, whose lab has been on the forefront of this kind of research, collaborated on the paper with graduate researcher Lindsay Samson and undergraduate Olivia Smith, both students at York. They expected that there might be recruitment challenges, but it turns out there was enthusiasm for taking a social media pause among the 66 first-year female undergraduates who participated. Half were instructed to continue their social media as per usual, while the other half were given instructions to refrain from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok and other social media use for one week. They conducted baseline surveys before the experiment, and tested the participants again after the week was over. “There's natural variability in how people feel about their bodies and about themselves in general, so we took that into account statistically, and even after that there were still significant differences between the groups after one week,” says Mills, who is also the director of clinical training for the graduate psychology program. The differences in the social media landscape are remarkable compared to when Mills started researching eating disorders and the effects of media, like magazines aimed at women. “Back then, you could only spend so many minutes or hours looking at fashion and beauty magazines and they only came out once a month. There was a finite amount of content that you would be exposed to. With social media it's infinite. It's always new and novel, which triggers our brain's reward system that makes us want more and more of something.” Mills says the improvements found in this study might be explained both by women spending far less time engaging in behaviours known to have a detrimental effect, such as comparisons with others, but they may have also replaced social media with healthier behaviours. “If we're spending more time in real life, socializing with friends, getting sleep, getting outdoors, getting exercise, there could be secondary behaviours that fill the void left by social media. Future research will try to disentangle that.” There is a video that was sent via facebook but I can't seem to post it and it won't be available on utube yet. I have it on Facebook so feel free to see it there. Friday I shall be attending a full day workshop regarding "Appliction of Somatic Interventions in Clinical Practice: Attachment, Trauma, Neurobiology and the body. I shall let you know if anything can apply to you for general interest.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Amazon Mexico is selling Hey Guy Buy Me without my authority

I was selling my books on Amazon but due to problems, I have stopped which didn't until I actually spoke to a representative from Canada Amazon and the USA. I found the USA more helpful. No one claimed responsibilty for Mexico. USA tried to communicate with them. I should let you know that when I first published Hey Guy Buy Me, I shipped about 100 books to Amazon. When I decided not to sell on Amazon any longer, I requested my books back. I was asked if I would offer them to charity. I refused. Then they mysteriously vanished. I took the loss. However, now Mexico is selling Hey Guy Buy Me and of course they offer no English dialogue for me to argue. They are also charging me $43.40 a month. So I have cancelled any further payment with Amazon, period. Certainly do not ever pay $100.00 for a $9.95 book. If you ever have doubts of any of my books or ebooks out there, don't hesitate to contact me. At the moment, I am selling my books, myself, through my own website. Unless, I receive royalties, this will continue. Good talk.

Monday 6 May 2024

Holocaust Remembrance Day - Memories from my book - For Love of Country Military Policewoman

During one break I went to visit a concentration camp in France. The countryside was beautiful and wooden buildings neatly marked the rows of the hills. Everything was so manicured. I went into the buildings, saw the ovens, saw the showers where the people were killed and the contrast of the beauty of nature and the cruelty of humanity was too much to bear. In one of the buildings, after looking at the shrunken heads and souvenirs from the torture of Jews, tears flowed down my cheeks. I did not cry, but the tears kept coming, and I leaned against the wall horrified at what I was seeing. I would visit one more concentration camp in Germany, Dachau. I remember looking at a black and white photograph of a young beautiful man, a Jew, hanging dead by a rope. They had drained his body of oxygen. I stared at that beautiful face that death could not tarnish, and felt sadness for this man. He would have been so easy to love. I explored the grounds. I saw where people were tortured, where they slept, and the black and white pictures depicted their emaciated bodies. There was hopelessness on their faces. I stopped at a wall which still had blood stains from the people who had been shot against it. Another building had a shrine in honour of two women British Officers who had died bravely in the concentration camp. Why had I never heard about the women who served and died as soldiers? I did not cry or tear up this time. I had hardened, I suppose, during the time of my tour. One thing I was sure of: although I knew that I could kill, I would never, under any circumstances, torture. I was in the military because I believed in peace, because I believed that people and countries need to be protected by those who could do this. Anyone who had anything to do with this should pay the price with their own lives or spend the rest of their days in jail no matter how long it would take to track them. Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.

Wednesday 1 May 2024

I got sick. Don't worry, I shall live.

It was bound to happen. I have interacted with so many people and attended so many functions, that oops, my body said that is enough and so I have shut down. I am stuffed but thankfully no fever. I didn't quit in my dreams though. I had a dream that I was having so much fun. Good thing my body didn't have to go through it. I was flying all over the place in the country. It was the wind propelling some gadget I was wearing which actually doesn't exist. Initially, when I tried flying, I purposely started from a dangerous path, I had to fly or sink in some quick moving cold stream and the other side was forest. That surely motivated me to soar. Once I got the hang of it, I had lots of fun, flying around all over the place, coming down for a while to socialize along a row of meeting places and then off I went and returned, having a great time. I wasn't the only one flying, so we had to be careful not to get too close to each other. I am not going to anaylize this, just enjoying it. Saturday I did go and sell my books at the Legion and I had lots of fun and enjoyed some conversations as I was selling my books. I am glad to see that people still enjoy buying Hey Guy Buy Me and when one woman bought one, a male told her that it was a book for men. She pointed humbly to her husband. I love it. I also had to tell children that I could not sell them my books and one 13 year old, the eldest of her group which the younger ones insisted she was old enought - wasn't. It did have me think though. Do I really have to write a kid's book so I don't have to consistently get them mad or sad? Another approached me about being bullied in school and so she now studies school on line. She said that teachers, knew and did nothing, and that really get's me mad. Yes, I can get mad. See me in the morning without my coffee. If you check out my face book, you will see a photo of me in the morning. I am in the shape of a doggie. I do not accept "friends", unless I actually know the person, but most of my pages are shared to the public. I do this mainly for security reasons. I had no idea when I went on facebook, that I would connect with so many people I have worked with in the past or friends I have had since childhood. My next appearance will be with the Writer's of Canada at the Motive Mystery and Crime Festival 2024, at the Toronto's Harbourfront Centre, from 1100 to 7pm, Saturday 8 Jun 24. Hopefully I will see you there. Come and say hello if you are in Toronto or want to come to Toronto. Word on the Street has moved to Queens Park, but I have always loved being on the waterfront. Anyhow, I know I have much more to share about the Men's Conference so please be patient if that is your interest. NOw I have to do some more resting but I would rather be flying. What do you think?

Friday 26 April 2024

For Love of Country - Military Police Woman

We met up with the other teams and I carried my cot away from where the others were gathered. I could hear their laughter. You can see a long way in the desert, but I felt that in the dark, away from the others I could hear anyone approaching them that shouldn’t be. I slept with my weapon under my pillow, ready for the unexpected. Nothing happened and the next morning I awoke to the sun. Everyone else was still asleep. I got ready for another day. There is something very beautiful about sunrise in the desert, nothing in sight but sand and sky. When we returned to our own camp, one of the American Military Police told me that some of the American wives complained to him about how I dressed. They thought I revealed too much with my military t- shirt and pants. “What is wrong with these people?” I asked. “We are in the desert, it is hot and I am wearing a military t-shirt and pants. What am I supposed to wear?” I was tired of women, who were not military and not Canadian, complaining. “They are just jealous.” He smiled. I was dressed appropriately so there was nothing further said. I suppose the American Military Police took care of that business. Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.”

A friendly reminder that I will be selling my books tomorrow at Weston and Eglinton, Legion 31

I have been moved from the corner to Table 21, in the Main Hall. Hope to see you soon.

Monday 22 April 2024

I will be selling my books this weekend, Saturday, 27 Apr 24 at the Canadian Legion BR 31, 1050 Weston Road

I have booked a vendor's table at this legion in Toronto, which is South of Eglinton. They have found a spot for me near the stairs. I may be squished (they put baby in the corner) but that's ok. As a gesture of good will, if you mention knowing about me from this entry, I will sign and give you "Hey Guy Buy Me" for a tooney. That is $2.00 in English. I will also be selling my latest book Ominous for $24.95 (I really love this one), The Internet Murders for 14.95; and For Love of Country Military Policewoman for $19.95. I shall also be selling my books with the Crime Writer's of Canada on the Lake Front (Toronto) from 11:00 - 19:00, Saturday 8 Jun 24. I am back!!!!!!Word on the Street, 28 Sep 24 and 29 Sep 24 (both days; all day). I am so looking forward to seeing you all!

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Thoughts of the week

I am back to normal. My taxes has been completed and sent to Revenue Canada by my book keeper. My book keeper also tells me I am not charging enough. I know that. So, I have to think more about that. Most of my Identification has been replaced and everyone alerted about the distracted theft. Though the two are identified on camera it should be only a matter of time. They will continue to prey on people, rather than to get a job and they will eventually get caught. So, I am almost back to normal and want to get back to providing you with my notes. This weekend when I watched the news of Iran attacking Israel, my heart sank. I don't want a war. Do we really want World War 111? I know that the Israeli people are highly intelligent and so I can only hope that they can demonstrate restraint. They do have the support of the Western World. I am not going to get into the leadership of Iran. They are poking the bear. I remember as I was touring the concentration camps in Germany when I was on tour there, at one point, I leaned against a wall as tears flowed down my cheeks. I wasn't crying but the tears just flowed. I could not believe what humanity could do by trying to exterminate a people and through such torture and degradation. Now they have to suffer the continued hatred, they have suffered for so long. There has been a rise of hate towards the Jews and Muslims in Toronto. Let's remember that there should never be any tolerence for hatred of any kind. The Ukraines have and are continuing to suffer. Canada is a place where people come to flee hatred, communism, dictatorship etc......This should be a haven where people can be decent to each other. All people suffer. You know it was from my professor and later a good friend who taught me to appreciate the Muslim religion. I studied World Religions from him and another from a lay person. Dr Ovie Mohammed was a Catholic Jesuit who had converted from being a Muslim. He was raised by a single mother. He would chuckle when the Muslim community would reach out to him, to remind him of his duty as a Muslim, to donate 10% of his earnings to charity. It was obvious to me that he loved the Muslim people. We would go out to eat and spend about four hours easy talking over a meal and for me copeous amount of coffee. He told me a story about a priest in the Phillipines being beat up by Catholics and it was a Muslim man who carried the Priest to his home for him to heal. They remained friends. It was this brilliant man who was a wonderful friend and mentor, whose death due to COVID, was such a loss to me. We must always be careful about hatred, biases - prejudices. Prejudice is pre-judging. There have been studies where people who were prejudice (I have mentioned this before)were placed to work etc...with people who they believed they hated based on skin colour, race, etc....This rectified the problem. They began to see them as people, individuals and not so unlike themselves. One of the things that Ovie told me was how surprised that visitors to Toronto were when they saw people of different races, etc...walking down the street together, socializing together etc....I miss you Ovie. You were such a gift to me. Next week I shall continue with info from the conference. Have a good weekend. How about saying a prayer for world peace, so we can get on with working to save our planet, feeding the world, and stopping destruction of any kind.

Continues from the Men's Conference

Extreme Behaviours Associated with Parental Alienation. Complex Trauma Canada. K Green, Professional Engineer with a certificate in Alienation from Marriage and Family Therapy. According to Green, there is not a lot of research in the area (in Canada) but more in the United States. Alienation increases the risk of death. I did not write more of what Mr Green said. “I Call It a Self-Rape”: A qualitative Study of Unwanted Sex Among Adult Men With Women. Dr B. Gueta, and others, Bar-llan University, Israel. Because of the situation of Israel which unfortunately is still ongoing. The article from Dr Gueta was read by the Host. The sample consisted of 15 Israeli men who had unwanted sex with women after age 18. Reasons for reluctance: mental health vulnerability; lack of sexual attraction; alcohol or drug facilitated. Participant: Because of past sexual abuse in childhood, sex was not wanted at all. Prayed to God to release him. Participant: “She had a horrible smell, but wanted it in my terms.” Participant: “ I asked her to stop. I have no erection. She puts me inside her.” This was more or less tid bits. I would have loved to hear more from Dr Gueta herself but unfortunately this was during the time that Hamas attacked and everyone was quite devestated.

Thursday 11 April 2024

Writer’s Corner

Last night I attended a webinar for a writer who belongs to the Crime Writer’s of Canada which I belong to. I won’t identify him because he said that you have to give away a lot of books and I don’t want people bombarding him for free books. He knows where I live, since he is part of the Board. I thought the entire talk was going to be on marketing, where I have no experience in. However, that was not the case, but that’s ok, because it had me thinking. This is a man who went from being a business man to a writer later in life. He has written four books. I have written four books. I actually had to count. Hold on, I am going to check my website. Yup, I have four! He was actually combining mystery with what he has learned in the business world. I am going to combine psychology/psychotherapy etc…with murder. What he recommended is never write more than a paragraph about the other, in his case business. In my next book, this will be the first time I shall write about such a combination because of the large requests I have had by the public at events. I can just sit down and write a book on couple therapy, family therapy, individual therapy etc……but I don’t want to. It is my work. Writing books is my passion; my life; my creativity. I have been doing so, since I was a child. However my life is also being a therapist. So, why not combine it all? Can it hurt? I don’t think so. I had one Author, his name is Steve Shrott approach me a few times at Word on the Street and it was he who suggested I join the Crime Writers of Canada and that I should write about “what I know.” I actually read his book, “Audition for Death” which is very funny. However, what brings me to mind is Toni Morrison whom when teaching students told them not to write what they know, because they know nothing. She told them to use their creativity. I have lived and worked long enough to have more than just creativity. Yes, I can write what I know, but that isn’t fun and when I write, something happens - the words write themselves onto the paper. I go into the direction my characters and their plots where they want to go to. My characters come alive and write their own stories. I need to always be open to learn and I am curious, a few of the traits, last night’s speaker spoke of. He said that as writers we need to connect with every reader. I agree but sometimes that connection is not there for everybody because we are all different. I can have one reader love me and another hate me for what I write. He said that people will buy our books if they like us. He talked about author events which I am always keen to attend. I am returning to Word On The Street, this year and hope to see you there. Then he said something that caught my attention. He said that John Grisham, one of my favourite writers ordered 1000. of his first book for a library event and then kept 900 of the remainder in his car to sell. You know, I never keep books in my car and that is something many authors seem to do. They have their books everywhere and I have bought a book more than one occasion which was pulled out of a purse or deep pocket. Where would I keep my books? Under my hair? Let me think? I really am not a business person, but should heed some of the repetitive advice I hear. He also said that not until someone read Grisham's book and turned it into a movie, that things went crazy. Well, not exactly his words, but you know what I mean. The same happened to Stephen King, my favourite all time horror author whom I discovered when I was serving in Europe. His books were in the library and I read each one. I was hooked. The Author last night said what prompted him to write books was when he believed he could write better than what he was reading. I have thought that at times as well, though I would never say it. Oooops, just did. I don’t identify the authors. I think that is mean. Sometimes, it is not true, as well. There is one Toronto Author whose books I have read and another Author was bashing him on social media. It was awful and untrue. I thought the rage was more than about his books. Not nice. I stayed out of it. However, sometimes I wonder. Not that long ago my sister asked me to read a book because she wanted my opinion. She said that it was among a series which she didn’t know when she ordered it, and that the Author had been on the best sellers list for New York Times, I believe. Since my sister asked, I read it or most of it. It was too terrible to finish. There was nada in it, except dialogue. I had no clue to what the characters looked like, what their history was, what the weather was like, nada. It was simply people talking to each other. The question I was asked is how in the world could any of this person’s books be a best seller? I have no clue. The author last night also said that if we are self published, we need to stop identifying our selves as that. Oooops, I am self published, no I am not, then what am I? Then he explained why? Apparently, there are a lot of people out there who write trash (not his words) publish it and sell it. Now, I have used the same publisher and each time she states after she reads it, that she accepts and sends me a contract. The Author last night said the trashy self published use cheap covers etc…I love the covers of my books and get compliments about that all the time. Some people buy my books simply because of the covers. Others buy my books because of Holy Terror and some buy just because. So, if anyone can think of another name, by all means I am always open to suggestions. I have attended webinars where I have been told the opposite. However, I believe they were the Americans sisters and of course it is known that I love Americans. Speaking of which…..I had to mail “Ominous” books and realized that I had run out of packaging so I rushed to the dollar store and there was a man blocking my route in the aisle. He turned looked at me and I saw a beast. He had hair all around his face and I wasn’t sure which was facial hair or hair that should originate from the top of his head. I was in the presence of a werewolf, and I could feel my eyes widen, as he stared at me. All of a sudden, he smiled, the most radiant smile, which lit his entire face and seemed to glow. Wow. The beast had turned into a prince and with a southern American drawl, he said still smiling and radiating, “You, trying to climb up my back?” I don’t know how to write in a southern drawl. My eyes still wide and uncertain how I am feeling, replied “sorry” and departed quickly to find my envelopes. I thought I would share that because I now find it funny. What I find interesting is that everyone has an opinion and that is how it has worked for that particular Author. It is all good as I navigate the possibilities. I was watching a documentary about Agatha Christie. I have read all her books. Apparently “The Affair at Styles” was turned down about six times. What comes to mind is when one person who was reading my book (as a professional), “The Internet Murders” told me that the book was not reflective of my city. You know, I have lived in Toronto for most of my life aside from my work details and being born outside the country but arriving here at 18 months of age. The only other places I have frequented is Montreal and Niagara Falls, so here is a person who comes from the middle of nowhere out West, telling me about my city and how I don't seem to know it. Which brings to mind, that last night’s Author said we should always be polite regardless of the bashing we will get. I try to be. I don’t normally become rude. I have been called everything under the sun and realize that people come from their own space and many are suffering. This is just from my previous careers, never mind my writing. The one thing I do find annoying is when I am asked if the book I have written is any good. I sometimes do say, “No, I did my best to write the worse ever” or words to that effect. On that note. I think, “Ominous” is the best I have written. I think that each book has been different from the other and won’t get into details now or ever or maybe later. The message I got was get a movie right and you will sell your books. However, he did say that you cannot write because your mission is to sell many etc….and I agree. He said there are 4000 new books out each day. I hope I got the number right. He said that even King and Chrisham have commented on the amount of competition. I think they are ok. Now, I am going to let you know also if you are writers to be careful. There are so many scams out there and some are false promises of film deals. It is terrible so don’t get too excited until you do your homework. Make sure that they are legitimate. So a film deal? That will supply me with an income? All you need to write is a room of your own as declared by Virginia Woolf, if memory serves me well. You know, we have a Tik Tok American food critic, Keith Lee, who happens to be in Toronto and he has sales soaring from local restaurants. I was watching a group from one kitchen thanking God in a circle. It is nice to see people not shy from thanking God. Do you think I can convince Keith Lee to take a bite out of one of my books? How would that taste? Wonderful!!!!!!! Good talk.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

For Love of Country - Military Policewoman The Middle East

We stopped at an American post. I went inside and an American Officer began shouting at me. I was wearing a military t-shirt and combat pants and I guess he thought that too unmilitary. The Colonel came in behind me and told me to wait in the jeep. I left but not without hearing him yelling at the young officer, telling him that he was a Colonel and to address… and… and… . I did not like that American Officer and was glad that he was getting a taste of his own arrogance. The Colonel was a decent man, respectful to all of us and I had never heard him so much as raise his voice. He was an intellectual and a gentleman, but he was also a Colonel with the Military Police that was equivalent to our RCMP. He was no one’s fool. As I sat in the jeep waiting for the Colonel, I was approached by several American male soldiers. They carried a dog much like our own and she was named Lady. They begged me to take her. She was their dog and they loved her but the same American Officer who was so rude to me and was now being told off by my Colonel was going to put their dog down. I felt bad for them because I could see their pain. As I write, I wonder why we were all trying to save animals in our care. Was it because a pet was a bit of home for us? Was it a part of something that made sense to us? We had some little creature that no one wanted in their country because it was a female, but for us we did not see a female or male. We saw a creature we could love and try to protect in a country so alien to our own. I told the American soldiers that I was so sorry, but that I was driving through the desert and could not bring their dog with me. They kept begging me as I drove away, the Colonel seated beside me once again. I told the Colonel that the officer was going to kill their dog, and I told him what I thought about this arrogant officer. It is not a uniform that makes a man. Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman. For your signed copy at 19.95

Saturday 6 April 2024

Reflection Paper Two - Culture Sensitivity and Counseling by Silva Redigonda (post grad)

In the Ethics For the Practice of Psychology in Canada Truscott asks “What do you think of the relative importance of life experiences versus professional training in order for psychologists to be cross-culturally competent?” (p 126, para 3.) This is the question I will respond to as I reflect on my own cultural background, my travelling experience and being exposed to so many cultural backgrounds. I believed that Toronto was the centre of the universe until I was about twenty two years of age, began my career and travelled. I worked and lived in Europe for four years and spent six months in the Middle East. I also had extensive teaching about cultural diversity as well. I have a European background from two different cultures. I was raised to believe from my schooling and parents that we are all equal and one. What life has taught me though, is that we are different. Yes we do have similarities, and psychology focuses on those similarities. But we cannot fail to recognize our differences, as part of a culture and as individuals within that culture. To do so deprives us from providing the service our client expects from us. I was once taught a long time ago in an undergrad class that prejudice is a derivative of prejudging. As counselors we should not be prejudging. Truscott uses the term “cultural blindness” which prevents one from seeing the world as a person from a particular culture sees it (Truscott, p 113). A woman once told me that she did not want to report a serious incident to the police. “You don’t understand my culture. My father is a powerful man in my country….The police will tell him...” She anxiously told me. She was right. I was raised to trust the police. My father was not powerful. The police from this woman’s country could talk to Canadian police. It could cause harm because of our own culture of police depending and trusting each other, police may reveal information that would eventually be disclosed to this client’s father. Then what? We cannot assume or project our own prejudices. Truscott provides guidelines, “Respect, listen and learn from clients who are different from oneself in order to understand what is in their best interest” (Truscott, p 182). Truscott reveals that we may focus on the culture and miss the “individual characteristics of the person we are counseling” (p 114). I think of the expression of not seeing the trees because of the forest. This is my own spiritual reflection. Psychologists need to ensure that clients who come to them are to be treated justly by the system they are part of (Truscott, p 129). Truscott is depicting social justice and as a Pastoral Counseling student and being placed in various systems, I have already learned that at times our clients are further abused by the systems that are intended to protect them. This awareness has stemmed from my own ethical background experience. As a student, I voiced my concern and remained firm that a client did not “have to go to court” to testify against her abuser, contrary to the wishes of a centre. In another incident, I spoke with a manager from social assistance and wrote a letter regarding an immigrant being cut off from her food supply for not co-operating with her case worker. This action resulted in the procurement of immediate funds for my client to be able to feed herself and her child. These actions demonstrated the Principles of Respect for the Dignity of Persons and Responsible caring (Truscott, p 162). Truscott reveals “Psychologists have an ethical responsibility to try to draw attention to and correct the misuse” (Truscott, p 163). My actions and ethics have demonstrated this even though it may have caused discomfort to myself at the time. What has been enforced is also Principle 1V: Responsibility to Society, in Development of Society, IV 29, “Speak out and/or act,if the policies, practices, laws, or regulations of the social structure…seriously ignore or contradict any of the principles of this Code (Truscott, 167). I have a strong sense of ethics from my previous careers and training. I have a deep caring for the individual where ever he or she is from. Though I have continuously been educated to the changing sensitivities of a growing diverse culture here and abroad, it is the experience of my interactions and visiting various cultures which has provided me with the insight I need to grow and provide the services I do with the different people I counsel.

Thursday 4 April 2024

Thoughts of the Week

I really enjoyed Easter and still have to give my postman and garbage men their chocolate. You should always remember those who work so hard and are too often ignored or taken for granted. They make our lives easier. Yesterday I was mailing books at Shoppers Drug Mart and I noticed a woman as soon as I walked in because she was staring at me and told the Cosmetician I wanted to talk to her. I said no and continued to the post office. I had heard her call out to the Cosmetician as mama and I cringed. I have been called mama at times and found it rather insulting. I have been told that it is being respectful. The only one who can call me mama is Mr Attitude and he can't talk, for which I am grateful. Anyhow, the Cosmetician was about half her age and that made the bite deeper. On may way out, this unidentified woman was being stared at intensely by the women in the store (there were no men). One was a TTC operator and the rest employees. It was like a movie, where everyone turns, their eyes following a person, their faces stoic. It was actually creepy. My initial response was that they were prejudice. The woman of interest was black, with tight braids, under a cap and she walked with a lot of swagger. As she walked out, with me behind her, she grabbed a flower pot with a beautiful orchard in it and walked out of the store without paying for it. A store employee came out and called out to her which she ignored. That was as far as it went. It appears that everyone seemed to know her except me. It is getting harder to go out and not see trouble. I keep thinking of Chippawa and that house, which is asking too much for it, with no garage, nor backyard, but faces a Catholic Church which my decrepid body will be able to crawl into in my old age. I can walk along the empty street of Main Street and my brain is already visualizing a book, where people disappear and no one notices, as if they never existed. Yup, that is a good one. So, please do not use it. I will, when I go to a tiny town is Niagara Falls where nothing is as it seems. Anyhow, it seems that too much is happening in my town. I can't really blame employees for not arresting her. There has been so much violence that people just let the bad guys go in and out. Me thinks we have had about enough. As for myself, I am also caught up. I still have to do my income tax, which I usually have completed by now. I am working today so will try to complete the taxes tomorrow or next week at the latest. So for now, have a good week, stay out of trouble and let me know what you think of my books. I have strong shoulders. What do you think?

Wednesday 27 March 2024

It's been a week and as usual, I am behind

Give a reason to celebrate and I do. It is Easter season and I have been on an Easter hunt and will be delivering gifts like an Easter bunny. On the dark side, I am still contending with the results of being conned. I would like nothing more, than have the culprits charged and deported. I was reading an article, that cons are highly intelligent but lazy which prevents them from contributing to society in a meaningful way. I think people can change. I don't agree that they are all lazy. However, I enjoyed the article which I cannot share because they don't want it shared. I wonder why. So, having all your ID stolen, means you have to notify everyone and then have everything cancelled and then having everything sent to you new. It is a Royal Pain. Not only do you feel violated, but it is a lot of work. So, I have been playing more than usual to heal my wounds. I have been surrounding myself with the wonderful people I know and care about. I have sold some of my books, "Ominous" which I encourage you to buy, because it is my favourite to date. I was asked if I started writing my next book, but hey how can I quite now? I can barely keep up with my blogs to you? What I have to work on now is my taxes so I can get that out. I am still gathering info for my practice and then I shall start with my books. You know, I am pretty pleased with myself. Happy Easter everyone. I love this season more each year. My heart goes out to the States. I keep seeing that bridge falling which must be devestating for the families of the missing and those who have died. Russia - What can I say? I also feel sad for those killed and their families. Putin was warned but he didn't believe it because he is projecting. If you are a liar, than you think everyone else is as well. For example if one person is having an affair, he will blame his partner of having one. That is pretty routine. He is also blaming poor Ukraine as an excuse to continue his devestation on others rather than ISIS. I heard Robbie Kennedy on CNN and thought that if I was an American, I would vote for him, but I am not, so the jury is still out. There you are, all caught up. Now I have to load up some gift boxes, try to work on my taxes, work out, blah, blah, blah, Happy Easter world. Be nice to someone today. Mr Attitude is calling me.

For Love of Country - Military Policewoman - The Middle East Chapter continues

I was scheduled to travel from our camp to the other camp. I would be going with the Colonel as my jeep partner. There were several teams and we would meet up at certain points. At one point the Colonel and I found ourselves in the sand dunes. A truck holding numerous Egyptian soldiers began following us. As they were catching up, I sped up to get away from them. I didn’t even want to think what could happen if they caught us and I would not let that happen. I remember when we crossed the borders from Israel and Egypt, how the Egyptians would open our bags and go through our underwear, holding up our bras and panties for the other Egyptians. They disgusted me. At one point when I was walking on the beach, Egyptian soldiers were staring at me as if they had never seen a woman. At that moment I felt like taking every piece of clothing off me and tell them to take a real good look. Even while we were lying on our own beach, Egyptian helicopters would break the rules to came down low to look at the women. I told a fellow bather that war with these people would be successful if we were to bring in only the women soldiers. While they stared at us dumbfounded we could shoot them all. I said this as I was ingesting the flying sand blowing around due to the Egyptian helicopter hovering over us. That would be one way of winning a war. The truck was gaining speed and this was the Egyptians’ terrain, but I would have rather died than let them catch me. The Colonel never said a word until the distance between us grew further and they became a small stain on the horizon.
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.”

Friday 22 March 2024

For Love of Country - Military Policewoman continues

I was working a nightshift. One of the Dutch policemen told me we had to set traps for cats so that they could be put to sleep. It was an order from the camp Colonel. I disagreed with the order and told him so. However, I accompanied him while he got some fish and set the trap. A cat was trapped and he left it in the cage. The cat tried to tear her way out, causing her to bleed. The Dutch policeman learned that the vet was not available to put the cat down until after the weekend. Dutch was upset at the screeching of the cat, while I drowned out the sounds by listening to music with headphones. I reminded Dutch of what I thought and he finally let the cat go. Before the weekend was over, Dutch once again went to get some fish to set the trap. I was with him and saw the same cat. She sat just outside the trap and stood firm. None of the other approaching cats would enter the cage. I was amazed. The smell of the fish alone must have been a real treat after just eating their regular diet of the large rats I heard so much about. Yet not one cat or kitten would enter the cage. There seemed to be some silent type of communication. That day I developed a newfound respect for cats. How could they know and rationalize?” Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman. For photo check out facebook or X Ominous is now listed in Crime Writers of Canada

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Crime rising in Toronto and Niagara Falls is a breath of fresh air

I missed the night news yesterday and boy did things happen. Apparently a NDP politician wearing the Palestinian scarf wanted a recogition for the country. There was some compromise. This compromise may have cost Trudeau his election. As for myself, I do not recognize any country led by terrorists and Hamas has been deemed terrorist. The Police Chief reported 989 hate crimes since Oct 7, last year. Hate crimes in Toronto are up 93% since last year (I won't even talk about the car thefts). Anti Semitism has been the most targeted, which increased after the Hamas attack on Israel. Where do I stand? I stand with Israel. I don't like what is happening in the Middle East right now. So many innocent people and children are needlessly killed. I feel the same about Putin in his war against Ukraine. What we need to think about is that dictators and terrorists are never satisfied and some of us have to take a wake up pill or smell the coffee. As Canadians we need to think about what direction we want our country to go. My mom used to say that Canada opened her arms to the world and she was being kicked in the behind by those same people. I really loved my mom. She was upset that I didn't want her Swiss duel citizenship for myself. What can I say? I love Canada and I love Toronto. However, I remember my dad complaining about change and I am obviously doing the same here. I am my parents. Good thing they had good qualities. I think that as Canadians, we need to each take a look at ourselves and ask ourselves who we want to be and how can we get there? The City of Vaughan which is just outside Toronto wants to create a bi-law to control all these protests, I am so tired of and which keeps me from going places I would have normally gone to. Protests are a right for democracy but this is getting out of control. I think and it is my personal opinion that it is contrary to my freedom. I don't like having my routes blocked by hatred. We have always, as Canadians been known as a warm and inviting country, but this will eventually change. The world is watching. We have always been able to get along. However, we were also on the same page as part of the Western world. We are not perfect, nor have we ever been, but we can all do our part. I have always detested protests. I remember when I went to the University of Toronto, I would be in class and looking out the window watching demonstrations on Parliament. It was loud and destruptive. I love silent demonstrations. When I was in Niagara Falls Sunday, I gazed at the roaring falls and thought that it was the kind of noise I yearned for - not angry voices, but the sounds of nature. I met a woman who had moved to Niagara nine years ago and she and her husband love it. So does their son, but he had to return to Toronto for work. She said I should move to Chippawa and that it was nice and quiet and lovely. We had actually driven to Chippawa's Betty's restaurant known for their fish and chips. "Do you like quiet?" She asked. "Yes" I replied quickly. But how quiet is quiet? I mean, my favourite place to live in the world would be New York. How quiet is New York? I love Disney World. How quiet is Disney World? I remember when I moved to the Middle East and lived in the desert for six months.....quiet.....When I returned I didn't want to move to PEI as I thought I would before going to the Sinai. I wanted city. But when we ventured to Chippawa and were driving along Main Street, I saw a house I am monitoring on the Realestate app. It is now being sold by a Toronto agent who is listing it as being 1km for the falls, which it isn't. It does not indicate it is in Chippawa. I would never use an agent outside the location I was trying to sell, but this house is having difficulty being sold. It looks better on the internet and bigger on the internet and it is asking for about 670 or so. It has a little church across the street which is ok for me. I could watch people going to church and maybe they have bake sales. I need people around me even if it is just on Sundays. I saw only one person walking a dog. I see animals from my home here all day long or anywhere. I even have treats for them. They have a grocery store, pizza shop, bakery place, tax place, tiny library and Tim Horton's all within walking distance so I can grow into old age nicely. The house has a basement apartment where friends can stay when they visit. The falls is 4 km away so it is a bike distance away. I saw a coyote which normally doesn't make me nervous, but there have been a few incidents here due to people feeding them. It is rather isolated so maybe I don't want to outwalk a coyote but probably can ride faster scared. Did that in the Middle East. Only I was racing away from a Fijian. Maybe the coyote is safer. I am thinking all this. I remember having dinner with my old professor, whom I miss so much since he died from COVID. He asked me if I was going to Niagara to die and he chuckled as he always did when making insinuendoes my way. I know people return to Toronto all the time after leaving because they are bored there. So, the question is would I be bored? As I ponder while typing, I don't really have days of boredom regardless of where I am. I need to be around people. I love people and that is why I have always had jobs/careers where I help people, and I have helped a lot. I know that. I know that there is the good, bad and ugly out there. I have had an encounter with the ugly the Sunday before last. But I also said a little prayer for them just once. I know that there will be a time that they will have to reflect on their lives and on who they have hurt. I have seen that from people many times. That is unless they are anti-social. Sociopaths are not all criminals either. Ok, I like people and I prefer multicultural with all kinds of differences and what unites us all - our compassion. I can see that at the Falls and across the street when people go to church. It is a tiny church and I hope it has bells because I love church bells. There is a theatre on Niagara on the Lake (suffering now because of costs). There is also entertainment at the Falls. I don't have to fight crowds to see a show. That is a positive. So will I like it? I don't believe they have protests. It is across the bridge from the USA. I love that. All positive. I also like their Mayor - another big plus. The woman I talked to said that the only thing she missed from Toronto is the food because of course we have everything here. She said it was changing there. I kind of like keeping Niagara as Niagara. When we leave a place and then try to make it like our place, we can also ask, do we really want to do that? I used to love going to Kleinburg. It was quaint and cute. Now it looks like an extension of Toronto with Monster homes. It's charm - poof. Food? Hey, if it has high tea and veggie burgers - I'm good. Yes. Ok, I think I am good. You know I also have my name on the list to live on Toronto Island. However, I shall probably die before being able to go there. I shall keep my name on the list. I am 250. They have 250 houses. That means that all of them will have to go. Of course, people drop out and others sell. So, let's say Mr Attitude dies. He refuses to do so, at the moment. I move to Niagara and feel like I am dying there because of the quiet and then I get notice that there is a house up for grabs - am I interested? Don't sweat the small stuff. It is all good. What do you think?

Monday 18 March 2024


Hi, I just want to let you know that I have finally posted "Ominous" correctly on my website. I am so sorry that I cannot post a picture of it here because they want cookies and I cannot do that for security reasons. Please check out my website which is a secure site on shopify. I went to Niagara Falls and it was breathtaking once again. Of course, I am once again behind but will post something for you tomorrow. Please take a look at my book cover and let me know what you think. For some reason you cannot click on it, probably the cookie thing. Just type out my name and it should work for you.

Thursday 14 March 2024

I got conned. So, I have been busy because of this. Things will get back to normal soon. In the meantime, be aware of this, to protect yourself

I was going to wait to let you know about this until it was concluded, but I decided that I shouldn’t waste time so you can be aware of these two people and how they operate with distracted theft. I was at Fortino’s in Lawrence Square Sunday, 10 Mar 24. At the salad bar, a woman hit her head on the glass portion as she moved in towards it. It actually was quite hard. Her partner laughed loudly. Myself and another woman expressed concern for her. Afterwards I went to the cash register to pay for my groceries. I saw the same woman in the aisle where I was, looking towards the salad bar. She then moved in beside me at the register to load her items. As I paid for my groceries, I heard the cashier ask her if she needed a bag. She said she did and I offered her one of mine, which she rejected. I had one more stop at the flower shop, before heading out to my car which was parked on the aisle directly outside Fortino’s main entrance/exit. Normally, I keep my purse with me but this time I placed it in the driver’s passenger door. As I placed my groceries in the back of the SUV, the same woman approached me from behind, with a set of cat treats I had bought for my own pet. She had it with a receipt in her hand and told me she thought it was mine. I did not find this surprising because it does happen at times that I find something extra which isn’t mine or vice versa. I asked her if she had paid for it and she said no after glancing at her receipt. She said she had two cats and never tried it so I gave her half. I asked her how her head was and she said that she was more worried about her dog than her head. She was now moving slightly away from behind me. She took out her phone to show me a picture of her dog, a white poodle with a what looked like a slash of blood along one side. I told her she should take her dog to emergency. She said she wasn’t from this country and asked where to take the dog. When I told her to an animal hospital, she asked if it was a human hospital. She stated this a few times and began to scroll down her phone to determine where she was exactly. I moved away from her and went to my car and began to drive away. As I moved my purse, I noticed that it was light. The wallet was missing with all credit cards, gift cards and cash. It appears that these two went directly to Walmart at Lawrence and Keele to do some shopping. Both appear to be Eastern European (Russian), Caucasian, with darker skin. Male is about six feet, heavy build and female is about 5’6’’ with botox heavy lips. This is what makes her stand out. Both have dark hair and eyes, wearing dark clothing. They are anywhere from 25-35 years of age. When I went to my bank, I was informed that at his last bank there were six customers reporting being scammed a day. I do love my city. This is my home. I think that the majority of people living here are wonderful, but we do have too much crime. I have been aware of distraction theft and normally ignore and walk by people approaching me in parking lots, saying no thank you. I was also approached at a gym where I was suspicious and let it be known. However, this is a situation where a person fakes injury, takes a piece of your grocery and then approaches you from behind when you are loading groceries. She returns your item and then depicts concern not for herself but her pet. While she is distracting you, her partner is stealing from you. I wasn’t familiar with this, so just in case you aren’t, you are now.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

For Love of Country - Military Policewoman

I was working and going to an accident scene. Our bus had been struck by a horse and buggy. The horse lay on the ground, crying, blood running from his mouth. A few of our soldiers came begging me to shoot the horse. I knew I couldn’t and as they continued to beg me, I looked at the Egyptian owner of the horse, my peripheral vision watching the horse suffering alone with no one to comfort him. Death would soon claim him. I looked at this Egyptian man with his toothy stained grin. I knew he wanted me to shoot the horse because then we would have to pay him a hell of a lot of money. The accident was his fault; he had cut off the bus. Greed was plastered all over his face. I knew that I could not shoot the horse. Watching anything or anyone suffer has always torn at me. At that moment as I looked at the Egyptian, aware of his suffering horse, I asked myself why we were there. Why didn’t we just go home, let them all kill each other and return to pick up the pieces. What was our purpose for people who thought so differently from us – who had no respect for life or suffering? The horse died as I glared at the Egyptian, my fellow soldiers still near me, also suffering in resignation. We had our own dog, Lucy, at the camp. Females of any kind were worthless in Egypt, and Lucy had somehow been adopted by the Australians. She was an alcoholic and one of the men who worked in the bar took care of her and weaned her off alcohol. It is not nice watching anyone withdraw from alcohol. Her shakes were disturbing and I really didn’t think she would survive, but she did. There was a rule that if a dog was found loose it would be put down. Every time Lucy got loose one of the Canadian soldiers would call me in desperation. I always found her and would bring her home. She didn’t have to be put down during my tour. I can only hope that someone continued to care for her after I left and that she lived for a long time. Silva Redigonda. “For love of country : military policewoman.”

Thursday 7 March 2024

Ominous Photo is on facebook, x and linkedin

Ominous is now for sale at

Tid bit, from EspritdeCorps Canadian Military - Military Woman

From Volume 30, Issue 7, pg 29, Veteran Affairs Canada has processed over 3,400 military sexual trauma related claims, with 28% of those being submitted by men. "Veterans could use to complain about Veteran Affairs Canada related issues is 1-877-330-4343" (VAC Ombud). Just a note that I can no longer post pictures or video because I will not accept their cookie clause. I will post photos on face book and X. When I do that, I shall let you know. Should this platform stop asking me to accept cookies, I will then resume this for you. Sorry.

Eschatology - continues - notes

Movie watched was God vs Satan, The final battle. Dreams and Nightmares - visions. 7 - holy # in Hebrew tradition; slaughtered lamb; breaking seven seals - natural disasters Islamic vision: many disasters, world wars, struggle between evil and good powers. Armagandon - a place - an ancient place in the holy ground < Satan defeated, but not final draw (mountain of Mezato) at the base of the mountain of Mazot - a final battle. That is the real battle - supernatural Jesus and Satan. Who is the religious figure? Once defeated - new heaven and new earth will be created. Discussion after the movie: written in a time of turmoil. Carl Jung sometimes said that it is over dramatic to make a point. New Testament mindset knew it was symbolic. Four traditions developed in revelation. Written in the past and talking about their present time but also for the future. Augustine - evil is a minute distortion of the good, evil will minutely distort it by pride. Charity distorted envy. Evil is a mimic distribution of the good. 3 figures in revelation 1. false prophet - leader; 2. Anti-Christ; 3. Satan. All distort mimicry of Christ Holy Spirit and creator. Mimic distortion of working itself out. Battle has been won - (cross). We are waiting for final consummation. When grace enters there is tension, bad mimics it but it is distortion. Final has not occurred because of evil which mimics it. It talks about past, present and future. We are involved in the battle. Can’t touch Mary so we are attached, the children. Multi-eyed lamb - nothing is hidden, everything is seen. Movie - The Road - All things past - God never changes - it would have to be a deceiver ( Speculation). to be continued ……

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Men’s Conference - Parental Alienation: Long-Term Effects of Court Orders by Dr Denise Hines, Mason University, College of Public Health (near Washington DC) and Dr Bates, University of Cumbria.

Not all children who are exposed to parental alienating behaviours become alienated. In the USA and Canadian poll, more than 84.4 - 88.3, identified as heterosexual did not predict victimization. Patriarchy survival and continues to be. At this point one participant began to argue, once again. I found this annoying. I did mention this in my report of how I found the conference to be. Though I found the conference very informative it is open to everyone and anyone. The host continued in response to the male not liking what he was hearing. He stated that Patriarchy does not only affect men, it affects women. He indicated that in his study, few men had drinking problems. Participants in his study, came to him. He did not accept any who were in the courts, unless it was over. Some men worked long hours. Some saw violence from other countries. One man who came to him had killed a man and came out of prison. In the past if he got into a fight, he would use a knife or gun. He had two fingers missing and scars on his back. When he was a child, a teacher noticed he had been whipped from the scars visible on his fingers and back. Now this man who was helped for a year and a half has turned his life around and is married. Women are still not seen as equals in power. This needs to be addressed. A study consisted of 508 participants, 18-59 years of age. The least healthy romantic relationships were met on line. This was non-female identifying. 6.3 indicated they had parented a child. They had also experienced other forms of abuse associated with suicidality. Dr Rachell Bim-Baum returned, from King’s University College at Western and Queens University, Canada. Parental Alienation: Long term effects of Court Orders. She reported that children did not feel they were listened to. Children are excluded from the legal process. Interventions are confusing and tumultuous. Children want to be heard. Some said they could share with a sibling which was positive. 6/9 children had no contact with favourite parent between the ages of 3-7. There can be financial ruin. Once court starts, it never ends and one can spend up to one million dollars to see their child. There is a loss of the child during all this. Extreme behaviours are associated with parental alienation. Resources should not bankrupt families. Any errors listed is mine alone and not that of the speakers. To be continued.

Friday 1 March 2024

OMINOUS has arrived

I can't post a picture of my book because they want to allow cookies. I need to not do that for security reasons so I will wait until I post it on my website and let you know where you can see it. For now I will post it on Facebook. This has happened before and then they let me post it. I shall try again tomorrow. It is going to be a busy month, but I am ready for it. The sun shone all day, which made Mr Attitude happy. I noticed that he is grumpy when he wakes up. Who figured? Anyhow, Have a great weekend. I have also posted the photo on x.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

From The Men's Conference -Male Victims of Domestic Violence: Exploring their experiences of Fear by Prof. E. Bates, University of Cumbria, UK.

Male Victims of Domestic Violence: Exploring their experiences of Fear by Prof. E. Bates, University of Cumbria, UK. Tid bits at the end about other stuff. Ending Intimate Partner Violence - Men’s Work by Luke Daniels. President Caribbean Labour Solidarity. Author of Pulling the Punches - Defeating Domestic Violence and Ending Domestic Violence in the Americas - Men’s Work. He began work, one year after the Montreal Massacre. One to three women experience violence in their life. Perpetrators - have been hit as children; witnessed ultimate partner violence; have sexist attitude; and have been socialized to be violent. We need to end socialization for violence. He wrote about South American violence against women. For him the top of the list is violence against children. Sweden has gained stride. Japan has less violence. 2% have used gun violence. The United States is higher because of their right to be armed. In his book, he writes about men taking responsibility. Families and men have a role to end intimate violence. In most countries, women are the victims. Violence against women increase during war and veterans return and incur violence against women. The men who caused the most violence had sustained the most violence themselves. Most perpetrators do not accept responsibility but blame “her.” More work is required for prevention. Government needs to fund more for both women and men. Violence against women and girls are no longer accepted in most countries. Iran and Afghanistan forces women to wear their veils. He suggests actions for governments to end violence. Outlaw violence against children. End gender inequality. Countries who are working in protecting children have seen a decrease in violence. I hope this makes sense for you. I am missing one page - so sorry. There was one male participant from Canada who argued with what he was hearing because he likes to believe that men are suffering more abuse at the hands of women. Of course this is not the case. People have a tendacy to make sense of their world by their own experiences and that is why research is so important. We need to step back. In my earlier blogs, I will have notes about research and how it is conducted if you want to brush up. I have received the suicide prevention video and notes but cannot share it with you. The site won't let me do that and I understand since it was designed for therapists only. I also have received the video about eating disorders which I attended. If I can share that with you, I shall do so. I haven't really looked at it yet. I want to post all my notes from the men's conference, while I can still read my own writing. Of course I also want to complete my notes for you regarding Eschatology. I shall also be receiving my new book either this week or next. I have ordered two hundred and am so excited. Anyhow, I will catch up with you soon. I shall be selling my books one day this week at a health fair, (too bad my latest books hasn't arrived). I also accepted another "up and close with your local author". Well is Toronto close enough for Mississauga for Aug 25? I am always grateful when I am invited for a signing event. Remember, if you are in the Toronto area, I will happily respond for an event and opportunity to showcase my books. I am available. I am also available for health fairs. You know, I also want to paint a bit and not landscapes but my walls. I would hire someone but I cannot with Mr Attitude. Yes, he is still alive. Anyhow, let's talk later. You know, you can leave me a note, or ask a question. what do you think?

Friday 23 February 2024

Thoughts of the week - Yikes, Holy Terror would say

It's been a full and balanced week. A Canadian Legion in Woodbridge (I believe)was shut down because a motorcyle club was attending. Unbelieveable! I don't think they should have shut it down. I think, the gang should have been asked to leave and all those responsible for dealing with this matter fired. I almost said terminated, but that may have been misunderstood. I need to ensure I have the right hat on when speaking. Also, we have had more positive news this week. There was a family of three generations of Muslims going for a walk in a city outside Toronto and the suspect apparently had been radicalized by some white supremecy group and he has been labelled and judged as a Terrorist and is going to jail for a very long time. Networks need to work with the police, monitor their websites and report these misguided misfits who believe white is supreme. We need a bit of work but we are moving in the right direction. I ordered engraved pens to give out at a health fair and I am quite pleased with them. I think I will continue to order them. It has a pretty picture of me on it and I may start placing them with my book sales. I was hoping I would have "Ominous" but my publisher went on a well deserved holiday so I still have to wait. I am doing well with my paperwork. I am not quite caught up, but better than in a long time. This is a work in progress. I am still looking at MLS for real estate in Niagara Falls and every once in a while, I am tempted but I look at my 21 year old Mr Attitude and recognize my responsibility to him. Poor boy, wouldn't survive the trip. Or would he? Naw. I am in no rush and am enjoying my time with the little guy. He will be my last pet for a while. I really want to catch up on my travels. I do miss that. Our government is working hard to gain votes. I think that this should be a constant. The leader of the Federal Conservative is trying to look better for women, because he seems to be lacking our support. After Trudeau split up with his wife, the Conservatives did a cheap commercial ad promoting the Conservative leader as a family man, married to an immigrant from somewhere (I have been hearing that a lot). Are we not all from somewhere. He was also promoting himself as an ole Canadian boy who loves or loved hockey yuada, yuada. Ho also tried to make himself look more like Trudeau. He got a better hair cut and started wearing better clothes, but he didn't quite make the cut. He also got rid of his glasses. However, he still has the same rigid mannerism and speech. Ask him what terrorism is and you will be amused. Anyhow, I also had a female liberal politician come to my home for browny points. She identified herself as a mother of two children. I pondered and then asked her what qualifies her as a politician. The last time I checked I didn't think that being a mother, well that depends on your definition, was a qualifying factor. However, when I challenged the qualification, she got into some serious business. Since she is the only politician who came to my home and tried to convince, I shall probably vote for her. These politicians obviously take a lot of advice to promote themselves, but some need more help. Maybe actually doing some hard core work will help. So, Mr Attitude is calling for me to tell him how wonderful he is. I also badly need a coffee. Have a wonderful weekend. I intend to. Good talk.

The Internet Murders continues - www.silvaredigonda for your signed copy

..."I didn’t think so. I took the liberty of calling one of my cousins. He works for a security firm that installs alarms and cameras and stuff. He is coming here next week as a favour to me and he is going to do the work for free. You just have to pay for the monitoring for your house here each month. That won’t be too much.” Mrs. Delany was surprised that Fr. Francis did not argue with the policeman about that. He was always saying that it was an invasion of privacy, and he would just lock the doors of the church at night and at other times when he felt he should. Fr. Francis believed that the church should be open for the people who wanted to come to God’s house and that they should be with God in private. Fr. Francis said that the church belonged to the people and they should feel free and comfortable to come inside whenever they wanted. Cameras and alarms were intrusions. “Francis, do you know who could have killed the old man?” Tomasso asked casually. Francis thought he did know. It was the confessor. He must have returned while Francis was away on vacation. He had never felt so constrained, but he could not speak of this. Confession was sacred. The meal was finished and Tomasso rose from the wooden chair, which was surprisingly comfortable. Philip followed suit. Tomasso happily slapped Fr. Francis in the back, “Next week Francis, and get used to seeing me more often.” Tomasso grinned at Mrs. Delany, who always seemed to be within hearing. She was fussing with the dishes. He realized that she couldn’t see his grin. “Thank you Mrs. Delany! It has been a real pleasure meeting with you and the food was just wonderful! I am so glad that you are taking care of my good friend here!” Mrs. Delany decided she liked the shorter chubby policeman after all. He was very bubbly and very polite, and he was concerned about Fr. Francis. He was helping Fr. Francis. Everyone said their goodbyes and Tomasso and Philip left. Philip still had a warm feeling from the closeness of everyone, and the food. “He knows who the killer is.” Tomasso casually remarked. “What?” “He knows who the killer is.” Tomasso repeated. “Wouldn’t he tell you that, if he knew?” Philip asked surprised. Tomasso responded. “He’s a priest.” They left the church and returned to the station. ” Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.”

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Alexei Navalny, Russian Lawyer who loved his country

I watched the documentary that is talked about below which I cut and pasted for you. I knew in my heart that when Navalny returned to Russia, it would be a death sentence. But, he loved his country. We must always remember that there are courageous people who suffer when they see dictators destroying not only free nations but those within their own countries. Russia is not Putin. One day, he will cease to exist. For many, it cannot come soon enough. In the meantime, he continues to not only make outsiders suffer, but his own people. Shame on you Putin. My heart felt sympathies to Navalny's wife, mother, family and country. From Global News below: "The Canadian director of an Oscar-winning documentary about Alexei Navalny has a message for Russian President Vladimir Putin after confirmation the country’s opposition leader died while serving a prison sentence in an Arctic penal colony. “You may think you have solved a problem, but Alexei Navalny is immortal, and the world is coming,” Daniel Roher said in a video call from his Toronto home on Friday. Roher, whose film “Navalny” won the Oscar for best documentary feature at the 2023 Academy Awards, said he was stunned by the initial reports of the prominent Putin foe’s death, even though he had anticipated it. “I’m surprised at how shocked I am,” said the Toronto-born filmmaker. “For anyone who has followed the story of Alexei or who’s seen our film, the possibility of his death, of his murder, was very apparent and very present. I still didn’t think that it would happen,” he said. “I held out hope and optimism that the end of Navalny’s story would be that he gets out of prison and he is able to somehow run for office in Russia in a free and fair election, become the president and become one of the great leaders for the 21st century.” Russia’s prison agency said Navalny, who was serving a 19-year sentence, died Friday. Navalny’s associates confirmed his death on Saturday, alleging he was murdered at the penal colony. Several world leaders praised the courage of the Kremlin critic — who gained widespread recognition for his investigations into corruption among Russia’s political elite — and blamed Putin and his regime for Navalny’s death. “It is a tragedy and it’s something that has the entire world being reminded of exactly what a monster Putin is,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in comments broadcast on CBC. Roher echoed Trudeau’s sentiments. “Putin wouldn’t have murdered him if Navalny wasn’t in a position of power and influence, and it just speaks to how frightened he is and how small he is that he would do this,” the director said. “Navalny” is a fly-on-the-wall documentary about the Russian opposition leader and the events surrounding his 2020 poisoning with a Novichok nerve agent, which he blamed on the Kremlin. Roher said he initially connected with Navalny in 2020 through Bulgarian journalist Christo Grozev, who was investigating the opposition leader’s poisoning at the time. The two went to meet Navalny in Germany, where he was recovering. That’s where Roher made his pitch for the documentary. “I offered him a vision of the future where he’s back in Russia, he’s in prison, he needs some kind of vehicle to keep his name in the global consciousness. And I think he understood and appreciated that pitch. We started filming the next day.” A scene from the film where Navalny gives a message to his supporters in the event of his death was widely circulated online on Friday. “I’ve got something very obvious to tell you. You’re not allowed to give up,” Navalny says in the clip while looking into the camera. Roher said it was “very uncomfortable” to ask Navalny to talk about his own mortality in the film, but they both knew his death was a very real possibility. “The propheticness of it is becoming very clear,” he said. “Those are his final words and that’s his message to the world. It was certainly always my hope that that didn’t have to be his final statement, but that’s what the film is now.”

Men and Families - Rethinking Domestic Violence: The First experiences of First Nations and Inuit Men in Quebec Canada by Drs L. Ellington and R. Brassard, University of Laval, Canada. Both are from the School of Social Work and Criminology. notes

Indigenous men - (54% + women 61% ) are likely of being a victim in their lifetime than non-indigenous men and women (36% + 44 % respectively). 29/39 men served time for crimes in provincial or Federal prisons (in Quebec). Men who were interviewed had 0-10 children. From the men’s perspective - at present, deeply scarred from the past, colonialism and imposition of patriarchal structures. Experiences of violence from an early age. There are underlying issues and other social problems. Men as victims is a label which is hard to take on. Pride - “ we are supposed to be warriors and to protect wife.” “I have a lot of pride, - also children - they will lose their mom (this is from men who are physically abused by their wives). Most were unemployed. Three or four were working. From 29 from 59. They were able to connect if men went to prison to protect life or there is nothing else going on. Many of the men were in prison. When police attend it is easier for them to claim responsibility and let the child stay with their mothers. They know what prison is like, several were there before. The main reason is to maintain family structure. How do I feel about this? Men going to jail so their wives don’t is not what I consider justice. If women are abusing their husbands, wives will probably abuse their children. Men are accepting blame, but if this is recognized as a problem then it needs to be looked at closer. Are the men showing physical symptoms of abuse? Just last week I heard on the news that in Quebec, which is a province of Canada, it was determined that half of the children in the Foster system are Indigenous and that this is a problem. I would agree and was surprised. How do we help families to heal? I am glad that the University of Laval has taken an interest. It is much needed. Any errors here as usual are my responsibility only.

Friday 16 February 2024

The Internet Murders

Mrs. Delany went to retrieve the cheese and cold cuts as well as those black and green olives that some parishioners had brought. Everyone from the parish heard that someone had killed the old priest, so many had brought food. She carefully brought out the home-made bread and cut generous portions. She would let them make their own sandwiches. This way they could make the sandwich as big or small as they liked and choose their own favourite meats and cheese. She brought out the fruit and cake and of course her scones and Devon cream. Fr. Francis was very happy to see To. She was so pleased. They were all munching away. Philip took an instant liking to Fr. Francis. He had a warmth about him that was inviting and non-judgemental. Philip did not believe in God, but if he did, then this would be a person he would feel comfortable with, learning about God. “To, do you know anything about who killed Fr. Brown? I had known him since university. He was my professor and mentor, and throughout the years became a close friend.” “It’s with homicide, Francis. A detective Sergeant named Robert Bennet is in charge of the investigation. He is good.” “Thanks To. If you say he is good, than he is.” Philip was surprised. This Fr. Francis knew Tomasso well. He knew he was no one’s fool. Tomasso continued, “It’s been a strange week. A girl was killed and a man was found dead two blocks away, near Casa Loma. We just came from the hospital where another girl was attacked. You know Francis, I think they are all connected. And at each place there are no cameras. Whoever did this, it is premeditated. I am sure that this is the beginning and that there will be no cameras …. And now here, a priest killed in the church. Francis, you don’t have cameras in the Church do you?” “No, To. I don’t.”
Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.”

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Who Am I? Who are you? Happy Valentine!!!!!!!!!!

I have been printing out a stress test, activities to improve your spirits and creating a special place, for a Health Fair I will have a booth at. I have also ordered pens to give out with my pretty picture and number; web site. I don't normally attend health fairs, preferring the Book world, such as Word on the Street, but the opportunity arose, so well, it can't hurt. Most of my clients find me on Psychology Today, through my associations or my web site - My books, well as I have informed you, I need to put more work in that. Today I received something from Amazon in Spanish, so I do have to get my house in order regarding where I am selling my books. Today is Valentine's Day and I love this day. It is a day of flowers, normally chocolate and of course love. What I found today as I was searching what else I could print out was a reflection of "Who Am I?" This was a question that was becoming the norm to me, so I had given it a lot of thought. There was one person, the head of her department, who later ran for a cushy post, was fired which I did not find sad at all because she had fired so many departments, people herself. There is a saying of be nice to those you meet on your way up, because you may meet them on your way down. Anyhow, she asked us that question and when I told her who I was, she argued or rather informed me that the answer was not accurate. I did find her annoying. So, this is what I am going to say to you. Think about who you are, and don't let other people dictate to you, who you are. What I have found throughout my time as a therapist is that people really suffer, because people are always telling them who they are. I help those who suffer to discover themselves and cut out the noise which can penetrate and hurt. Take the time today, to love yourself. I want to wish you a Happy Valentine. I posted what I wrote some time ago, when I was starting out in this career. I was in three programs. I was doing my Masters, working on becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist with AAMFT, and Pastoral Counselling. I was really, really busy. I am sharing this with you. All the people, who I mention below are now dead, so it was nice reading this and remembering how significant these people were in my life. It may inspire you, or it may not. There have been many more since, some too have died. Covid was a killer and cancer as well. Enjoy and next week I want to post something from one of the lectures. Have a wonderful weekend. Who I am today is a reflection of all the people who have touched me in some way. Who I am today is a taste of the different cultures I have experienced. Who I am today is a testament of my country, service to country and service to God. I am still growing into who I am finally to become. I am on a continuous journey. My mother, my friend and priest, the mothers of two childhood friends of mine, and an old policeman, were all significant in that journey of who I am. My mother was the most important figure in my life. She taught me that prejudice existed and was wrong. She taught me that the world was mine to explore and I could achieve whatever I wanted in it. She taught me the beauty of nature as we explored it. She taught me the joy of having and respecting pets. She taught me that people should not be judged by what they owned but by what was in their hearts. Mrs Rielley and Mrs Varty both deceased were very influential in my life. Mrs Rielley was an ex nun, ex high school teacher and highly educated for her time. She had a brilliant mind. I remember helping her to sort through her personal papers and helping her determine what was important to keep. As important as cleanliness was for my mother, Mrs Rielley didn't care how neat her house was. She was a pack rack. She held on to everything. I remember reading some of her stories and poetry and wondering why she never published her work. She was sharp, witty, funny and had an explosive personality. You never wanted to cross Mrs Rielley. She was Irish, through and through. She complimented me, scolded me, loved me, appreciated my visits and became another mother to me. Mrs Varty was a simple woman. She loved her husband and daughter who was my friend. And she loved me. She was my second mom. My mother was a perfectionist. She had no tolerance for error or failure. My mother wished me to remain forever her small girl, whom she could mold. Whenever I resisted I lost favour. Mrs Varty on the other hand always accepted me. It didn't matter how I was dressed or how I did in school. Mrs Varty simply loved and I was so fortunate to have been privy to that love. She was proud of me. Fr MacFarlene I met later in life. I was in my twenties and working in Europe. He was our chaplain. I met him through work. I was a Military Policewoman and searching for a man who had been stealing cars and driving them into the Rhine River. I expected to find him dead. I was waiting for the Padre so we could go and interview the suspect's pregnant wife. It was a formality. I was to find the suspect and lock him up, he was to console. I remember when I saw him. He entered the Police station, his adrenaline flowing. I was a distance away and gave a short chuckle. Father MacFarlene was human. He wanted to provide solace but he was naturally excited as well. After all the character I was searching for had caused quite a stir in the area. Father MacFarlene and I slowly, through the years grew close, as two people who grow older together do. Since we were both in the Military, our paths met often. The military creates a bond among soldiers that I never experienced since retiring. It was he who asked me to ask God to believe in him when I claimed I could not believe that there is a God. I did and I eventually began to believe again. Donny, the old policeman had more years in the Toronto Police force than I had in years of life. He was one of the warmest and most caring people I had ever met. He had compassion for everyone he met. It was he who made me realize that if over 32 years on the police force didn't make him cold, than who was I to think that I had become resistant to feelings. All these people kept me grounded. I have been so fortunate to have been cared for and loved by these people. My mother now is in a home. Father MacFarlene now is in the early stages of a mental degenerating disease, common in his family. He thinks that we have not spoken for ages when we speak more often. He forgets that I am to visit. He forgets…… These people have directed me, encouraged me, praised me, healed me. These people have balanced each other so that I can become balanced. These people have given me their best so that I can have the courage to be the best that I can be. These people have instilled values in me and with their long years of commitment, I too have learned commitment. I almost forgot and why because she too was important to me in my later years, Prof Yawney. It was she who taught me humility. A woman who wrote books she considered too boring for me to read, awards she went to the States to receive, yet dismissed their importance. Prof Yawney was an expert in court for cases of Racism, her eulogy indicated. She was my teacher in University as Mother Mary Joseph was in my junior years. Yes, as I write more people come to mind who inspired me, who made a difference in my life, who lead and formed me. They were there for me directing me on my journey onwards.

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Hermeneutics - Theology notes continues - Eschatology

Think of this image: Heaven at the top, Present in the centre, Past at the far left, Future at the Far Right and Hell at the bottom. Principals of Interpretations. The definition of hermeneutics: suspicion, that truth is not clear. We are inundated in our age, by the Masters of Suspicion. The Masters are: 1. Nietsche 2. Marx 3. Freud. Let’s start with Freud. All religious beliefs derive. Living in an age of secularization. Psychological drive. Marx: reduces to political. Christians have used God to keep people in their places. Behind this is Eschatology - for next life. Vatican 11, para 43, “They are mistaken.” Nietsche: Another form to power. You don’t need religion, one can stand on your own two feet. It is a cop out. These views are still prevalent today. The second principal to keep in mind is the human experience. Eschatology. The Holy - 1. Fascination, 2. Terror. The return to religious experience. Carl Reiner: Consolation without a cause. Dermet Lune: The need to ground, as per people’s religious experience. John Webster: Eschatology responsible in its control, but not to its concepts. This means that each age questions. The third principal (in respect to hermeneutics). Eschatological is often symbolic. Keep in mind it may be metaphorical. Story of doubting Thomas - stick fingers in the wound, asking for proof and gets it. Eschatological language - a finality to human history. It’s only an approximate. Theological - Jesus Christ, risen, is the hope of the world and future to come. Resurrection is the acorn of the oak tree of the resurrection to come. 2nd Principal - God of Creation is God of final, of believers, all eternal life is something initiated in this life. One of the messages of Mary - what is sown on earth, is seen in heaven. Think of veil. 3rd Principal - Discontinuity of our mortal life and the eschaton. The action of God in creation and salvation. One eternal life is not to be seen as a continuation of this life to other. There is a finality here and a promise of the divine in the next. There is a discontinuity. To be continued.

Friday 9 February 2024

The Internet Murders / amazon

Mrs. Delany did not like cats, especially in the house and never on a table. Fr. Francis was not a real saint, though he seemed to be, so many times. However, she had not heard Fr. Francis laugh in such a long time. God had sent Holy Terror to help him and who was she to argue with God. She would have to find out what they ate. In the meantime, there was some tuna …. She found an old soup bowl that was never used and poured some milk into it. She slowly bent to carefully place it on the floor. Fr. Francis moved quickly to help her. “Please let me help.” He took the milk bowl from Mrs. Delany and placed it at the entrance to the kitchen from his room. He then retrieved the tuna dish and placed it next to the milk. “Please allow me Mrs. Delany; it is much easier for me to bend.” Mrs. Delany smiled. Her sight wasn’t very good anymore, and it was difficult for her to bend, but she could manage. She knew that the Holy Terror was good for Fr. Francis. He seemed happier than he had been since they killed poor Fr. Brown. Holy Terror peeked around the corner from Fr. Francis’ bedroom and cautiously went to taste the milk. The cat devoured the tuna in no time and then just sat there grinning. Holy Terror knew this was now home. There was a ring at the door and Mrs. Delany went to answer it. She saw the two uniformed policemen outside and she welcomed them in. They trailed behind her into the kitchen, where Francis was seated. Tomasso spoke in his bellowing voice, breaking the silence in the room. “Francis, this here is my partner Philip.” Mrs. Delany thought that the shorter, fat man was rude “calling Francis by his first name only, without giving him the proper respect he deserved. That was until she saw Fr. Francis smile broadly, welcoming them both to sit down. What a strange day it was! Fr. Francis was getting better. What with a cat in the house now that she would have to tolerate, and the shorter fat policeman that Father seemed to like, things would probably get better. Mrs. Delany silently thanked God for answering her prayers. She wanted God to hold Fr. Francis in his arms and protect him. She prayed this every morning and every night and sometimes she prayed for it during the day. “To!” He shortened Tomasso’s name using a long vowel to pronounce the shorter version. “It’s been a while!” “Yeah! How about some food? You got any food here?” He looked down at the saucer of milk. “You gotta cat?” “Mrs. Delany, I want you to meet Tomasso. He and I went to grade school and high school together. Please bring out some food and we will all have something to eat!” Excerpt From: Silva Redigonda. “The Internet Murders.” and Amazon (for your signed copy)

Thoughts of the Week

This morning I was watching the news and I read that President Biden had lashed out at some committee for questioning him about his son, who had died, in relation to probing Biden's memory. Then I saw something on Facebook with some post questioning Biden's memory. We are in the age of nothing is like it seems especially on Face book, so I disregard most of what I read on social media. I do not discount the news. My first impression of what I heard and read on my television about the President, is who are these people? Why would anyone think that they can question this man in such a manner. Just this week I attended a funeral service. It was here in Canada but the deceased had one daughter who served in the the U.S.A. military and a husband suffering very much after more than 30 years with his beloved wife. After, we all attended a marvoulous buffet. A person sitting next to me said that there is no greater suffering than the death of a spouse. I corrected the person. Nothing is worse than a parent suffering the death of a child. So, when I heard of this interrogation of a man, let alone the President, my first thoughts were this is unethical, uncalled for and cruel. So, later when the President lashed out saying how dare they, I agreed. There are tests available to determine the mental health and memory of a person. It is becoming tiresome, listening to politicians talk about what they know nothing about. It is not only politicians annoying me. Bell Canada which is not Canadian, the last time I checked is laying off many people. This isn't the first time they have done that. They own the news station as well, CP 24. They are eliminating many positions and one government called them out. They said that they have to do this because they are losing money. The politician said they are making millions or billions. I believe it was the latter. Don't forget that the objective now is to make trillions which is about ten years away. So, more people will have no work because of greed. Also, this week some councellor in Pickering which is about a half hour drive outside Toronto was questioning Black History Month. She thinks it should be eliminated or changed to History month. The Mayor has questioned this as hate and is furious. The province is changing what it is going to teach. It wants to start teaching about the Holocaust and also about the contribution of what the Black community has brought to Canada. I would go further than that and think it should be contributions globally and the suffering. What I don't understand is that I learned all this in grade school. I was a child and remember learning about how horrible all this was. Why did they stop? Why do we have such an ignorant society? During the attack and kidnapping of Israeli's by Hamas there was controversy about what a politician with the Provincial NDP party wrote on social media - Anti semitism was obvious. She was called on it, silenced and given the boot. I agreed with the results. When the Terrorists (such worms)kidnapped and killed so many innocents and sent video's to their parents so they could watch them die, I wondered how anyone could think that it is ok. It is not. I also thought, they picked on the wrong country and knew so many innocent people would die. That is a big problem. Innocents, especially children die needlessly. What we are killing are children who will never have the opportunity to be the next Einstein, doctor, parent etc....We are killing needlessly. Then we have Russian, again a canidate has recently been rejected in Russia as a candidate because he wants to stop the war. I won't even talk about China or North Korea, or Iran and all these terrorists sponsored of course from nasty leaders. Then I heard on the news how we as a planet have reached the 1.5 threshold of global warming. Again, leaders have failed and this time, unless something changes drastically, our planet will retaliate. Someone some time ago told me that I think everyone is stupid. I do not. Nor, do I think intelligence is most important. Give me the choice to converse with someone who is kind or a genius, I choose kindness. However, when I see the greed, need for power and the manipulation of people for self fullfilling drives, that is not in the best interest of the world, I may give that impression. My dream is of peace. We should all be working together to achieve that. We should unite and instead of making weapons, we should be working on saving this lovely planet. We need to take better care of each other and stop all this hatred that I am seeing all too often. It has been positive in my work and private life. I am so happy with my book "Ominous". I see people healing all the time. Mr Attitude keeps me laughing. So, what am I going to do this weekend? I am going for a massage, going to get my hair done, have a nice meal, finish reading a good book and enjoy my life. Why not be nice to at least one person this week whom you normally find annoying. What do you think? Have a great weekend.